Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014 "Forgot to put a Title."

Monday, July 28, 2014
Week: Summer
Songs to Remember: Her - Block B

        So I'm writing this on my phone so this is going to be full of errors most likely.

        Last night I had a dream that it was the first day of school of this upcoming school year and I was in my first period class, English, but the classroom was my 6th grade classroom and my classmates were people I knew in 5th and 6th grade.

        I came in first into the classroom, not knowing anything, and just sat down in a random seat. I was hoping some cute girls would sit next to me but instead all the girls sat on the opposite side of the classroom whee I was. The people who sat next to me were a dudes and one guy, who was my best friend I guess, back in 5th grade, my darkest times.

        I was thinking like "Not you again". There were 2 teachers but only one I saw, and he was a dude who I do not remember what he looked like. He gave everyone unfinished notes on binder paper and I was just thinking like " Wait, was I placed in this class because I didn't finish my notes from last year?". Also in my dream, I was like "Hmm, the first day of school doesn't feel as exciting as I thought it was gonna be".

        Anyways, just wanted tell about my dream. I did not really do anything today. I did watch some episodes of " Watamote" last night so that was a blast. Also it has gotten less hot since yesterday so thank goodness for that too. I'll see you tomorrow I guess.

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