Friday, October 31, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014 "Oh Boy, 3:00 AM."

Thursday, October 30, 2014
Week: 11
Songs to Remember: Cha Ga Was - F. Cuz

        I apologize for no post for today. Homework took a lot longer than I thought. Also I'm very tired. I was and still am tired. I guess I'm going to go see "Oujia" tomorrow with some of my buddies. And apparently people are amazed by a single LEGO piece that allows a part to spin. Also I'm hungry. And it's 3:00 AM. Oh boy, 3:00 AM. Some of this stuff will make sense tomorrow when I do a big update.

        Anyways, I want to sleep. See you tomorrow. Prepare to be sp00ked.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wednesday, October 29, 2014 "Tests, Mini Update, I Forgot Something Probably Important."

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Week: 11
Songs to Remember: Cha Ga Wa - F.Cuz

        People on my ask (and by people I mean like 2 people) asks me stuff like "Why so many girls like you? I'm jealous man! A high number of girls notice you!" And I'm just like "Well if consider 3 or 4 as a high number then I guess so. Like I said, this only happens to me once in a millennium. This year just so happens to be that one time". I guess so.

        I feel pretty bad that I haven't been writing much. But then I feel tired and I'm like "I should just get my rest". But this weekend I'll hopefully be able to update on stuff so that's something to write about. I'll be asking my buddies if they want to go see a movie on Friday for Halloween. I'm also considering writing a creepypasta for the heck of it, since it's Halloween time and it's writing. I just never have been able to think of a basis for a story.

        So, today we took the History test on the Industrial Revolution. I chose the written test rather than the multiple choice 'cause the teacher allowed us to use notes if we're doing the written test. Pretty easy, pretty easy. I'm thinking I got a B at least. 2nd period English, we took a test for lessons 3,4,5 and 6 from our vobulary study book. Basically a vocabulary test. Fairly easy too. Chemistry is going pretty slow these past few days 'cause all we're been doing is taking notes.

        We're learning now about Nuclear theory and stuff like that. Half-lives, elements, etc. The teacher said that the lab stuff's gonna be pretty dry for this unit 'cause it's not like we can experiment with Plutonium in class. Excersing is going meh in P.E. I just noticed this is sorta gonna be an update. Anyways, my buddy who's in my 2nd period, 4th period, and 5 period is kinda getting in my space. It's cool to work together on stuff, but not for everything. He messages me almost everyday on Facenovel. He'd probably message me constantly if I hadn't turned off chat for him.

        If you got 3 classes with a dude whom you and him partner up or work in groups for stuff, it's gonna get kinda on your nerves. I don't know, I get pissed off at this for some reason. I kind wanna do things solo but he's always recommending him and I do stuff together and I'm just like "I got this". Oh and this dude is just a buddy whom I met in Biology class last year, not my best buddy or my other buddies.

        Today we took another test for Algebra II/ Trig, but this time, it was a "performance task" test. You can probably search up what those are. Basically it's math with English combined. You gotta solve stuff while explaining it in words. I think I did pretty well on it though, probably better than the big unit test yesterday. 3 tests today. Baller, ain't it. Chinese was eh today. We went over the vocabulary for the lesson. Learned the new hand gestures for the new vocabulary. Pretty much it.

        My current schedule now is: school, home, lunch, nap, shower, dinner, plan, work, this, and then sleep. Not very good having work so close to sleep in a schedule. And still, not very good if work was to be put close to naps either. I cannot work while I'm tired okay. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014 "My Schedule's F****d."

Tuesday, October 28
Week: 11
Sings to Remember: This is the Life - Two Door Cinema Club

        Well, my one of my uncles died. On the ride home from school, my mom was like "Hey, you know your 8th uncle right?" And I'm like "Yeah" and she's like "He died. Got a heart attack while in Las Vegas". And like, I didn't feel sad or anything, but it was just shocking how it was so unexpected.

        It was just a couple months ago I think when he stayed at our house for a couple days after driving my cousin back here to my house to stay for the school-year. And all of sudden he's gone. My mom said that he was her favorite brother too, he was the one she talked to the most. And umm, our family doesn't really deal with death all that often so everyone's not really used to the feeling. This morning I overheard my mom talking to my cousin about getting her a bus or cab or something to go back to L.A and I was like "Going back home already? What for". And well, now I know.

        Oh and by the way, my uncle was the dad of my cousin. They were really close. And now she's gonna have the stress of this family stuff along with traveling to and from L.A and here and with college and work. Really, really unexpected. He was pretty young too. Some things just happen real quick.

        Anyways, I'll probably see him in a dream soon since I talked to my grandfather in a dream once about a month after he passed. Pretty crazy. Or just a weird coincidence. I've also been having very little dreams for a while. I kinda miss those dreams.

        Sooo, I took the math test today and it was fairly difficult, due to the answers not being whole numbers. Why can't life just be filled with only whole numbers. Why can't life just be 42. Anyways, I'm sure I got a C+. Hopefully. Also the teacher's having us take another test tomorrow. It's like an English test combined with a math test 'cause we gotta explain stuff. This time she's counting it. Last time, everyone did pretty badly that she didn't count it. What makes her think that we'll do better on this one? She didn't even tell us what to study for.

        Oh and uh, we switched seats in Chemistry class yesterday. I now sit with a dude and Yn sits like, diagonally to the top left of me. Yue sits to the bottom left of where I sit. I'm sitting in the middle column again, and a bit closer to the board. Also apparently I don't "look" at Yn enough. She tells me on (anonymously, although I could tell it was her 'cause of how she types) that she "Like like like like seriously likes me" and I play along and I'm like "Seriously, I like you too" and she's like "Liar! You don't even look at me enough" or something like that. And I'm just thinking like "Wha- that's breaking one of my rules of getting by (I think). Don't stare in class". I actually don't even remember if that's even a rule, but I've been there before on the staring in class stuff to get a person to notice, and they'll notice you alright.

        Also, don't assume that people from are girls. That one anon who asked me to find them in my 5th period math class was like "maybe I'm not a girl" and I'm just like "Fuuuuuu, got my hopes up". I am now following my buddy's advice by "assuming everyone on the internet is a dude". Also, Yn asks me anonymously (I think it's her) that she likes me (she literally put the words "I like you") on I'm thinking it's her 'cause she's the only one so far who's been typing "you" as "u" for everything.

        So, I got  couple tests tomorrow, work, and studying to do. My old schedule had everything well setup. Now, my schedule is f****d. See you tomorrow.

Monday, October 27, 2014 "Study Hardy."

Monday, October 27, 2014
Week: 11
Songs to Remember: Juicebox - The Strokes

       I haven't really been feeling like posting a lot lately due to being so tired when I get home, take a nap, still tired, do homework, stay up all night for it, then wake up early in the morning to do it over again.

        I'll make this short 'cause I really want sleep. For the past couple days (today and Friday) we watched "Oliver Twist" in World History because of how we were studying the Industrial Revolution. Tomorrow I got a test and the teacher has this thing where we could choose to take one of two types of tests. We could choose to either do the multiple choice test, but the highest grade you could get on it is a B+, even if you get it all right. Or, you could do the written test and be able to get an A+ on it. I could always do the easy test but I don't want to restrict myself to B-grade hell for World History. I mean, it's World History.

        Yn actually got me hot chocolate today. Although, it wasn't very hot anymore since it's been a couple hours since she made it. It was really thoughtful of her and well, I guess now I could say that someone's brought me hot chocolate. Also, there was a test today for chemistry and I just like 'F***." I didn't think he'd have a test on Monday and he didn't even say anything about it but, apparently it was today. Even though I didn't make a notes paper for the test (one page of notes in which we could use during the test), I just used a page of notes I wrote down in class and I think I did somewhat well.

        Today we reviewed some more for the unit test tomorrow for Algebra II/  Trig. It's gonna be a big test and will make or break my current grade right now. I currently have a C- so if I get a 90% on it, I'll be bumped to a C+ and if I don't, well let's just say goodbye to sleep for a couple months. I didn't do the review worksheet the teacher gave us on Friday so I did it today and my best buddy was helping me on it through Curse Voice (Skype for gaming). He was doing kareoke while I was working. F***ing bootleg.

        So uh, yeah. Today all I think in my head was "Spooky scary skeletons, send shivers down your spine". I don't kbow. Anyways, see you tomorrow.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014 "Tedious Work."

Sunday, October 26, 2014
Week: 10
Songs to Remember: Juice box - The Strokes

        It's 2:21 AM. I just finished some tedious work. I was not in a comfortable position. One of the best parts of the weekend is that I don't have to post much because I don't do very much over the weekend. I just played League, watched videos, and worked. My buddy Yn is bringing me hot chocolate tomorrow apparently. I'll see you tomorrow.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Saturday, October 25, 2014 "League of Procrastination."

Saturday, October 25, 2014
Week: 10
Songs to Remember: Someday - The Strokes

        I almost forgot to write something. It's 2:45 AM, I played League all day, and I have only completed chemistry homework. But hey, at least I'm level 29 now in League am I right? Hardcore studying starting tomorrow. See you tomorrow.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Friday, October 24, 2014 "Nice Guys, Never Spend Money on a Girl."

Friday, October 24
Week: 10
Songs to Remember: Smoky Girl - MBLAQ

        You know, when I was casually walking my route and El sees me and moves straight to the side, I knew that I made the right decision to ask. Or else I'd be friends with a person who's immature as one who physically avoids people. Not ignore, avoid.

        I have talked to a lot of adults today. More so than in like, months. I scheduled an appointment with my counselor to discuss about my current situation with Algebra II/ Trig. They don't allow before/ after school scheduling so appointments can only be made during school hours. I picked 2:45 PM 'cause I know I won't miss much in 6th period.

        Last night I asked El's friend if she can give El my gifts for her. She was aight, so I gave them to her in 3rd period. I was pretty skeptical about El even accepting the gifts once she finds out it was from me. I think I was right. For Chinese class (6th period), we were changing seats today. I see that El was sitting in my seat now, so she was seat #2. I didn't really know where I wanted to sit so I was just thinking whatever and I got seat number 25, which was right up front in the middle of the classroom. El's sitting on the right of classroom.

        I see Rc getting his random seat number and whadya know, he puts his stuff down right behind El and I was like "Oh, my, god. Called it". Hehe, I was thinking like "Yo, when we change seats, watch, just watch, Rc's gonna get a seat right next to El". And umm, it happened. I hope she's happy now. I see my buddy (who's like, into hackathons and computer stuff) get his seat number and it so happens to be right beside me. I was like "Hey, this group ain't so bad". After everyone got their seats, the teacher still had to switch people around to make it boy girl, boy girl.

        She's also switching people around 'cause some people have been in a group with other people before in previous seats. But everyone basically sat with at least one person before when switched around sooo, the seat switching was pretty wonky. She moved me from my seat to the seat on the right of my buddy and so now in sitting with this one dude who was in my group from lesson 1 and this one girl who was in my group from lesson 2. But what was bootleg though and I cannot believe happened, was that the teacher move Rc to a seat to the opposite side of the room.

        And I was like "Lel, looks like the tables have turned". What a tease for her. Lel. Rc gets a seat right behind her and then the teacher moves him to the opposite side of the room. Also, I noticed that it doesn't look like she has my presents. I had them in a red bag and it appears she doesn't have it. Anyways, I realized that I was supposed to go to my counseling appointment and so I went and I told my counselor about how I wanted to switch from Algebra II/ Trig to regular Algebra II. She was like "Naw, it's too late, I can't change it" and I'm just like "Shhh*******t".

        I told her I had problems understanding the lectures in class and she recommended I record it (like, tape record it) and replay it at home. She also recommended I go to the tutoring place at our school after school where I could get help from like, seniors who are in like Calculus. I was like "Sure, i check it out. Thanks". She did say that she change me after this semester and I'm like "Well, sure". Looks like I'm on my own.

        So I'm walking hone right and I remember that I had a KDT meeting today so I called my mom to let her know I would stay after until 5:00 and she was like "Is it important? I scheduled you a dentist appointment today" and I'm just like "Fuuuuuuuu". And so I'm walking my route through the back of the school right and I see El and so I'm walking and she just abruptly slides to the side. And I'm just thinking like " What the f*** is this the Cha Cha Slide". She's actually physically avoiding me. Like, it is worth the effort to move a couple feet to the left to further distance your proximity to mine?

        Like I said, immature. Now I know that I made the right decision to ask her. I did not want to be friends with a person who's sti immature enough to avoid someone. Just let it f***ing go. Also, she was not carrying a red bag wirg my presents in it. And her friend didn't message me anything about El not wanting my gifts or anything yet. I suppose she threw em' away? Or maybe gave em' to a random person? Let this be a lesson Drew, a new rule on the rules on how to get by (it's been a while since I made a new rule). Never spend money on girls. Doing s*** like this is expensive. Save it for the gas money.

        I try to be nice and still give her presents even though I'm probably not invited to her party anymore, along with being her "friend". And she justs thinks of it as "eh". Like, I worked hard wrapping all that you know. So um, yeah. Now moving onto the dentisy appointment. The dentist is a bit far away from where I live, I've been going to the same dentist for like, 10 years now. One of the people there was like "Hey Drew, did you get a haircut?" And I was like "Yep. It used to a be like, longer" and she was like "It looks good, it makes you look handsome" and I was like "Thanks".

        And uh, soon I was conversing with her and we talked about school and stuff. I was surprised that I could keep up with the conversation. The dentist came and he was looking at my teeth x-rays stuff and he was like "You're a sophomore now right" and I'm like "Yeah" and he's like "You know what you wanna major in" and I'm like "Somewhere on the side of science or business" and then he told me a bit about his life on college and I was like "Sh*******t, it's gonna be scary".

        I'm surprised they remember me when I only go there like, 2 times a year. Also, I have yet to get my wisdom teeth taken out. The dude said it'll be in a few years or I may never need to take em' out ever. He also said that I should consider having them removed early or whatever to have the thing not be so traumatic and stuff. And I was just thinking like, when and if I get my wisdom teeth out, I'll be like "Gas me up, Scotty". And I'll be in a fun time.

        Anyways, I got to study a lot since I have a huge math unit test on Tuesday. I got to be able to survive with at least a B-, that's my bare minimum. The dentist dude was like "Just remember to study hard, but too hard". Yeah, I just, yeah. Study. Sooo uh, this week's been, uh, unexpected really. I said a couple weeks ago that these upcoming weeks would be a lot of work and I was right. But, some of which are not the kind of work I was expecting. So, I'll go to sleep now. See you tomorrow.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2013 "Presenting."

Thursday, October 23, 2013
Week: 10
Songs to Remember: Under Cover of Darkness - The Strokes

        Yeah so it's 1:49 AM and I just finished wrapping the gifts to give to my chemistry classmate to give to El. I worked pretty hard on these okay, I don't wrap things often so it was pretty difficult. Also, presenting. Get it.

        I just hope she doesn't give me back the gifts 'cause I seriously don't know what I'm gonna do with a bootleg manga drawing kit and a hardcover drawing book. What I could do is give it to Yn 'cause she likes manga and drawing too. Either ways, I don't want it. Also, I'm considering switching out of Algebra 2/ Trig. One of the people in my class switched about a week ago I think. I'd switch out too, as long as it doesn't change the schedule of my other classes.

        So, I had a pretty lengthy conversation last night with my friend Yn (who's my friend now I guess) and we were talking about a lot of stuff. Mostly it was just me relieving some stress. Yn seemed pretty interested in the convo. We messaged until like, 11:30 PM. I gotta go to bed earlier. Anyways, see you tomorrow.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014 "Awkwardly, It's Back to Square One For Me, El."

Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Songs to Remember: Under Cover of Darkness - The Strokes, Naive (Jean Tonique Remix) - The Kooks

        I cannot remember the last time I told a girl my feelings. I seriously cannot remember. I don't even know if ever did. Well, now there's something to remember.

        Having only 3 hours of sleep last night was not of my best decisions. I spent my whole first period coming up with what I was going to say right. 2nd period I was rehearsing it, 3rd period I was still rehearsing it and I decided to I don't know, talk with Yn about how I was gonna tell El about my feels. She was like "Oh, I hope it goes well. Last year I told my crush I liked him. He rejected me and I cried for a whole week" and I'm like "Oh, thanks, thanks for foreshadowing what will probably happen to me".

        In P.E my partner was pushing me pretty hard. My arms were horribly sore. After I got changed from P.E and was standing at the locker room exit, waiting for the bell to ring, I was saying my lines over and over again. I was nervous already, and the tiredness from exercising didn't help either. I don't remember a time when I was this nervous. Honestly can't remember. The bell rang and that made my heart skip a beat. Like, the feeling of nervousness was pretty heavy. It felt like I was wearing a metal chest-plate that weighed a ton.

        I walk towards El's 4th period class and I see her wearing a sort of dress-thing.I'm not very good with clothing names. Anyways, I thought her birthday was on the 25th, but Facenovel told me last night (you know, that little sidebar thing on the right and it tells birthdays) that her birthday was gonna be today so I was like "Oh". I went up to her, mindset on "who gives a f***", and was like "Hey El" and she was like "Hey" and I was like "Is it your birthday today?" and she was like "Yeah" and I was like "Oh, happy birthday".

        I asked her if I could talk to her for a bit and I was like "I just want to apologize for my negativity yesterday. I felt like it was my fault that you seemed so down whenever I was around". She didn't seem really interested in whatever I had to say so she sorta just walked to her locker. I didn't want to back out now so I continued on and was like "And so... I just wanted to say that... I... think you're a sweet person... you're different from everyone else... you're probably the nicest person I've met".

        "And so I just wanted to tell you that i I've had feelings for you for a long time. Maybe you'd want to go out sometime?" And I said it. I just said it. Took me a while 'cause I felt like I couldn't breathe at all and that there was a ton of weight on my shoulders. I waited about a couple seconds and she told me "Sorry, I think of you as a friend". And I'm like "Alright, that's fine. We're still best buddies right? Or close friends?" And she's just like "Mhmm" or something. I tried to apply some comic relief and acted like it wasn't anything special and I was like "Woo, finally got that off my chest haha". She seemed pretty quiet so I just said "I'll see you around" and she waved bye. That'll probably be the last bye I'll get from her.

        That was not how I expected the whole thing to play out. Not the rejection thing though, I was kinda expecting it, but the setting and how she'd react. Oh and just to be clear, the "friend-zone" does not apply here alright. I thought we'd still be friends, or at least, still say hi to each other. But no, this soon became the "exiled-zone". I'll talk more about this later. Sooo, I was hanging out at my usual spot now and I told my buddy that I "went ham". He's like "What'd she say" and I'm like "I lost" and then he's like "That's 'cause you don't believe in yourself" and I'm like "No, I mean, she straight up told me" and he's like "Oh, straight up? Well at least you tried. I'm proud of you". And boy, did I have goosebumps, as well as shaking. A lot.

        But boy was that a relief. I thought to myself "Hey, you tried, Drew. You had nothing to lose and you had the mindset of 'F*** it'. And now you got one less thing to worry about". After that, I felt pretty normal. Like, I just felt like my regular self. I didn't really feel good, nor bad. And so after 5th period was 6th period. I came into the class seeing El burying her head in her work or whatever. During that time though, I felt pretty relaxed. I talked pretty casually, of course, not with El but with my group members. She didn't say a word to me the whole period, which was understandable. I could see that El packed up all her stuff like 5 minutes early in order to like, get out the door as quick as possible with Rc.

        I wanted to say a small good bye hut she darted out the door as fast as f***, smiling with Rc. And so I walked by myself again, going my original route and I'm just thinking "Do I regret telling her?" I list the reasons why and reasons why I shouldn't have and the reasons to tell her out-numbered the reasons why I shouldn't have. I seriously felt relieved. El was already deeply into Rc and doesnt even pay attention to me anymore. If she ignores me now, she wasn't paying attention to me previously anyways and I thought it wouldn't really make much of a difference. I mean, all you have to do is just act like it never happened and bam, problem's gone.

        I got home and relaxed for a bit. I then get a notification on my phone and I'm surprised to see that it's a message from El. Apparently it was a resignation letter of her resigning from being existant in my life that is. She wrote (and this is quoted by the way):

        "Hey Andrew. I want to start off by saying I'm sorry. I don't think that we can remain friends. I don't want to punish you for your feelings, but I don't think that we could be friends with the awkwardness. I also probably will always feel kind of awkward around you and school is already stressing enough. I also don't think that we should hang out anymore. Please don't try to talk to me to convince me otherwise. Again, sorry."

        Now, the first thing I thought of was "Why did you not tell me this earlier?" I expected for us to at least say hi to each other but now I guess she doesn't want anything to do with me. This message right here explains to me that I made the right choice of telling her 'cause I do not like to be friends with people who are like this. Starting off, she tells me she's sorry. So you're the one sorry now? She says she doesnt want to remain friends. Now that I think about it, it's fine with me. A stupid decision on her part, but whatever floats her boat. And, I have a good reason why too. I'll explain that later.

        She says she doesn't want to punish me for my feelings but in a way it kind of is. Then she says the one thing that pisses me off the most: she says that we can't be friends with the awkwardness. Now, I think that it's a stupid reason to not want to be friends with someone. Awkwardness? Why? I don't see why. What, so if we remained friends, in class would you be like "Oh s***, there's that friend who likes me. S***, what do I do? What do I do? The pain is unbearable!"?

        Awkwardness honestly makes no difference in the way of interacting with someone. A solution? Suck it up and forget about it. The only reason it's awkward is because of how you keep it floating around in your mind. If you act like it never happened and just do things normally, things would still go smoothly. "I also probably will always..." That was a lot of also's, probably's , will's, and always'. I guess she's unsure. "I also don't think we should hang out anymore". Yeah, thanks for clarifying that up if I hadn't understood your first couple sentences. "Please don't try to talk to me to convince me otherwise". Well, it's not like I want to talk to you again since you probably wouldn't reciprocate a reply anyways sooo. The school thing, i could understand. I wont understand though if she says yes to Rc, or else it'd just be an excuse. And again, she's sorry.

        Now, she's answered this one questionnaire thing on Facebook, this "100 Truths" note thing, and on that, she answered that she has yet to turn down anyone. I'm thinking that she's never rejected anyone before, nor had anyone ask her out before. And with that type of inexperience, I could see why she would handle the situation the way she is right now: childish. Who avoids people and ignore them? Is that gonna make things any easier? No, that s*** just adds more drama. Unnecessary drama. That's the s*** I don't like. Awkwardness should not be a reason as to exile someone from your life. But hey, it's her life, she does whatever she wants.

        Hey, I've been rejected 9 times now (yes I keep count, yes this was the 9th one). I've seen stupid things, did stupid things, and thought about stupid things. I know whether things would be easy to take in one way or another. Also, she doesn't realize that it takes a lot of s*** to actually go up to someone and do that. And for her part, she sends it through Facebook. Facebook is not face to face. Anyways, I told my buddy the message and he was like "What a b****". And so, I was kinda glad I did what I did 'cause I don't really like to hangout with people who do immature stuff like that.

        I'm done criticizing her for now. Just kidding, there's one more thing. She un-friended me on Facebook. Like, donyoubsee the level of immaturity I'm dealing with here? And probably the most important question: am I still invited to her birthday party? Like, she doesn't really want to see me anymore. And what do I do with the presents I bought her? What am I gonna do with a drawing-journal and a manga drawing kit? I don't want to return the stuff 'cause going to return stuff costs gas money. Just kidding, my dad would be like "Why are you returning these? What did you do now? You had one chance Drew".

        I was thinking of people that are going to her party and see if they could give my gifts to El for me. And coincidentally, El's buddy asked me on Facebook on due dates for a chemistry project. And I was like "Oh hey, I could just give it to her friend during 3rd period and have her give it to her". I don't think El has told anyone else about this whole thing.

        Anyways, things have gotten pretty out of hand this past couple weeks. I still sit behind El in Chinese class so that's gonna be "awkward", until Friday when we switch seats. Thinking about the current state between me and El, it's, kinda unbelievable. Maybe because it happened pretty fast. I was just thinking like "Wait, did I seriously cause this? Did this happen?". Hopefully El has a nice birthday and Rc will keep her happy. I just know that this is for the best and it's a step in the right direction for me on improving myself. Next time, I'll be able to play things out more smoother. But how much more practice do I need really? A lot.

        Also, I found a dude who's in basically the same exact situation I'm in right now. He felt a distance forming between him and his crush, he tells her his feelings, and the girl un-friends him on Facebook. I'll leave the link at the bottom if you wanna read it. And so, that ends the El arch for my story. I continue to keep referring to her as "El" now instead of her real name. Probably because I type up "El" a lot.

        I guess that with the "awkwardness", it's back to square one for me. Also, thanks for the chat Yn. She discusses with me a bit on this matter and shared her insight and experiences like this.

        I know that she knows I'm not fond of asking. True or false, it may be, she's still out to get me. See you tomorrow.

Link to read:

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014 "Hold Onto Your Kite, Just Don't Let Me Down."

Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Week: 10
Songs to Remember: Naive (Jean Tonique Remix) - The Kooks, Under Cover of Darkness - The Strokes

        Over the weekend I was feeling depressed. Last night I was feeling depressed. Today I was feeling depressed. I got some help and now I think Season 10 might just be more exciting than I thought it was going to be.

        Okay I wrote that beginning paragraph like 12 hours ago and now I'm not really sure if that's really true. Anyways, considering it's 3:20 AM as I'm writing this, I'll summarize it all in order for me to stay awake when I'm telling El that I've been had feelings for her. So today during break, I was walking around the place where she hangs out at and I don't see her at all. The building where she hangs out at is known for it's large amount of "weirdos" that hang at there, as well as being a place for people to make out.

        So I'm walking around and I go through the empty parts of the place and I turn a corner and I see this couple making out right. I first thought it was El and the dude, but luckily it wasn't (yo, if it was, I think i'd die right at the spot). It was my classmate from Chinese class and he's "Hey Drew" and I'm like "'Sup" and uhhh, I didn't want to disturb their make out session so I just went my way thinking "Well, that's a first".

        During lunch, I actually found El hanging out at her usual spot. I could see that she was indulging in a conversation with like, 3 other female friends so I was thinking like " Is it rude if I interrupt this? When will this group conversation end?" She went out of the conversation a couple times to reply to some texts or whatever, probably from the dude. He was probably like, working on a project or something in class or else El would be hanging with him asap.

        I knew that getting her attention would be pretty difficult, and 'cause I'm a polite dude. So I tried to do a cliche trick where I'd drop my papers and she'd help me pick em' up. I drop my papers and she walks to a corner to reply to her text right after I drop em'. A couple of my buddies were there to help me pick em' up though. Pretty, uhhh, pretty good timing dontcha think. Anyways, I wanted to confront about the way she was making me feeling and I decided to do that during Chinese class. She didn't really say hi to me at all during the day. Now that I'm thinking about it, it hurts. Like, emotionally. So emotionally that I feel like it's actual physical pain. Heart-ache's probably the best way to describe it. Or depression. Same category.

        I asked her twice during class if she was doing alright, if everything was okay. She was like "Yeah, mhmm". Good thing she didn't say "Everything's fine" or else I would've flipped my s***. I was still questioning what's wrong here. She said everything's alright, I mean, you can't get a better answer than that. I mean, what was I expecting? I begin to blame this s*** on me. And so the whole period, she just dug her head in her textbook and doing homework or whatever. Or drawing. I don't know. Only until after class did I get a chance to actually talk to her. She was going to talk to Rc with that big smile or hers, but luckily some dude from the class cut in and started talking to Rc and I took the chance to ask El if I could talk to her for a bit.

        I asked her once more if everything's alright and she said the same thing "Mhmm, yeah". She asked why and I told her that for the past couple days she didn't seem as cheerf as she usually is. She said it was just 'cause of a friend's problem and I was like "Alright" and accepted it as an answer. I then proceeded to get off my chest the need to apologize to her and told her that I was sorry. She asked me why and I said I was sorry for not being fun to talk to and she said that I didn't have to be sorry for anything and that I didn't do anything wrong.

        She then proceeded to put on her ear buds and turn her music up and I asked if we were still close friends and she didn't even pay attention to me. She began walking her way and I walked mines and I could visualize a camera panning out, showing me and El walking our own ways. That was not how I expected it to go. I'm now thinking that maybe it's not her, maybe it's me. But I didn't do anything and so why would it be me? Maybe that's the problem; because I didn't do anything.

        Again, I walked hone and alone and I felt depressed, hard. I decided that I wanted some help from a friend so I messaged Em and told her what's been going and if she could help. She tells me to talk to my crush more, comfort em', the usual. And I'm like "Yeah, I've been doing that. Now it's kinda hard for me to since she pays more attention to an to her dude". I told her how I walked with my crush for weeks straight and how she invited me to her birthday party this Saturday. Then Em realized and she was like "WAIT, IS IT EL???!!" And I'm like "Mhmm".

        She told me that El talked about me and said that I was cute. Wow. Someone actuau thought I was cute? That's like the first in like, I can't even remember. I felt really, really better after hearing how El had talked about how cute I was. Man, was it a huge confidence boost. And that settled it for me. Em also said how El was talking to her about Rc a couple days ago, but that didn't matter to me much. Now I got confirmation that El did liked me. Hopefully she still does a bit because I'll be " confessing" my feelings for her. I don't like the word "confessing". I'd rather just say "express" my feelings than to "confess" them.

        Em was like "You should tell her, you have a good chance" and I'm like "You really think I have a chance?" And she's like "About 80%" and I'm thinking like "80%, I like those odds". Knowing that El does have at least SOME feelings for me, and that if I wait any longer, Rc's gonna win. I mean, I might as well try because, right now, what do I got to lose? If Rc and El get together, El won't be talking to me ever again. El already doesn't really talk to me anymore anyways. And, I'm already tired from trying to keep a smile, 'cause it hurts when you're trying to keep a positive attitude when your pride's being pummled by some dude who's not eve trying.

        Em, I appreciate the help. Oh and uh, Em's homeschooled again due to her trying to commit suicide and ending things again. And she and I both understand eachother's feelings of depression very well. *sigh*, if only I asked sooner. But hey, that's the past now. I gotta worry about the future, I gotta worry about now. I'm going to just going to have to just tell her. I'm gonna have to have the mindset of "F*** it". If I wait any longer I'll have that "what if?" feeling, when Rc wins. I may still have a chance. Oh please El, find it in your kindness and see me for what I was during the beginning of the year.

        Having the support of people on my really helped as well. They allowed me to talk about my current feelings and I got the benefit of knowing that people actually cared enough to ask me about my current feelings. I'm 80% sure that one of the people asking me questions on is Yn. Today she told me she saw my and all the questions regarding my crush. I asked if she had a crush and she was like "Yeah, but he likes someone else too".

        Also someone called me cute on just because I mentioned how Em helped me by mentioning that El talked about how cute I was. Again, a huge confidence boost. I'm gonna need it to speak loudly and clearly my feelings for her tomorrow (well, technically today since it's already 4:04 AM now). Two things can come from this: she will either say yes and the day will be marked down in history, or no, and I'll be relieved that I can now relax and not have to worry about El anymore.

        Buuuut, the pain will probably unbearable. I'm probably gonna a have to take a few naps for a couple weeks to sleep it off. And help. Lots of help. Well alright, I'm holding onto my kite, just don't let me down. I'll let you know what happens. *sigh*, season 10 everybody. See you tomorrow.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014 "I'll Say It Straight Up: My Heart's Broken."

Monday, October 20, 2014
Week: 10
Songs to Remember: 11th Dimension - Julian Casablancas, At First - JJCC, Hard to Explain - The Strokes

        So I pretty much lost.And just a couple weeks ago I was doing fine, probably the best in a while even. And now my feelings are just, f***. I don't even know what to do right now.

        I'm not gonna talk about shopping for El's birthday present from yesterday 'cause I don't really care much about it anymore. I'll do a re-cap of what's going on all this time. Sooo, starting from last year, there was this girl who I thought was really nice and cute. I wanted to get to know her more but I didn't really have any connections to be able to talk to her. I was friends with a friend of hers for a while last year and so she knew what I looked like. We didn't really say anything to each other.One day during this art gallery show at our school, I saw her and I was deciding if I wanted to say hi to her or not. Good thing I was friends with her friend 'cause she sorta caught me staring and said hi to me. She even remembered my name so that was surprising.

         Up until the last day of school, she always said hi to me if she saw me walking to my classes. I was like "She is a real nice person". Not many people said hi to me last year besides some of my buddies so I took greetings very sincerely. Summer passes by and this school-year starts. I saw her and her friend while walking to get my schedule. That reminded me of all the times she said hi to me last year. My first day of school was fairly fine, but better than last year. And then when I went to my 6th period class, I see her, and there was an empty seat next to her. I was like "Well, my day just got 10 times better".

        Things were fine, great actually. Probably the best 2 weeks I've ever had in school. On the 3rd week or so, she started walking with me on my route to exit the school. She's been walking with me up until last Friday where she just disappeared and started walking home with this one dude. Our Chinese teacher changes seats every 3 weeks and after the first 3 weeks, she changed our seats and I was left sitting across the room from her, and she was sitting next to this guy who had the same last name as her, same facial features, like, everything. If you were to look at their group photo, you couldn't tell the difference from em', it'd look like they were destined to be together.

        And so, she and him were getting closer and closer and I was just getting farther and farther. I didn't really think of it at all during that time. El still interacted me about the same way she did during the beginning of the year. I guess I just sucked at talking 'cause one time when we were walking together, she seemed pretty bummed out. She saw that dude walk one way and she had to walk with me in another. I could tell 'cause, I didn't get that usual vibe when she's happy. If you've walked with someone and talked with them for weeks straight, you could differentiate their moods, when they're happy or sad or anything in between.

        Alright, I saw something on my Facebook news feed that shocked me for a bit, now I forgot where I left off. I'll get back to that Facebook thing later. Anyways, after those 3 weeks of him and her sitting next to each other, we changed seats again. The teacher does it by random with having each of us pull a number out of a box and we sit at the corresponding seat. She was already sitting at seat number one and I was just praying that I'd get a seat next to her, or at least close to her. I pull out my number and it's seat number 2. I'm right behind her. Do you know how amazing that feeling was?

        So apparently this will be the last week I'll be sitting near her, unless RNGsus decides to bless me again and I get a seat next to her. Oh and I forgot to mention, about 3 weeks ago, she gave me an invitation to her birthday, which is going to be this Saturday, on the 25th. That was probably one of the most thoughtful things anyone has ever done for me. She even made it herself. She even considered me a close friend. She even gave it to me in person. Who do you know actually gives invitations in person anymore? And you see why I think she's more special than anyone else?

        All of that leads up to where I am now. Because she sat next to him, because they were basically made for each other, now she's f***ing all over him. When he stands up to answer a question from the teacher, she turns around immediately and stares at him. She turns around in her seat to talk to him 4 seats back. Oh my god, that stare she gives him. I cannot get it outta my mind. And now, she walks with him instead of me. They probably talk endlessly as they're walking, more than what I could talk. The worst part is... she doesn't even say bye anymore.

        I don't even know if I should even wave hi anymore to her when she waves to me. I just think it's just wasted effort now. She didn't talk to me today at all, even when I was waiting for her at the place where she hangs out, and even when I'm sitting right behind her. Paying more attention to the guy is bad enough for me, paying no attention at all to me is worse. And now I think that all those weeks have gone to waste. I thought this year was headed somewhere different. I guess it's back to square one.

        Just to make it worse, today I saw her post this one thing on Facebook. It's this trend that's going around in our social circle recently. It was one of those Facebook app things where you do a survey and you get a "Top 4 Friends" thing at the end to post. Of those 4 friends, one of them was a "blank has a crush on you" and another was a "blank is your best friend" and so on. And guess who the blank was for the crush one? Yeah, it was the guy. She posted saying (this is the exact quote by the way) "WOW.... This is so wrong...... I don't even.... How?". Way to rub salt in the wound, Facebook.

        Oh and that reminds me of another instance. Yesterday I forgot to tell her my shoe size for my ice skates for her birthday party next week (she's having it at an ice rink). I messaged her and only until this morning she replied, and all she said was "lol" and then "k". Out of all the words in the English language, a guy never wants to hear the words "lol" and "k" used together. Sorry if I'm just being asshole-ish at this point, but you gotta be feeling what I'm feeling right now.

        So is there a way to solve all this? I don't know what to do. I talk with my best buddy on what's going on and he tells me to man up, be confident, and "go ham". The key thing he wants me to have is confidence. I take his advice, but I don't know what to do with that confidence. What am I supposed to do??? She kinda just ignores me now, she's crushing on another dude and he knows it, she doesn't walk with me anymore, and she hangs out only with her friends and with him.

        I, in my mind, have two options. I could just lay back and do nothing and hope that she finds something out of place and she'll want to talk to me again. Or, I try my hardest and to 1-up the dude every time and be the loudest that I can. Judging how doing nothing accomplishes nothing, and how the dude basically replaced me, I have to be the loudest, confident, assertive beast I can possibly be. It's not that I'm afraid of rejection, I just don't want to go through more heart-break than I already am by trying my hardest, only to get 1-upped by the guy when he's not even trying.

        And there's this one thing bothering me. I'm a very sincere dude and I care a lot for people, even when I get hurt in the process. And for some reason, I feel like apologizing to her. I don't know why, I just do. I don't even know if that accomplishes anything. Probably not. If I told her I was sorry, she'd be like "Why?" and I explain to her that I'm sorry for being who I am, for getting in her way, etc. Then she'd by like "Huh?" BECAUSE, all of this is oblivious to her. She doesn't know that she's making me feel this way. She's just being her and has no idea that whatever she's doing with that guy, it's making me feel bad. And therefore, since I feel bad, the first thing that pops up into my mind is to apologize. This is probably the biggest thing that pisses me off, 'cause she doesn't know what's happening. I'm not mad at her, at mad at the situation that's going on right now.

        .Walking by myself now feels like the shittiest thing ever now..... *sigh*. Sooo, welcome to the season 10 premier. Didn't think it'd be this gloomy did ya? The sky was cloudy and dark today. It also rained. Very fitting weather. And just now, I've been answering some questions I received on my Apparently people care enough to ask how I'm doing and care about my situation right now. I really needed that. I really did. And now, I don't feel so bad anymore. Also, how are you gonna let a brother know that someone likes em' and not tell em' who?

        Today's been really unexpected. Hopefully, I'll get better and better and someday overcome my current self. 'Cause right now, I'm the only one holding me back. 's her name and just like a broken faucet, the tears won't stop. I'll see you tomorrow.

Sunday, October 19, 2014 "Shopping."

Sunday, October 19, 2014
Week: 9
Songs to Remember: Naive - The Kooks

        I went shopping for a birthday present for El today. Took a while but I did get something that she'll hopefully like. It's 1:26 AM so I got to get some sleep. I'm gonna have to study, work, and talk about the shopping tomorrow. See you tomorrow.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Saturday, October 18, 2014 "Apparently October's Halfway Over."

Saturday, October 18, 2014
Week: 9
Songs to Remember: Tongue Tied - GroupLove

        Oh my god, it's 2:11 AM. Oh my god, it's October 18. Apparently October's halfway over. I asked El on Friday something about how we're having the lesson 3 test next week so early. And she's like "It's already been 2 weeks since we started the lesson" and I was like "Holy s***, it's been fast".

        I been sitting behind El for now weeks now. This will be the upcoming week will be the last week before we change seats. And hopefully she won't be sitting in close proximity to Rc and hopefully we'll be sitting in the same group again. I can only pray to RNGsus that I'll pick a seat number close to her.

        Since it's 2:18 AM now, I should probably get some sleep. I still got some Chinese and math work to do. And because it's October 18, it's a week before El's birthday and tomorrow I got to get a gift for her. I was thinking of a giant Pikachu plush, but it wouldn't ship in time, so I'm going with a drawing pad. Hopefully Best Buy sells drawing pads. You know, those iPads without screens where you use a stylus to draw instead of a mouse. Since El likes to draw as a hobby and she likes manga, I'd figured she'd want to I don't know, draw anime or whatever on her computer.

        I'm also going to making a custom birthday card for her. Since she likes to read manga, I figured I'd do a manga style birthday card with those section things. I'm hoping it'll turn out decent at least. Hopefully my printer won't f*** up the printing. Oh and uh, I got a lot of work this upcoming week. A lot of work. It's gonna be pretty hectic.

        So now it's 2:25 AM, I got work to do, but I'm tired. Also I spent the whole day playing League and spamming my buddies on, as well as them spamming me back. Also apparently the sole purpose of is to ask people who their crushes are. Apparently at least one person cares who I like. Apparently they want to know and the best I could do is give them the period number of when I have the same class as her. Sorry for using the word "apparently" so much. It's kinda hard thinking up other words to use in place of it at 2:29 AM.

        Anyways, I want to sleep. Now. See you tomorrow.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014 "Walked With Another Dude."

Friday, October 17, 2014
Week: 9
Songs to Remember: Hard to Explain - The Strokes, I Hate Seoul - 2000Won

        My buddy tells me to be confident and to not be afraid of rejection. I think about and it I'm like "Wait, what do I got to lose?" I could seriously be as normal as I can be and there wouldn't be any consequences. Much. Really. So this is how season 9 ends.

        World History was boring, we just did what we did yesterday. English was the same. During break time I tried to see if El was hanging out at her usual spot and she wasn't. I looked around and I couldn't really find her. I didn't even see her walking her usual route to her 3rd period class. So, in chemistry, we had a lab today. Because we're currently studying atomic theory, we did a lab based on calculating average atmoic mass and stuff, but, using candy.

        Oh boy, we used M&M's, Peanut Butter M&M's, Mike 'n' Ikes, Peanut M&M's, and Skittles. There were all mixed together and we had to separate em', count em, weigh each type, and then calculate atomic mass and stuff for the fictional element, "Candium". After we were finished, we got to eat the candy and take em' hone. It was partners labs by the way, so of course my partner's Yue. By this time, Yue and I are ehhh. I mean, I wish the atmosphere could go back to the beginning week of school, now that was an experience that's probably never gonna happen to me ever again.

        Yn's alright as well. She and I talk as we go my route to my 4th period. Her expressions make it seem like she's really into what I'm talking about. Now why can't more people have their expressions be like Yn's? P.E was okay. My buddy tells me that I gotta get buffer and that'll increase my confidence a bit. I agree, I mean, I could use a bit of a bigger, eh, stature. I'm only 5'4" and weigh 110 lb so, I need to be at least partially buff. And also for me to, as my buddy had said it, to "beat his ass". He as in Rc.

        During lunch I went straight to El's hangout spot and I was there for a couple minutes, having to bear the obnoxious music that these dudes next to me were blasting. Then I went around trying to see if she's hanging out with Rc or whatever. I don't see her, so I go back to her spot and I'm like "Wait, did I check behind the staircase part of the building" aaand of course, El is sitting there enjoying her lunch, and no Rc in sight. That's a good sign. I sit down and try to interact with her as much as possible. It's going good right? Haha, not during the season finale. I choke on the salad from my sandwhich, aaand it took me several seconds to be able to maintain my composure again.

        El was like "Are you okay?" and I'm like "Yeah, just choked a bit but I'm fine". Then after, her friend was talking about helping T.A (teacher assistant. He said "T.A" as a verb to describe assisting a teacher) and stuff. And the next thing I know, El and him leaves into the darkness of the bottom floor of the L building. And well, they never really came back. So I'm just like "F***, what a great season finale this is". I then remember a song from The Strokes, the song being "Hard to Explain", and I'm like "Yeah, that fits". Things were going pretty s****y. Just last week I was fine, but this week, s***'s going on between me and El.

        So umm, 5th period trig was okay. I tried looking for that one girl (or guy, hopefully a girl and not a guy) who asked me on to "try to look for her". I realized how small the class really was, I think it was just the size of the classroom. Very cramped. Several girls I ruled out as being the person since, well, I know them and I know that they'd never ask me that on, or they don't even know me at all. I'm not sure if it's like the person next to me, or like across the classroom or a person who has good sight on me so they'd know I'm quiet in the class. I was deciding whether I should just ask random girls in the class "Hey, what's your name? Are you he person who asked me a question?"

        But then I was like "Ehhh". Now that I think about it, what do I have to lose. I hate almost everyone in the class, don't really care about em', don't even talk to em', don't even know em' so there wouldn't be any downsides to just ask. And why do they not just give me their name? It's not like I even know who is "blank". Anyways, I gotta study hardy this weekend. Chinese class was pretty, lack luster. El's not necessarily enthusiastic anymore in what I have to say. We just used the Chromebookto finish our Blendspace collaboration for the lesson, as well as our Movenote presentations. You could search up Blendspace and Move note and find out what they are.

        At the end of class, I was expecting to walk with El again along our route so I could maybe, I don't know, ask her to go hangout tomorrow to something, I don't know. Just, whatever, anything. At least I'll be asking her something. But today she went out the classroom, following behind Rc and this time, she didn't wait for me. She just made it out the classroom and when I got out the door, I don't even see her at all. Whenever El walks home, she walks right along the sidewak. Next to our classroom is the parking lot and there's a gate that leads right out the school, along that sidewalk. Rc goes home that way and today El probably went that way too with him.

        So I'm walking by myself and I'm thinking "I lost". I get it. Just kidding, I don't get it. Whenever stuff like this happens, I often feel sorry for other people. I don't know why. I feel like apologizing to El for even, I don't know, knowing her in the first place. And I know that apologizing won't do anything and that it'll only maiebthings worse. Its not El's fault that's making me feel bad. Actually, El doesn't even know what she's doing to me. She know idea that what she's interacting with Rc makes me feel pretty bad. It makes me feel like I'm not a close friend anymore. Or was I even a close friend in the first place?

        I could just ignore everything and just let it all play out, resulting in Rc and El getting together. Or, I could try to hardest to do something about it and have my will struggle to keep to up, even though Rc's jot even trying and El's falling hard for 'im. Do I need to talk to El about this? I don't know if that helps. I'm undergoing a constant argument in my mind, with consciences fighting over what they want me to do. What do I do? Maybe I just need to be myself. Maybe I just need to remove the fact that it's El. I could just think to myself that instead of El, I'm just talking to my buddy. And stories, I'm good at telling stories right? I could just do what I do best and tell stories. If I'm not interesting enough, hopefully my stories will be.

        In reality, I'm not sure if it's this complicated or not as I make it to be. I just gotta remind myself "What so I have to lose? Just let loose". So yeah, that was the season finale. My buddy As has to study and do projects so he wasn't going to the KDT dance today. He didn't go so I didn't either. I just wanted to go home and not be near school for another couple days. I don't even know if I wanna hangout at El's spot anymore. Pains me to be there with the thought in the back of my mind "Hey, she could be hanging out with that one guy".

        Anyways, I gotta get El a present. Probably gonna get like a Pikachu plush along with a drawing pad or something. Hopefully she doesn't own one already. Oh and uh, she's never really online on Facenovel so I can't necessarily message her. I could call her, I mean, I have her phone number from that birthday invite she gave me. Old-school it and talk on the phone. That reminds me. Actually that shouldn't remind me, 'cause I never talked to a girl over the phone before. Well, this'll be a first. I also need to study. I also need to finish work. See you tomorrow I guess.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014 "Coming Up."

Thursday, October 16, 2014
Week: 9
Songs to Remember: 11th Dimension - Julian Casablancas, Wolf - EXO, Obsession - Boyfriend, BingBingBing - JJCC, At First - JJCC

        Previously, on the last episode of 100% Chance of Bad, Drew receives his quiz (test) score of 29/46, doesn't get enough sleep, has too much work to handle, El, himself, and Drew's losing.

       I just realized my last post marked my 250th post. I seriously never thought I'd be able to keep this up. Also, I just checked my Facenovel profile in the about section after a couple years, aaaand my blog shows up there. Huh. Good thing though, that it was missing an "L" in the "allthisfriendlydrew" part. Though I did fix the error and I'm leaving that link there for people to find it. If they were to find it, I'd congratulate them and all these posts here are for them to freely read 'cause they deserve it after digging in my Facenovel profile, of which, no one has seemed to notice. Which is good. And I'm regretting this in 3,2-

       Okay, well, I honestly thought I wouldn't have much to say for today's post. I was wrong. I'll start off with what happened today. Then I'll get into the plot. So World History, was pretty boring today. We got into groups to fill out a worksheet on stuff from the Industrial Revolution. Then we passed the article to another group and received one, then start reading and filling out for that one. Not much excitement. English was no different really. We discussed more on Cyranno's speech where he's talking to Let Bret about how he hates patronage.

        During break time, I was deciding whether to hang out with El during break time and my buddies during or lunch, or vice-versa. After seeing how she's not at her usual hangout spot, I was like ehhh, and just went to my buddies. 3rd period started, and I heard that there was going to be a earthquake drill today during 3rd. Then the teacher's like "Okay guys, we're going to be having an earthquake drill today so when that happens, get under your desks". And about 5 minutes later, the announcements are all like "This is an earthquake drill". So we stay under our desks for about 10 minutes, some dudes around me had their phones out with the brightness turned to the max and I'm just there trying to study. The girl sitting next to me was like "This dude's reading a book" and I'm like "Yeah, I need to study".

        After those 10 minutes, we had to go undergo a fire drill and so we had to go outside. All classes near the parking lot had to stand at the parking lots, classrooms near the baseball field had to go to the baseball fields, etc. And our classroom was right next to the baseball fields. So we go outside and our class is standing in a line, like every other class, while the teacher's taking attendance, making sure everyone's there. After that, he tells us to sit in a circle. I'm like "Wait what" and he's like "We're going to play duck duck goose" and I'm just like "Whaaat". How many teachers do you know let their students play duck duck goose during a fire drill?

        So we played duck duck goose for about 10 minutes aaand then we went back to our classes. We took some more notes on atoms and that was it. Mr.Sales actually uses time more efficiently than other teachers. I mean, if you're standing in a line for 10 minutes, might as well play duck duck goose. Awesome possum. Anyways, talked a bit with Yn on the way to 4th, then it was 4th, P.E, aaand I worked out. I'm hoping by the end of these 6 weeks of weight training, I get at least a slight visual improvement for my muscles. I'm not expecting much, but at least some.

        So I decided to hang out with El today during lunch and I'm sitting there at the L building where El apparently hangs out at and I see no sign of her. I'm sitting there waiting for El while listening to these dudes blast Skrillex's "Recess" and saying that it's the only good Skriex song. Longest 10 minutes of my life. I was like "Uhhh, is she doing that project again with her friend?" And so I just leave and go to my usual hangout place with my buddies. After about 10 minutes, I'm like "I gotta go to a meeting" and my buddy's like "Have fun". I go back to the L building and El's still not there. Seriously? Seeing as how there's only like 10 more minutes left of lunchtime, I spend 5 minutes going around seeing if El's hanging out around anywhere. I even check the place where the freshmen hangout, only until I got hone that I realized that I remembered that Rc is a sophomore.

        Tried from walking everywhere, I go back to my hangout spot like "Ehhh, she's probably doing that project with her friend in Chinese class". At this time I was referring "friend" as in a female one. Not a guy. Hopefully it wasn't a guy. Aaand so 5th period starts, we do word problems, f*** me in the ass, people don't get it, I don't get it, teacher has to shoe us every problem, I'm fine with it, aaand now I need to study over the weekend for the quiz on Tuesday. I'll get back to talking about this class after I talk about the rest.

        So 6th period probably made the difference in my day. Well, about 99% of the difference. We were using the Chromebooks today to start recording our hand gestures for the words we wrote and drew in our little Chinese booklets we made about a couple weeks ago. You know, those little booklets you make out of one piece of paper. Yeah those. We had to use the Chromebooks to record a presentation of ourselves doing the gestures while including a picture of the page from our book in the presentation. While wondering about where El was today during lunch, I was like "Hey, where were you during lunch? I didn't see you today" and she was like "Oh, I was hanging out with a friend". Oh. So she wasn't doing a project with her friend. That's probably the same friend from yesterday too. The real question is, was it Rc?

        Well, seeing as how El got up out of her seat in the middle of work to to go to Rc's desk to talk to him, along with the long stares and sighs she gives if whenever he's interacting with her, I guess so. I'd be pretty surprised if it wasn't. Actually, maybe it wasn't. At this stage of where I am in all this, insecurity and paranoia could get the better of me. Happened last year. I'm still waiting for it to occur this year. And me mentioning the signs and stares, I don't know for sure, I mean, I do sit right behind her. I don't monitor the times she sighs and stares when in proximity of Rc so I wouldn't really know. At this point I kinda don't even know what I'm talking about anymore.

        So as I was saying, we worked on our Chromebooks to do our recording things. At the end of class, I see El with a "meh" face. During the beginning of the year, she wore a t-shirt under her signature gray jacket everyday. Now she dresses pretty, ehhh, what's the word? Fine? She dresses fine-ly. She doesn't wear her jacket anymore, she wears like-ehhhh, I'm not good with clothes names. What's that type of the thing called? Blouses? Blousi? Cardigan? I think it's called a cardigan. "Pull over!" "No it's a cardigan but thanks for noticing!"

        Those quotes were from a movie by the way. Anyways, she has this sorta "meh" face now. She was like, I don't know, delighted to see me during the beginning of the year. So we walked the route and I was just like, bummed out, even more bummed out than how El looked bummed out. I don't wanna ask if she's bummed out about something, 'cause then she'll like "Just because I'm not smiling doesn't mean I bummed out about something". I don't know. El's mind is probably on Rc right now, having conversations over Facenovel, him and her teasing each other, calling each other "weirdos". If I don't get called a weirdo from writing like 3 paragraphs about her then I don't know what.

        Obviously I'm kidding. Anyways, I don't know what to talk about. I keep on talking about the same s*** over and over again with El, even I'm sick of it, haha. I just go on about how Algebra 2/ Trig is so hard, teacher grades harshly, latest score on a test, not enough sleep on the weekends, sleep, and homework. Interesting right? No, it's not. I want to stray away from talking about school. I've already told her so much about my grades and work already she could probably make a transcript from all that. I want to uhh, have her talk more about herself, what's going on in her life, interests, etc. You know, all that stuff that I got to know in order to uhhh, beat Rc.

        No, not physically and no not in a beyblade battle either. Right now, Rc is not even trying and he's winning El over. I'm trying to keep her attention focused on me. It's kinda hard when she's having one on one conversations with her "friend". Anyways, as El and I said bye to each other like we usually do, I always see her trying to squeeze out a smile from the least amount of happiness she has left in her at the end of the day. And that smile, is worth a million bucks. And uh, yeah. That's pretty much what happened today. But that was only the first part of what is to come.

        At home, after seeing all the LMS's being brought back, along with the 100truths thing and people posting links to their's, I caved and posted mine. I was sitting there in front of my screen doing my work and constantly checking the chatbar to see if El's online or not. Just, just for if El wants to ask me an annonymous question or sonething. After a while, it looks like she's not getting on Facenovel for the rest of the day, and so I just posted my link. This was at like 9:00 PM by the way. About 3 of my buddies spammed me questions and like immediately. I actually got a couple of questions which were not from buddies this time. I know 'cauae my buddies dont type like that. I got one question asking "Heyy aren't you in Ms.blank's 5th period class?" And im like "I am actually. Thanks for noticing". Just a reminder, this is so I don't really be serious unless they make it serious. I receive another question soon after. The person asks "Lol, your really quiet in class. Try to look for me". At first I was like "Oh, so this is what happened when I make new social media accounts. I get s*** like this". Then my next thought was "Thanks anon. I'll be sure to find you without you leaving like an initial or anything". Then I was just thinking like "Wait, is this what I sound like when I play these games?"

        I get another question about my Soul Eater wall scroll in the back of my profile picture, of which I use as the background for all my selfies. Then it was that. I then go on Skype to vent out my feelings for this competition. You know, between me and Rc and who could win El. Over of course. My best buddy's like "Just beat him". Oh and by the way, most if what he says are jokes, unless at times when he's not joking. So when he says stuff that's sorta outrageous, he's kidding. Just to let you know. Anyways, I didn't know if he meant literally beating him, or by like, charisma or whatever, so I was like "But he's sorta buff".

        Then my buddy's like "So. Your weight training right" and I'm like "Yeah" and he's like "Beat his ass". And I'm like "But he's Texan". Then my buddy's like " Wait, I think he's in my world history class" and I'm like "What" and he's like "He's smart right" and I'm like "Sorta I guess". I'm like "What's his name" and he's like "I can't put my finger on it" and I'm like "Does it start with an R" and he's like "Rc. He's in my world history class. I saw that Chinese team group photo of him". And I'm just thinking like " Wow, we instantly know who we're talking about just 'cause the dude is Texan". Because my buddy saw the picture of El and him in their group and I was like "Do you see the resemblance", as in, how El and Rc look alike, how they look like they were made for eachother. He's like "Beat his ass. Win her over. Talk to her more. Get to know her more". And I'm like "Ehhh, I don't know if I can beat him. He doesn't even try and he's winning". So then my buddy's like "Try even harder. If you believe you can, you can" and then a bunch of other motivating reasons of which I forgot what they were.

        And that right there, was what I needed to get a another start on this whole El thing. Me and her, our fire has been dimming to like a small lit match. I'm gonna need have to ignite thisbfire again and this time I'm gonna have to use a flamethrower. I don't usually like to use corny analogies with motivational stuff in it 'cause I think it's kinda mushy and stuff, but this time I kinda need it. I think too much before sayigbstuff, therefore I barely say anything at all, 'cause I'm preoccupied with thinking. This time I'm going to have to just say whatever comes out my mouth. See after she goes to her next and do a super-duper positive wave. Why? It'll be bigger than what Rc does. I'm taking my best buddy's advice. I'm gonna beat his ass. El, if you ever read, this I do not mean to be the bad guy at all in all of this. A lo of stuffs happening at once and I just gotta do something before I miss my chance alright?

        So with a re-cao for all this, tomorrow I'ma have to catch El at every corner and talk about as much s*** as I can. Without even thinking, I'll just say stuff. Whatever comes first into my mind. I gotta be sure u make a bigger image than Rc's. Be CONFIDENT. Drew, don't think before what you say. Be confident in what you say before you even think about it. Drawing blanks? At least you're drawing something Drew. Just let it loose. And so I got some work to do with El, and I mean a lot of work, along with the work I get assigned everyday and the tests and quizzes for math class, I'm on a mission to get my grade to a B. Also, El's birthday party is in about a week, and I still have yet to find her a present. Oh and that one mystery person on ask. Guess I gotta go to talk to them, whoever they are.

        So coming up next on 100% Chance of Drew, Drew's gonna attempt to beat Rc's ass, work with El, work on work, study hardy, strive to get a B in Trig, find a mystery person in math class, and attend El's birthday party next week. You know how in a book or movie, there's a dynamic structure of exposition, then rising action, then climax, then falling action, then conclusion? Yeah I'm thinking I'm about to approach the climax of these first 9 seasons (weeks are seasons by the way). Season 10 is gonna prove to be pretty hectic. Season 9 finale is hopefully gonna end on a positive note. Hopefully. Anyways, I typed for 2 hours straight on all this. I'm taking time out of life to document it. So uh, I guess I'll see you tomorrow.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014 "Setups and Worry."

Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Week: 9
Songs to Remember: Take U There - Jack U

        So you could say El and our friendship is going alright. Math, not so much. Turns out the example was an example from the textbook. F***. And I got a 29/46. Even s****ier.

        Sometimes I get tired of hanging out with the same people everyday. Usually because they're in like, 3 of my classes. And that we're usually partners for group works and stuff. Then I sorta need my space. Even on Facenovel he's always asking Mr about homework and stuff. And only yesterday did I figure out that the ability to turn off Facenovel chat is the best invention since sliced bread.

        So I hung out with El today. Sorta. I pick today to hang out at the place where she hangs out. She was doing a project with her friend for alnost all of lunchtime. And umm, my "buddy", the one who keeps messaging me on Facenovel, was there too. Good thing though, that Rc doesn't hang out with El during lunch or break, otherwise things would not go my way.Oh and uh, I got a haircut today.

        I got a lot of updating to do during this weekend. And a lot of work. If someone can get me some of those 5 hour energy drinks, I'd work my ass off. But right now, at 5:00 PM and 12:45 PM everyday, I need my baod. And usually I don't get em'. God I'm tired. I'll see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014 "Ignominious Stress."

Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Week: 9
Songs to Remember: Scream - Michael Jackson

        So I was expecting to go to sleep today. Actually, I was expecting to go outside for some fresh air at about, I don't know, 11:54 PM 'cause my parents are causing me so more unnecessary stress again. But apparently that fit went by quickly after I was felt pretty tired 'cause I didn't get my nap.

        To make stuff short 'cause I got to sleep on my textbook, World History was eh, English was eh, Chemistry was meh, P.E was eh, Trig sucked hard. I studied hard, I knew how to do it all, and on the test she gave us an equation where it was near impossible for me to solve. I normally wouldn't complain about it, but considering that in order to answer about 5 other questions, I needed the answer to the original question. So you could say I was pretty bummed.

        Even though I know I got those questions wrong 'cause I couldn't figure out the original one, I'm pretty sure I did the questions on the backside correctly (yes, a backside on a quiz). And so I probably got at least a C on it. That is, if I did all the questions on the back correctly. And with each C I get, I dig deeper into grade-limbo. What is grade-limbo? Grade-limbo is when you get so many of the same grades on assignments that in order to get a higher grade, you would need a lot of points. Let's say you get C's on all your tests. Then let's say you get an A on your next one. That A will only create a marginal difference between your original grade and the new one with the A added to it, and therefore taking a lot more A's to turn that C into a B.

        And that's what I'm doing to myself right now. I have so many C's on the tests that I'm practically in grade-limbo right now. My parents were talking about having me go to tutoring starting like next week or something. It was the same dude from last year who just followed a textbook. And handed out homework. And reaps $300-400 from gullible families for just following a book, of which I don't want my parents to be victims of (too late). That money could go for a lot more than have a guy read from a book.

        So I cried. I cried a bit. Then my parents finally said that next time I better get a B. And using my new vocabulary I learned from English class (or rather, from a workbook from English class which I have to self-teach myself), getting a C on my report card is considered very ignominious. I was having another thought about running away, but because I'm so lazy, I just decided that sleep is a better option. Nobody empathizes with us.

        So El's doing fine. Today was pretty windy and cloudy. Anyways, I better get started on burying m head into my book pillow for tonight. Bye.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014 "Making Progress."

Monday, October 13, 2014
Week: 9
Song to Remember: Love Toxic - Royal Pirates, Body Language - San E

        You know your sanity's breaking down a bit when a crossing-guard asks you "How was your weekend?" and you reply with "Thank you, you too". What the f*** was I thinking at that time.

        So I'm gonna make this a quick summary even though there was a lot of interesting stuff today. Hopefully I don't go too in-depth on stuff 'cause I got a math " quiz" tomorrow and I gotta study hardy tonight. Anyways, here's how it went. World History, ehhh, watched the Lorax (the original) and answered some questions on our new unit, the industrial revolution. English, ehhh, read some more Cyranno, bakeries, discussion on Cyranno stuff, aaand yeah.

        Chemistry was alright I guess, just notes today and it looks like we'll be studying atoms for the next couple weeks. My teacher told us a couple bad jokes. The first one was "A neutron walks into a bar. He orders a glass and asks how much. The bartender says "For you? No charge". Yeah. The next was "A mushroom walks into a bar. The bartender says "Sorry, we don't serve your kind here. The mushroom says "What? I'm a fungi?". Yeah, even worse.

        After class was over, I walk out the door and Yn and I start talking and she's like "Do you like M&M's?" And I'm like "Sorry, what?" And she's like "Do you like M&M's?" And I'm like "Oh, M&M's. Yeah sure, I enjoy em'". And she pulls out this semi-large bag of M&M's from her pocket and gives em' to me. I didn't really know what to do and I wanted to be polite so I was like "Oh, thank you". Like, what is a dude supposed to do when a girl randomly asks if they like M&M's and gives em' a bag full?

        P.E was meh. I didn't hang out with El today during lunch 'cause I forgot. Algebra 2/ Trig was actually not that difficult today (I don't wanna say easy 'cause I don't wanna jinx myself and get a hard as hell lesson tomorrow). It was on solo ng roots and stuff. Fairly okay stuff. I have a "quiz" tomorrow on parabolas and word problems and in my opinion, every quiz in the class is like a test to me. She's only gonna a give us 20 minutes so I'm like "F***, my only weakness. That and word problems".

        Chinese class was fairly interesting today. The teacher was having pairs come up and read from the book the lines that we're learning for the lesson. El turns around and looks behind me, being like "Rc". And apparently Rc is already gonna do it with someone else so then El was all like "Drew, you and me should go up" and I was like "Alright". I asked her in class "So, did you go to homecoming?" And she was like "No, I didn't really have anyone to go with and all my friends didn't go either so". And I'm just thinking like "F***ing Drew, this is why you gotta step up your game. There was an opportunity and you majorly blew it. Don't f*** up next time".

        After class, I apparently went from talking about talking about sleep, to El describing herself as "eccentric", to her describing about her birthday party setup plans, to talking about who she's inviting, to me and her feeling special. Yeah, you know you're doing conversations right when you don't remember what you just f***ing talked about. That's good. I think I did some small compliments in those conversations. I said that she was a good person. Then she was like "Aww, I feel special". And it wasn't sarcastically either. Then she was like "I wanted to invite just close friends to my party, you included. And I was like " Yay, I feel special".

        And now on Facenovel, El changed her cover photo to a painting of like a couple walking with an umbrella. And I was like "Yo, that could be me". I think I'm making some good progress. Much, much progress to be made still, buuut I haven't f***ed up too hard so far. Anyways, I watched the finals for the World Cup of Pool 2014 last night (apparently I'm now a fan of billiards) and spoiler alert, this is a spoiler alert for the winners of the World Cup of Pool 2014, the winners were England. F***. I was rooting for Holland 'cause they came in 2nd last year, now they had a chance to actually win it. Instead, England and Holland both threw hard during the final match with England scratching during the break, and even with that and a screw up on the last few balls in the last rack, Holland still lost. F***ing Van Den Burg.

        Anyways, I gotta go study now. These M&M's will keep me awake for a good while so I'll be able to study hardy. Wish me luck on the test. See you tomorrow.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday, October 12, 2014 "Tutoring Threats Again."

Sunday, October 12, 2014
Week: 8
Songs to Remember: Love Toxic - Total Pirates

        Oh hey. I got some work to do 'cause I got a math test on Tuesday, future homework being thrown at me tomorrow, El's birthday in 2 weeks, and my parents threatened to send me to f***ing tutoring because I got a C in Algebra 2/ Trig on my progress report. So I guess you could say say that's a lot.

        Sooo, I'm attempting to start early on homework for English class so I will have less stuff to worry about for the next couple weeks. Also I'm gonna have yo study ALOT for the test of Tuesday for Trig 'cause my parents threatened to send me to tutoring 'cause of 1 f***ing C on my progress report for the first month of school for an advanced class. I don't see their logic in that sending me to tutoring is the answer to everything.

        The last time I went to f***ing tutoring was the summer from 7th to 8th grade 'cause my teacher didn't round up to grade on one report card (in Pre-Algebra BTW) so instead of a B-, it was came a C+. Because of that, my parents sent me to some stupid tutoring place over the summer where not only did I have sit in my seat for 4 hours straight every Sunday (no lie, I did not get up from my seat), but I was assigned homework. It was a lot and I was like "Why is there so much homework". And so what my mom did (f***ing mom) was she called the tutor dude and asked him "My son said that you give him too much homework". Why, the f***, would anyone do that.

        The s****iest part of it all was that my parents paid money for that s***. Why? Out of everything, they choose to spend money on stuff like this, which in my opinion, I would not pay a cent for. All these people do is read off a text-book and assign work from there. I could've just went online and went on countless websites that offer free lessons on whatever the f*** I wanted to learn. But no, my parents spent hard-earned money on s*** like that. It didn't help in the slightest, all it did was make me hate math even more. My parents dropped me out 2 weeks before it ended 'cause school was starting and I did not want double the homework.

        And now my parents want to send me to tutoring again and they'd spend money on that. Again, I have free lessons available available to me right in front of my eyes. Good thing is I told them that people at my school offer tutoring for FREE after school, so they did not have to spend blood-money on a guy to read off of a textbook. And also, it doesn't make any sense to have tutoring (of which, the ones where you're required to do homework) during sthe school year. Students already have enough f***ing work, why give em' more? It's contradicting.

        "In order for you to do well in your work, you must do more work first, while at the same time, do your work". Yo dawg, I heard you like working so I put more work with your work so you can work while you work. God f***ing damnit. Anyways, I think I'll go read some lessons how to find vertexes. See you tomorrow.

Saturday, October 11, 2014 "This is Gonna Be a Long Update, and Partially About Homecoming."

Saturday, October 11, 2014
Week: 8
Songs to Remember: 11th Dimension - Julian Casablanca's, Back - Infinite

        I just realized that I barely posted anything for Friday. And tonight was homecoming (I did not go by the way). And so this will be a really long post. Fuuuu.

       So I just finished math homework, it's 1:50 AM, I'm tired, homecoming was today, I didn't go, I didn't get to post yesterday, and I still got some work to do. Oh and umm, El's birthday is in 2 weeks. Also I just realized that I don't hang out with El during lunch aaand I should do that. Was that a good enough update?

        Alright, well, to start off, I'll begin with what happened yesterday. My World History teacher let us watch "Les Miserables" for the entire period. I'm not even sure that's the correct name of the but it's 1:55 AM now so whatever. It was okay, I mean I got a lot of my unfinished Chinese homework done during that time. Oh the movie. Yeah it was alright. Lots of singing though. I did not expect singing. Also, Russell motherf***ing Crowe. Oh my god, it's Russell Crowe. My teacher said he shouldn't sing.

        Uhhh English. Our teacher wasn't there so we had a sub for the day. Aaand we had a re-take for the plagiarism quiz again. This is the 2nd re-take for it. No other teacher have I known has given their students an extra 2 chances to get better on a quiz. A and umm, since it's the 2nd re-take and I already have a decent score on the past 2 quizzes (19 out of 24), I didn't really sweat it.

        I was surprised that there was a break that day since that day we had a pep rally after 4th period (or after 3rd, depending on if you're going to the first rally or the second). So Chemistry we had a test aaand it was, alright. The multiple choice questions were actually harder than the problem questions this time. Good thing the teacher allows us to use 1 page of written notes on the test, of which mine barely helped at all. I think I did alright, most likely better than the last one considering I remembered to do every page of the test rather than forget one.

        After that I worked out in P.E, then dressed out of my P.E uniform and went to the pep rally. Because my 4th period is P.E, I go o the second rally. If you're in like, the G, H, J, building you go to the first one. The rest go the 2nd. It's 'cause our gym is not large enough to have 3000 students at once. And our school isn't really large either compared to other schools. Sooo uh, I went to the rally and I was with my buddy and my other buddy. I don't really like these rallies, mostly because there's really no point in them and the only reason I like em' is 'cause I get to spend less time in class.

        Also, whenever they turn off the lights, everyone's like "Woooooh". Because you know, darkness. A lot of people like to have put their phones and put up their brightness and wave em' like they do in like, rock concerts. You know, like when you're waving your lit lighter in concerts? I've never been to a concert by the way. Anyways, phone light waving is bootleg. Now, they had these blacklights on so everyone with like white clothing glowed. It was pretty cool. They first showed a video on the worlds smallest projected screen, which was about a bird, bad acting, driving, and umm, whatever. Yeah I don't really know what the video was about. It's always bootleg at these rallies.

        Next they did some bootleg rally cheers like " Can we hear it for the seniors? How about the juniors?" And of course the seniors are always the ones cheering the most. Then they had a bootleg monopoly game, teacher getting confetti'd with balloons, bootleg awards in which I have no idea how they decided the winners for, bootleg games where we don't participate at all except for the people who signed up for to participate in the rally, aaand people screaming "Ebola". I can say that that was a nice pep rally. And god was it hot with all these teens sitting in a large room for an hour. Also, they forgot to call the sophomores for a pep rally cheer. They're all like "Let's hear it for the Freshmen? How about the Juniors?" And they completely skipped us sophomores. I'm thinking this was planned, only 'cause El told me that they forgot to call the sophomores for the first rally as well.

        After that, it was time for lunch and it was pretty normal. Just kidding, there was a fight. Two fights. Three actually. No, it was four. Four fights. I only saw 2 of em'. Other people reported four. I don't know. So apparently there was a knife involved? And it was between some football players? And tonight was the homecoming football game? Fights don't happen often at our school, and rarely do they happen this earl into the school year. Apparently people can detect fights from a 200 mile radius because a s*** ton of people swarm the place where the fight's going on. I don't know how people do it.

        I did see one of the dudes who who was in the fight. His buddy was trying to calm down his friend and the dude was talking s*** and removed his jersey and went. Goof thinking on his part, to not allow himself to get recognized easily. I was like "Damn, that's probably the smartest thing you've done all day". After that, about 30 seconds later, another fight broke out in about the same area as the first. How do I know? People flood the place from around the nation, that's how. And umm, apparently the cops showed up. I didn't see them showed up, but I think there was like an email sent to all of us students saying something about it.

        So that's was alright. You could see the amount of bystanders compared to the people who stand up. And what about me? Well, football players are about 2-3 times my weight soooo they could probably beat me with my own thumb if I interfere Sooo yeah. Also, all the teachers are already notified about the fights anyways thanks to the absurd crowd that forms during one. And you know what's more absurd? Lunch ended after about 15 minutes, rather than the regular 30 minutes. Apparently they ended it early 'cause of the fight and so that security can find the dudes who fought.

        I went to 5th period and people were standing outside. I was joking to my friend "Maybe the teacher is finishing her lunch" and when the teacher finally came, she was like "They ended lunch time so early I didn't finish my lunch" and I was like "Wow". So we ate and did math. Aight. After that, it was Chinese class aaand yeah. We did the usual of saying and doing hand gestures for the vocabulary. After Chinese, I went to route with El and I was considering asking her if she was going to homecoming but then my buddy was like "Hey, you going to KDT today?" and I was like "Yeah sure" and so I went with the buddy and I was like "See ya" to El and she was like *wave*.

        I hadn't danced for about 2 weeks so I was pretty rusty. Well, I don't really dance in general, actually the first time I danced (freely) was 2 weeks ago for about 2 hours Sooo yeah. We danced to Infinite's "Back" which was sorta difficult but sorta okay. It was a guy song this time so I was like "Oh thank goodness, I don't have to do any more booty poppin' this time". I started off okay, then I was kinda confused on one part, I see my buddy trying to talk to girls and I'm just there practicing. Bu damn, I always see my buddy talking to girls. I do consider him a master of picking up girls. Well, at least approaching and talking to then anyways.

        And so after the dancing was over (they recorded the final dancing by the way. I watched it on Facenovel and this one dude messed up haleay through. Pretty legit though) I went home and uhhh, did whatever. Do I regret asking El about homecoming? Kinda. Would she have went with me if I asked her? During that time, probably not? Mostly 'cause she doesn't real do dances and not 'cause of me. I am surely going to ask her to go with me for the Halloween dance. Wait, do we even have a Halloween dance? When does is the Sadie Hawkin's dance? The Winter Ball dance is too far away.

        Also I'm gonna have to hang out with El. A lot. During lunch. And break. Or just lunch. Or just break. Gotta have time for the bros and the h- females. Girls. Ladies. I don't believe in dis-respectful names toward females. Unless they're necessary. Anyways, homecoming happened today. No, I did not go, nor did any of my friends went. I mean I could go by myself, but it's like ehhhh. I mean, it would seriously be ehhhh. I don't even know what I'd for 4 hours. It lasts from 7 to 11 PM. What do people do during that time?

        So uh, I was expecting a flood of homecoming photos to appear on Facenovel at about midnight. There were some and I did get a glimpse of what it looks like and I can honestly say, it looks ehhh. Just gotta remember that dances and proms and stuff in movies are never what they are in real life. Getting drunk and having a wild time? Probably gonna kicked out by security before the first bottle. Make out sessions? Probably gonna be escorted somewhere private. A lone dude who went by himself to a dance and meets a cute girl? Probably a percentage of never 'cause what kind girl goes by herself to dances. Like, have you heard of one?

        Anyways, I played some League today with my buddies, laughed at a dude's answers (not at the dude, but at the answers for he put for his questions he received. He was getting advice on how to ask this one girl out. What he put and the advice he took was gold), aaand whatever. Seriously though, the dude's like "I checked out YouTube videos and wikihow on how to play hard to get but it didn't really help". Boot to the leg. But to be honest, I did check out videos and wikihow on s*** like that, but I never actually took them into consideration. I just watched/read em' for the knowledge.

        One of the advice the dude took was to like all of his crush's answers so she'll notice him. I feel sorry for this dude. Soo uh yeah, pretty uh, long post. Pretty big update. Still have yet to buy El's birthday present. Gotta make it epic. And by epic, I mean big. As in a giant Pikachu plush. That is one of my options. Still have yet to find a big enough Pikachu. Anyways, ChopinNocturnePiano, I'll see you tomorrow. Also, it's f***ing 3:03 AM. I forgot that people are supposed to sleep before 12.