Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tuesday, January 31, 2017 "Stretching Filaments."

Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Week: 26
Songs to Remember: Press Your Number - Taemin

        Okay, okay, okay. Things are still warming up, including myself (because it's fucking cold). Nothing major major has been happening, just a long, long stretch 'till some more plot advancements.

        And yeah, I would call this filler. Good filler though (on some occasions). Like during Dance. We ran through our dance for the rally (which is next week) and uh, we had time to work on our choreos. Today however, we were to work on the ones we were practicing yesterday, so, I didn't actually have to teach today. Sc, whose (or should I say, WHOMST, which is a meme joke that I'll probably won't get ever again after I make this post) choreo I'm in, she had some trouble coming up with choreo after the moves we finished yesterday.

        Being a choreographer myself, and, in KDT and have experience teaching dances and shit, etc, I helped her come up with some solutions. I suggested she just go with whatever she likes, uhhh, include some more songs so that she won't get bored with the current tempo of the song, uhhh, incorporate moves she likes from other dances, etc. She went with the triple-song idea, so that means, we'll actually be doing Jay Park's "All I Wanna Do," which was the reason why I signed up to be in her choreo in the first place, heh.

        Math was the usual. We got our tests back to review, aaand, I figured I just messed up with stupid mistakes (and the one question of which I had no clue how to do 'cause I didn't expect it to be included on the test since we did so little of it), and I was right. So, I'm not as dumb as I thought I was, heh. Tomorrow we got like a short quiz, I figure it's supposed to be easy freelo, so, hopefully I don't mess up. Break was break, I didn't have any doughnuts today besides one, and that was during the morning. Yeah, eating multiple doughnuts over the course of a couple days really drains you from wanting to eat more.

        Especially when that sugary chocolate glaze hits your tongue, it's like, pure fucking sugar. So, I'll be taking like, one a day or something, whenever I'm feeling hungry or I feel like it. For Digital Art, I just worked on the usual, nothing too special. At this time (not during this class especially but just in general), Atr and I have been sending Snapchats back and forth. Not sure if she has ever used Snapchat this much before since I never noticed her take any pictures during performance days and such. But yeah, it's going good.

        English, another snooze fest, literally, heh, except this time I was able to keep my eyes open for a good amount of time. Lunch, that was the usual as well, nothing too out of the ordinary. Uhhh, Econ, that was another class period of stories, and, me fake-writing notes. And finally, Chinese, just reading, listening, etc. Planning, nothing much else. That's, that's what I would count as filler. Bootleg joke-making with the cast, uhhh, math, Digital Art, English, Econ, Chinese, all of those are filler. Except Dance, Dance actually got some kick to it.

        Now after school, I got another hands-on experience with Atr's friends or, the people who she hangs out with. Definitely weird, now I'm not saying that in a bad way, I'm saying, for most people, shit like this wouldn't be socially acceptable to do out-loud, and I'm talking LOUD. And yeah, I guess if she met my friends, she'd consider them weird as well, with the amount of, bootleg shit we do. But anyways, yeah, her best friend or whatever, said that her friend (Atr's friend, friend) rated me as an 8.5/10, which was surprising 'cause uh, never actually looked up my rating in the global rate scales before. I was also apparently a 8.5/10 on the "daddy" scale, which is apparently my nickname in KDT, and also what people call leading male figures nowadays. I'm waiting for the day I look back on this and say "Yeah, not sure why kids thought calling each other 'daddy' was a good idea."

        Atr's friend was also like "You guys should get together," and I'm like (thinking like) "Well wachu think" Easier said than, complied. But yeah, very different group of people than I'm used to, being close with. Close as in, proximity, okay, heh. And so, it's 11:51 PM, I really would like sleep. See ya.

Monday, January 30, 2017 "Doughnut Leader."

Monday, January 30, 2017
Week: 26
Songs to Remember: Love Affair - NIEL, Press Your Number - Taemin

        I do admit, I could be sleeping a lot earlier had I not fucked around with dance moves for like an hour or so combined. But when you gotta teach a 2-minute thirty-second dance, and you wanna keep it as original as possible, what can you do?

        Dance was just practice with our Hip Hop dance for the rally next week. Then we had time to work on our respective dances and such. I pretty much came late today but luckily the girls take forever to change so when I got to class the dudes were just finishing up changing. There was an accident this morning (I swear, every single car accident in my city so far has been occurring in the morning, when I need to get somewhere on time) and so they had to block off several streets and roads.

        Math, that was pretty fun. By that I mean we did the same exact thing as ever, and we got a quiz this Wednesday. Break, I finally got to eat my doughnuts. I was surprised that both boxes fit in my locker (the width isn't so big, but the depth of these lockers are big). I had two during break, two during lunch. Yeah, not very good for my digestive system, but I'm gaining weight hopefully. At least, some weight. My body's probably already metabolized it by now. I actually have no idea what my real weight is 'cause there's no scale in my house, or at least, I can't find it.

        My guess is like, 110 lb or something. Anyways, Digital Art was nice. We, we had time to doze off, do whatever. I just did Chinese work, got a head start on it as usual. English, was just grueling, grueling, periods of waiting. That and Econ, combined with Chinese on top of that, stretched out my day so much, even though we didn't do ANYTHING. In English, the teacher just read to us for a bit, told some stories, tried some shit to make us talk more like his other periods but nope, and so towards the end of class, he made us go outside and do a bootleg "trust" activity, where you're in partners and you steer each other around while one has their eyes closed. Yep, those kinda games.

        Very on-the-spot, and random. But anyways, after that was lunch and for my today, that was just two doughnuts and a soda. Did they help me stay awake? I don't know, maybe. For Econ, the teacher just told stories, showed some notes, uhhh, I just sat and did whatever. Chinese, basically same thing, you sit, you listen, you say, etc. We switched seats and I was hoping maybe, maybe for a mid-tier god-seat. It's, it's in the ball-park but, not really god-seat, but it's different. I'm sitting like in the middle of the room, in the back for once now, 2nd column from the right out of the 4 columns of two seats across.

        I could care less though. As I was walking from 5th to 6th period, I was like "Damn, how long have I been walking this path for." I've walked to-and-from my classes, the same paths, every single day, for the past, few years. Maybe not the same but, seeing the same path each time, it drags you back in time, the grueling periods of just sitting and listening. I think this year I've had the MOST boring classes. However, it's kind of made up for the shit I do outside of class.

        Like today, where we had to audition for KASA's KASA show. We thought we'd have more time but apparently not. There were about, 3 or 4 people auditioning, 2 consisting of KDT and KDT sub-groups. We had to watch people do Wonder Girls' "Nobody" and Super Junior's "Sorry Sorry" and pick from them, people who'd be performing in the audition. It was, yeah, mostly veterans. KDT veterans. After we and our sub-group had auditioned (which went okay I guess), KASA was like "Alright, now for the main KDT group." We were like "That was it." They were like "Oh." I'm guessing they were expecting more people to come and audition but uh, nope, most, most of the people watching were just KDT members.

        And it was a crazy sight, seeing everybody spread out like that. Just shows how many of us there are now, heh. Umm, so after that, we had break until 4:00 PM. I did what you'd expect and made some progress, a lot of progress. Uhh, and then it was time to teach some more of Super Junior's "Sorry Sorry." The other two teachers for the song, who were supposed to be like, the actual teachers, didn't really learn the dance yet, so. I, uh, I knew I should've just called in sick today, heh.

        But yeah, didn't really learn much, just, went over the dance again, etc, etc. I actually had a lot of confidence this time. I guess being a KDT veteran I basically know how shit works, I'm more comfortable with it, the leadership role of teaching is like, sort of a privilege. It works, 'cause I was very interactive, with a lot of people, Atr especially. And yes, I did make a lot of progress. A whole ton of it. Uhh, so anyways, it's, 12:13 AM, tomorrow, gonna be about the same thing as always. Gonna have to teach some more shit for Dance, etc. So, see ya. New songs will be abundant when February hits, right now it's just the same/ old stuff. Hang tight, see ya.. 

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sunday, January 29, 2017 "Press Update on Casts."

Sunday, January 29, 2017
Week: 25
Songs to Remember: Press Your Number - Taemin

        Oh man, it was a pretty long day filled with doughnuts, soup, aaand bootleg movies. And, more doughnuts, which will only continue from tomorrow and, this coming week.

        Woke up at around 11:30 AM, that was because I kept going back to sleep as I wanted to continue my dreams. I haven't had dreams in a long time, and it's not because I get so little sleep either. I get about the same amount of sleep on weekends, but the past, I don't know, 20 weeks maybe or something, or weekends, I haven't been able to dream a thing.

        I remember when I used to write down my dreams, like literally, writing them down with pencil and paper. Then it came to logging them on my phone, and then it came to writing about them on here sometimes. I just haven't had them for a while. Last couple nights' dreams, they were pretty whack. Nothing really symbolic, just, action-y. Anyways, woke up pretty late into the day, I woke up to many many notifications ranging from the cast's group chat (on Messenger), uhh, Snapchats, and the like.

        It was settled that we were to watch "Split" at the 1:55 PM showing today at this one plaza where the have this hot-pot restaurant, Krispy Kreme (a doughnut place if you haven't heard of it), and several other stores and restaurants. Jh picked me up from my house, and it was just me, Lw, and Jh who watched "Split." Jk couldn't come until later, Ek couldn't come until later, err, didn't really like scary movies (even though "Split" turned out to be more funny than scary. I'm serious, people were laughing, including us, and yes it was a really nice movie in my opinion), and, Ag didn't come at all with her excuse being she has a project to work on that's due tomorrow.

        Which turned out to be false because apparently it ain't due tomorrow but some other time this week, and so she just played Badminton instead. Uhhh, so yeah we watched "Split" from 1:55 PM to about 4:00 PM. Jk was waiting for us outside the theater after it was finished, where we all went to get some doughnuts from Krispy Kreme before we walked to a Target nearby to just fuck around 'till Ek comes. It didn't occur to me initially but I haven't stepped foot into a Target for a very long time now, probably like, a year, 2 years maybe. It's been a long, long time, heh.

        We just fucked around, uhhh, until about 5:00 PM when Ek finally arrived. We then proceeded to walk to this hot-pot restaurant place for dinner (of which, I had thought we were eating at this place for lunch but it turned out to be much, much later than lunch). It's basically, well, hot-pot, or shabu shabu, even though the restaurant was Chinese. You choose a soup, you get your own heated bowl of soup, you cook vegetables, seafood, meat in it, and, yeah.

        It was pretty good. At this point it was dark, and, we all went to get another round of doughnuts before Jh drove us all back home. I managed to finish math work before 12:00 AM (it's 11:29 PM right now). DrewN couldn't make it for the Movie and Dinner special, but that's okay. And now, for the much later news, the more general, plot thicken-ing stuff. Tomorrow, instead of just KDT practice for Wonder Girls' "Nobody" and Super Junior's "Sorry Sorry" (of which I'ma have to probably be the main teacher for, again, since the others are leaving me out to dry), it's gonna be that, AND, KASA auditions. Yep, it's, it's kinda fucked with our schedule.

        The people in KASA notified us just today that auditions were gonna be held tomorrow after school, the time is, unspecified, but uh, yeah, looks like we'll be doing the audition tomorrow. It kinda sucks 'cause we have like, no formations done (we gotta temp and impromptu ones right on the spot tomorrow) and barely any practice done, we gotta choose like a select few from the crowd to perform with us, the ones we think look good enough doing the dance so that we got a better chance of getting in the show.

        They kinda fucked us over, heh. But other than that, uhhh, I'ma be starting my doughnut diet tomorrow. I'm ordering 2 boxes of doughnuts from Lw tomorrow, meaning 24 doughnuts in total, meaning I'ma be eating 'em all, just to see if I can get any fatter (because right now at 110 lb and 5'6, I'm kinda not) before my metabolism metabolizes it all. I'm trying to see if I'm either not eating enough, or, the kind of foods I'm eating. 'Cause right now there's like no soda in my house, not really any large bags of chips, just those small party ones, and not even the good ones that I like either. No candy besides gum, nothing, just, nothing but fruit. And, ingredients.

        So there's that. Another major thing happening tomorrow is that, uhhh, well I forgot now- oh yeah. Not tomorrow exactly but, just today (and yesterday), I was on Snapchat and wondered why I only had like, 4 filters. I was like "Oh, I probably haven't updated in a while." Updated, went back on, see that I'm part of several group chats. First things first, I never knew there were group chats on Snapchat. Never knew they implemented that until now. Secondly, never knew I was added to some until, now. For, for how long that's been going on. I see that I'm part of one with the cast, like, Jk, Lw, Ek, Jh, DrewN, etc. I also see that I'm one for the KDT cabinet, like, Jb, Mt, Ln, etc. I also see one titled "Memes."

        And yeah, in it was Ec, Dv, Mc, and the rest of the old Discord group. I realized "I was notified the whole time. They probably sent 'Ay, wanna go for some pool tonight' and I never responded or saw it, just because I never updated a stupid app." And yeah, they were still active, talking about shit, meme-ing, etc. Made me feel kinda stupid, made me, made me laugh at the absurdity of how I thought things were (to be honest, looking at it now, doesn't seem too absurd), all because I didn't update an app.

        Social media's evolving pretty quick and if you get left behind, you get left behind. But anyways, heh, it's 11:43 PM now, my fingers are cold, next week my cousin's gonna be proxying me a $250 order of clothes, see ya.


Saturday, January 28, 2017 "If You're Reading This I Forgot to Press Post."

Saturday, January 28, 2017
Week: 25
Songs to Remember: Lean On Me - KASPER

        Alright so I did remember what I was gonna talk about in this post (because otherwise it would just be the usual one where I just say I slept good and didn't really do much) and it's about Chinese New Year's.

        In the past (like, when I was really, really young), my parents and I would celebrate the Lunar New Year. It would either just be my mom, my dad, and me, other times it would be us and uh, my cousin's family (from my dad's side) since they live, not too too too far away, and, because they're of the Buddhist religion and so, temples are, are required.

        But over the years, we just haven't really celebrated it anymore. My dad, he goes to the temple I guess, my mom doesn't since she's Catholic, and for me, I don't really, really participate religiously in anything. Like, I believe, yeah, I just don't do all these things because I don't think they're necessary. But besides religious talk because that's just, a whole post on it's own, ummm, yeah, Lunar New Year's not all that special for me.

        For the people at my school, which is about, 50% Asian, 30% hispanic, 10% white, and 10% other, Lunar New Year's should be pretty great for them. As for visiting family members, my family doesn't really do that all that often (family in this context as my mom and dad who are currently living with me). For the most part, it's because of location. My cousins live either, like, an hour or two away, aaand, a majority of my uncles and aunts (like 90%) of 'em, live in the LA region so, yeah, I don't think my dad would be willing to drive 6-hours often.

        If you're wondering about red envelopes, food, that shit doesn't happen for me, heh. Food's still just, regular food. Red envelopes, yeah forget it. Oh man, anyways, tomorrow we got some impromptu uh, filming with the cast. It's 11:01 PM, I finished, I finished the mix for the uh, KDT sub-group, as well as the audition mix, aaaaand oh man, see ya.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Friday, January 27, 2017 "Dinner 3 or 4."

Friday, January 27, 2017
Week: 25
Songs to Remember: Boom Boom - Seventeen

        Yeah, I got some good sleep from last night. Today's been pretty cold, nice, slow, but cold. Still got a lot of work but ain't due yet so, it can wait.

        Woke up at 11:30 AM, went ahead and did the mixes for KDT's audition for the KASA show. Our live audition performance is gonna be next week, and uh, I also did the first version of the mix for Bp, Rh, Ln, and Mt's "KDT sub-group" for the KASA show.

        Other than that, I had dinner with Jk, Jh, and myself. We had dinner at this Thai food place, just three of us, and then we arrived at Golfland, waited for DrewN to come on over, played some mini-gld in extreme cold temperatures (in California that is). And then, we got milk tea, and then headed home.

        Still pretty cold even in my house. It's 11:57 PM, I'm just tired. Tomorrow I'll maybe work on dancing or something, maybe some work, I don't know, we'll see. Anyways, without further ado, see ya.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thursday, January 26, 2017 "Counting How Many Times I Gotta Say Sorry."

Thursday, January 26, 2017
Week: 25
Songs to Remember: Love Affair - NIEL, My Baby Takes the Morning Train - Sheena Easton

        God, I've talked more today than the whole week combined. That and, I've lost a lot of sleep more this week than the previous, few weeks.

        Dance was actually different today. Today, I actually got started on learning the dance that I chose. You know, the one besides my own, Sc's, dance. We ain't doing Jay Park's "All I Wanna Do You," but instead we're doing this one song which  I don't know the name of. Just kidding, had to search up the lyrics, it's Tinie Tempah's "Girls Like." Which I find, okay.

        Math, we uhhh, just did notes, did work, same old same old. Also apparently the class average for that test yesterday was actually pretty good. It better be good since a hooligan like me who barely studied for it at all got a straight-up C. Uhhh, unfortunately today Jk was on a field trip so nothing much for break besides hanging out with Ag (by the way, I still have yet to go on a field trip out of my 4 years of High school so far. Senior picnic and shit don't count).

        Digital Art was work, also just me eating a bagel 'cause my stomach grumbles during 3rd and 4th. 4th Period was probably THE LONGEST class period I've ever had. Pretty much every day 4th period stretches my day out so long. The teacher reads, we just gotta listen, my eyes close and open, then we just do a vocabulary worksheet for the rest of time, go over it, uhh, yeah. It's nice that it's freelo, but, godamn, it feels like eternity. I take a look at the clock and the hands barely move centimeters.

        Lunch, that was just the same old, same old. Ag talked about going to this one Malaysian food place, the same one that me, Jk, Ek, and Ag went to long, long ago, back in the beginning of, uhhh, "The Days." Actually forgot the names of those series, it's been so long since I had to remember them. She talked about that and uh, I was like "Hey we should go there" or something, for the weekend, and so uh, I guess we've arranged plans for Dinner 4 as well as a Sing 2. Or something similar.

        Econ was me studying for Chinese while realizing "Huh, not sure why I'm even writing notes, I don't look at 'em anyways." And that is true, considering I didn't really need to study for the first test and I got a, pretty nice score. And finally, Chinese, where we had a pretty difficult test and some Chromebook time. Yeah I got a 57/100 on it but hey, luckily they count marginally for my grade.

        After school, guess that's what the viewers were hoping to see, and they got what they wanted. I had to use my voice for a good 2 hours to make sure I was loud and clear when explaining the moves for the first 30 seconds of Super Junior's "Sorry Sorry." I'd say it went well, uhh, while I was demonstrating the dance, I was like, "Fuck, I uh, I seem to have forgotten within this moment." Luckiy I did not panic or make it noticeable that I was and just free-styled some parts. It's not like people would actually know the exact moves to this dance, right? Luckily Jb was not here to see it, heh.

        After that though, I did remember the moves, taught 'em to the best of my abilities. I showed off the dance with counts, A LOT. I basically counted almost every single time, going "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8" over and over again. I probably beat the world record for most counts within a set period of time. I made some progress, yeah, couldn't really have that much time though because I was busy commanding 40+ humans at once.

        Tonight I'ma be getting some GOOD-ASS sleep. I've been missing out on a lot and fortunately I get tomorrow off for school. Hell yeah. Also there is gonna KDT practice tomorrow for Wonder Girls' "Nobody," but, I don't think I'll be doing that dance. Also waking up at 10:00 AM on a day where I'm supposed to reap in the sleep, is not worth it. Anywho, it's 11:01 PM, I'm cold, tired, see ya.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017 "Not Sorry For No Work."

Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Week: 25
Songs to Remember: I WISH (간절히 바라면 이뤄질 거야) (Feat. Tiger JK) - I (Cha Yoon Ji) (아이)

        I really do thank based god for allowing us a teacher in-service day on Friday, meaning no school, 'cause I think I need to catch up on sleep.

        At least it ain't as bad as sophomore or Junior year. Those were, were very late times, heh, I'll tell you that. Anyways, Dance was just us working on our dance for the rally, and then the last few minutes we got to work on our own choreo and teaching it, which again, what the fuck, we ain't supposed to start this yet so I don't got much to prepare, I don't got enough spare moves up my sleeve.

        Math, well, the test was pretty rocky, but I was confident I didn't fail, and I was right. I checked my grades later this day and uh, I went up 1%, which is good, except, I'm still at a C+, heh. I went from 78% to a 79%, and for my test, I got a solid 75%. But hey, if I keep it up at this rate and go a bit higher each time, I'll climb my way back up. As for break, there was no break today, forgot it was Wednesday. Digital Art, I got some more work done, specifically Digital Art and Chinese, and uh, yeah.

        English, I'm not actually used to the work that we're now getting, even though it is minuscule work. Fortunately I did not have my eyes closed for too long. Lunch was lunch, uhhh, Econ was just notes, stories, etc. And finally, Chinese, we read shit for a bit and then we did origami lanterns. Origami 2D lanterns, in celebration of Chinese New Year.

        Fortunately, there was no work today, even for math (because we had a test, and having no work is very, very rare), except for some minute Chinese. Meaning, I had a lot of time looking at clothes online... as well as practicing and memorizing Super Junior's "Sorry fucking Sorry" for tomorrow, in which I'ma be teaching by myself. Now I know I do come across as inconfident (which is not a word by the way) sometimes, but when it's time to take the initiative (I'm talking about leadership shit here), then uh, I'll step up to it. Mt I guess, discussed with Jb or something, and so, Mt messaged me, asking if I'd rather switch to helping teach Wonder Girls' "Nobody" on Friday instead of Super Junior's "Sorry Sorry" so I won't have to teach alone.

        In my mind I'm like "Bitch, I'M TAKING THE INITIATIVE." And besides, I already got a bit of teaching practice under my belt, aka, the past few days in Dance class. And uh, yeah. Just gotta be concise, detailed with my speech, count the moves, aaand we'll be dandy. Also it's 12:24 AM and I've been practicing for the past, couple hours. Anyways, see ya.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tuesday, January 24, 2017 "Hardly Dancing or Dancing Hard."

Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Week: 25
Songs to Remember: Hit Me - MOBB, Love Affair - NIEL

        So I haven't' been getting as much sleep as I had before, even though I don't have much paper work, but more or so physical work. Dance work. As in, I gotta learn a minute of a dance that I'ma be solo teaching on Thursday.

        I've also had to start teaching my own choreo to my peers in Dance. Luckily I memorize at least the first 20 seconds of it or so because I had to start TODAY, impromptly (not a word). Our temporary substitute said that in order to not have us be sick of the dance that we're doing for the rally, we're gonna be teaching our choreo on Tuesdays and Fridays, and uh, the other days we'll be cleaning our dance for the rally.

        Now after looking back on the choreo and song choices for the choreo I've done, it's, kinda nasty. As in, I don't like dancing to it anymore, it ain't fun, aaand, I'm kinda sick of the songs. So, I'll be basically trying to re-make the choreo/ come up with new ones as best as I can. I'm just hoping I can make it up as I go, because we'll be officially starting our choreo teaching for the full week and every week after February something.

        Couple that with memorizing dances for KDT, make some new mixes, got tests to study for, it's uh, it's not something to be taken too lightly, heh. And with some specials coming up, yeah, we'll see how it goes. Anyways, math, we got back our quizzes, QUIZZES, and uh, I got a C+. Which, is actually higher than 50% of the class. It was only 5 questions, but apparently the work was kinda off. Umm, my partner though, he got a 100%. I realized that the teacher did update grades yesterday, however, my grade of a C+ stayed the same, because I got a fucking C+ on the quiz, heh.

        But that doesn't matter 'cause it's gonna drop hard or rise hard tomorrow with a test. Yep, just fucking, just fucking give it all to me right now, just fuck my shit up, fam. Break was the usual, Digital Art was just art working, English was just reading and me fake reading, because my eyes were closed 25% of the time. Lunch was the same, Econ was just bulk work, and Chinese, that was just, free time. After school I made some progress, and uh, found out first-hand the kind of people Atr hangs out with. Not really people who I'd be comfortable with, heh, or would like to be around, but uh, they're definitely unique, definitely.

        Anyways, it's 11:28 PM, see ya.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday, January 23, 2017 "Work is the Other 364 Days."

Monday, January 23, 2017
Week: 25
Songs to Remember: Maestro - CHANGMO (창모), Wonderland - Jessica

        There's still a lot of details left out from the full, full, FULL Lunar Show experience, and I know I can't tell all of 'em, but I just wanted say, that there were a lot of "Hi's, "Heys," and "'Sups" yesterday, from both me and others, probably the more than I get/do usually get in a week, all in a day.

        Unfortunately, instead of greetings today, I had a lot of work, heh. Yeah I probably could've gotten a bit of stuff done yesterday, but, hey, Lunar Show's once a year. It's actually 12:02 AM right now, just finishing up shit for Dance, this, bootleg report on the Indian Show. There's a math test tomorrow, along with an Econ test.

        During lunch there'll be a KDT meeting, no practice after school though, but there will be practice on Thursday and Friday. Friday, no school (teacher in-service day) so, thank you based god. Alrighty, uh, I'm tired, see ya.

        Well I already posted this, thinking it was yesterday's post when I forgot that I had already done one which was for the Lunar Show recap. Soooo, that just means I'ma edit this and add to it.

        Dance was just us working on our dance for the rally, nothing much else. Math, I got carried. Hard- -ish. I knew about half of the stuff on the quiz, which is alright in my books (but apparently not for grading). I owe it to my partner for bringing my C back to a high B, for now. I also realized I haven't checked Schoolloop in a while, I checked it, and yep, my grades are still kinda outdated, which is the reason why I never really check it anymore. My grade updates are slow (as teacher grading is slow, not saying they should work faster, just saying what I'm seeing right now), aaand, about more than half don't even put assignment instructions anymore, so, no need to look at that either.

        Break was break, Digital Art, for now I'm just finishing up other work. Tomorrow I'll get started on my bootleg Keith Haring project, and then do uh, fill out club paperwork in between. Speaking of paperwork, there's literally no work, right now in English, which is nice. Kinda boring though, having the teacher literally (not even kidding) read to the class as if we were in elementary school and then showing us the pictures. It's funny, yeah, but uh, right now all we can do is sit and listen since we have not gotten to the part in the book where we can follow along in our reading packets.

        Guess it's the price to pay for some freelo, some, sleepy, sleepy, freelo. Lunch, Ag was not at school today so that was whatever. I went straight to the KDT meeting where we talked about uh, or introducing what KDT is for new people who are just there for their first meeting. We watched our Lunar Show performance, and uhhh, yeah, that was it. Econ was a test for the whole period. Not necessarily hard, at all (pretty much just common sense), just long. 60 multiple choice questions, 2 short-answer, all freelo basically. Also the teacher allows us/ doesn't care if we listen to music or not during the test.

        I guess after having taught for 20+ years with sophomores, juniors, and seniors, he's kinda gotten used to it all/ knows how we feel. And you could argue "Oh what if they're looking up answers and cheating?" Well it'd be pretty obvious if you look at your phone and tap a lot, much more than you usually would for like, changing the track or shit. And finally Chinese, where it was reading on reading. No KDT practice after school, however I do have a personal practice, not for myself but for the KDT practice on Thursday after school, where we're gonna be learning (and I'll be assisting in teaching) Super Junior's "Sorry Fucking Sorry." Not even sure what parts to learn, so, just gonna learn most parts, if not all ('cause it ain't that difficult to be honest, I mean, half the song's the same moves).

        Anyways, made some more progress if you know what I mean, uh, getting asked a lot of questions and that kinda concerns like "Aight, why do they wanna know now." It's 12:32 AM, I just finished work, just gotta finish typing this and eating some fucking fruit and I'll be done. See ya.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Sunday, January 22, 2017 "Hit the Stage: Lunar Show 2017."

Sunday, January 22, 2017
Week: 24
Songs to Remember: Cold Night, You Were Warm (차가운 밤, 따뜻했던 너) - Koh Nayoung (고나영), Reason (feat. 리차드파커스) (헤어져야 하는 이유) [SPACECOWBOY deep future remix] - SPACECOWBOY (스페이스카우보이), Maestro - CHANGMO (창모), Tell Me You Love Me (좋다고 말해) - Bolbbalgan4 (볼빨간사춘기), Again (자꾸) - Limzy (림지)

        As expected, I woke up with a bunch of notifications from people who are able to wake up earlier than me after a hard night (hard as in, hard to keep up your breath).

        So let's get right into it. 8:00 AM I had to wake up, last last night I looked at the updated Lunar Show schedule for day and uh, yep, says that people only have to get there before 9:00 AM. I'm like "Well, there goes some sleep." I had everything packed, all the things I needed, arrived there at 8:30 AM -ish. Doors were still not open (as in, Chinese club's club advisor was not here yet with access keys) until about 8:40 AM -ish. Inside, it was just about, 25 of us KDT members for now. We all sat in the top, upper-most corner quadrant (to compare to a graph, quadrant II, with the doors of the theater at the intersection of the bottom of quadrants III and IV and the stage being at the intersection of the top of quadrants II and I).

        Again, Cc was seated a bit further from me so I didn't get to talk to as much at this time. Seated in front of me were some of the sophomores, more specifically the ones Atr hangs out with in KDT. Seated to the right of me was Jd and to the left of me were empty seats until Atr arrived. For the next couple hours, it was just stage-practice for the fashion show people (basically it is what it is, people have on Chinese formal attire or modern formal attire and they walk around) as well as stage-practice for some other acts.

        It was just me and Jd and Atr for that time, more specifically Atr. I probably could've gotten myself some more sleep because the other acts' stage practices did not end until around 11:00 AM, and that was when we were finally allowed to go backstage and start doing makeup and prepping and shit (not get dressed yet but just, set up). From then on, it was just a lot of sitting, a lot of sitting, until our first full rehearsal run-through (which takes approximately an hour and a half or so, a little shorter than the regular show since about 1/4 acts were not present yet).

        Of course, I conversed with a lot of people, interacted with a lot, more specifically uh, a couple freshmen like Kb (I just created these names up now since I never used 'em before), Rd, some of Cc's friends whose Lunar Show debuts were possible only because of Cc inviting them to KDT in the first place, Cc herself, Rh, Bp, Ln, DrewH and some of the sophomores like Jd, Atr and their friends. Those were a majority of the people I interacted with the most. In the show schedule (like, act order, act lineup, etc), KDT's performing as the 2nd act after intermission, which is halfway through the show. There's about 19 acts in total, some groups have 2 acts, all of which were about, 5-minutes, around there, long, that plus games and intros/jokes by the MC's, makes the real show about, 2 hours or so, give or take 10 minutes.

        Meaning, even after we were allowed backstage to finally, do something instead of sit and wait or sit and eat or sit and talk or sit and do homework, or sit and a combination of the above, we (us KDT) still had to wait about an hour or so 'till we were able to do our first act run-through on-stage. After that was over, it was around 1:00 PM. The Chinese Club president rounded us all up in front of the stage to announce that break would be starting and would end at around 2:30 PM. We had an hour and thirty to do, whatever, until we had to come back for the 2nd full-show run-through. We were all pretty hungry, by we I mean Cc, Jd, me, one of Cc's friends (I'll call him Xd, snd not because of the emoticon), aaand, Atr and her group of buddies, as well as some of the freshmen like Kb. So we all decided to go to this plaza located like, right around the corner of the BACK of the school (keep that in mind). We didn't actually all go together, uhh, the freshmen went by themselves first, and uh, initially Rh would be going with us but he was busy helping Ln out with something so he decided not to tag along.

        Atr and her buddies started off to the plaza first. It was Cc, Jd, Xd, and me in our own pack. Atr's group was already far ahead of uh, taking the route through the back of the school through the school's parking lot. We found out that they were taking that way because the gates that provided much faster routes through/to the back of the school, were locked. These gates included the one where I usually go through after school to go home, the other being the P.E locker gates. We checked the P.E gates but they were locked, as well as the my usual home-gate. However, they were not "locked" by like, a key, they weren't exactly "tight" gates.They were just chain-linked, with a chain and lock locking the opening gates together. And uh, with that, apparently Xd has done something like this before and managed to slip through the opening created by the chain lock between the P.E gate gates.

        I was like "Okay what the fuck how is that possible." Our bodies are more malleable than I thought, cause you could barely fit through, but still, ya know, fit through. Felt almost as if you were like slime, slipping through a crevice, heh. So we all got through with our little shortcut that Xd found. We walked my usual route to the back of the school, in the path beside the football field, until we came across another problem, another locked gate. It was chain locked, yeah, and uh, this time the crevice between the gates was not big enough for us to fit through. Only way over, was by climbing. Xd showed us his adept travel skills aaand climbed over the fence. It was about, 10 feet tall of so, but he got over it. In the spur of the momen, I was filled with adrenaline (and having done stupid/not so safe stuff before such as traveling to a different city at night with my buddies to investigate a drainage pipe) and just said "Fuck it" and climbed over too. My left toe was somehow hurt in the process, it kinda hurt for the whole day but, whatever.

        Cc followed along too, having, not done this before in her life either (me included probably). Jd wasn't so fine with the situation, there were cars passing by (I agree, but when I did it, I just thought ("what the fuck are these people gonna do, are they really gonna go out of their way to report some kids climbing a school fence"), she tried but it was pretty difficult for her. We (some of the freshmen ran into us as we were climbing this shit) were thinking of just going back to meet up with Jd, until me and Xd started fidgeting with the chain lock and found that you could pull this bar up and there'd be enough space to slip under and through. With that, we were able to get to our plaza for milk tea in a uh, a reasonable time I guess, heh.

        The milk tea wait took about, 30 minutes or so. Our urban hiking took about, 30 minutes too or so, maybe less. Rh had told Cc about a little KDT sub-group that him, Bp, Ln, and Mt would be starting and would hopefully be performing with at the KASA show in the March (with the auditions being at the end of January). I was like (to Cc and Jd), "Hey, we should make our own sub-group too, perform at the KASA show too." Cc was like "Wait are you serious." And of course she and Jd were interested in it, because who wouldn't like having the audience's focus mainly be on you for an act, ya know, the exclusivity of it. And also you get some creative control/manageability with having less people.

        Me, Cc, and Jd thought about while we were waiting for our milk tea orders. Having three people for a dance act would be a bit too small (unless we did some crazy acrobatic shit but that ain't happening), so we included Xd in it too. There's another act comprising of Bp, Rh, Jb, and a few other KDT members and the Chinese club president, who are doing/did a water-sleeve act for the show, with their group name being "Dawn," I was like "Hmm what about 'Dusk?' Or how about we all wear shades of gray and call ourselves '4 Shades of Gray?'" 'Course I was joking about the gray thing but Cc liked it, along with the Dusk thing. It's all hypothetical right now, and there's no pressure really to work fast, I mean, the audition's only in like, 10 days.

        We also gotta work on learning some old K-Pop song dances for our KDT throwback set for the KASA show. Anyways, we got our milk tea, we walked back to the school, and as we were slipping through our little shortcut at the back, Ad passed by (ya know, from the last series), with like, a KDT member in his car (gave 'em a ride to their house). I was pretty surprised to see him again, along with Cc. Haven't seen this dude with my own eyes in a while, heh. And yes, he is around to watch us perform at the show.

        We were back in the color-guard room, backstage. This time, the full-show rehearsal would be a "costume" rehearsal, meaning we had to rehearse in our outfits. I already explained my outfit but I'ma explain it again: it was a black longline t-shirt with a slanted-striped hem, a purple-black patchworked Jeansian dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, on top, black jeans, black CS1 NMD's, and a black FW14 Supreme headband. It was really like a sea of purple. We had our rehearsal, people were then just, just waiting for the show to start. I had my makeup done, people had their makeup done, outfits perfected, hair, etc. People were playing games, card games, eating, sleeping, taking pictures, the like. We had our KDT group picture taken, uhh, I went around, switching from interacting with Cc to interacting with Jd, Atr, others.

        And it was true what Cc said "I'm probably not gonna remember what I'm saying to you tomorrow." I really do not remember much of what we talked about, the banter, and all. Maybe like tidbits of it and meme-sharing but that's it. It's not a bad thing, it's good 'cause, there was so much interaction you can't possibly remember it all. Oh yeah, Snapchat. Snapchat played a significant part in bringing the social interaction to another level. This time it didn't deter actual social interaction, it, actually shared and captured a lot of it. I was also informed of who would be attending the show through Snapchat stories, including special guests from other series like Ad, Tu, Th, other KDT alumni, and even Ct. Did not expect that many guests.

        It was pretty stressful towards our time to go on stage. As expected, there were people running around, people out of breath, etc. After intermission, it was KDT's time to go behind the curtains and on the side of the stage to be on-deck. After this music act is over, it was a game, and then us. During the game (like, a little minigame/show game that the MC's play with the audience), I was like "Holy fucking hell, how long is this game" 'cause I was ready to get it over with, heh. My heart was racing as much, I was keeping it calm. It wasn't until the MC's started on the "Do any of ya'll like K-Pop" intro that I was like "oh." And then, it was time to hit the stage..

        It started off with TWICE's "Cheer Up," I was ready, I was ready, boom, I'm out running from the curtains to my spot for ASTRO's "Hide and Seek." Alright, alright, going pretty well. I ran back to the left of the stage (I start on the left side by the way) and stubbed my right toe into the fucking wheeled structures on the side (the right side of the stage, behind the curtains, is like perfectly spacious, whereas the left side, that side had little to not space for standing behind. I had to get ready to hand Jd her jacket for the light-to-dark transition. It was then Red Velvet's "Ice Cream Cake," and then the first half of EXID's "Lie." I'm still behind the curtain, the transition goes, I hand Jd her jacket, she gets it on on time, then it was the second-half of EXID's "Lie," and then finally my turn again to go on for BTS's "Fire."

        Okay, not bad, not bad. I had to run from the left-middle to the right side of the stage curtains now. At this point I was, basically out of breath. Even though I'm only in half the songs, 3 of which are in the latter half of our set, combined with the adrenaline and heart-racing, it was easy to run out of breath so quick. After BTS' "Fire" was Sistar's "I Like That," and then it was my turn to end the show with VIXX's "Chained Up," and EXO's "Monster." The one part I did mess up on with VIXX's "Chained Up," where I did a part a bit too early, but I did slow the next move down so as for me to get back in the pace. Other than that, it was flawless pretty much from there.

        Finally, it was EXO's "Monster," and for me, there was almost a really, really bad accident on stage. Towards the end of it, after the "creeping" part of the song/dance, I guess the abrupt movements downward, combined with a pacing heart-rate, barely having ate anything in the day besides a banana milk tea, a can of Snapple, a tiny bag of chips, and being out of breath, I was ready to throw up. To vomit. I was fortunate enough to be able to suppress it, to hold it in, for the end pose. The lights went out, and we all headed backstage, and boy, was I relieved.

        My headband actually proved its use by not only being fashionable and fitting, but also holding back my hair and uh, absorbing my sweat, heh. I thought everything was swell, I had the feeling of "We did it." Not everybody had the same feeling though. I didn't notice it at first but Ln was crying. I was like "Oh fuck, what happened." People asked around and apparently after the light-to-dark transition, she wasn't able to get her white skirt off in-time and so I guess had to perform with that for the dark set instead of whatever she had planned.

        In my mind or others' minds, it was probably like "It ain't that bad, the audience doesn't know that, it ain't a biggie," but in her mind, it's probably huge considering she's the vice-president of the team, that this show was supposed to be perfect, at least according to how she sees it. People were there to comfort her, she went outside for a bit, got changed for her next act, and things ended up just fine. About half of the KDT team was missing, I'm not sure where most could've went. We were all doing our own things or cooperating, or, getting ready for the next act that we were in for some.

        We stayed behind until curtain call, and then it was meet-and-greet time. Jk and the cast were the first to greet me. We took pictures with them, along with Ek and Lw who were working the lights and sound for the show. I even got to say hi to Ct who was there as well. Tu, hugged him, Ad, hugged him, took pictures for and with a few, uhhh, it was just a sea of people and cameras.

        I'm guessing a lot of people either left or something because it looked disperse afterwards, I couldn't find much else of people I knew. I headed backstage with Cc, Xd, and our mutual friend Ax. The room was, pretty empty. I was like "Holy shit, everybody left, REAL QUICK. I picked up my bag, we headed out to Xd's car, where he drove us to iHop for the after-dinner. It was around, 10:00 PM or so when we got there. iHop doesn't take reservations and another act from the show had already taken the large table. We waited for the rest of us members to show up before we got our tables (which were in like a cozy, large but close cubicle). We had around, 25 people.

        It took about an hour, maybe less, but, it took a while for our food to arrive. I was, in fact, dying. I was ready to pass out, although banter and random shit kept me up. I was, super, super hungry. It wasn't until 11:00 PM or so that we got our food. I had actually told my dad to pick me up at 11:00 PM, and so I extended that until 12:00 AM. We ordered about 5 dishes to share for our table, which consisted of Cc, me, Ax, Xd, and two KDT freshmen who interact with Cc.

        And boy, when our food finally arrived, I went to town on that bacon omelette, pancake, and hash-brown. Lesson learned: iHop has a lot of fatty, filling foods. But it was good, it was fucking good. After a last bit of Snapchat story-telling, it was time to head home. I was full, tired, stayed awake while expending energy from 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM, made a lot of progress for a day, made a lot of memories for a day, I shed that tiredness image of myself off with a nice plop into my bed.

        Has it been the most explosive episode/special/movie yet for "Precisely Refined?" Yes, but is gonna be the height of the series? I hope not actually, because there is a lot more to come in these last 19 seasons of "Precisely Refined." Not only am I refining those who I interact with, but I'm also refining myself, shaping, myself. Anyways, I got lots of work to do/ that is due, tomorrow, and I'm probably gonna wait a bit before actually starting 'em. It's 2:38 PM right now, see ya.

Saturday, January 21, 2017 "Dawn to Dusk."

Saturday, January 21, 2017
Week: 24
Songs to Remember: Cold Night, You Were Warm (차가운 밤, 따뜻했던 너) - Koh Nayoung (고나영), Reason (feat. 리차드파커스) (헤어져야 하는 이유) [SPACECOWBOY deep future remix] - SPACECOWBOY (스페이스카우보이)

        You have no idea how much energy I expended today, how many perspectives I've encountered, how much I did. To give a bit of an example of what I'm talking about, it's 12:56 AM right now, aaand, I just got home about 30 minutes ago.

        Just a reminder that I woke up today at 8:00 AM. Since I'm so tired, I'ma probably pass out if I actually continue writing or write anymore. I'll give the full details tomorrow. Hopefully I can remember 'em, because there were certainly a lot, a lot of 'em. And to answer the question, this year's Lunar Show did live up to the hype. See ya.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday, January 20, 2017 "Lunar Hype."

Friday, January 20, 2017
Week: 24
Songs to Remember: Cold Night, You Were Warm (차가운 밤, 따뜻했던 너) - Koh Nayoung (고나영)

        I was hyped for January 21st, all the way since the beginning of the school year, so hyped that I took Dance class, so hyped I wanted to help teach songs for KDT, so hyped I did all the KDT mixes so far this year, spent countless (and I mean countless) hours on 'em.

        And it's tomorrow, heh. The best thing about all of this is that this is just Lunar Show. There's still gonna be even MORE shows I'ma be performing at. Not sure what those are, but there will be shows, just like the one going on right now: Precisely Refined.

        Dance, we just went to watch the Indian show day-show performance. And yeah, it was what you'd expect, Indian music, Bollywood music, dances, some singing, etc. I didn't hate it, but, it was kinda repetitive. Dancing, umm, some more dancing, there was one singing act, aaand one fashion show act. Overall just dancing, and it's just, Bollywood music. Not saying it was bad, just saying, it wasn't my cup of tea.

        And no Lunar Show day-show spite whatsoever. Math, ya'll already know how it is. Quiz Monday, that I will about, Sunday, heh. In fact almost every single piece of work I need to get done, I'm putting the worry for Sunday, 'cause really, who does work during Lunar Show day? C'mon, it comes once a year, you got 364 other days to do work, and I really wanna take in all of Lunar Show day tomorrow.

        Break was find, this time it included Ag. Digital Art, that was just uh, I've been meaning to get started on the Andy Warhol digital face project but uh, I have yet to take a up-to-my-standard picture of me, so that'll wait 'till Sunday. Otherwise, it was just Chinese work. English, my group finished our poster, aaand then seat changes. We actually had the freedom to go wherever we wanted, but the catch was that half of the class had to move to a seat in the other side of the classroom and vice-versa. I now sit in the fucking front, 3rd column from the right side of the room, out of 6 columns total. One con is that I'm basically by myself for reals now since the people whom I even communicated with, sat near me, whom now sit a bit farther away from me. One positive thing that comes from this is that I no longer can or will be able to doze off because the teacher, when he reads for us, is sitting like, right smack dab, almost in front of me, heh.

        Lunch was quite mild. I'm talking 'bout the weather of course, this morning it was pouring so hard that even though I avoided puddles, I had to trudge through flowing rivers (not even lying, visible paths of flowing water, fucking roof drain pipes all around) to get to my classes, and apparently my shoes aren't that thick, so I had to survive the whole day with wet socks. Worst of all, it was cold, and with my socks being wet, it made the cold transfer to my toes all the more icy.

        Econ, today we actually did something. We had the whole period to fuck around, do work, up until the last 15 minutes where we had to do a vocabulary quiz. I'm talking 'bout, matching vocab 1, 2, 3 to definition a, b, c, etc. Not that hard. Also Econ work due Monday, along with a test. Finally, Chinese, we just spent the class reading, translating, uhhh, and learning some Chinese superstitions with hand/wrist reading. Yeah it gets off topic sometimes, I don't mind. It's interesting shit to say the least, heh.

        After school was nice, 2 hour practice in the theater, Lunar Show practice of course. We had seats closer to the stage this time, and uh, as we all got seated Cc wasn't seated near me, but Jd was, and uh, Atr wasn't able to attend practice apparently, so that was basically who I talked to the whole time. We ran run-throughs multiple times, added people running frantically for the light-to-dark transition, umm, fixed formations shit, etc. Relaxing, yet stressful at the same time.

        And there you have it, the day before Lunar Show. It's 10:05 PM, I gotta get my fit packed up, supplies, etc, and damn does my fit look good. I'ma need a good night's sleep tonight (even though that'll probably not be possible) because tomorrow, we gotta arrive to school by 8:30 AM. EIGHT-THIRTY AM. That will certainly be a long day at school (more than 12 fucking hours I'ma be there). Anyways, we'll see how this is'll all work out, if all the hype was worth it. See ya.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thursday, January 19, 2017 "It's the Show at Noon."

Thursday, January 19, 2017
Week: 24
Songs to Remember: Reason (feat. 리차드파커스) (헤어져야 하는 이유) [SPACECOWBOY deep future remix] - SPACECOWBOY (스페이스카우보이)

        I feel like these specials (or episodes so far if you prefer) would've been much more special had we not get jipped of a day-show and practice dates. But on the bright side, makes everything a bit more exclusive.

        Dance, we just went over our hip-hop dance (for the upcoming winter rally in February). That was pretty much it, uhhh, tomorrow, we're gonna be seeing the Indian show day-show in the theater with a writing assignment. Kinda sucks 'cause uh, ya know, that could've us, KDT, could've been me there, heh, but no. Math, yep, all me. Pretty much just me for math, with the same old, same old. Monday, we got a quiz, a partner quiz, except the teacher grades our tests individually, so basically we can talk to our partner for help, which I hope I will not have to. And uh, test next week too.

        Break, usual break. Digital Art,  I got myself a head-start on Chinese work, which ended up going well. English, I worked with my group on our poster with gluing, cutting, organizing, etc. We're pretty much finished, just need a bit of finishing touches, and we gucci. I rushed out of 4th period at the bell 'cause I wanted to get lunch before going into the theater to get ready for my one performance, heh. Literally, it's just one "noon-show" for the week, and uh, I'm in one song for the noon-show.

        Ending up being a bit too nervous to feel hungry, but I did eat after, so that was good. The theater was pretty full, like, more than the amount of people who are going to go to the Lunar Show night-show. There were a lot of people standing in the back, the sides, etc. Us, KDT, were kneeling/sitting at the left of the stage, not on it, but beside the elevated floor going onto the stage floor. It was KASA performing first, doing some throwback songs like Trouble Maker and Infinite's "Back," both of which were done by KDT years before. They also uh, ended up doing like 2 songs that we were doing as well, which is alright I guess, but uh, not sure how they picked two of the same songs as would be doing (not at the noon-show but night-show).

        Anyways, it was Dawn, a K-Pop cover group (like KDT), comprised of, you guessed it, some KDT members. I'd think of it as a uh, KDT sub-group. They mostly just did girl songs so, not something I'd dance to, for me personally, but they were good nonetheless. Next it was Hip Hop club, doing original choreo (I think) to several songs. A lot of them were like, vaporwavy -ish, which was really nice. Some really good, unique pieces. Once they were finished on stage, it was our time to go on up. It wasn't as nerve-racking as like, day show, or night-show, even though it was the 1st performance at our school for the year, only because the lights weren't dimmed in my opinion. For me at least.

        And uh, yeah, we performed, with TWICE's "Cheer Up" first, then Red Velvet's "Ice Cream Cake," then Sistar's "I Like That," and finally EXO's "Monster." And yeah, it went well. I kinda stared this one dude down 'cause I didn't know what to look at, heh. It was good, it was good, and it was really cool to see people who've never performed on-stage before, in front of their peers (or a high-amount of their peers). Really cool perspective. We were the last act, and umm, yeah, lunch bell rang, people went to class, we went to class. Overall, not bad, not bad at all.

        In Econ, there was no class, just us going to the cafeteria to listen to advertising on how to order fucking caps and gowns for graduation. The thing is, the company, Herff Jones, their representatives, basically just talked about ordering or how to order or how fucking graduation invitations work. It's like a wedding invitation, except, you're inviting people to go to your graduation. For college, maybe that'd be something, but High school? Really? Ehhh.

        Their logic, for us, was that if we sent invitations, our relatives or friends would be inclined to send us money or checks as like, grad gifts, netting us like, $25+ profit on each. Each little "invite" letter, costs like $1.30, and they even got into thank-you letters, also $1.30. And then yeah, they explained some more shit like class rings, special tassels, fucking acrylic trophies, etc. They even played their own bootleg ads, consisting of, you guessed it, white people. 

        I could see how this and the catalogs would be appealing to parents, but for us, we'd, we'd kinda wanna save the money. I mean we already have to pay for a cap and gown, like, c'mon. I think the worst part of this all, the presentation I mean, was that, they were trying to appeal to a majorly Asian school. Rich white families, yeah, I could see them paying fucking $200 for invitations that you'd recycle after you read 'em. Asian families, not sure about spending that much for, paper with shiny foil in it.

        Anyways, there was that. Finally, Chinese, we had Chromebooks to work on our work, aaand, we played Kahoot. No practice today, there is practice tomorrow however. And not to forget to mention progress, there was some made. It's 11:51 PM, I'm cold, there's not much insulation, my fingers are cold, it's late, I'm tired, see ya.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wednesday. January 18, 2017 "Interact Practice, but It's Not the Club."

Wednesday. January 18, 2017
Week: 24
Songs to Remember: Comfortable - One, Simon Dominic & GRAY, Forever - BewhY

        Probably one of the longest Wednesdays I've experienced. Not sure how last year's elongated Lunar Show practice times felt, but this was more calm.

        Dance was actually not that daunting as I thought. We showed off our dances one of by one, or, partner partner by partner. Some with music, some without. My buddy Dp (or whatever I put for his name, certainly forgot) suggested I do it with him as to share the embarrassment. I had ZICO's "Bermuda Triangle" planned for the song I was gonna do my bootleg choreo to. Dp had on a Space Jam shirt today, and so we both agreed to do that (in the hopes that people will be distracted by the music instead of our dancing).

        To be honest everybody's choreo was pretty whack (including ours). Nobody knew who planned what, etc. I think it was all like a uh, ice-breaker shit, to help us feel more confident in performing weird-ass shit in front of our peers. Anyways, not sure what we're gonna be doing tomorrow now though, that's still a mystery. Math, however, isn't. Yep, same old same old. I think I reported about math in the last series about the same as this, just, notes and work, heh.

        And yes it was raining today, for a majority of today. Sucks 'cause it just won't stop raining and because my school is outdoors, and how there are dirt paths or fields and whatnot, lawns, etc, there's mud, and there's puddles. How am I supposed to flex with wet feet? In Digital Art, that was just me doing whatever, getting a head-start in Chinese, just, yeah. English, we continued watching that documentary video on King Arthur's legend and uhhh, took notes. Very long period. Lunch, it was just me and Jk. And Lw, and Ek, Ag was not at school for half the day. It was raining so we took refuge in this one science room during their dragon-boat meeting.

        Econ, that was just, work. Not even kidding, we had to bring our textbooks... and work. Finally Chinese, basically a time-attack mode for like fighting games, except we had like 4 different assignments to do, all having to be completed by the end of the period. Barely finished. After school, that was where it all rolled along. It didn't go downhill, didn't go up-hill, just rolled along smoothly, which was a nice break.

        Talked to Jd (not sure if that name is used before, if so, oh well), Cc, Atr, and miscellaneous other KDT members. I interacted with a lot of them actually, either because I grew to like them all, or, I just feel more confident knowing that these people have been through the practices I've been through (looking back, that's actually a lot of practices, heh). A lot of Snapchatting, thank you power-bank. It was from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, where about, 3 hours of it was spent just sitting there, I mean I could've done work, people did work, people ate food, fucked around, I just, I just kinda fucked around, with, with my magic baby hand toy that Jk got me for my birthday. We had runthroughs on the stage from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM, after that, it was time to go home.

        Felt very long, I stayed in my seat for quite a bit, telling jokes, or, banter, and whatever. There was lot of it. Uhhh, tomorrow though, because of the rain and shit, we'll be performing in the theater during lunch. We'll be wearing our KDT shirts, aaand yeah. Not really stressing that out as much because it's gonna be just one performance, a very, very short performance. No practice tomorrow because of Indian show people practicing, uhhh, there's practice on Thursday, and then the final show.

        Definitely ready for some of that sweet, sweet iHop. Last time I had iHop, that was like exactly one year ago, heh. Definitely craving some real pancakes. As for sleep, I still feel sleepy at the 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM mark. Did I mention that it was basically cold and dark as night-time during 6:00 PM today? Crazy how the weather is. So yeah, quite a big spike in uh, events these next few days. Stay tuned 'cause we'll be back right after these, 7-hour sleep messages. See ya.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tuesday, January 17, 2017 "Chattice."

Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Week: 24
Songs to Remember: Eureka - ZICO

        Hey how's it going. Unfortunately today is Tuesday and not Wednesday, meaning there's more days to go 'till the end of the week. On the bright side, progress (and social media intel) was made.

        Dance, we got one extra day to practice our dances. Yeah I think I'ma just try my best. Umm, it's kinda whatever, nobody's gonna remember it. That's for tomorrow. Math, same old, same old. Break, that too. Digital Art, I spent that time drawing bootleg chibi faces for my group so as to seem like I did something (for the group project poster in English).

        English, we had the day to work in our groups. Not much done, one of our members didn't really do much over the weekend and just drew his part of the characters in class, which did make me feel less bad about myself, heh. Lunch, that was alright, Econ, I spent it doing bulk work and work for Chinese. Finally, Chinese, it was just reading, working, saying, etc.

        After school, it was day one of Lunar Show week practice. It was from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM in the theater. I definitely made progress, got some Snapchats along the way so that was, that's gonna provide me with a new way to communicate, I'll tell you that. Umm, and yeah, things went alright, we went over formations, did a small run-through on stage, that was it. Tomorrow is from 3:00 PM (or 2:00 PM) to 5:00 PM, meaning it's gonna be a long while.

        As for now, it's 11:38 PM, see ya.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday, January 16, 2017 "Loud Singing, Quiet Circles."

Monday, January 16, 2017
Week: 24
Songs to Remember: I Took a Pill in Ibiza (SeeB remix) - Mike Posner

        What's to expect of season 24? Well for starters you got, some plot changes. Some specials. Some, character development.

        I didn't want to talk about shit like people planning stuff without you, even if it was impromptu, but, I gotta as to show why things went off, if I ever wondered about it. So like I said, the Discord chat's pretty much dead. However, Dv, Ec, and Mc still were able to plan together a billiards night last night. And I know I wouldn't have been able to attend, but there wasn't even anything in the chat about it. I didn't even know about it if they hadn't posted it to their Snapchat stories.

        And I, I just gotta go with it. The fact that I can't really go out late as much, or, drive myself, it's pretty inconvenient that people would need to plan shit around me. Okay so here's the summary of what I'm feeling: I'm bummed out because I wasn't able to attend my buddies' billiards night, even if it wasn't that planned ahead. I'm even more bummed that I wasn't notified of it, even though the circumstances of me going were very slim. Even more bummed, that they didn't communicate it through our Discord chat, so either it was direct to direct messages, or a group chat which I'm not part of.

        I understand if they forgot or decide not to notify me or include me, and I don't want to make it any bigger or a problem than it really is. I'm not saying "This is it, the end of my connection to this social circle." What I'm saying is, I'ma be stationary and just roll with my social circles I got around me right now, and if they do invite me, I'll try to go since I don't see these guys often. We live within three different cities, different schools, areas, we have work, school, other social circles, events, etc, to do or take care of. Planning isn't always in the picture, and most of the time, it ain't, like today.

        So until I'm invited or whatever, the Discord chat/ social circle's gonna remain quiet for a bit. Forever, a bit, who knows. Now let's get on to the day. Martin Luther King Jr. day started with my mom waking me up at 7:00 AM. She was bundled up in warm clothes, breakfast was set our for me, etc. I'm kinda disoriented since I wasn't planning on being woken up. I come on out drowsily to tell my mom "There's no school today." Went back to sleep, slept 'till 11:00 AM. Was just gonna do work for the day, or attempt to, until Ek and Lw were like "We're gonna go to this one hot-pot restaurant in the afternoon." Jk and I decide to tag along, DrewN was busy with ladybuddy stuff like he usually is, we ended up staying at that restaurant from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM (not exactly but you get what I mean).

        We joked about going to a mall afterwards, and impromptuitively (not a word), we did. Called an Uber, we went to the site of Mall 1, the first mall. Did karaoke from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM, my voice was pretty hearse after. From 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, we just fucked around. Left by 7:30 PM, and here I am, finished with math work but am gonna spend 3rd period and SSR during 5th to finish Chinese and English work. Tomorrow I got KDT practice after school, as well relying on memory for reciting a dance choreo tomorrow, the small mini-one, fortunately. If you think about it, I haven't spent this much time with the cast in a long time, so there's that.

        And so what've we learned from today? Well, a bit of scraping with harsh realities, a bit of, making most of the moments with the people who are helping or carrying you through some troubling or confusing times, and uh, a bit of utilizing social media to your advantage. It's 10:49 PM, I'ma be sleepy as fuck tomorrow. See ya.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sunday, January 15, 2017 "Sad Games."

Sunday, January 15, 2017
Week: 23
Songs to Remember: Limitless - NCT 127, I Took A Pill In Ibiza (Seeb Remix) - Mike Posner, Highlight - Seventeen,

        Hey whadya know, I don't actually have to send in any video clips for KDT teacher qualifications 'cause I've already been an assistant for EXO's "Monster" and have been qualified confirmed before.

        It was when I performed Taemin's "Drip Drop" during KDT's end-of-the-year bond day and like, I performed the whole song in front of everybody, learned it myself, and since I was secretary, from both of those things, the KDT president (alumni) gave me insta-teacher status. Should've thought this through before attempting to learn NCT 127's "Limitless" but nonetheless I've almost gotten a minute-thirty of the song down, which is all I'ma learn, so uh, yeah. All works out I guess, heh.

        Also, five songs for our KASA show K-Pop throwback performance/audition have been revealed (to us teachers for now). It's SNSD's "Gee" (what a surprise), Wonder Girls' "Nobody" (classic but not really something to dance to), Super Junior's "Sorry" (kill me), SHINee's "Lucifer" (these people are wack for choosing too much , uhh, what's the word? Obvious, there we go. Obvious choices), and finally 4Minute's "Hot Issue."

        Out of the 10 teachers so far, teaching roles for SNSD's "Gee," Wonder Girls' "Nobody," and SHINee's "Lucifer," have already been filled out, leaving me with choices of 4Minute's "Hot Issue" or Super Junior's "Sorry," and by the choices, ya'll pretty much already what I'ma be doing, heh. Yep, Super Junior's "Sorry." Unfortunate, unfortunate, I know. I got no problem with the song. The dance, however, should be left back where it came from, which was 2008. 2009, actually.

        That's for uh, January 30th, which is our audition date, and then, March 1st or whatever, is our performance date for that. Uhh, what else, what else. Discord chat's been pretty inactive for a couple days now, I don't blame 'em. Ec spoke the truth, saying that the chat's dead, we've all moved on with our lives, and to be honest, it's to take in, but it is the truth. This started out with Skype, to communicate, voice call for League games and Minecraft, heh. Then it moved to Curse Voice and from there, Discord.

        We're all so busy now with whatever we do, we don't really play game anymore. No time. What we do use Discord for is talking about, whatever goes on with our lives and shit or plan billiards nights, movie nights, dinner nights, or when to pick each other up or, inform each other that we're at their front door and for them to come out. Maybe I'm hoping for too much with like, a billiards night once a month. Maybe once every, couple months or so, when we're all online on Discord for us all to see what we post. Or at least, ya know, before we all graduate and go our separate ways for college (or in me and Ec's case, the same college), we could do a road-trip. I should plan a roadtrip with some of the different fam before the year's over. Just one roadtrip each to cement how far things have come.

        Just like the movies. I know not to trust movies, and I don't encourage anybody to trust movies, but when it comes to stuff like roadtrips, you kinda hope for it all to be as well or great as movies. One thing I'm hoping for a roadtrip is to drive to like, a really barren mountain or plains or whatever, just so I could let off some hard-ass stress by yelling off the top of my lungs. THAT, is something I wanna and need to do.

        Work, yeah I got a shit ton of work, ranging from Dance (class) to math, to Chinese, to English. However, to leviate me from all this (or distract, whatever you prefer), DrewN's asking to hang out tomorrow. Not specifically me, but the group chat. Lw's free, Jh is free, Ek's just doesn't look at the chat, Jk's doing whatever, aaand, Ag's at Lake Tahoe.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Saturday, January 14, 2017 "Contrast Me."

Saturday, January 14, 2017
Week: 23
Songs to Remember: The Best Present - RAIN, Limitless - NCT 127

        One great challenge for me is not having the motivation or willingness to do homework, which doesn't require me to get up anywhere and move, but the motivation or willingness to learn some dances.

        I still think it's crazy how I've built such a strong contrast in what I do now. Video games, yep, involves some sitting. Nothing, yeah, you can do it sitting too. Dancing, I do that sitting for the most part when I'm just getting the gist of it but it's very hard, and, there's not much room for movement, heh.

        KDT teacher qualifications have been announced for those who want to be a teacher I was like "Are they still gonna include me for the next teachings or am I gonna have to let 'em know I that I still want to teach?" And yeah, they included me anyways to the group chat for KDT teachers/qualificates (not a real word). We gotta learn and dance to two songs, at least 1-minute for each song. You can choose any song, just not ones KDT has already done. This is to showcase how you can learn it yourself.

        They gonna learn how well you do the dance, the accuracy of it, compared to videos of the real dance being done by the real performers. Umm, so yeah, that's gonna be some more dancing to do, heh. Luckily I only gotta memorize a minute or so for each, and, never really have to remember it again.

        And so in other news, I got that Chinese skit project done, with the help of my group member of course. Aaand, that's about it. Still got math, English shit to work on. And dance. Speaking of dance, gonna practice NCT127's "Limitless," the first minute and thirty of it, tonight, so I can hopefully record tomorrow or something and submit it to Mt and Jb. Oh yeah and the schedule for our Lunar Show performances have been released. We'll be performing out on the green field in the middle of the school on Thursday during lunch, aaand, on Friday, we'll be in front of the theater. Not sure how this is gonna work out like, if we'll be excused from 4th period to prepare, or, whatever, but yeah.

        It's 9:58 PM, I'll just be practicing, soooo see ya.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday, January 13, 2017 "Got Progress Sewed Up."

Friday, January 13, 2017
Week: 23
Songs to Remember: 679 - Fetty Wap

        This season's been slow, agonizing slow, slow as in, I look at the clock in class and find that I've done so much but class still ain't over yet.

        However, the season finale really made up for it, providing a sunny (for once) time for just relaxing. Cold, but sunny. And, provide time for connections. A lot. And so let's get on with it. Dance, I got shit over thee weekend due for that. Today we just got class time to work on our bootleg impromptu choreos (not really imrpomptu but you get what I mean). We gotta be able to memorize it all and then perform it on Tuesday, as a little exercise thing.

        Not exactly hard, just some extra work. By the way, I haven't practiced my own choreo as of the last time I had to show it in front of the class. I pretty much have forgotten 90% of it and had it not be for my well-documented Google Sheets file, I would have a lot more work to make up. My excuse for not practicing it is that I got other shit to remember, like math or choreo for KDT.

        Math, we got our quizzes back, mine's doesn't look that bad. The score, doesn't even look that bad either, until you compute the percentage and see that because of that my current grade's standing at a C, just a solid C. Fortunately (and unfortunately), we got some more quizzes and tests next week for me to either get destroyed on, or boost myself up a bit. Might be the former.

        Break, yeah there was surprisingly break today. Not surprisingly, it was kinda the same as usual. Cold though, and still is. Currently 45 degrees, and for California, that's cold, heh. Digital Art, got some work done, work in general, overall the same. English, my group and I got started planning on our poster, umm, and we watched some more of that Arthur lore documentary. Not Arthur the PBS show, the, the legend dude.

        Our teacher let us leave class early, to, to go get lined up at the food trucks they got on campus today, during our "1 hour" lunch. I went outside, there were two foodtrucks close out from the classroom, guess what. Yep, there was already a big-ass line and the lunch bell hadn't even rang yet. Ended up just getting lunch with Ag as usual. Some of the cast got milk tea and chicken, a member just had his own lunch, and one (Jk) waited in line for the whole 1-hour lunch and still was not able to order, heh.

        There was a radio station who played during lunchtime, with a DJ whose name is of a fruit. Played, played a lot of rap. Lots of rap. Overall pretty aight lunch. 5th period, Econ, we watched a movie called "Moscow on the Hudson." Apparently it's from 1984, a comedy and drama about a dude defecting from the USSR to America. It was pretty good even though we only watched like the first 40 minutes. Reminded me a lot of uh, "Life is Beautiful." That movie.

        And finally, Chinese, where we read, worked, and read. KDT after school, that was where it was, including lunch too but you get what I mean. Progress, progress, progress. People asked about my clothes (thank you foreign brands and my own customs), uhh, general interest, Atr progress (and a lot of it), I even made connected with Atr's buddies too (thank you K-Pop commonalities). Went over choreo pretty well. The Lunar Show specials are coming up soon, it's gettin hyphy in here. Just need to wrap things up and I got this sewed.

        That includes an English poster project, Chinese skit project, maths, and Econ test. And so, it's 11:30 PM, see ya.


Thursday, January 12, 2017 "Overruled Change of Plans."

Thursday, January 13, 2017
Week: 23
Songs to Remember: Limitless - NCT, Bebe - Seo In Guk

        We all got jipped here. And people, they got things to do, I don't blame 'em. One that especially got jipped was Chinese club.

        They lost the day-show to the Indian show. Some backstory: apparently they booked their show next Friday, just like Chinese club's Lunar Show day show. Indian show's been run by the school's Indian club. There's not that many people in it, it's kinda weird that they have their own annual performance show despite not having that many, but they've been a club at the school for a while now. Same goes for KASA I guess now since they're gonna be having their own annual performance show soon as well.

        Recently, due to paperwork not being turned in and conflicts and them not participating in CLOG stuff, their club's since been demoted or "unchartered." But I guess their show is still going. You'd think them not being an official club anymore and that Chinese club has booked nearing the end of January for their annual show for years and years and years now, and that Chinese club is much much more larger in terms of members and how things are run, popularity, etc, AND, it would suit well that the Lunar Show be at or near the time of Chinese Lunar New Year's, that Chinese club would win over the booking, but apparently not.

        A lot of gossip and rumors have spread about all this, and A LOT of people are upset, including the director of student activities at the school. So this nice-ass special won't be happening sadly, for some fucking reason. However, the director of student activities is giving us a "noon-time" show during lunch so that we can still promote our show and sell tickets and whatnot. Which is okay, but like, I kinda wanna be fed and uh, I don't think performing with an empty or close-to-empty stomach is all that well.

        Anyways, that there was the recent shit that's been happening. In regards to other people, DrewN's got his ladybuddy's birthday tomorrow, uhhh, Dv from the Discord chat's doing some shit with his other buddies, and, there's an hour lunch tomorrow, which is gonna be fucking nice. You'd think we'd have shorter class times but no, still, still the same. Not much of an "hour" lunch when you decipher that they took our SSR time (which is 15 minutes), added it to our regular 30-minute lunch time, scraped off 5 minutes of break and then scraped 1 minute off of each class period making it 1 whole hour.

        But still nice none-the-less. As for today, Dance was just me studying, all for naught, heh. I got a 60% on my quiz 'cause I fucked up on two easy problems, out of four of course. I was like "High-key, not even low-key, I'm missing a fucking chromosome to get this shit wrong and miss out on some easy freelo." Fuck me. On the brightside, no quiz or test 'till next week. Digital Art, getting shit done, English, I'm in a group of 3 and we're doing a poster or geneology map of King Arthur and shit. Due, sometime, next next week.

        Lunch was eh, Econ was eh, Chinese, on the bright side but doesn't actually matter, I got a 100% on my Chinese vocab quiz. Which again doesn't matter 'cause it barely boosts or degrades my grade for shit. And yeah, that's about it. I received the last of my online orders for a while, until I get more internet monies that is. Yeah, overall not bad. Could've been better. It's 12:10 AM, see ya. Still thinking 'bout my senior quote.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Wednesday, January 11, 2017 "Keeping Track Of."

Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Week: 23
Songs to Remember: Black Tinkerbell - Chocolat

        Slowest week by far. I got packages coming in basically every day (for clothing, and, stuff), I got a couple quizzes tomorrow (which I will be studying for, tomorrow as well), aaand, KDT practice, on Friday.

        Dance was me basically making up shit then and there. Bootleg choreo assignment day 3, that was it. Math, nothing new, alright, I'ma just say that. Quiz tomorrow though. Digital Art, nothing new. English, we started watching this bootleg documentary or whatever on King Arthur, the books, etc. Lunch, no rain fortunately. No rain the whole day actually. Apparently yesterday's storm was the peak of it all and uh, now it's just, humid and cold.

        The cast (most of us anyways) discussed about going to the Winterball on uh, February 3rd or something, aka, Dance 2. So far it's just DrewN and his ladybuddy. Don't know about me, Jk, or Ag though, but maybe. Who knows. Econ, nothing new, heh, we had a lecture, spent a good chunk of class time of telling stories, advice, and scrolling through the teacher's Facebook to show his daughter's last year's prom dress. It connected okay, to Economics.

        And finally Chinese, where we're just reading, I'm closing my eyes, and reading. Today didn't end with Chibese, I walked to where Atr usually is after school, and whaddya know, she was there. Made some progress, I wouldn't say the best progress but progress nonetheless. Keep it up, Drew, keep it up. Anyways, Friday, it's gonna be lit as fuck. Not as lit as Lunar Show week's gonna be, but lit nonetheless. We're gonna have a 1-hour lunch, with food trucks on campus, which just means more time for waiting in line, heh, and there'll be KDT practice after school, more time for opportunity. Also there might be some collabing with the cast, and maybe even the Discord fam, just maybe. And did you know, there's no school Monday. How crazy is that? I didn't even find out until today. Thank you based Martin Luther.

        Got lots to keep track of in my mind, from dances to dates to quiz times to work to paperwork to deadlines. A lot more than I should. And so, since it's 12:32 AM, see ya.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Tuesday, January 10, 2017 "It's Work."

Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Week: 23
Songs to Remember: Limitless - NCT 127

        The saddest part of everything right now is that it's pouring hard in rain, aaand, it's only Tuesday. And it's 12:04 AM.

         Dance, we basically did the same as yesterday, just nothing, and coming up with bootleg on-the-spot choreo which I'm sure people will not remember tomorrow. Math, don't really have to explain anything, it's self-explanatory. Break, self-explanatory. Digital Art, same thing. English, we spent a while listening to a lecture and then we took the quiz on "A Knight's Tale,' which was chump change (as expected). A dude complimented me on my shoes, they just Bred 1's fam, aaand, lunch was pretty rain heavy.

        Our table does not have a roof over us so it was just Ag, Jk, and me. We decided to seek refuge in my/ Ag's AP Psych teacher's room. Haven't talked to her in a while so it was nice seeing her again. It was also CLOG rush today and tomorrow. It's held inside the library, which was pretty cramped. We got to check out about 1 minute of it before the bell rang and people were cleaning up. Some gold that I found today was that a student there, I'm guessing she was monitoring or is part of a club there, was telling people to clean up (instead of doing it herself). There was a club flyer on the floor, she saw, I'm sure, but she didn't pick it up.

        Instead she told some dude "Sir I know you saw that piece of paper on the floor." "Yeah but it's not mine though." "Oh, so you saw it but didn't think it would be a good idea to pick it up and recycle it?" And I'm just like *insert Nick Young here*. I mean she saw it too, did she not think it would be a good idea to pick it up when it's right in front of her instead of wasting time and telling somebody else to pick it up? Hypocritical much. Anyways, that's just some, some gold, still discussing it when I can to keep up with tradition.

        Anyways, Econ was like, 25 minutes of us watching Food Network's show on how a bakery business got started (to tie in with entrepreneurship and stuff). There's this girl who sits to the left of me who's pretty, social. In this class I don't care much to interact with people, there's not really much people I'd put the effort in to talk to or make connections with. So, just wanna sit there and, wait for the class to end. Is it rude be like that to somebody who wants to talk? I don't know, could be. I think as long as you don't straight up ignore them, I think it'd be fine (yes, I know there's some hypocrisy in what I just said but you get what I mean). Like, what I said to her in response sounded pretty boring to me, so hopefully that'll be a sign that I don't care much to be in this class right now.

        And finally Chinese, where we read, and, work, and read. That's about it, got work tomorrow, and uh, yeah. Oh and Yn messaged me yesterday actually. I asked her if she'd be going to see the Lunar Show coming up next week, but she said she doesn't know if she'll make it, no promises though, and that every day she's gotta make a drawing and shit for her classes. So yeah, it's understandable, maybe when it's spring break or something we'll get uh, we'll get a nice guest appearance from Yn. For now, see ya.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Monday, January 9, 2017 "From Blurred to Clear."

Monday, January 9, 2017
Week: 23
Songs to Remember: Danza Kuduro - Don Omar

        I'm proud. I am proud, for not only taking the initiative multiple times with no hesitation, but getting so much shit or intel done within a set amount of time.

        Our choreography unit for Dance started off with a bootleg worksheet activity. We choose 5 letters of our name, assign a body part to each (leg, arm, etc), and then create a move for each corresponding part. We memorize that, then on Day 2 (or like, tomorrow), we take those same moves, but add a twist to them, such as, make one move closer to the ground, the  next make it faster, etc, memorize all that, then combine the two sets.

        I'm guessing this is a starter activity for making choreo. Now if only I knew a method like this earlier, my choreo-making would've been a lot easier. A lot, easier. But anyways, math, kinda hate it, kinda, kinda not like it, heh. It's just the same shit, we got a quiz on Thursday, we got, there's a test on Friday of next week, which just so happens to be on the same day as Day show for Lunar Show. Which means, I gotta take it Monday and uh, or Thursday after school or some shit.

        Break, ya'll already know how it is, just your average break. Digital Art, took the time to do both my digital project shit and finish Econ work, which just so happened to be not due today. Apparently it's sometime later, so, oh well, at least I got that shit done. English, aight so I ended up with an 88%, a B+, for my final 1st semester grade, which sucks. My "binder" that he graded ended up being an 80/100 for some reason even though he said a majority got 100's. Umm, and with participation shit being part of the grade, I got fucked out of my freelo. I'm pretty sure I worked just as hard, if not harder than the others in my class, but what can you do, ya know.

        And I don't think that'll affect me considering where I'm headed, heh. Oh yeah English, yeah no quiz today, the teacher moved it tomorrow or sometime later I guess. I'm not even surprised anymore, just, disappointed. Lunch was the same old, same cold. Yes, cold, it's been cold lately which sucks 'cause, I already explained this shit before so I don't wanna explain myself again. Econ, oh boy, we, we had some arts and crafts. We were to draw either what land is, labor, capital, or entrepreneurship is, etc. I got stuck with entrepreneurship, which I was like "Ya'll fucking serious, this is not equal. For land you just gotta draw golf and fucking trees, how the fuck somebody gonna draw entrepreneurship." Luckily I came up with something, only to find out shit's not due 'till tomorrow even though it was said to be due the same period.

        Finally Chinese, where we read, and practiced drawing characters on our mini-whiteboards. Yep, good ol', good ol' 50 minutes of Chinese right there. Now for the best part, the kicker to season 23, it was KDT practice after school, we had the light section to work on today, meaning I only gotta practice one song. That also meant, Atr would practice in one song, 'cause well, we're both in ASTRO's "Hide and Seek." I took the initiative with a "Hey, hi," etc. I knew "Aight so I barely get any time for us to be at the same location for a guaranteed set period of time. Drew, you gotta start doing shit." Now she starts off with talking to her friend and shit, etc, while their other friend is practicing in her song she's in.

        Fortunately there's a song in which both her buddies are in but she's not, she's sitting by herself after her friends leave to go practice formations, I scoop in (scoop) right next to her like "Hey Atr." I took it. The initiative of course. I overhear a lot how her buddies and her talk either 'bout school and class shit 'cause they all sophomores, but I also overhear them talking 'bout dances, etc. K-Pop dances, not like the upcoming Winter Ball shit. I ask her "So, what dances have you been practicing?" "She's like "Hmm, I don't know," or some shit. I'm like "Well fuck, this is not according to the script, can somebody bring over a script for her please." An idea pops into my mind through the process of "Okay, dance, K-Pop, K-Pop dances, the recent voting for the KASA (Korean Student Association) show for throwback K-Pop songs, boom, that's it."

        I'm like "Hey, what did you vote for for the throwback songs for the KASA show coming up?" She's like "Oh I don't remember, I know I voted for like Beast, Infinite, etc." I talk about what I voted for, discussion on groups, etc, etc. I do my best form of communication I've done in a while, taking a few pointers from Jk and Korean society videos, aaand transitioned. I'm like "Blah blah blah, man someday I wanna visit like China, Japan, Korea, etc. Have you ever went to blah blah blah." Little did she know I know that she's been to Korea, so she's like "I've been to Korea, etc, etc." Discussion on her trip, I add a bit of my K-Town trip as if it were like a bit of seasoning, you know, gotta throw in your favorite bit of flavoring in there.

        Can't just have 'em talk all 'bout themselves. I uh, we then moved to exotic foods (specifically dealing with dragons, like Dragon's Breath of Dragon's Beard). From there, not sure but like, I transitioned to YouTube shit (which I know she likes) like Markiplier and Jacksepticeye (the things I do to make a good-ass series). Some more seasoning here and there with me showing her some BTS meme-y shit from Instagram that I find. It lightens things up, sets a set basis on where we are, etc. That right there, all that, was like a good 15 minutes or so, of on-going. A pause here and there, there was that silence which I hated, but I turned that around into some goooood shit.

        We then practiced "Hide and Seek" formations, uhhh, then it was back to me doing, whatever, and then finally some time together again. Towards the end, I could see the comfort-ability (not even a word, huh) in her between us, and for next time (aka Friday). Fortunately, there's another EXID's "Lie" practice on Friday (for the dark section and etc) in which her buddies will be in but she and I won't so, you get what I'm getting at? More chances for me to establish baselines, from blurred, to clear. Anyways, I got work to do tomorrow, it's 11:53 PM, I'm tired, hype is building, see ya.