Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017 "Out-of-Esteem."

Monday, February 27, 2017
Week: 30
Songs to Remember: Strange - MASC, C'mon - UNI5

        During the beginning of the break, I was feeling pretty good. I was like "This is working, this is going well." And despite all of that, all of the care that I went through to making sure I was like, 90%, I somehow end up feeling kinda below average.

        But, hopefully that'll change by the end of the week. I kinda doubt though it since it's only gonna get more stressful from here considering I got some deadlines to meet, from work to dances. So, yeah. umm, Dance was pretty standard. Sc didn't really have anything to teach today, but to be honest I understand it. I wouldn't really be in the mood for teaching, nor would I have anything prepared either, especially after a break.

        Math, dear lord, I just, it's, it's just tedious. Nothing more to say, just tedious shit. Break, break was the regular. So was Digital Art. I used that time to play Fire Emblem: Heroes and, check Reddit or whatever. Work. English, we continued re-watching "Excalibur." A pretty good movie, pretty good movie still. As long as it's preventing us from actually doing work, I'm all for it. Lunch, that was the regular. Econ, our teacher's not gonna be back from his break 'till 2 days after today so until then, we're watching a movie called "Pirates of Silicon Valley," which is a 1999 movie dramatizing how Steve Jobs and Bill Gates rose to the top. Actually pretty cool to see like, the development of PC's and like, showcasing a bit of the 70's, heh.

        And finally, Chinese, where we get new seats, same ol' work, same ol' people (but new as I haven't sat next to them before, but same as in, I've been in the class with these people for over 6 months now). After school was KDT practice, in the theater, for the KASA show on Friday. I was just very tired, I, Atr was seated in the back near me but I didn't do much shit about it 'cause I really, really was at a low-point for the day. My, my self-esteem as well as energy, were on the down-low.

        And for reference, today was the day where I decided to show up with an over-sized earth-colored Fear hoodie, an olive Represent Oblivion bomber, a Supreme headband, and gray Tubular Dooms. And I do agree, it does look aesthetically hype even without much brand-name stuff. Could've toned it down by a lot without the headband but that, that was needed for me today.

        It's 12:15 AM, finally finished work. Gonna make up some dance-shit for tomorrow's teaching, and uh, yeah, see ya. Also took an unconventional nap earlier, for about an hour. Closed me eyes on my bed, slept for a whole hour. Luckily it was only 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM. I do not want to stay up any later. Anyways, see ya.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Sunday, February 26, 2017 "After Break."

Sunday, February 26, 2017
Week: 29
Songs to Remember: C'mon - UNI5

        Well, it's 1:33 AM. Spent about an hour and a half finishing up math work. English work, that'll be done in 3rd period, along with maybe Chinese work or, whatever else I got.

        After school will be some practice, KDT practice, and uh, we'll see from there. I'd just like to take the time to thank my Dance teacher for not scheduling my teachings on Mondays, because HOOOO, I do not have any moves planned, at all. Also, Friday I gotta teach, teach UNI5's "C'mon." Yeah, same day as day-show. Oh and did I mention that there's school tomorrow? Anyways, see ya.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Saturday, February 25, 2017 "Mirror Mirror."

Saturday, February 25, 2017
Week: 29
Songs to Remember: Tina - MASC, Not Today - BTS

        So it's 2:09 AM. Didn't really do much. Umm, spent the last hour(s) on dancing in front of a mirror, a with a dance tutorial, for BTS' "Not Today." I also took the time to practice some of the other songs I'm in, for the KASA show, too.

        That, combined with the usual Discord, uhh, videos, uh, notification shit.Fire Emblem, etc. Did not get the chance to start on work though. Dancing really did get me tired, heh. So uh, that'll be for tomorrow. The day, of tomorrow, because I really do not want any late-night math aggressions. Anyways, see ya..

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Friday, February 24, 2017 "Nightcare."

Friday, February 24, 2017
Week: 29
Songs to Remember: Day Day - BeWhy, Not Today - BTS

        So like, I'm eating dinner, relaxing after shifting, cleaning, organizing, all the shit in my room so I can move it all (along with myself) into, my new room, and then I message Ek on Snapchat, just, banter, and then he invites me impromptively (not a word) for some pool.

        Yeah I uh, I moved into a new room today, actually didn't take as long as I thought for, going through all my stuff and bringing it down here. Here, as in, the room that our tenants moved out of (or rather, evicted). Much, much for spacious. The hard-wood flooring is not elevated this time so footsteps are much less noisy.

        Much more echo-y due to the space. Lots of cabinets, and after recycling much and re-storing much stuff, there's actually not that much that I have now besides, a lot of clothes (which still pales in comparison to some other people I know). And uh, yeah, all in all I'm satisfied. I actually got room now to, to move around, be able to dance without worrying about toppling over anything or stepping too loud that people from the opposite side of the Earth can hear me.

        And, probably the best part: a much more expansive closet. Anyways, that would've been the highlight of the episode but this one got a whole lot spicier with the inclusion of a familiar character and a not so familiar character. So I messaged Ec when I was eating dinner, it was at about 8:00 PM. It was just some bootleg banter about his Snapchat story and he replies to me "Hey you wanna go play pool right now" or some shit like that.

        I'm just like, I look at the time and it's 8:00 PM, and, I still gotta eat dinner, still gotta change. I'm like, "I guess" and he's like "Aight I'm coming over." I'm like "Aw, well, okay, fuck." I ask my mom and she was okay with it. I asked Ec who else would be coming, like, "Just you and me." And he's like "and with a friend from swimming." And he did mention it was a girl, and I did think this was a setup for me to third-wheel, but, apparently it was just a friend. For now.

        I'm eating dinner, he arrives to my house like 5 minutes after everything. I'm still eating dinner, him and his buddy, we'll establish her name as "Sa." After everything from today so far, I think she'll be appearing in a few more episodes. Anyways, I have 'em stay in my room, my new room while I continue and finish my dinner. I get dressed, etc, and we head on over to the pool place. And yes, I did notice that she was different from the usual girls that I usually associate with. I'm saying, she's like, wayyyy, way, way in a league of her own. I ain't gonna say the acronym, because some might not be comfortable having a sub-title of that, but, yeah. I was like "Wh- wh- so why is she associating with us who are way out of her elo?" Didn't seem right at first but as the night went on, I was like "Hmmm, alright, it's meshing."

        We played pool for about an hour and a half. The games started out fast and then they got really, really slow... mostly due to us being shitty as fuck at pool, heh. Afterwards, it was like, 10:00 PM, we head to In-N-Out to get something to eat. We get it to-go to eat at my place, or more specifically, my room, where it's nice and warm. Also would like to mention that we were all wearing either a Supreme neck gatier or a Supreme headband during all this time, so uh, we were, I don't wanna say it but, we were fucking with the vision (wonder how long this saying will last).

        At my place, we watched "The Office" (season 5: episode 14 to be exact) as we indulged on our animal fries and cheeseburgers. And yes, we did sit on the floor. Luckily I had my yoga mat (not for yoga though). Just to get this out there, Sa was very touchy. Very touchy. And so, she had to be home before 12:30 AM, so they left at about 12:00 AM, I spent the next thirty-minutes cleaning up, the next hour on making myself comfortable for the first night in my new room, and, about an hour on this post, along with catching up on some YouTube subscriptions along the way. It's 2:45 AM right now. I actually was planning on learning some dances this night but uh, things, things went a different direction. It's like, it's like the movie Suicide Squad, where there was like, 5 different movie directions that it went through, all mashed together.

        Alrighty, I'll, I'll see you tomorrow. See ya. Oh and an update on the self-keeping: it's going good, going good. Alright, see ya.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Thursday, February 23, 2017 "Leafy Waters."

Thursday, February 23, 2017
Week: 29
Songs to Remember: Ghostboy (feat. C. Young & Claire Ridgely) (Deluxe) - Robotaki

        This is one of the most longest-feeling breaks ever, which is good. I'm getting in good sleep, good... time, good water in-take, good everything for the most part.

        I set my alarm for 6:00 AM today, even though I had to wake up at 7:30 AM. I've said this before but I like the sensation of going back to sleep, so, for most days, I set an alarm on my phone for a random time like 3:00 AM so that I could get woken up by it, switch it off, and get that feeling of shutting my eyes, head on my pillow, knowing that it's hours until I actually have to wake up.

        My excitement for the Supreme drop this morning was so much apparently that I dreamed that I was at school, with the Supreme drop going on, and, I was doing it on my phone but there was an app that you had to install and download, and so during the whole drop I was like "Shit, I'm not gonna get anything won't I?" That was true in real-life too, heh. I was prepped for the drop, had tabs open, it was early, I was hitting F5 over and over. The page opened, I was scared, I grabbed what I wanted, which was a $150 hoodie. I auto-filled out my info, inputted my card info manually, aaand, the page loaded, and loaded, and, it said my card was denied.

        Out of all the times to deny me, they chose this time. Well, I had to refresh the page, inputted my shit in again, and, by that time, the page didn't respond, and, the drop was over, the page was locked after about 3 minutes. Maybe, maybe in the winter, I'll try again next time. But I ain't sweating about it that much really, it's very hard to get anything and really does require luck. After that, I closed my PC, went back to sleep 'till my usual 11:00 AM. Spent the day doing nothing until Ag messaged me about going to DrewN's house today at around 7:00 PM.

        Oh and my package did come today. I still got one more that'll be coming very soon and then, I'll, probably be done with Taobao shopping for a while. Uhhh, so yeah, the day went by quick. At around 6:00 PM, I had to eat, shower, get shit ready to head on over. I had messaged DrewN about coming over to his house, I messaged him at 3:00 PM, didn't reply until around 7:00 PM. He asked his parents and they said maybe another time. And so, Ag was like "Well alright, I'll just facetime you then," of which I responded to that with "Sure let me just download the iPhone app real quick."

        We "facetime"'d on Facebook messenger for, whatever reason, whatever Ag's reason (ya'll already know). We were at it for about, 2 hours or so, maybe. Hour-thirty, I don't remember. Oh shit, okay so I checked and it was 2 hours, 22 minutes. Golly. So 2 hours of that, I basically just talked the normal way I talked, and, it went well. I think it's 'cause after having familiarity and ranges of humor that, I could just talk and act normally. Whereas in other situations, shit's still unknown so, I gotta restrain some aspects of my dialogue.

        And yeah sure, I could "just talk normally regardless" of that, but knowing my sense of humor and shit, I'ma end up offending people, or, using words/terminology that people aren't comfortable with, and uh, that's gonna push people away, and I want as many as I can right about now, heh, which, yeah, is going alright so far, especially after today. After the facetime, I did a League game with the Discord group, and then, yeah, now it's 12:20 PM.

        In other news, Mt added a day for KDT on Tuesdays after school where she'll play random K-Pop songs and can dance to them, just like we do already during break. But uh, yeah, it's gonna be ANOTHER, opportunity to gain some progress, some intel, with/for Atr. And right now, I'm not even banking on the Snapchats anymore. They're a privilege, I cherish them when I get 'em. Umm, she's not really on her phone during practice or during pre-show preps so, I don't think she's as attached to her phone as I am, I think. Otherwise she'd see the notifications, so. I, I do believe now that I'm over-thinking on the Snapchat shit, before and now.

        Speaking of information, I do feel a sense of security with this whole project thing, these series, because since I got everything catalogued, archived, I ain't gonna be worried about forgetting them. 'Course, that's what pictures and videos are for too, but, they don't, reflect too much thinking in 'em, for, spur of the moment stuff. More, more visual, I'd consider all of this- I, I can't talk in a photo, and, videos are just, a bit too much of a hassle, compared to just sitting down and pouring your brain and heart out. Just my opinion.

        When I'll be in college, I'm not gonna lie, I will be worried that I'll forget some stuff, some moments, because I ain't gonna be writing 'em down. However, I am banking on the fact that there's gonna be so many moments that I cannot keep track of 'em all. That's what I'm banking on, that there'll be like, twice or triple the amount of stuff I'm getting in right now. Anywho, it's 12:31 AM right now, see ya.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 "Point, Aim, Shoot."

Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Week: 29
Songs to Remember: Not Today - BTS

        The day was gonna be a normal day before things were scheduled and the Discord group and I went out for some pool.

        It was a casual night of pool, except we spent from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM waiting on a table, and then spent another hour and a half on a regular game and a game of snooker (which takes considerably longer if there are bad players, aka us. Aka, my score was a -64). We then went back to my house to watch some fucking, Yu-Gi-Oh: Battle City Finals. We watched two episodes of the duel between Joey and Odion. Did not remember that that shit takes 3+ episodes, for one duel. Godamn, heh.

        Oh and uh, Snapchats along the way, can't forget about all that. They left at around 12:30 AM, tomorrow I gotta wake up before 8:00 AM for a Supreme drop (or a chance at one), aaand, maybe go to DrewN'a house with some of the cast for, whatever. Maybe. Also some more info but I'll describe all that tomorrow, because right now it's 1:26 AM. Anyways, see ya.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017 "Until You're Comfortable."

Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Week: 29
Songs to Remember: Until Today - Taemin

        Day something of my self-health healing. It's been going well. I do feel loafier, especially when I'm sitting here, but at the same time, all the stress right now is essentially gone.

        For the most part. Helped my dad get some stuff from Home Depot because he's busy refurbishing the room that our tenants moved out from, in order for me to move in there for my college days. At least there's actual privacy in this room, compared to this one where there's two floating transparent doors, two windows, and a glass-panel slider that leads to the backyard, which doesn't even get used, it just creates less insulation in my room.

        I also watched a movie today, for once. Decided it'd be a good time to finally watch "The Edge of Seventeen." After having the seen the trailer months and months and months back, I've been wanting to see it but I've either had no time or was too lazy to pull it up on my PC. I had the time today (or this week, rather), and so, yeah, watched it and it was pretty bad, heh. More drama than there was comedy, and, I ended up just hating the main character. The main character's personality was beyond annoying and I know it was like, over-dramatized 'cause it's a movie, but, way, way too beyond actual real-life terms.

        Like, there's a dude who obviously likes her, but (spoilers in this paragraph) she doesn't even, she cucks him out of everything until the very end. Then, when she actually gets what she wanted, which was sex with the cool dude, she's like "This ain't right." It's like, what the fuck? You get the movie dream, the movie chance that would never, ever happen in real-life, and, she blows it off, to go crawling back to the dude she cucked.

        One of the more less-enjoyable coming-of-age movies in my personal opinion. And if I were to attempt anything in that movie in actual life, my mom would beat the shit out of me. Anyways, things seemed normal for the rest of today up until about half-an-hour ago. Atr's buddy messaged me some intel, pretty good intel. She sent me a screenshot of Atr talking about (100% confirmed about me) an analogy, about the liking but not dating thing. She said, and I quote, "its like u love chocolate and have chocolate but u dont feel like eating it. i dont feel like committing to a relationship lol."

        Good analogy, I think. Kinda makes me feel a bit shitty being compared to a desert/sugary treat (just a little, and this is me just being picky/petty here), but uh, I kinda understand. It's like, you're actively seeking this sorta shit out, you don't, it's not, it's not on your "to-do" list right now. It just sorta came, arrived, out of nowhere. You accept it, because it's a good thing, but it ain't, it a PRIORITY, right now. So yeah, the analogy works, the chocolate one.

        But like, can we do stuff together? Or, would that be a no-no in her terms? That's one question that I've always wondered. What constitutes as a "relationship?" Do you both go about it until one mentions it and you both mutually agree? Or, does it start with a formal "Do you wanna be my G6?" And I guess, dating doesn't essentially make ya'll both in a relationship, does it? I'd compare dating to, testing out the waters. If it's too hot, too cold, you dip out. If it's alright, ya'll go for a swim. If it's really good, ya'll go for a 360 off-the-balcony nose-dive.

        The boundaries for the "dating," "relationship," and the "B6/G6" stages are very, very vague. I'm not saying that what Atr's interpretations of a relationship are wrong, what I'm saying is: I just wish there was like a bulletin board that says like, what they fucking want, heh. And this goes for everybody. Things would be much, much more clearer. But alas, it's only 2017, heh. Anyways, I'll take the intel with a grain of salt, treat it as privileged insight ('cause really, how many people got inside sources like this, like Atr's buddy. Shit's good).

        I'll just have to roll with what I'm dealt with for now (it's still a lot to work with, which is good). If things go downhill, you know when to hit the eject button, Drew. You were close to pressing it this time too, Drew, closest ever. If things go good, then, well, it's one way that I'd like to close off the series. Anyways, it's 10:31 PM, I'm a bit tired from the day, uhh, the Discord buddies are busy wrapping shit up like, driving and, updating League. I'll be here until then so we could do some League games, just like old times again. For now, See ya.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Monday, February 20, 2017 "You Got Me Like Clothes."

Monday, February 20, 2017
Week: 29
Songs to Remember: Boom Boom - Seventeen

        Soooo I'm guessing that this week will be filled with dancing, and clothes. Right now, it's, it's just clothes.

        Haven't been worrying too much about Atr arc stuff since yesterday, so that's been good, taken a whole load off my shoulders. And by the way, don't know if it was a coincidence or not but as I messaged Atr's buddy about the Snapchat shit, how she didn't seem to Snapchat me as much as before, Atr Snapchatted me, like, right then and there. Her buddy was like "She's probably busy binging K-Dramas and whadya know, the Snap just happened to be of her watching a K-Drama. Coincidence? Probably not, she, probably told Atr a bit about how I was feeling, but, I don't, don't really mind it all too much now.

        Right now I'm just worrying about learning Seventeen's "Boom Boom," as well as, other songs. But yeah, took the time today to re-organize my closet. There's a lot of clothes that I do not wear anymore, not only because I'm switching (or transitioning) the way I dress (in all rationality it's for my confidence boost), but because it's been fucking cold, or wet, never really hot.

        So until then, it'll be just jackets, bombers, and hoodies. An update on how people are doing, umm, the Discord fam's just chilling for right now. The cast, they're all doing different shit. Ag's out of town, Lw's in Japan, Ek's in Hawaii, DrewN's having the time of his life, and Jk and I, just, doing whatever right now. Sleep, mostly. Anyways, it's 10:38 PM, I'ma go start learning this shit, see ya.

Sunday, February 19, 2017 "Still Good."

Sunday, February 19, 2017
Week: 28
Songs to Remember: The Song - Zion T., You Can Rest - Crucial Star, Until Today - Taemin

        So although I may not be getting Yeezy's due to the limitability of them (which is not a word), there are still some good things that are present right now for me.

        The Discord group and I, we're still tight. My boy Ec, Mc, and me, haven't seen 'em for months on end, we went to get some hot-pot and then do some billiards. Then we went back to my place to watch some "Black Mirror," this dystopian sci-fi thriller anthology show (which turned out to be pretty good). Dv swung by and we took some bootleg-ass pictures in the rain with my Supreme headbands.

        This schedule, this, hygiene schedule with the water and such, it's been working out. And on top of all that, I messaged Atr's best buddy on Facebook about what's been happening and she agreed that I was over-thinking shit, that Atr still certainly is into me, just, shy, when it comes to word of us being together (she says that Atr absolutely hates it when people mention the "ship" thing with us, so apparently not dislike, just, shy), and as for the dating thing, she just said that Atr just might not be ready for it at the moment, which I understand and respect, I'm sticking to my word about it.

        And yeah, pulled a Hector on Fire Emblem: Heroes today too, as well as my packages of new clothes will be arriving in the next couple days. Oh and the songs for our VSA show performance have been selected. It's Seventeen's "Boom Boom," Red Velvet's "Russian Roulette," Blackpink's "Boombayah," Min's "Shine Your Light" (a Viet-pop song), and UNI5's "C'mon" (a very K-Pop inspired Viet-pop song, to say the least).

        I'll be teaching Seventeen's "Boom Boom" and UNI5's "C'mon." I would've only done like, those two songs, plus one more, but, Atr's friend was like "Atr's doing all of 'em, you should do 'em all too" and I'm like "I mean, if it's for Atr, might as well." So yeah, another to keep a note on. If there's a close source of intel that you can trust for valuable info, use it, because it can make a difference.

        Well, looks like I got some stuff added to my "to-do" list for this week, besides drinking water. That includes, learning about, 7+ more songs, uhhh, making a bit more choreo for my shit for Dance, uhhh, work, and social delving, which, is just complicated talk for, Snapchat and shit. Anyways, it's 1:05 AM right now, still need to brush my teeth, should be asleep by now, but yeah, see ya.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Saturday, February 18, 2017 "Dark End Days For Lighter Ones."

Saturday, February 18, 2017
Week: 28
Songs to Remember: Ment - Double K, I'm Not Kidding - SUHO, Sweet Heart (오빠야) - SEENROOT (신현희와김루트)

        This series has strayed away from class adventures and leaned more or so toward stuff outside of class.

        And it's meshing well with the other series. The other were very, very class oriented, and this series really shows the stuff that goes on outside. Very, very different, while still keeping some series staples around.

        I took a long time last night to get my worries out through singing, I ain't embarrassed to admit at least that. I do enjoy singing. When I was young I even wanted to become a singer (thanks a lot media), heh. But because of having no real time or place to do it, I don't. Made a make-shift recording studio underneath my blanket, my phone as my microphone, and my laptop as my work station and recorded a cover (or 15 seconds of one).

        Today I just sat, and, ate a lot. I've tried to make changes to myself for the better, a healthier lifestyle, you could say. And, I stuck with those habits for about, a day or two. Farthest was probably a week. Things settled and I just, stopped caring. But now, things have turned around, for the worst sorta, and so, this may be the tipping point where I do put my foot down and say "I'ma do it." And by the way, no it's not suicide, it may sound like it but it's not, I'm just, changing my hygiene routines, heh.

        One thing that helps me with keeping myself motivated with stuff like this, for bettering myself, or myself as a person, is with competition and proving others wrong. I do find satisfaction sometimes when proving others wrong. Probably an ego thing, not sure about the egos of others I know, but, I'm hoping that my ego ain't as big as I think it is. Uhhh, yeah, motivation to make a turnaround, to better yourself, with the driving force being other people's doubts.

        And it's not for meeting other's expectations, because you can care less about that. What I wanna do, is surpass those expectations. Just gimme some time, I just, need, some time. And whadya know, I got this whole week to do so, how convenient. And yes I've talked about motivation of proving others wrong before, this just so happens to be another time where, it applies.

        A really cool transformation montage would be pretty nice for the series. I think it's something all the viewers would really wanna see, even for myself. I know I'm probably not gonna keep up with the habits I set for myself for this week, but, like, maybe if I cement it really hard this week, I can keep it for the rest of the year. I have seen people change, at school, from somebody you'd don't really wanna associate with to somebody who's like "Wow, I respect them." It does happen, but it is not, easy.

        Anyways, it's 9:49 PM, not much, aww fuck. Just remembered to turn in my Chinese work, heh. Alright, now there's nothing much else for me to do. Oh and  before I go to bed, just wanna make note that, you may feel compelled to be passive aggressive when things don't go your way. Don't show it, do don't do it, just because you didn't like the way somebody handled a situation or for the way things are going. It just confuses people, confuses things, and makes you look like an ass before, during, and afterwards. Believe me, I learned that lesson back in series 1.

        Anyways, see ya.

Friday, February 17, 2017 "Stop Crying and Take a Leave."

Friday, February 17, 2017
Week: 28
Songs to Remember: Break Up Dinner - San E, Strange - MASC

        It's been a long week, I can tell you that. I'm tired of, of the work (or lack thereof). I'm tired of the rain, of the wind, the cold. Tired of the games I find myself in.

        Dance was nothing different, just me teaching what I know. Math, we worked, and worked. My nose was wrecked from 1st to 3rd period. Horrible, horrible allergies. Can pollen level even rise in rain? I'm suspecting it's just a sickness, rather than just allergies. Digital Art was art and work, English was re-watching "Excalibur" for the upcoming test on the movie.

        Lunch was a very rainy lunch. Me, Jk, and Lw took refuge in our Chinese teacher's room. After that was Econ, which, wasn't very much of anything but just coloring and bulk work. And finally, Chinese, we spent the time doing, nothing.

        Now the part of the episode where the viewers actually care. KDT practice  was short one, the practicing part that was. We went inside the theater and sat down at our spot (rows of seats). I was in the second row, Atr was in the first, Jd sat to the left of me. We all moved down to the seats closer to the stage. From there, Atr was sitting to the left of Jd, and Jd was sitting to the left of me.

        Didn't matter much 'cause there wasn't much interaction there. On stage, we were too busy practicing and formation-forming that, we didn't really get to talk. And also for convenience, she was on the other side of the stage when standing in-between songs and transitions. I was like "Alright, maybe, maybe things are looking, looking out the window." Not really sure what that means but it sounds philosophical, heh.

        Our stage time was over and it was time to go outside for practice. We were sheltered under the roof of the site of the Junior tables, to hide from the pouring rain. I tried to comment here and there, but the feeling, like let's say, a few weeks back, I don't feel it being there anymore. We finished practice at 4:50 PM. People left, I helped Atr with her friend carrying her instrument out through the rain. I walked back expecting her to not say a good-bye, but she did.

        And yes, I did ask my usual convo questions too, which, were successful a few weeks back. Her responses, to them: "So, what're you gonna do tomorrow?" "...Home." Yeah, me too. Gonna spend my time at home for a while. Gonna need some time to myself.

        I've been thinking about this, like, what I did wrong, what I could've done better, etc, all the while not over-thinking things. Just, thinking rationally. I thought about the phrase "I like him, but I don't see myself dating him." Absurd, yes, very, very contradictory at first, but as I thought more and more, thinking in other perspectives rather than my own, it does make some sense. In fact I, probably thought this way too at some point. "I like him," does not mean "like-like" in this case, and don't make me go in-depth on the word "like," again. "Like," in this case, means, he/she likes my personality. Hobbies, interests, what we do.

        "But I don't see myself dating him." I'm guessing she's taking the word "dating" as the stereo-typical "dates," like, eating ice-cream at an ice-cream place, watching a movie together, etc, which is what i would define the term "dating" as well. But I think she's taking some looks into consideration of that word as well, and, that's fine. I did take that into consideration as well before, ya know. But I did step above that and considered personality over anything else. That, about me, is true. One problem I think, when it comes to people who have yet to reach fuller (fuller, I'm not saying fullest 'cause it's not) maturity, and puts too much trust into idols, idolization, it, kinda merges reality and media together, which, is not always a good thing.

        What I'm saying is: expectations. A taller dude, a dude who's Korean. A dude who can, do at least 30% of what a K-Pop idol could do, and you're good to go. But the odds of that are, a bit too slim in our area, let alone, our state. What I'm really, really saying, in English, is, she's waiting for somebody better, and I can understand that coming from her perspective. She'd likes me as a friend, not, liking me enough to date me as a boyfriend.

        I don't like saying shit like that up-front. It sounds way too much like diary, and, a bit too general. I do like to make a lot of comparisons to show the extremities of my feelings, rather than just plainly saying stuff. Hope you can understand from my standpoint. Anyways, I think it's time to put this arch to rest. I know, it was growing, growing fast. It, it fooled a lot of us into thinking the plot was gonna extensively change, and it did. But, not as many of you'd thought, including me.

        And I can see why El un-friended from back then. I actually, to be honest, I went to Atr's profile and unfollowed her 'cause I didn't wanna be reminded of her for  a while. I didn't view any of her snaps, for, a day and a half. Just, stuff to help me cope. The most ironic thing in this all, is that just today, we got the red heart emoji icon on our Snapchat for each other, which, apparently means that you've been best friends with this person on Snapchat for 2 weeks straight.

        I'll still talk to her, I'll treat her no different from before (except maybe, less pictures, or no pictures at all). If she talks to me, I'll respond, but I don't think I'll put in the effort to go out of my way to talk to her. Is this the most tragic ending to an arch so far? In my opinion, after all the specials, the build-up (which was a lot within a few weeks)... yeah. Just gotta soak it up, take what you can, and leave.

        You know what they say. If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours. Except in this case, I wasn't the one in control so I couldn't really choose to set stuff free even if I wanted to, heh. Anyways, it's 12:49 AM, I'm hungry, and tired, and sleepy. I think it's time for a nap. See ya.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017 "Treading My Best."

Thursday, February 16, 2017
Week: 28
Songs to Remember: Strange - MASC, I Don't Wanna Do This Anymore - XXXTENTACION

        As much as I like games, I do not like it when I'm the player. Also, "senioritis." Hit me a long time ago.

        How many times have I tried my best now? A lot. A lot of times. Am I proud that I've tried my best all those times? Hell yeah I am. I've gotten pretty far because of all that. Although I've tried my best many, many times, I'm still looking for a win, just one win. And that's, particularly difficult given my circumstances.

        Dance was just fine. Sc wanted help with coming up with choreo and so I gave her some help. We're basically learning pieces of choreos, she still hasn't settled on the songs yet, and that was me like, a couple months ago. Math, this was another one of those times where I got cheaped out on some freelo. Teacher said the test was gonna be just like the quiz, it wasn't. I tried my best, ended up with a 60/100, grade went down 4% from an 81% to a 77%. Now luckily I already got accepted into the college I'm planning to go to, so, just as long as I survive, it won't matter.

        Break was break, Digital Art was work. For my "American Gothic" painting parody, I'm doing EXO's Baekhyun and SNSD's "Taeyeon" as the faces for the people in the picture. Thought it'd be a pretty funny laugh between me and my KDT peoples. Umm, English, we did our King Arthur test. A dude in the class was like "I'ma cheat on the test, I'ma use my phone to look up the answers." I'm like "Really my African American bretheren (he's not African American though btw), you gon' cheat in a class that's basically freelo and on a test that's open-notes and that all you really need to do in order to do well on this thing is was to just take fucking notes or pay attention, you really gon' cheat on this."

        The test itself was pretty lengthy, with 55 questions. Most of the questions were pretty long, or had long answer choices. So, if that dude was gonna search up almost each and every one, I don't think he'd get half-way through it. And, I don't even think he'd find the answers, heh. Anyways, lunch was fine, just a normal lunch. Econ, that was, just notes. And, Chinese, we had a test today, of which I was informed about 'till lunch but by that time I was already discouraged by my score in math as well as previous knowledge that shitty test scores in Chinese class doesn't matter, I, didn't really care for my score of 50/100.

        Earlier in the day, err, 5th period or so, I looked on Facebook and see a video posted of Atr opening up a gift her buddy got her. It was a BTS lightstick, specifically the "Version 2," which retails for about $40. She was pretty ecstatic about it. K-Pop fans bring these to concerts and wave 'em around. It's literally what it is, a light-stick. I was like "Oh my fucking god, Drew, why did you not think of getting her this." In actuality, I did consider it, but I didn't think she'd be that hyped for a light-stick. After school, I was contemplating even staying. Unfortunately I did, and after Atr left, her best buddy was like "Blah blah blah she said you made those photo-cards, blah blah blah, you won a piece of her heart."

        I'm like "Well, that's it huh." I didn't really say that, but I think it. I said "I don't even think she's into that sorta stuff, you know, dating shit." She's like "She told me 'I like him but I don't see myself dating him.' I asked her 'Well if Jin asked you out, would you date him?' and she was like 'Uh, YEAH.'" Now what kind of fucking waters are we dealing with here, WHAT KIND OF FUCKING WATERS ARE THESE. "I like him but I don't see myself dating him?" Riiiiiight. At this point, I, I don't wanna play anymore games, I'm fucking tired of all the bullshit I go through (considering what I have before me). Like, what the fuck am I supposed to do? What can I do?

        Do I do what I usually did when I was done with shit? Just ignore? Maybe do that reverse-psychology shit? Or do I attempt to take the initiative again, and maybe just this time it'll work out, or, the risk I'll fall farther into the web. I don't, I don't like these games. Although my writing is not exactly crystal-clear, I feel that my actions, so far, have been extra, crystal-clear.

        Tomorrow we're gonna be practicing in the theater for the KASA show next, next week. We'll be there from after school, to 5:30 PM. I expect things to go, alright. Anyways, I got some choreographing to do. See ya.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017 "Over On Over-Thinking."

Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Week: 28
Songs to Remember: Sorry - Zion T.

        I've already decided to take the initiative for clothes, shoes, and dancing. Now, I gotta take the initiative for further closing gap. For, locking in my answers, for progressing.

        But amongst all that are my allergies beating me up internally, heh. Fucking trees, man. Anyways, Dance was relatively simple. Just running our tap dances for today, nothing special. Same goes for math, however, we were assigned, guess what? No work. Every once in a blue moon do we get no work assigned, and I still manage to, be at my PC at this very moment (it's 11:54 PM).

        Digital Art was regular business, as usual. English, we went over our notes and shit for tomorrow's "King Arthur" test. It should be relatively simple/easy considering it's open-notes. We were supposed to have a vocab quiz today but that got pushed back. Lunch, I spent that time at Atr's place, where she hangs out, which lies at the back of the L-building, which is where you kinda don't wanna be because it's so secluded from the atmosphere of, the senior tables, the green field in front of the theater, the theater, etc.

        I spent that time teaching her buddy the "Sorry Sorry" dance for whatever reason. Then it was Econ, where we just took notes, waste time, the usual. And finally, Chinese, where we read and watch other people's video skits. I'm not even making any of this up, it really is as bland as it sounds. About 99% of my classes (so basically besides Dance), I just work or relax. Definitely not the most exciting classes out of all the series, but definitely probably the most exciting times outside of class of all the series.

        Met up with Atr after school, I, I do hate myself for this, but, okay here's the situation. Get this: the whole day, Atr barely sent me any Snapchats. And, she took like 2-3 hours to open mine's. What I'm trying to say is, I feel like the progress I've made so far is slowly erasing itself. And something like Snapchats and shit like that is not enough evidence to prove so. I do not like to overthink things, but I do because I think to myself "You gotta worry, because YOU gotta act upon these things." And that is true.

        In no dimension do I think Atr will solely take the initiative as far as I've taken it sometimes (speaking in terms of all the series). So that does mean I gotta do it. Luckily, I've got things planned out. Next week is February break, or "ski week" as my school calls it. I've searched it up on Urban Dictionay and Google and nothing comes up. My school's like, the only place that calls February break "ski week." The most bootleg thing about this all is that we get no snow here in California.

        On Wednesday, the 22nd, that'll be the reservation drop for the new Zebra-coloured Yeezy shoes, of which I will attempt to get using 5 of my family's devices, as well as my fellow KDT members. On Thursday, February 23rd, I'll be up at 8:00 AM trying my luck to get some clothing items from the Supreme drop on their website. And as for this weekend, hopefully, and I do mean hopefully, I'll be doing something with Atr, whether it be, going to the mall, or, whatever. I'm hoping for something as interactive as that. If not, the least I can hope for is, Maplestory and Skyping, or, shit.

        But anyways, it's late, and, I need sleep. See ya.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 "Choices From the Bottom Up."

Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Week: 27
Songs to Remember: Hmmbbuk (흠뻑) (Soaking) (Feat. Cherry Coke) - J'Kyun (제이켠), Strip - Chris Brown

        "Damn Andrew, you pull hard." Yeah nobody has ever actually said that to me, or I think, ever, in general, but one can assume that that's the case considering my, my position right now.

        This was the final installment of the Valentine's day special, following the past, 3 that have aired so far. Yep, the one from freshman year, So Don't be on with Her, sophomore year, aka 100% Chance of Bad, junior year, aka The Days, and finally, now, Precisely Refined. Yeah it could've been better, but it was good, it definitely showed that, there's, more choices than I thought.

        It's like, like a folder list, or those bootleg-ass math problems with just one question, but it has parts a, b, c, etc. It's kinda like that, except they're not really problems, just, choices. And it's more structured/ in-depth than just, multiple, choice. Anyways, let's get into it before I fall asleep again.

        Dance, that was just me teaching the newer parts of my dance, which I stayed up last night making/ putting together. I'd really like to have my dance planned out already, so I don't have to do stuff the night before, but considering I also got other dances to do, yeah, that ain't happening. I don't, I do not have the energy. Just been very tired, no real time to rest. In some of my classes when I don't really need to do anything but sit there, it bores me, makes me yawn, makes me wanna go home and take a big 'ol nap.

        Continuing on, math, I did an overview of the shit I needed to study, and, dear based God, I thought I was set. Took the quiz, shit was easier than the homework (which was not easy at all). Turns out I got a 78% on it, which is still better than my average right now which meant my grade went up (sitting now at an 81%, or a B-). Actually took the worries off my shoulder for the day, knowing I did, alright. Jk wasn't present during break, so I took that time to deliver Atr her present. She seemed pretty happy about it, didn't get to catch her reation though, for, third-party reasons, but I did hear her friends' reactions.

        It was a picture-ready moment, and, I forgot to do a picture. FUcking-A, heh. But yeah, pretty good, pretty good. Also I don't think she'll be able to tell that the photocards are DIY, only because of, the way she keeps her photocards, stacked, in a drawer, umm, don't think she looks too carefully at the quality. I also ended up hot-gluing the top of each top-loader, so the only real way of getting to them is by cutting into the top-loader, which, I do not think Atr will do any time soon.

        Umm, so after break, it was Digital Art time, aka, finish Econ work while training on Fire Emblem Heroes time. Finally a game where I can sink my teeth into, aka, get in-depth with in terms of strategy and planning. And, where I can play it, on-the-go, and, not be too heavily pay2win. English, we continued watching "Excalibur." Very, very graphic movie. Can't believe my teacher watched it when he was like 10 back in his days. Graphic as in, there's nudity, and, ass, and, blood. But, it's an Arthurian legend so, what can you expect. Also the movie is very tale accurate, a bit too accurate.

        Lunch, just another 'ol lunch period. Nothing really special. Econ, however, yeah that wasn't really special either, heh. It was just a test, fairly straight-forward. And finally, Chinese, it was just time, to waste. Reading. Nothing more I can say. After school, I met up with Atr, at her usual spot after school. Her friends were there as well, particularly her, what I would presume, her best friend. Her friend is very, very straight-forward, a bit too much so that it pokes at my insecurities, my, self-esteem at some parts. An example I could of this would be, like, these group of friends and they're like "Man, I hate people who wear blue shirts" and another's all like "Dude, I know right" and there's that one guy there, wearing a blue shirt.

        So, something like that. Me and Atr didn't really talk too much about stuff. I remember that one time where I tried, really, really hard with the convo's. Like, that wasn't, it wasn't my natural form of talking. Now that I've assumed the fact that we're both familiar with each other now, after, the past, 6+ seasons of this arc right now, still on-going, I've, reverted back to my regular 'ol form of talking. Not exactly cast level talking just yet, but it's getting there.

        After about 20 minutes, Atr had to leave, and uh, I went as well, except my own route. Walking a couple feet to the back, I'm greeted by Mp (not sure if I used her name with this yet or not), Kb, and Kb's ladyfriend, or, whatever, I'm, I'm not really sure, at all. She was like "Ya know, Kb actually thought I liked you." Or, some shit like that, forgot how she said it. And again, my uh, it hit some of my insecurities, self-esteem, like a sucker-punch. I'm like "Ooo, I know right, I can't even believe it." And for point of reference, she does look like Cn.

        She even sees me walk with Ag when getting lunch and shit or whatever. She's like "Ya'll look cute together." I'm like "Ehhhh, I guess." Just a lot of, a lot of choices being splashed at me all in a day. How I got this far from the bottom up, I don't know, but it's definitely new and interesting. Adds a lot of variety and so far, this storyline has got, THE MOST, to offer right now. Storyline, arc, etc. Anyways, it's 11:04 PM right now, still gotta do math work. Luckily that's all I gotta do for the night. Alrighty, see ya.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Monday, February 13, 2017 "Jam."

Monday, February 13, 2017
Week: 28
Songs to Remember: 

        To make a very, very long day short, I had trouble getting formations done for "Sorry Sorry" (took me 2 class periods as well as lunch and SSR) to get it done.

        I also missed the KDT meeting today, because I forgot, and was too focused on working on the formations to check my social media as I was reminded about it. The formations, like, during practice, me getting people together into them, took almost an hour (technically speaking, about 40 minutes). So, Jb had to take over. She and Mt were especially a bit pissed off, not at me, but at the rate it was going. The rest of the practices/ formation making went smoothly though.

        Tomorrow is a set of quizzes and tests for English, math, and Econ. I also gotta teach new moves for my choreo, as the time for practicing starts, right now. Also I forgot to write about the rally, a fucking paper, on that, so I gotta start right now. It's 12:46 AM as well, just for reference. It's also Valentine's day tomorrow too, so, that's, that's something. Anyways, gonna, gonna go work now. Really caught in a little-time, no-time-to-jam sorta jam here. See ya.

Sunday, February 12, 2017 "Choke-point."

Sunday, February 12, 2017
Week: 27
Songs to Remember: Strip - Chris Brown

        I spent the whole day, making these bootleg-ass photo-cards. To make some near-perfect shit by hand, you gotta give me at least some credit 'cause this ain't easy.

        It's 12:38 AM. The evaluations list was updated, and, I'm in 4Minute's "Hot Issue," "Super Junior's "Sorry Sorry," and SHINee's "Lucifer." Unfortunately I did not make it for SNSD's "Gee," but I presume it to be that I am not "cutesy" enough, heh, and I agree. The song's good, dance is rhythmic, but uh, the style, kinda the opposite of my style.

        I did finish the photo-cards, just need to make the presentation, which will most likely be some origami box shit. I think it's safe to say that, DIY origami shit is like, my go-to things for gift packaging. I've done it, for, so long now. Not often, but on occasion, that's what I think of first. Uhhh, I got math work to finish, I got, Chinese work to do tomorrow, Econ work to do tomorrow, aaand, some, formation shit for KDT tomorrow, because apparently I'm the main teacher for "Sorry Sorry." And then, after all that, at home, I'ma have to come up with some shit for my choreo tomorrow, aaand, yeah, prepare for a math quiz, get ready for some progression, etc.

        Aka, I'm clogged up with a lot of work, and it doesn't help that it's 12:43 AM and, I just wanna sleep. Anyways, see ya.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Saturday, February 11, 2017 "Hot Issues."

Saturday, February 11, 2017
Week: 27
Songs to Remember: 679 - Fetty Wap

        So I spent the day at the library, dancing. Aaand, the rest of the day, at the mall. A mall. With the cast.

        9:00 AM, woke up to get ready to go to the local library at 10:00 AM for some KDT evaluations. Yeah it was alright, I, probably made it into SNSD's "Gee," uhhh, definitely for 4Minute's "Hot Issue" for some reason, aaand, I'm already in Super Junior's "Sorry Sorry." As for SHINee's "Lucifer," it's kinda iffy. I start out strong, towards the end it got kinda messy for me,

        I think I'm "conditionally in," for the song. As in, I got the tempo, I got a majority of the moves, down, just, some shit can still be improved. So yeah, hopefully that works out for me. Anyways, after that (progress was made), I went home for about a couple hours before I was headed to the mall (not the local one, the one that has an arcade and we did karaoke), and, do karaoke with cast (Ek, Lw, Jk, DrewN, and his ladyfriend) for 2 whole hours.

        We then ate at Red Robin, which apparently sells burgers, "gourmet" burgers. DrewN and his ladyfriend were gonna go eat Red Robin tomorrow though, so they didn't join us for that. Never actually been to Red Robin, ever. Prices were pretty, ehhhh, negotiable to say the least. I was, however, full after a few onion rings, a milkshake, and a burger (it was big, okay). Umm, I also worked a bit on Atr's Valentine's present (but that was earlier during the day), and, got home at around 9:00 PM, it's 11:47 PM. Very tired, very tired, also had to wrap up shit for Chinese, as well. Anyways, got some more work to do tomorrow. For now, see ya.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Friday, February 10, 2017 "Do You Dance."

Friday, February 10, 2017
Week: 27
Songs to Remember: The Seventh Sense - NCT U, Do You Remember - Jay Sean

        It wasn't a very nervous day, more so tiring because I had to dance from the morning, to, when the cows came home.

        Literally. The dancing part I mean. 1st period, of course, we practiced our dance for the rally today. Math was just as you'd expect, break, we all had to report to the dance room so the teacher could do roll call. We made our way to the gym where we sat and went along with the whole rally run-through. I basically sat next to Kb and Cn for the whole time. I don't think I've ever used Cn's name, ever, but I probably have for somebody else.

        Cn, you know, the one where everybody would be like "dear based God" if you ever met her. But yeah, we had to sit through all the MCs' lines, all skits, games, videos, etc, until it was our time to perform. We basically had the dance down, umm, not sure if this would be how our original teacher would've had us do the dance, but, it turned out aight. During the 1st rally (for the first half of the school), wasn't really nervous since I've performed in a bunch of shit before, and even a rally before. 2nd time, I was more tired than I was nervous, or excited even.

        And coincidentally, my dance spot was right in front of where Atr was sitting, in the middle of the sophomore and Junior side. After all that (we essentially spent 3 hours sitting in the gym now that I think about it), it was lunch, I was hungry, uhhh, then it was Econ. I was expecting to wrap up my Econ binder (ya know, like for some teachers, they do binder checks, and so, I gotta do that for points), but I forgot that I did not have 3rd period today, nor 4th, nor, SSR. Luckily we didn't do shit in Econ, so, I was able to finish.

        And finally, Chinese, we didn't do shit, heh, except make origami hearts because Valentine's day. After school, it was KDT practice in the dance room for SHINee's "Lucifer." Yeah it was difficult, heh, umm, but once you get it down, there's a flow to it. Also, tutting.

        Tomorrow is practice/evaluations at the local library, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Then, 2:00 PM is when the cast and I go to that one mall that it all started in, and, do karaoke I guess, heh. I also was able to get a start on Atr's Valentine's day present. It's going along, okay I guess. But anyways, I got some dances to review, it's 11:52 PM, see ya.

Thursday, February 9, 2017 "W/L."

Thursday, February 9, 2017
Week: 27
Songs to Remember: Error - VIXX, Tina - MASC

        So nothing about the day was particularly special. However, last night was. As my cousin had stated, I took both my first W and my first L on acquiring Yeezy's.

        "But why?" you ask? Yeah I did get my reserved pair of Yeezy's on the app. However, that was the day where I also chose to root my phone, and well, in the midst of un-rooting it after finding out my Wi-Fi got blocked by it, I factory reset my phone, and uh, yeah, along with the app. "But it's saved on your account on the app, just log back in." Yeah, I thought that too, in fact, any logical, rational person would think that.

        However, that's not the case for this app. Deep within the FAQ, it says if you delete the app, or logout, your reservation, is closed. Can't just bring a screenshot, can't just say "I accidentally deleted it." Nope. So yeah, I missed out on $500. I'm still in disbelief like, "Did I really do that?" I've tried distracting myself from the thought of it, which is working, for the most part. I'm distracting myself from it by figuring out how I'ma be making a bootleg Valentine's Day gift for Atr.

        Have I ever done something like this? Nope, but there's a first time for everything. Now, uh, not really sure what to get for her, but I do know she likes BTS. Albums are pretty generic to be honest, anybody could get 'em. I'd rather get her something that's more difficult to find, or, not as easily obtainable. One of those things would be, I don't know, rare photo-cards or photo-cards with big pay-walls. And so, I think that'll do.

        It'll be a good test for my reconstructive Photoshop abilities as well, as well as rasterizing. Umm, so yeah, there's that. Tomorrow there's a rally and, I'ma be in it, so I'll be skipping 3rd and 4th period. Aaand, yeah, there'll also be KDT practice tomorrow, as well as evaluations on Saturday morning. And then Monday, there's a meeting during lunch as well as practice after school. Forgot to mention, Saturday will also contain like, a special with the cast. Either, Sing 2, or, another movie, or more restaurant eating.

        It's 12:39 AM right now, still need to do math work, spent the last couple hours researching photo-card size and high-quality pictures. See ya.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wednesday, February 8, 2017 "Come On, Baby, Daddy Needs a New Set of Luck."

Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Week: 27
Songs to Remember: Tina - MASC, I WISH (간절히 바라면 이뤄질 거야) (Feat. Tiger JK) - I (Cha Yoon Ji) (아이)

        How does it feel to get lucky in both video-games and shoes? Feels pretty good, especially, with all the adventures you gotta go through for 'em.

        So Dance was pretty normal, just practicing our choreo for Friday. Math, that was, pretty tedious, not gonna lie, though when do I ever lie about math, it's, it's a painful truth. No break, uh, Digital Art was me grinding on Fire Emblem: Heroes (I'll get to that soon). And, English, we watched the beginning of "Excalibur," this, one really old movie about the legend of King Arthur.

        Lunch, that was pretty normal. Oh yeah and today's Ag's birthday, so happy birthday to her. 5th period, that's when things got spicy. Now the whole day I was pretty stressed out with the anxiety of coming home to find something I don't wanna find (luckily that did not happen). My cousin messaged our group chat, reminding us that the newer version of the Yeezy Boost 350 shoes are gonna be dropping soon. To claim 'em (reserve), you gotta press really fast on the Adidas app.

        I was in class, the teacher was talking about, supply and demand graphs, shit I basically already know and is common sense. At 1:00 PM, I tried my luck on the contest, and, I got it. I reserved myself shoes, which cost $220, that I will be able to sell for at least $700. Now I would keep 'em and wear 'em, but, they ain't my size, and size-swapping 'em actually costs money (I got reserved a size 7, but I'm a size 8.5-9). So, probably will sell them then, or keep 'em for a while.

        The only problem is, I gotta go pick 'em up at an Adidas store... in San Francisco. And guess what? The pick-up's this weekend, on Saturday. Doors open at 10:00 AM. So yeah, either I'ma be driven there, which, I don't think my dad will be too happy driving me to San Francisco and back in a day, or, I'll take my first-ever chances with public transportation... by myself. Ever watched "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York?" Yeah that'll be me, heh. Shit still ain't figured out but, if it comes down to that, I'ma have to rely a lot on my street skills.

        My cousin will be meeting me in SF though, guide me around so I don't end up horribly lost with $220 shoes on me. And uhhh, yeah, after Econ was Chinese, of which we didn't do shit. And, after school, I spent about 3 hours on my phone and PC, trying to root my phone for the sake of getting a good head-start on fucking Fire Emblem: Heroes. Unfortunately that did not end well, but my phone is fine (now), and uh, after one reroll on an android emulator (so two rerolls basically), I got myself a Takumi and a Lyn, as well Corrin and, 2 Cherche. Pretty fucking lucky day if I do say so myself.

        Like my older cousin said, today's my year. To be honest it does seem so, 2017's gone A LOT better than 2016, that's for sure, without a doubt. Probably jinxed myself by saying that but whatever. Anyways, I got shit to worry about, but that's next week. For now, it's just shoes, and a mobile game. And, progress. Yeah. It's 11:34 PM, see ya.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tuesday, February 7, 2017 "The Questions, the Days, They're All the Same."

Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Week: 27
Songs to Remember: Tina - MASC, I WISH (간절히 바라면 이뤄질 거야) (Feat. Tiger JK) - I (Cha Yoon Ji) (아이)

        Imagine if I had to dance after doing all of this work (which ain't even a lot, it just takes time and is just tedious).

        It's 11:31 PM and I'm still working on math, and that's the only thing that I had to work on today (that's due like, anytime soon). "Bruh, it's just cross-sections." I know, but the fact that we gotta do all the work by hand is what's tedious. That's all I gotta say, give me a calculator and I won't be complaining. But having to do it by hand, it's just impractical.

        And so fuck the whole day, it's, essentially been the same for the past, who knows how long. If it weren't for these specials and outside plans, this would've became the most boring year I've had so far, no competition. But luckily, it ain't, for the most part. Anyways, see ya.

Monday, February 6, 2017 "Real Learning."

Monday, February 6, 2017
Week: 27
Songs to Remember: Tina - MASC, I Don't Wanna Do This Anymore - XXXTENTACION

        I'd love to go more in-depth in this post, especially because there's a lot of things I wanna talk about, but considering it's 11:52 PM and I value sleep and it's a Monday, I'll save that for another time.

        Dance was nothing special, just tedious practice. Math was the same, break was the same, Digital Art was work (and will be the same for tomorrow as well). English was the most interesting part of the day, only because I actually got to learn something for once.

        In the beginning as he was handing out reading packets, he seemed pretty pissed off, a bit grumpy, I don't blame him. We're, we're fucking boring, we fuck around, we're seniors. My teacher doesn't really wanna, teach this stuff. Arthurian shit, and, old English, and, etc (I know it ain't old English but you get what I mean) are pretty boring. He'd rather enjoy a class period of conversation, interaction, which is, pretty much what a classroom is for. Otherwise, we'd just be studying, at home. And so, before he started the lesson, he was like "So, anybody got anything they wanna ask me, anything to announce," etc, to see if shit gets started.

        And it did. It started with like, a couple stories about the Winter Ball from last year. Jh (not during this time but a few days ago) showed me a clip of last year's Winter Ball where they had a robot dancing with the students (like, a dude in a costume). My teacher told us a story about how he made everybody think he was the robot there (when he wasn't), and etc, etc. After that, he was like "Alright, anything else before we get started" and one student, whom he coaches for wrestling, asked him "What was your first job?" And so, he proceeded to tell us that he was a server at that one restaurant here in the city (which is pretty close to my house).

        He then asked "What was your worst job?" And from there, it got real. He was like "I don't know if ya'll want to let me, get real deep in it with you guys" but we let him, and so, he proceeded to tell us all about his, comebacks, comebacks from a life not worth living. Not about suicide, but, about alcohol and drugs. Yeah, it was surprising to hear that he was a meth addict and alcoholic. When he was first working as a server, he didn't really have much control, he was, trying to get server. He couldn't focus on work and so, he was let go. His brothers, they got sober, and so, that encouraged him to get his act together as well. He almost "relapsed," how he worded it, but he pulled through. And even after the death of his two brothers, both from them relapsing back into addiction, he was the one who pulled through all the way.

        He got his teaching credentials (or finished them rather) and started teaching and coaching. And now, here he is. And, to go from all that, especially with the death of his two closest family members, to here, where he's spreading knowledge, now that is respectable. It's not something that everybody can do, even for those who tried really hard. During that whole time, guess what? I did not blink once. And he was just talking, explaining. If it were him like, reading Arthurian tales, I'd be batting my eyes over and over again, trying to stay conscious. But throughout the whole period, I wasn't tired at all, I was more, in awe really.

        And that shows how boring things can be and how interesting things can be. Shit like this is what I call "real-er" education. Like, yeah sure, we, we know the legend of King Arthur. But, real life situations that we could end up in? Hearing the whole story first-hand from a person 5 feet away from us in the same room? That's real. And I will surely remember that a lot better than, fucking, Arthur and dragons, heh.

        So yeah, hopefully, we get another story-time period like that because I really do wanna learn more. Anyways, lunch was nothing special, I, I messaged Atr if she was attending practice after school and she was, so, I decided to go too. Uhh, Econ, just work, and Chinese, which was arts and crafts and presenting. After school, with KDT practice, that was an adventure. A lot of time was spent with Atr. She hasn't really pushed me away so I'm guessing it's going alright still.

        I ended up signing up for the dance which was 4Minute's "Hot Issue." The dance ain't as bad as I thought it was, just, a lot of hip movement. And uh, yeah, can't wait for Friday. Can't wait to order my clothes because I've been wearing the same, same things over and over again. And or just mixtures of black, because I have too much black. And so, it's 12:16 AM now, see ya. Oh and almost forgot- rain scene BOYS. Finally got to do a rain scene, you know with two people and an umbrella. Not what I pictured, but it was a rain scene nonetheless. And, with a doughnut and a picture. Alright yeah, now see ya.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Sunday, February 5, 2017 "Penguin Locomotion."

Sunday, February 5, 2017
Week: 26
Songs to Remember: Tina - MASC, I Don't Wanna Do This Anymore - XXXTENTACION

        It's surprising to see the amount of options I got right now, as well as the level of respect I have. It's probably gonna go higher, but it's definitely peaking right now.

        Last night was one of the hardest sleeps I've had in while. This whole weekend's just been some hard sleeping, which I enjoy. Overall the day's been relaxing, just another Skype call with my cousin. We went on Club Penguin one last time before it shuts down in March. All I can say to describe it was "HE, WILL NOT, DIVIDE, US."

        Atr's been playing Maplestory, judging from the snaps that she sent me. I just, don't understand the playability (not a word) of Maplestory anymore. Like what will we do if I get on Maplestory? Grind monsters together? Doesn't seem very pleasing or fun, heh. But if she really does want me to play, I'll play. Once.

        I'd like to take the time to point out that this story arch that is currently playing has some differences compared to other story arcs. For starters, there's effort being reciprocated, which is a big "aight there's a- this is going, like locomotion." There's consistency, there's, I'm being consistent for once, or so far. Umm, and there's also large connections, things that everybody in the party can relate to. I'd say it's going well.

        It's not the height of it just yet, but it will be, whenever that is, or whenever I choose for it to be. Right now it's building and going, like an underground railroad. I mean subway system, no uh, no 1800's here, heh. Well anyways, tomorrow's gonna be the start of another season, no specials 'till Fridays or, next week. Yeah, actually. There's a special on Friday. Crazy, and it doesn't have to do with KDT this time (well KDT's gonna be apart of the episode, but, they're not the main part of the special, unless shit happens), aaand it's 11:48 PM. See ya.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Saturday, February 4, 2017 "Yike or Die: A Guide to Dances."

Saturday, February 4, 2017
Week: 26
Songs to Remember: Ocean Man - Ween, 679 - Fetty Wap, Gee (Lelion Dubstep Remix) - SNSD

        Another reason for me to go to a school dance is to help others out. I look for other people's perspectives, experiences, whatever, before I do something new (not for everything, but, maybe for major things/larger things) to see if, they're feeling the same as me, thinking the same things as me, do the same things as me.

        For those who don't want to directly ask for third-person perspectives on the matter and would rather have it be given to them indirectly, say, reading a person's experiences online, then, yeah, I'm sure this would help them, because it has helped me in the past. As for the reason, it gives a sense of "Hey, I'm not alone, this person has been through the same as me." It makes you feel normal, like, "Oh, it's not just me, this, this is a thing, a common thing."

        So yeah, I'm hoping this review of one of my last High school dances will help at least somebody, because I did learn a lot of things than the other dances I've been to. So let's get this started, but first, I gotta go over the day yesterday, and then night. First up, Dance. We practiced in our outfits for the whole time, yeah, heh. Math, same old, same old. Break, same old, same old. Digital Art, ya'll already guessed it, it was just work, good ol' work. English, we had a substitute for that day, meaning we just, worked. Lunch, lunch was with, almost the whole cast (minus DrewN). But other than that, it was the usual meme, banter stuff.

        Econ, that day we were reminded to bring our textbooks, which meant that we basically had the whole class time to work. Book work. Works well out for me and the people around me since, we don't really do much but just work when we need to, so, for me, it was just work mode. Earbuds in, and write. Finally, Chinese, it was reading on reading on reading, the perfect filler. After school, great, great preview for the next couple seasons, and tonight. We practiced learning SNSD's "Gee," this time it was in the dance room, of which we haven't had the chance to use for, a while, now, heh. I'm in there every day though so, doesn't feel too too different for me.

        The beginning, where we're all waiting outside for our adviser to arrive so we can go in and start practicing, I was recollecting with people all around, like Jd and Cc. Inside though, Atr was with me for about, 99% of the time. Not even exaggerating, we were only separated for about, 5 minutes. Once. There was lots of Snapchatting, uhh, the people I interacted most with this time was Atr, this one sophomore who's a bit hyper, likes to draw anime, uses memes a bit too much, you know, aaand, Vh, ya'll remember her.

        Little did I know that she and that dude broke up apparently, uhh, not sure when that happened but, it happened. Inferred this 'cause she ended up going to the dance with, a different, dude. But yeah, the dancing was good, my dancing. I didn't practice beforehand, uhh, I just, moved to the music as much as I could, and, it helped. A lot of hip movement, of which I don't do very often since male K-Pop dances are usually strong movements with parts other than hips sometimes. I also think just straight up just, coming up with random moves when listening to music helped too.

        The dance room was also hot, very hot, due to body temperatures compiling in such a small space, forgot to tell that. After practice, it was 1-on-1 time with me and Atr, 'cause we went to her locker (which the locker gate for was locked) and then to my locker (of which, the locker gate was also locked). My quick thinking skills were surely tested, today. Overall, it went entirely, different from what I expected, and this time it was largely positive, better and positive.

        Can't really say the same for the Winter Ball though, heh, it was just, different. Got home at 5:00 PM after KDT practice, showered, ate dinner, got dressed halfway through, searched up "How to tie a tie" on YouTube, charged my phone, checked my wallet, and waited for Jh to come pick me up. Jh had already picked up Jk on the way. We drove to this ballroom (an actual ballroom. The ceiling was high, but, not that big as you'd think. It was like a mini-ballroom) located downtown in this city next to our city, took around 20 minutes. The dance starts at 7:30 PM, but nobody was really late. Now for analysis.

        First things first: you can't ever be late to a school dance (unless you come like, an hour later). I'm not saying "Don't be late." I'm saying "It's not possible to be late." Nobody is timing you on this, people aren't gonna have stopwatches out, looking at it and seeing when you arrive. Unless, you're meeting up with your friends or whatever, but you get what I mean. Everybody else, they got other things to worry about. After we parked, we walked over to the ballroom (which wasn't like, glass or anything, the building (which was only two stories, we were only allowed on the bottom floor), was like, stone, like the Lincoln memorial, except exceptionally smaller.

        You go through the "empty out your pockets, show what's in your jacket, here's your wristband, let us scane your student ID for entry." No breathalyzer test this time though. There was a coat check to the right after entering all that. I made the right decision to trust Jk and put my jacket away because you will be sweating, if you choose to dance, even for a little bit. No matter how thin of clothing you decide to wear, you will sweat if you decide to dance. The body heat of 150+ people will rub off on you.

        We (Jh, Jk, and I) go and get some drinks first. We reviewed the food offered and it was, pretty okay (considering we each had to pay $40 for our ticket). Some ice cream, flavored drinks, the chocolate fountain was disappointing though. Apparently last year they had an actual chocolate fountain. This time, it was a bowl, heh. Oh well. We didn't dance right away, we, or, they, said their greetings and shit to their buddies and classmates their. I didn't have many classmates that went, or, ones that I actually talk to (and this year, there ain't that much, heh). As for KDT people and all that: no, no, I, nobody that I knew of or saw, went. Ones, ones that I talk a lot to or have said things to, went.

        My advice on this is that, if there's nobody around that you know much, you can do one of two of these things, or both: stick close to the friends who brought you here, or, make, people you know more of. As in, say, "Hey blank! Wow you look blank!" This is going off of Jk, who said this, a lot, or variations of. There were people who I know, that, didn't interact with him that much, but he just went with it, with the literal flow, and it worked for him. Didn't work, work, but it helped him ride the wave. Not, not a yike reference though. I'll get to yiking afterwards.

        There were three rooms basically, one for food, one for, just quiet, and, one for the main dancing and tables and all. After exploring around, seeing what we got to work with for the place, I think we just went ahead and danced into the crowd, but only when it was building up. The whole night was a pretty consistent schedule surprisingly. It was just dancing, then getting drinks and cooling off, maybe some light chat, then go back in for the next round of dancing. I'll dissect the components of the different parts, in no particular order.

        The tables. There were tables surrounding the dance floor. There's nothing wrong about sitting and watching with your friends from a table. It should not feel awkward and nobody should treat it as awkward. To be honest, it should feel the other way around, the ones dancing, should be awkward (and even then, that shouldn't be the case). So if you choose to sit, take it easy, enjoy the atmosphere without getting all sweaty and tired, go ahead. Taking pictures. Literally, everybody takes pictures. If you wanna take out your phone for a Snapchat, open up your phone on the dance floor, go ahead and do it. You shouldn't feel awkward for it, because, yeah, I did see a lot of people open up their phone on the dance floor while I was on it.

        The food and drinks. Hey, if you're hungry or thirsty, go ahead. Wanna hang out at the drinks area? Go ahead. But hey, won't people think you're some sort of loser for just standing there? Sitting there? Sitting to yourself or one of your friends? Hell-fucking no. They got better things to worry about. If they do, if they're really an asshole who does that, actually calls you out for it, you gotta tell somebody. Being a "tattletale" is better than letting somebody be an use to you. From my experiences, that has never happened to me, somebody calling me out for standing or sitting somewhere on the side. People at my school aren't direct asses, heh. But if it does happen, do something about it.

        The people. A large, large percentage of the people who go to my school dances are from the more, ghetto, percentile of my school. I say this because, although they don't show much of it in class, when they get some freedom like a dark, strobe, social gathering that allows rubbing asses on crotches, they'll show it. There are also some who have never been to a dance before, so they'll obviously not be, doing so so much stuff. There's also people who, just, hang out friends, ya know, just casually. And, there's even people who you've never, ever seen at school before. Some with mustaches and/ or beards that you'd logically assume as "Does this guy even go to our school?" That happened for me. I saw a dude who looked very out of place (for obvious reasons), yiking -ish in the center of the dance crowd while I was in it. I was like "Is, is that like a teacher? he has a full-blown mustache. That does not look like a student." There are obviously more "types" of people you can find at these dances, but, these were the most common ones that you could find. 

        The music and dancing. Probably the most in-depth of all of this. Music: be prepared for rap and hip hop. And the Cha-Cha slide. And "Gas Pedal." I obviously do not listen to too much American rap and hip hop, so, I did not know a majority of, what was being said in the songs played. Dancing, oh boy. Maybe your school dances are more conservative, more restrained, maybe the opposite. For this one, it was kinda, unrestrained. For those who are close or are in the middle of the dance crowd on the dance floor, be prepared to see some yiking. What is "yiking" you ask? It's when a girl grinds her ass on a dude's crotch while he's holding onto her for dear life. I'd compare it to a uh, mortar and pestle, except much more aggressive.

        Seriously, some were being a bit too aggressive. For example, I saw, on multiple occasions, girls, instead of having their hands on their hips and being yiked on, had their hands on the floor. Sometimes, it wasn't even to the music, sometimes the dude was just recreating the motion of an orbital sander and the girl was an uneven plane of wood. There was one point where a dude got so into the yiking, the girl's hand were on the floor, they were moving backwards, they were on the edge/ outside of the dance circle/ crowd, yiking basically in the open, aaand, everybody could see that this teacher dude was walking towards 'em. He was right behind them, the dude turns around and everybody was fucking hysteric. The dude yiking probably went limp when he found out a teacher just saw him going ham. The dude and the girl were probably scarred knowing that a teacher just saw them yiking hard, right then and there.

        If you're dancing on the outter rim of the crowd, it may seem weird or awkward because you're on the outside, the people sitting on the tables out there can see and watch you dance, or attempt to dance. Yeah, don't feel awkward. There's gotta be an outer perimeter somewhere, so if it does end up being you, just face into the crowd, and dance. And by the way, dancing, yeah it's all, not really dancing. Not what I consider dancing anyways. For this school dance, there were no dance battles, no b-boying, breakdancing in the middle. Nothing, like Step Up. Some dances could have these, but for this, nah, nah. For this, dancing's considered as basically moving your body according to the beat of the music. You don't even have to move your arms.

        Just swivel or bounce your body side to side according to the beat. If you wanna use your hands, you could, throw up a gang sign or two, I don't know, heh. Just let it be known that, you do not need to know how to dance for these grind-y school dances. You do not have to worry about that. As for yiking, I think it's part of the culture right now. It's inevitable, here in California, in public schools (so not really counting religious schools, umm, etc). If you wanna yike, go ahead, just don't go crazy. As a reminder, you don't have to yike, it is not a rite of passage. If you wanna experience it, I'd say it's like a burst of adrenaline and excitement, people will be staring (that's a given). I've never yiked though, and uh, in my opinion, it's not, not something to write home about. Or, in a Newspaper article.

        If you're dancing and looking at the time as to when the dance will end, it will be, the LONGEST, time of your life. The DJ mistakenly stopped the music at 10:00 PM 'cause he thought it was gonna end at 10:00 PM when the dance actually ends at 10:30 PM. Jk and I were pretty tired, Jh yiked a couple girls, both whom were like friends or sisters of a friend of his, of whom also approached him and was like "Dude, that's my sister!" Jk and I were dancing, waiting for it to end. a 30-minute mix is a lot longer than you'd think.

        When it was finally over, we got our jackets from the coat check, went outside to the cool air, got in our car, stopped out In 'n' Out for a late night meal (dancing, err, swaying your body really does shed calories), and dropped us off home. I know that, for some people, dances are not their thing, and I could totally, totally see why. I'd agree too, but I'm here for the experience, and also for the idea of helping others out. If there's one thing I want somebody to get out of reading all of this, it's that you should not feel awkward at all, awkward in whatever you choose to do at a dance. Why? Because people feel the same way. They're thinking "Oh man, hopefully I'm dancing correctly" or "Shoot, do I look weird for just sitting here and drinking lemonade?" They're too busy worrying about looking awkward themselves, than for them to be worrying about other people looking awkward.

        And so there you have it. Probably the most information you'll find on a school dance. Just remember that this was at a public school, and the dance was held at a place outside of the school. Schools and areas will vary, but I'm hoping that the things that happen here to me, are similar to those for others, so as to better, assist them. It's 2:00 in the afternoon, I got work but that ain't due 'till Monday, uhh, new, new tracks coming along, and uh, some relaxation. Came home at 12:00 AM last night even though the dance "ended" at 10:30 PM. Had the best, sleep though, I've had in a long time. Also the Discord buddies, yeah, they're active. Invited me for pho and pool yesterday but, I had the Winter Ball, so. Anyways, I'll, I'll see ya'll tomorrow.

Friday, February 3, 2017 "Dance 2."

Friday, February 3, 2017
Week: 26
Songs to Remember: 679 - Fetty Wap, Gee (Lelion Dubstep Remix) - SNSD

        For some posts, I am just too tired to get into what happened the past, day, night, so I do a little bit of talking, right after the events that occurred to give myself a sort of initial feelings.

        Like an interview like, "How do you feel?" Well I'm definitely tired, definitely sweaty, it's definitely late (12:17 AM). Fortunately it's only Friday, I- I fucking forgot that today was an actual school-day, so I got that AND, KDT practice to add onto, the events that occurred tonight. It's definitely not pretty, not uh, not something you'd want to read aloud or at your wedding or anything. A small preview/synopsis is: the cast members of "Precisely Refined" venture forth into a world of blaring bass, "gas pedal," physical contact without actual physical contact, body swaying, and a bowl of chocolate posed as a chocolate fountain.

        That's all I'ma gonna say for now before the full details are told in the next post. Anyways, it's 12:28 AM now, see ya.

Thursday, February 2, 2017 "Set to Start."

Thursday, February 2, 2017
Week: 26
Songs to Remember: Polymorphing - Chairlift, In the Club - IMFACT

        Finally, the end of the week. Gives me some leeway for, putting my head on a pillow for an extended period of time, an even more extended period of time.

        Except it's not like, the end, end, of the week yet. I'm saying this now because tomorrow I probably won't have the strength to type up anything because guess what, I'm apparently going to the Winter Ball (which is tomorrow). Now there are more pros than cons I guess of going. For starters, I'll be able to experience a school dance that is outside of the school gym and is NOT prom (it's actually going to be held at a real ballroom, although as elegant as it sounds, I was showed footage of last year's Winter Ball and it was pretty much pitch-black, like a rave. I visualized a more, Beauty and the Beast, sorta atmosphere, but oh well). Also, I never really went to the Winter Ball, like, ever, in these past 4 years, so I guess I'll experience it or never experience it ever.

        There's a chocolate fountain, and, some snacks. And probably the most hyped up thing (of which I'm not hyping myself up for and only setting my expectations very low) is for the chances of me finding some big-booty bitches. Now I say this jokingly, I don't actually say "big-booty bitches" out-loud, or in general, except when I'm bantering around with Jk. But yeah, although I've already got options, ya know, more wouldn't hurt. As for the cons, I'm out $38. I'm also, out of 2 hours of time, maybe even more. And, I'm out of 2 hours of rest or something. After thinking about it, I ain't really got much to lose (except money). As long as nobody remembers shit, I'm down, for shit.

        Anyways, that'll all be going down at 7:00 PM tomorrow. I got KDT practice 'till 5:00 PM, though. We'll be learning SNSD's "Gee," which just so happens to be the very first K-Pop song I ever heard. Umm, and yeah, let's get onto the day.

        Dance, we did a round of practicing our hip hop dance, and then, we worked on our choreos. Today it was my time to teach, so I did the best I could. Most of what I taught was just, I came up with on the spot, or, pieces of my old choreo (of which I now consider old). I've since came up with some cooler feeling moves, and uh, these songs so far, I've, not gotten tired of (Taemin's "Press Your Number," MOBB's "Hit Me," kmlkmljkl's "Casin Puffs."). Math, on the other hand, I have gotten tired of. Tired of all this "do-it-by-hand" bullshit," heh. Tedious, not hard, and the time can be spent elsewhere.

        Oh and by the way, tomorrow we're doing a "costume-check" for Dance, where we bring in our clothes we're gonna wear for the rally performance next Friday. It'll be black and white only, so, I'ma have to think of a fit tonight (and it's 11:34 PM). Break was break, Digital Art, I got shit done, English, I got some of that reading and eye-closing, done. Lunch, I'm, kinda just leaving my doughnuts alone for now, until I feel really hungry or, crave doughnuts. Otherwise, they're staying in my locker. Umm, Econ, that was just stories and notes. Oh yeah, the vibe in the class, definitely not as intelligent as other classes, but, it's very mellow, grasping. Like, another History teacher came in (they're close buddies) and called our teacher a dick. Like, just straight up, heh. That's, that's the tone, and it's pretty, different from the normal silence and rules you get in other classes.

        Also he spat some knowledge about college. He (the other History teacher) said that college is gonna trigger us, make us uncomfortable, will do all the things that will make us uncomfortable. And I believe it, it's gonna, hoooooo. It's gonna be much different, I believe it. And finally Chinese, where we got that sweet, sweet Chromebook time.

        After school, Jk and I bought our tickets for the Winter Ball tomorrow, and our fates were sealed. Jh is going, Ag ain't going, no other cast member is going (even DrewN apparently). So yeah, it's 11:41 PM, gonna need all the sleep I can, because tomorrow's gonna be a special. See ya.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wednesday, February 1, 2017 "Got Some Progress For You, Kid."

Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Week: 26
Songs to Remember: In the Club - IMFACT, Polymorphing - Chairlift

        I really do wanna sleep earlier, but godamn is it cold, which adds to the fact that I just wanna lie down and hibernate but that's hard because it's cold.

        Dance, we went over our tap dance and hip hop dance. Math, surprisingly, I did half-bad, half-good, but ended up doing good. It was timed, just two questions, with calculators. Got the first one right entirely, on the second however, I got that shit wrong, entirely. I searched up how to input that shit into my calculator (the equations were in x= instead of y=), and uh, apparently the TI-84 doesn't support x= equations, so, I got kinda fucked. I mean I could've graphed 'em by hand but, with it being timed, I actually barely had any enough time to write shit down.

        But instead of like a straight up 50%, I guess I got some pity points and made it out with a 10/14, which is, pretty nice. Uhhh, Digital Art, that was just work on work. English, just reading on reading, worksheet on worksheet. Lunch, I had some spam musubi that I bought from this dude who sits next to me in Digital Art. I'm uh, I'm kinda straying off my doughnut diet, not because like, I can't handle it, it's just, I'm just sick of the taste of doughnuts, heh. It's so bland and sugary. If only there was jelly filling.

        Econ, we had notes and stories, aaand finally, Chinese, we had some nice filler reading. Tomorrow, should be nothing too special. I guess I'll be going to the Winter Ball dance on Friday (did not realize it was going to be, ya know, THIS Friday. Thought I still had more time), just because I'll have Jk going with me, and, who knows, maybe, the script writers got it for me. I'm really not expecting much, really.

        Also, got some good, good Snapchat progress. I feel like, I'm unsure of the path that's coming down for me, there's still a lot to be worked on, but, I think, I hope it can be made do. For now, it's 11:53 PM, see ya.