Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014
Week 24
Songs to Remember: Get Crazy - Teen Top
        Yay, it's February! Oh, wait; wrong thing to be happy for. Oh no. So it's February, and because of that, I'd like to think about all my past relationsh- oh wait. Never mind.
        So a thought just came to me last night which almost blew my mind. I was thinking that if I liked a girl, I should just straight up go and tell her. My mind almost exploded by the sheer simplicity of that. But then I thought, she most likely, if not guaranteed, will say no. Then her excuse would be that she "doesn't really know me" or that I'm "not her type" or same lame bullsh** like that.

        Then I was thinking about how I would increase my chances with actually being a close friend or whatever, but not close enough that I'll end up in the shadow-realm, or as others like to call it: the friend zone. Now I don't want to get in depth about the friend zone because that'll take too many... chapters. Way too many chapters.

        Alright, so now I'm sure that the girl who was chatting with me on Facenovel disabled chat for me. I really do not know why. She posted a status like a week back saying she was "feeling like crap" and that how she has friends to comfort her and stuff. And this is why girls are more confusing than a math test.

        The thought of telling all the cute girls in my geography class that I like them is pretty tempting right now, but the thought of being labeled as a creeper who hits on every girl is enough for me to not do that. So, I'm going to have to go the passive route and say "Hi" to all the girls that I see when I walk to my geography class, and that does not include walking behind them and thinking to myself: "Just go up there next to her and say hi", but rather doing that action than thinking it. And then that leads to another topic about whether to act confident, but not too confident that it turns into obsessive stalker kind of confident.

        So today was a wasted day. I hope you all have a merry February 1st and a happy new year. I had no idea where I was going in this entry.

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