Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Week 27
Songs to Remember: Wake Me Up - Avicii

       I got a small taste of a social life today. I also need to stop over-thinking and analyzing situations. So here's how my day went.

        Well, I was thinking of going to the movies today to watch the Lego Movie. I wanted to get out of the house since I'm always home. I was also thinking of posting on Facenovel if anyone wanted to go with me (because I am oh so lonely). The gods were kind to me today as my friend (I never really talk to him since 7th and 8th grade) posted asking if anyone wanted to go with him and his friend (I know his friend as well, we hang out at the same location at school). I told him "Sure" and never got back a reply until after I came home.

        He told me I answered too late and they didn't find out I was going until after the movie, literally. I mean, it's not my fault. He posted it like, 15 minutes before the movie time (which was at 1:15 PM). So anyways, the movie was OK. It wasn't as funny I thought it was and a lot of the jokes I don't think many children will get. I still liked it though for the animation and concept. I was expecting a lot more uhh, lego-y stuff.

        I went alone to movies because a lot of kids now a days do it. My mom worries about me getting kidnapped yet she doesn't let me have a phone. That discussion is for another day.

        I got to say, it was pretty relaxing. I liked being alone for an hour and a half watching interesting stuff. What I don't like is being alone AT HOME watching mildly interesting stuff on my computer. Oh, and that "small taste" of a social life I was talking about, yeah this was it. I conversed (just a bit) with my friends (or should I say people I know from school?) while doing a social activity, like going to the movies. Now all I need now is a girl that knows my existence and a horror movie to come out. Yes, yes that'll be the day.

        And that was my day. Uhhh, there's not much else to say. I'm pretty bored to be honest and messing with people on is not keeping my attention much longer. Anyways, see you tomorrow. Oh, and I almost forgot (kind of a spoiler), I was very disappointed that Avicii's "Wake Me Up" was not in the Lego Movie. I was very disappointed, 9/10 would watch again. OK, now I'll see you tomorrow.

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