Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014
Week 24
Songs to Remember:
        So I saw another "wonderful" post on my Facenovel newsfeed. I got to tell you, if you want to find stupid sh** to discuss about, just look on Facenovel. At least a few people would act ignorant and post stuff like this.
        This girl had posted, and I quote: " if you're an adult and not in the mood to argue with a mere 14 year old, please scroll past. anyways, it's kind of sad how adults try to scare us with the phase "the real world." what exactly is "the real world"? last time I checked, the place I'm living in right now is the REAL world. my problems are just as real as yours. my stress is just as real as yours. it doesn't matter whether or not you're paying taxes or not. everybody's situation is different. if you think that the... only real problems in our world are dealt with in adulthood, then let me tell you something, that's absolutely incorrect. go ahead and laugh at that teenager who says he/she is depressed. go ahead and laugh at that toddler who said they broke up with their best friend. go ahead and laugh at me. because believe me. you won't be laughing anymore when you realize that "the real world" is fake. the REAL world is what we live in right now. the REAL world is everyone's problems and issues combined. it doesn't matter whether you're paying your own taxes at the moment or not. the REAL world is what we're living in right now and everything combined."
        Oh yeah, lots of things to discuss. First of all, just getting this out there, I never knew that the term breaking up was used in connation with best friends. The more you know. Secondly, this girl talks a lot about taxes, yet she doesn't pay them. For f***'s sake, she's 14 years old and determining the impact of taxes. Like, this is the stuff I see on Facenovel every day. Now while reading this whole thing, I was more confused about her either talking the real world, or the Mtv show of the same name. That's how confusing she's making this. Getting by in " the real world" only requires money. That's all there is to it. Money, money, money. Just look at the board game, Monopoly; what are you trying to get? Money. Coincidence? I think not.
        And "the real world" is not "the place I'm living in right now". It's problems that are actually getting by-threatening, if that's even a real term, probably not. The real world is what houses problematic situations that could affect how you live, like I don't know, taxes, finding a job, paying rent, money, money, and debt. She's even listing things like "depression" and "breaking up with their best friend" (Like wtf, who says that?), which are just her problems. I don't see what she has to complain about, she has a decent life and I'm her sitting in front of my laptop typing on this blog when I could be experiencing the hardships of "the real world" that she has.
        Like, I have depression, but I still keep a fake smile. I moved away from my real best friends who I spent all of elementary school with, building a basis for the times we would have in middle school and onwards. But nope, I still got depression and I moved away. Anyways, enough bashing on this girl, I mean, she clearly doesn't understand and I'm clearly not "an adult who isn't in the mood to argue with a 14-year old".
        And most of these posts are mainly 40% honesty, 50% satire, and 10% thinking. I don't think when I'm posting these entries, I just type. If you're going to take me seriously, at least know that I have barely any idea of what I'm talking about. But hey, I could be right, I could be wrong.
        Moral of the story is: 12 oz. mouse is a very weird show. I don't recommend watching it.

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