Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014 "My logic actually makes sense."

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Week 28
Songs to Remember: Hug Me Once - Girl's Day

        Now I will commence talking about my day. Today was nice and sunny (of which I don't really enjoy too much).

        Yesterday I had a good sleep, today, not really. I felt tired when I woke up. I think it was because of the dream yesterday that made that sleep so good. But today, I just felt tired. Exciting story so far right? Right. Anyways, my English class is currently reading Romeo & Juliet. Seriously. What. The. F***. This book makes no sense. My teacher told our class that we don't really have to understand what we're reading, we just have to memorize the phrases and text and stuff. Thanks a lot Shakespeare. Thanks a lot.

        So 4th period was pretty ... OK. My physical education class switched teachers yesterday, 'cause every 6 weeks, you stay with your class but you get a different teacher and they each teach 2 units, which could be things like rug-ball, cardio, badminton, table-tennis (hell yeah), and ... jogging. Our class is currently doing ... jogging. The dot dot dot part adds emphasis onto how I am going to dislike this unit so hard right now.

        That didn't make any sense. So today we had to jog for 5 or 8 minutes continuously. My teacher asked for a show of hands for who would be going for the 8 minutes instead of the 5. Basically everyone was going for the 8 minutes. Now, yesterday, my whole lower body basically collapsed internally due to not running for about a week. Today, I had a strategy for to endure this thing. My plan was to start to jog as slowly as possible, slow enough for me to not die, but fast enough for it to not count as walking. And unfortunately I forgot and I jogged fast enough for me to be in the 10 people in the lead.

        I didn't die though, not yet. Tomorrow I'm going to have to run the mile, and for boys, the passing time is I think 8:30 to 9:30 minutes. Now, my best time on the mile back in 7th and 8th grade is like 9 something and that was only once. I'm not even sure if I'm going to still exist after this mile let alone get a passing time.

        The rest of my day was pretty bwah, and yes, I did just say bwah; I got that from a YouTube video. Now onto a rant: yesterday I thought of an idea that was so psychological motivational that I still don't know why I never thought of it before.

        To be honest, I didn't actually look at any websites for this, I legitimately thought of this right after I hesitated to go say Hi to Tn (one of my crushes right now. Yes, ONE of my crushes). When I was hesitating to say Hi to her, I was having an internal conflict IN MY MIND. I was literally having a light-saber battle in my brain. I was thinking of reasons why I shouldn't go up to her while also thinking of reasons why I should. Unfortunately, the dark side won and I just stared at the back of her head as we were walking to 6th period (really weird, I know).

        In class I was thinking about the consequence of talking to a girl and asking her out. The only consequence I could find was that they would ignore me, avoid me, and never talk to me again. But then I thought of what the status between me and her is right now, which is the same thing as the consequence: her not talking to me at all ('cause she doesn't really talk to me).

        I was like "Bingo". That was it. I found a piece of motivation. If I talk to the girl and ask her out, the worst thing that can happen is her not talking to me (or a restraining order). But, she already doesn't really talk to me, so the worst thing has already happened, so if I talk to her, things could only get better because my luck can't go below zero right? Right? Yes, right.

        So there you have it, I found a way for yall (yes, yall) to get motivated. Now go out there and stop hesitating ("But Drew, you hesitate all the time." Who said you could speak conscience? Get out her before I beat you senseless, with my mind). Well there you have it, my logic in talking to a girl. It actually made sense for once, I think. I still have lots of stories to tell for tomorrow and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the ne...

        Well alrighty, see you tomorrow.

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