Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014
Week 25
Songs to Remember: Sometimes - Miami Horror

       So I told that girl on who I was finally, then she deleted some of the questions on her profile, so that was that. Also, today was probably my worst school day of high school, even worse than when I asked Ez if I could hang out with her and her friends, only to receive an indirect "no". Yes, even worse than that.

        So my day started out not as well as I planned. I caught a cold yesterday since it was raining, and I was hoping it would go away by today, but it hasn't. I was very sleepy and tired in my first period, I continuously put my head down to rest. Today we had a modified schedule because of an awards assembly that everyone is required to go to. The schedule was 1st period, then 2nd, then break, 3rd, then the awards assembly, then lunch, then 4th, 5th, and 6th. I was not very happy at the awards assembly as to me, it was a waste of time. Even though we had shortened class periods due to the assembly, I'd rather not have the awards assembly at all.

        During 3rd period, I was really tired. I had a mild sore throat, my left nostril was runny, I was tired and sleepy, I had a headache, and my left leg was sore. The awards assembly was 50 minutes long, and we had to sit in a very uncomfortable position due to the amount of people. Before I even entered the gym (which is where the assembly was held), security told me and everyone to place our backpacks and such in this tiny room. After the assembly was over, it was lunchtime. I don't buy lunch at school, I bring my own, and so my lunch was in my backpack. After the awards assembly ended and everyone left, there was a crowd of like 50 people including me, all crowding around the tiny room to get our backpacks and stuff. I stood there for a good 15 minutes before I was able to get my backpack.

        The organization level was pretty bad. Security just picked out a random bag and just said "Whose is this?" They did this for like, every single item. I didn't even have enough time to eat my lunch. And so 4th period started and boy, it was most likely the worst. We got dressed and went outside to stand in roll call order, outside, while it was raining. I don't know why they make us go outside and not have us stay indoors and do homework or something. We stood in the rain for a good 30 minutes or so. My class was playing rugball on the wet football field. I seriously do not understand why they force us to play outside while it's raining and have kids get colds and shyt.

        So after those 30 minutes of baring the cold, I went to 5th period, and then 6th. When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the classroom, I had only two things on my mind: getting to my mom's car, and sleep. The Outsiders was a pretty cool book.

        So when I finally got home, I did my usual routine and I took a nap for about an hour. My mom complained about this, saying that I should sleep earlier. So yeah, that was what was probably my worst day in high school so far. No rejections, no emotional pain, but physical and tiring pain.

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