Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014 "Missing my Chances."

Thursday, February 27, 2014
Week 28
Songs to Remember: Baby Good Night - B1A4

       Welcome to Drew's brain train. Our first destination will be me, talking about my mile today. Our second destination will be how I missed. A lot. Of chances. And our final destination, a roller coaster ride of death. Oh wait, wrong movie. Hey, this isn't the set of Final Destination 3? What am I doing here? (I just realized I confused a train with a roller-coaster. I am shaking my head right now)

       So I had no idea where I was going with the whole brain train thing, it just so happened to pop up into my head the words "brain" and train". Yeah, I don't know either. I have a lot of stories to tell so buckle up your seat-belts (maybe I did have an idea where I was going with the whole train thing) because this is going to be loooong. The extra o's made it seem long.

        Yes, I'm still alive. The mile didn't kill me, yet. In the beginning, I didn't go all out super maximum rider fast. I went at a pretty below moderate jogging pace. Things were going well until after the first lap (there were 4 laps in total), then it really started to hit me. I was "Shyt, this is going to be a loooong run." During the second lap, I was basically tired to the point where I was pretending to jog, I had like a walking pace, but it looked like I was jogging. It eventually came down to me being like the last 10 people which is alright with me (our class has like 40 people).

        My final time was 9:57 which to me is fine. I haven't ran a mile in like 6 months so there's my excuse. There was about like 5 guys who overlapped me and I saw like 2 of them overlap me TWICE. Their times were like 4 or 5 minutes and I was like "What the f***? You got like half my time ..." Those guys were like trained major league athlete pros so that's probably why.

        Now, moving onto my hits and misses. So this whole week, the gods have been kind to me and gave me multiple and I mean multiple ways to engage in a conversation or say Hi or anything to this girl in my 6th period, Tn. First, I saw her like 5 feet away from me when she was walking to our class. She wasn't talking or walking with anyone so I had the perfect opportunity to just go "Hi Tn. Was there any homework last night?" or anything like that. But no, my brain thought of enough reasons to not go up next to her and speak.

        Another instance was yesterday when we were exiting the classroom. She was literally 2 feet in front of me (it was pretty crowded 'cause our classroom was next to a bunch of other classrooms). She was, of course, walking alone to another classroom (maybe an after-school club meeting or something, I don't know). I had the opportunity again, but still I was like "Ehh, I'll do it tomorrow." Then, there comes today, where she did the exact same thing, and alone as well, and of course I chickened out and just said to myself "Ehh, tomorrow's Friday. If she thinks I'm a creep, I'll have the weekend to cry about it."

       So you see, the gods have given me many chances, and I did not take any of them, even though all the things that I've talked about so far makes so much sense for me to just go up to her and say Hi, I still don't take the chances. Maybe because there was that one time back in 8th grade where I tried to go say Hi to Ez and she completely didn't hear it and I was beet red from nervousness. I don't know.

        Well, you know what they say, "You miss 100% of the chances you don't take." That right there is a pretty good quote (even though I probably got the wording kind of wrong). I'll be sure to go talk to her tomorrow, all I need to do is just remind myself that life does not give a f***. Oh, and I've started to work on a K-Pop Mash-up song to upload to YouTube so that's something for me to work on.

        And there you have it. I still got more stories to tell, but I don't want posts to be too long because you know the attention spans of people nowadays (Vine, Instagram, Twitter, etc). Ill see you tomorrow.

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