Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Week 25
Songs to Remember: The Day We Broke Up - ZE:A

        So there's this fundraiser/charity thing going on at my school, it's called the "Basket Boys and Girls Auction" and the description is, "Bid on your friends and classmates to win a lunch date!" If you don't get it, it's basically where you bid for a "date" with a person and they'll be forced to have lunch with you. This sounds OK. I'm not going to hate on it because it's such a gosh darn smart idea. Every single person in this club (it's a club that does like, community service together and is hosting this event) is attractive, to some degree. If I was in this auction, I think I'd be bid on for about -$12. Yes, that's right, I'd would have to pay the person for them to go have lunch with me.

        'Course, there'd always be some creepy dudes who don' really care about their money going to the charity, but more focused on the "date". OK, I take it back, after looking at the photos of all the people who are going to be auctioned (they posted their pictures on Facenovel with like a description of their personalities or something; there's like 40 people), those people are not attractive to some degree, but 80 degrees. Yeah, that's right, they're sizzling hot. How do the kids say it now a days, uuuh, "hash tag model status". Yeah, that's it.

        Also, I'd like to thank that one person who's been +1'ing all my posts so far. It just lets me know that there's someone else reading about my boring life, besides me of course. You, yeah you, you are a nice person, unlike some of the "friendly" people in this world. All those friendly people ain't got nothing on you. Funeral Suits reference thank you.

        So I just got my schedule signed today by my teachers, looks like I'll be taking English II, Word History, Algebra II/Trigonometry, P.E, Chemistry, and Chinese I. I think my schedule is pretty nice, nothing too hard (except the Algebra/Trigonometry). My Geometry teacher told me that I was to spend an hour each day on Algebra II/Trigonometry homework. Oh, and I never really do my math homework either. If my teacher gives us time in class, I'll do it. But if it's on my own time, I just copy most of it off the internet. Now I know what you're thinking, but I actually do understand the lessons. I get A's and B's on all my Geometry tests so far, and I think I've done about 50% of the homework, without looking it up on the internet. I don't encourage copying, but if a person understands it and still gets A's and B's on the major tests, then by all means copy.

        So I was trying to have some fun on some of the ask.fm's from some people at my school. I asked, "How was your day?" Then this girl answered,"it was alright, how was yours my luv" (just to let you know if you've never heard of ask.fm, it's a website where people can ask you questions anonymously and you can answer em' and post it publicly). And so I replied "It was alright as well! Did you do anything exciting today?" And then she asks who I am. I ask so hard people wanna find me. Every single time I go on a girl's ask to screw around, they always want to know who I am, and all I do is ask them how was their day. I'm onto something here; girls like it if you ask them how their day was. Trust me, I'm an expert.
        So not much crazy stuff happening today, at least for right now. Probably when Valentine's day comes (I thought it was this Friday, but it appears to be next Friday), there'll be a lot more things to talk about. So yeah, have a nice day.

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