Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014
Week 26
Songs to Remember: Abandoned - Jay Park, Abandoned - Jay Park, Abandoned - Jay Park

        Well, there really is no hope for me. Today was a boring day, and I mean a really boring day, possible the most wasted day in my life. I started writing a song, and by "writing", I mean coming up with lyrics to an instrumental song. Technically I'm not writing a song, I'm writing lyrics. Anyways, I actually tried to sing, because you won't know if it sounds good if you're quietly whispering the words under your breath. My parents weren't home so, I had the freedom to sing out loud.

        The lyrics to me are pretty nice in terms of being metaphorically representative of my personality. In other words, in-direct meanings toward the lyrics are supposed to mean, representing who I am. Yeah, deep. I'm still not finished, I think I'm one third of the way done. Thank goodness for technology today, I could just look up rhymes easily and I mean easily.

        Anyways, my parents took my cousin and I to this restaurant. We waited for about 30 minutes, but we still weren't called for our table yet. We decided to leave and go a different restaurant. We had Asian food. That's, that's all there is to it. I eat it every single day so of course I'm tired of the taste. During this time, I thought of an idea. Because of how I have break for this oncoming week, I could possibly go visit my elementary school friends during school hours because how cool is that.

        It'd be pretty cool having a dude you last met in elementary school 6 years ago and see their face after those 6 years. But apparently some people don't think so. I chatted with them on Facenovel asking if I could hang out with them tomorrow. They have yet to reply. I know they're on, it says so on the Facenovel chat (it says that one of them is on the Web, which means their on the computer; another says Mobile which means they're currently online on the phone if you didn't know). So yeah, I don't know what's going on, but it looks to me that they don't really care much for me anymore. I mean, I don't blame em', I wouldn't want to really keep much in contact with past friends.

        One of them asked me "Don't you live in *insert city name here*?" I answered "yes" and all I got was a "oLOL". Now, where I'm living and where they're living, we're literally a few miles apart. Our cities are literally RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER. I could literally walk to her house; it'd be a really long walk, but I could still walk there. Excuses like "Don't you live somewhere else?" pisses me off. Trying to ask for a friendly visit and not wanting to just see each other face to face seems like too much to ask for right? Sure.

        I guess even if I'm speaking to someone through digital services, I still get rejected. I mean, I could play the pity role in order to get what I want. I could be like "Oh it's OK, you don't have to invite me if you don't want to. Sorry for bothering you" and add like a puppy dog face to the end of it. These people aren't even replying either, and that's worse than being rejected. Both of these people (they're girls by the way) still have yet to respond to my messages. Being rejected is one thing, being ignored is on whole new level. Have you seen the rice experiment before? You probably haven't, I don't see why you would. Basically, this guy put rice in these 3 containers. He marked one container "positive" or something like that. He marked one "negative" and he marked the third one "nothing". He treated the 3 containers of rice differently. The positive one, he said positive things to it everyday. The negative one he said negative things to everyday. The nothing one, he simply ignored it.

        The results were pretty cool. You can search it up yourself, there are videos on it and you could even do it yourself at home. The experiment showed that being ignored and being negative upon were different things. Anyways, long example for a short explanation, sorry for wasting your time.

        I think I'll include the ignored and negative thing in my song. I really don't know what to do. I just feel, "abandoned". And with that, I bring you the song "Abandoned" by Jay Park. Please listen to it, it's K-Pop, but it's a really nice song.

        I still think Valentine's day sucks.

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