Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Week 26
Songs to Remember: How R U - Airplane

       You can not get anymore romantic than a lego movie. That one girl, you know, that one girl who said Hi to me on Facenovel, but I replied 16 minutes too late? Yeah, her and him went to the movies. It showed up on my Facenovel news-feed OK. It's not my fault people post things publicly. I don't stalk, and if I do, it's accidental. Yes, accidental stalking is accidental. There's a difference.

        Oh and that girl and her friends who hang out in front of my locker weren't there today. And that reminds me, I must say, I sweat a lot now. More so under pressure. During the first semester of school, whenever I was embarrassed or whatever, I would get all itchy. I would scratch my neck, my sides, random spots just start itching. Now, I sweat whenever something's happening to me and my face probably gets all red, like a Charizard.

        So there are some moments in school where my face freezes like there's a camera in front of me, and I just stare off into the distance. That's all I gotta say. My cold's been doing pretty fine (yes, pretty fine), I haven't much of a sore throat anymore, but I still have runny noses and my right leg hurts every time I put pressure on it.

        I'm thinking of drawing a picture to go with each post so I can remember these moments more cleatrly. You know how there are multiple learning personalities and whatever? Like, there are musical learners, visual learners, interpersonal learners, stuff like that? Well everyone's a visual learner- well almost everyone since almost everyone can see. But if I start creating a picture for each post, will I have the time/motivation to keep on doing it for another 1600 days or so?

        Shoot, I just remembered that I have a Biology test tomorrow, better start studying (ha, drew you crack me up, I mean myself up). I forgot to study. I'm doing it now. See you tomorrow.

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