Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday, January 31, 2014
Week 24
Songs to Remember: Thinking of You - Bigstar
        I have listed this song so many times now. It never gets old. Seriously, it's like in my top 10 songs of all time favorites.
        Alrighty, so I guess I'm going to have to mark this day onto the "days wasted" list. I definitely need to look up "thrills of going to the mall" since that's what all the kiddies are doing nowadays and I'm somehow missing out on the fun of it.
        And there goes me trying to use complicated words again. I don't really know what to discuss, I mean my mind is just blank. Well, I guess there is something. There's this girl who's been talking to me on Facenovel right, a girl from my school; let's just call her Eo for now (I don't think I've used that abbreviation yet so I'm good). Anyways, in my last few entries in that one big entry that I first posted (confusing, I know), I was talking about how either way, whether I were to create a crush on her or not, I recently decided not to and decided to make chatting with her seem boring as possible. Well now I would like to talk to her again, mainly because I'm bored and lonely and sitting here watching YouTube videos or writing in this blog is not going to help.
        But, she most likely, positively, 99.9% disabled chat for me on Facenovel. I did the same with Lk (less confusing if you read the epilogue), and now it's coming back to bite me on the booty. You see, it's all just one big plot, a big story, and the producers are killing off relationshippable (yes, I think that's a word; the big red squiggly line under a word means it's good, right?) people in my life. So I got to act fast, and I mean like Sonic fast. What was his catchphrase again? "You're too slow!" Yeah, that's the one.
        Going off topic here, even though there's really no topic in any of my entries, even if you scientifically prove there is a topic in a post of mine, I'm not going to believe it. So anyways (I like the word "anyways"), my friends from my early elementary school (you can read all about it in the very beginning of the epilogue) are the ones I'd like to get back with. I mean, they go to public places, they even go out to like restaurants without their parents, and like, I've never done that before (shocking, I know). All I do is stay home and I never really get to experience the real world, and I'm not just talking about the show on Mtv, but the actual world.
        So, I'd like to maybe give them a message on Facenovel, be like, "Hey, you wanna hang out at the mall?" because, you know, b****es love malls. And they'd be like "Sure." I really have no idea where I'm going with this entry. I may be bi-polar, even though I most likely am not, yet I'd like to consider myself that, like how people without OCD state that they do have OCD even though they don't even draw a perfect circle. Like, seriously.
        So I'm guessing this entry was kind of pointless. Weird, but pointless. Anyways, I'll try to hook up with my old friends again tomorrow, maybe. If I feel like it, or have enough motivation. Most likely not enough motivation. Feel free to give me motivation. Will sing for motivation. Oh, and I've never sang out loud before. Mostly because my parent's will most likely hear it and start the self-destruct timer. So, yeah, stay safe, stay in school, and remember: don't be on with her.

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