Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014
Week 24
Songs to Remember: Girl Next Door - Drake Bell

        Ah yes, the continuation of this, thing. This thing I call a blog. So to start things off, I'm going to tell you about my geography test last Friday, I think (I think it was Friday). So anyways, we were studying Europe right, just random facts about Europe and the locations of the capitals and such. And so came the test. My teacher gave us this worksheet which was like 30 questions regarding Europe and if we completed the worksheet, we could use it on the test. Now, I don't study. So if there are any opportunities where I would be allowed to bring notes to a test, I'd take it. Way back when, during finals week (which was in December something. I think I covered about that), I had written like 12 pages of notes to bring to my Biology final. It basically consisted of just sequences like the cell cycle and meiosis, but about 95% of my notes were just vocabulary words. All I needed to pass the Biology final was common sense (of which I barely have) and knowing what the words meant. I mean, "catalyst" and "enzymes" are pretty difficult to remember, and I only know the word "catalyst" from going to the Spear Pillar in Pokémon Diamond.
        Anyways, enough of the flashback to finals. So on the geography test, if it wasn't for my completed worksheet, I would've just gotten an F and walk out the classroom. No, but I probably would've gotten a C- at most. Oh, and on the test (which I'm pretty sure I got at least a B-), there were some questions regarding the countries and their capitals. We had about 53 minutes for the test, but like only 2 people were done. I think the rest didn't even gotten past the 40 multiple choice questions. And so I didn't finish my test, partly due to the fact I didn't have enough time, but mostly due to the fact that I had NO IDEA where each country was. Study your maps kids.
        Alright, I think that's enough talk about tests for today. Now I'm going to move onto the juicy stuff. Yes, that's right, bacon. I'm going to be discussing bacon and it's succulent goodness. No, I'm going to be talking about girls. Oh, and just to clarify, I am in no way an expert on girls, nor am I trained for it, nor do I even have a degree, even if just doodled one up right now in crayon.
        OK, here goes. So there's this girl in my geography class and she is pretty high on the pH scale. She about an 8 or so. The thing is, she's friends with Ez, a girl whom you probably don't know about and that you should read the epilogue before I'm going to even make sense of what I'm about to say. Now, where was I OK, cute girl, ummm geography class, oh right. OK, so she's been looking at me a lot (breathes heavily), she's asked me for help on what page to turn to in our textbook (breathes heavier), she even knows my name [breathing intensifies]. I know better than to be stupid and start liking her because this crush will come back and just throw into the wormhole I call life. And this is where I would like the moral of the story to be- oh wait, too early. OK, now back in the epilogue (you should read it in order for this to make the smallest bit of sense), I received signs from a girl in my P.E class, whose name was At I think (Not sure, I think I should've used less abbreviations in the epilogue). She looked at me, started a conversation with me, and knew my name. I think. I talked to her on Facenovel (because I don't like using the term Facebook) and months later (or a day later, who knows. Probably the next minute), she un-friended me. Just cause we kind of liked the same book and the same movie and the same actor (Perks of being a wall-flower). Oh, and I don't really like the actor. I never even seen the cover for the book. I only watched the movie once.
        And now the moral of the story: don't be on with her. Not to be confused by the song of the same name (of which you should check out by the way. Great song, great band. I'm definitely not soliciting you in any way possible), I use the term "don't be on with her" for when I think a girl likes me or is interested or whatever. I just don't build and attachment or crush and to not be on an obsession for her. And of course, life will f*** me over by having a really nice girl show all the signs and actually like me, I'd still be breathing heavily, and in turn, I won't be on with her.
        That's enough of my mindset to go around for today. Oh, and I almost forgot, happy Chinese new year's to everyone that celebrates it. I actually forgot about it (What?! You Asian and forget about sacred holiday? You die!), but then I heard a gangbang outside- or was it fireworks? And yeah, remember to eat lots of moon cakes and this will be the year of the horse so people who have the horse as their Chinese animal, umm, you will have increased critical strike chance this year. OK, bye.

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