Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014 "I Forgot."

Friday, February 28, 2014
Week 28
Songs to Remember: Haru Haru - Big Bang

        Today was an OK day. I didn't have the courage to go talk to Tn even though the entire day I kept reminding myself that it isn't a big deal, and it really isn't. Also this girl in my 2nd period Biology class is either interested in me, or is just really friendly. Her friend got her seat moved to the opposite side of the room so she doesn't really have anyone to talk to I guess.

        More to tell tomorrow, I completely forgot to do this post today and it's 11:14 PM so I'll post something long tomorrow. Sorry for this short post. See you tomorrow, I'll post it first in the morning.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014 "Missing my Chances."

Thursday, February 27, 2014
Week 28
Songs to Remember: Baby Good Night - B1A4

       Welcome to Drew's brain train. Our first destination will be me, talking about my mile today. Our second destination will be how I missed. A lot. Of chances. And our final destination, a roller coaster ride of death. Oh wait, wrong movie. Hey, this isn't the set of Final Destination 3? What am I doing here? (I just realized I confused a train with a roller-coaster. I am shaking my head right now)

       So I had no idea where I was going with the whole brain train thing, it just so happened to pop up into my head the words "brain" and train". Yeah, I don't know either. I have a lot of stories to tell so buckle up your seat-belts (maybe I did have an idea where I was going with the whole train thing) because this is going to be loooong. The extra o's made it seem long.

        Yes, I'm still alive. The mile didn't kill me, yet. In the beginning, I didn't go all out super maximum rider fast. I went at a pretty below moderate jogging pace. Things were going well until after the first lap (there were 4 laps in total), then it really started to hit me. I was "Shyt, this is going to be a loooong run." During the second lap, I was basically tired to the point where I was pretending to jog, I had like a walking pace, but it looked like I was jogging. It eventually came down to me being like the last 10 people which is alright with me (our class has like 40 people).

        My final time was 9:57 which to me is fine. I haven't ran a mile in like 6 months so there's my excuse. There was about like 5 guys who overlapped me and I saw like 2 of them overlap me TWICE. Their times were like 4 or 5 minutes and I was like "What the f***? You got like half my time ..." Those guys were like trained major league athlete pros so that's probably why.

        Now, moving onto my hits and misses. So this whole week, the gods have been kind to me and gave me multiple and I mean multiple ways to engage in a conversation or say Hi or anything to this girl in my 6th period, Tn. First, I saw her like 5 feet away from me when she was walking to our class. She wasn't talking or walking with anyone so I had the perfect opportunity to just go "Hi Tn. Was there any homework last night?" or anything like that. But no, my brain thought of enough reasons to not go up next to her and speak.

        Another instance was yesterday when we were exiting the classroom. She was literally 2 feet in front of me (it was pretty crowded 'cause our classroom was next to a bunch of other classrooms). She was, of course, walking alone to another classroom (maybe an after-school club meeting or something, I don't know). I had the opportunity again, but still I was like "Ehh, I'll do it tomorrow." Then, there comes today, where she did the exact same thing, and alone as well, and of course I chickened out and just said to myself "Ehh, tomorrow's Friday. If she thinks I'm a creep, I'll have the weekend to cry about it."

       So you see, the gods have given me many chances, and I did not take any of them, even though all the things that I've talked about so far makes so much sense for me to just go up to her and say Hi, I still don't take the chances. Maybe because there was that one time back in 8th grade where I tried to go say Hi to Ez and she completely didn't hear it and I was beet red from nervousness. I don't know.

        Well, you know what they say, "You miss 100% of the chances you don't take." That right there is a pretty good quote (even though I probably got the wording kind of wrong). I'll be sure to go talk to her tomorrow, all I need to do is just remind myself that life does not give a f***. Oh, and I've started to work on a K-Pop Mash-up song to upload to YouTube so that's something for me to work on.

        And there you have it. I still got more stories to tell, but I don't want posts to be too long because you know the attention spans of people nowadays (Vine, Instagram, Twitter, etc). Ill see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 "One Month Throwbacks."

Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Week 28
Songs to Remember: Girls Girls Girls - GOT7

        My teacher said that us teens are wild due to us and our hormones and how we are experiencing emotions for the first time. That's one of the things I'm going to talk about. I'm also going to talk about the meaning throwback (and maybe Christmas). Also I broke a rule in writing essays, never tell the reader what they're going to read. Wait- f***.

        So my English teacher told my class that we're experiencing emotions for the first time. I got to say, that is so darn true. Younger people (younger than like, me I guess) would probably argue that, but they don't know that middle school "relationships" aren't exactly filled with "emotions". I mean, all you do is hug each other in between classes, that's, that's pretty much it. Oh, and uh, girls. Yes, I definitely feel them emotions now whenever I'm near a cute girl and back then (then referring to middle school), I never actually thought of "Hey, there's a cute girl over there."

        Today, guess what? Yeah, there was no mile today. My teacher cancelled it due to having sympathy for us with the hurricane Katrina weather. We went inside her dance room (she also teaches dancing too) and did some physical fitness tests that "every" freshman is supposed to take. We did some trunk-lifts and that thing where you try to touch your hands with your arms behind your back, it's supposed to show flexibility. So that means tomorrow I'll do the mile, so I got hyped up today for nothing.

        Now for the stupid things I find on Facenovel: so you know how on Facenovel (if you even use it) that if someone comments on a post (such as a picture, video, etc) that everyone else who is involved in the post (by liking, tagged, or usually commenting on it) will get a notification right? Well, there was this guy and he commented on the post of that one athletic Korean guy at my school (you probably know him. How do you not know him?) who posted a video of him and a whole crowd of people singing happy birthday to his girlfriend (who doesn't go to this school, but is a senior at another high school) on stage of a "Lunar Show" that my school did (which involves asian culture with the chinese new year and stuff). Really confusing so far right? Let me just sum it up for ya: this guy comments on a post that was only a month ago (January 25th to be exact), commenting "Throwback".

        I had to type all that just to explain. You see how frustrated I am with this. Grrr. One does not simply call something that happened one month ago a "throwback". It's goddamn one month ago, people don't care for it unless it's happened extremely recently (like a week or so) or really long ago (I'm talking centuries here. Oh and sarcasm is nice.

        So I'm going to rap things up here since I'm way past my bedtime (I know, I know). I'll talk about myself being stupid tomorrow, that is if I'll still be alive after the mile. Sooooo see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014 "My logic actually makes sense."

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Week 28
Songs to Remember: Hug Me Once - Girl's Day

        Now I will commence talking about my day. Today was nice and sunny (of which I don't really enjoy too much).

        Yesterday I had a good sleep, today, not really. I felt tired when I woke up. I think it was because of the dream yesterday that made that sleep so good. But today, I just felt tired. Exciting story so far right? Right. Anyways, my English class is currently reading Romeo & Juliet. Seriously. What. The. F***. This book makes no sense. My teacher told our class that we don't really have to understand what we're reading, we just have to memorize the phrases and text and stuff. Thanks a lot Shakespeare. Thanks a lot.

        So 4th period was pretty ... OK. My physical education class switched teachers yesterday, 'cause every 6 weeks, you stay with your class but you get a different teacher and they each teach 2 units, which could be things like rug-ball, cardio, badminton, table-tennis (hell yeah), and ... jogging. Our class is currently doing ... jogging. The dot dot dot part adds emphasis onto how I am going to dislike this unit so hard right now.

        That didn't make any sense. So today we had to jog for 5 or 8 minutes continuously. My teacher asked for a show of hands for who would be going for the 8 minutes instead of the 5. Basically everyone was going for the 8 minutes. Now, yesterday, my whole lower body basically collapsed internally due to not running for about a week. Today, I had a strategy for to endure this thing. My plan was to start to jog as slowly as possible, slow enough for me to not die, but fast enough for it to not count as walking. And unfortunately I forgot and I jogged fast enough for me to be in the 10 people in the lead.

        I didn't die though, not yet. Tomorrow I'm going to have to run the mile, and for boys, the passing time is I think 8:30 to 9:30 minutes. Now, my best time on the mile back in 7th and 8th grade is like 9 something and that was only once. I'm not even sure if I'm going to still exist after this mile let alone get a passing time.

        The rest of my day was pretty bwah, and yes, I did just say bwah; I got that from a YouTube video. Now onto a rant: yesterday I thought of an idea that was so psychological motivational that I still don't know why I never thought of it before.

        To be honest, I didn't actually look at any websites for this, I legitimately thought of this right after I hesitated to go say Hi to Tn (one of my crushes right now. Yes, ONE of my crushes). When I was hesitating to say Hi to her, I was having an internal conflict IN MY MIND. I was literally having a light-saber battle in my brain. I was thinking of reasons why I shouldn't go up to her while also thinking of reasons why I should. Unfortunately, the dark side won and I just stared at the back of her head as we were walking to 6th period (really weird, I know).

        In class I was thinking about the consequence of talking to a girl and asking her out. The only consequence I could find was that they would ignore me, avoid me, and never talk to me again. But then I thought of what the status between me and her is right now, which is the same thing as the consequence: her not talking to me at all ('cause she doesn't really talk to me).

        I was like "Bingo". That was it. I found a piece of motivation. If I talk to the girl and ask her out, the worst thing that can happen is her not talking to me (or a restraining order). But, she already doesn't really talk to me, so the worst thing has already happened, so if I talk to her, things could only get better because my luck can't go below zero right? Right? Yes, right.

        So there you have it, I found a way for yall (yes, yall) to get motivated. Now go out there and stop hesitating ("But Drew, you hesitate all the time." Who said you could speak conscience? Get out her before I beat you senseless, with my mind). Well there you have it, my logic in talking to a girl. It actually made sense for once, I think. I still have lots of stories to tell for tomorrow and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the ne...

        Well alrighty, see you tomorrow.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014 "So far, this is my best dream."

Monday, February 24, 2014
Week 28
Songs to Remember: Stand Alone - Bigstar

       With this day, my train of thought has been officially refreshed. With that, I have an insane amount of things to talk about. And I mean a lot. If you like reading, well then keep on reading. If you don't like reading, well, your loss. Actually, I don't like reading either, but I still read. Oh, and I'm going to start naming my posts with a sentence that sums up what I just talked about. This'll make it easier for when I read all this in the future.

        So my day began (this sounds like a fairy tale now) with me waking up in the middle of the night. I think it was 3:00 AM or something like that. I woke up after I had this amazing dream. It wasn't like me getting a relationship or anything (even that can't be dreamt for me), the dream was, different. And by different, I mean awesome (*plays "Everything is Awesome" song* No, please, make it stop! Make it stop!).

        Oh, and by the way, I woke up at 3:00 AM and while still having the memory of the dream fresh in my head, I wrote it down so I could remember all this because there is no way I could recall all of this, except maybe the last part. So it goes: my dream started out with my cousin and I vacuuming ghosts. Yes, already this is amazing. We then recorded ourselves vacuuming the ghosts and uploaded the video onto a ... corno website. This next part was in first-person point-of-view in my dream. The next thing was that I was at Burger King (I don't know why. I haven't ate Burger King in a while). I supposedly bought $80 worth of food, with the use of coupons of course. With amount of money I spent, I was given a free Green Icee type drink.

        The next part was really weird. After I exited Burger King, I ran into a friend from school (not literally ran into them, you know what I mean). She was like "Oh hey Drew" and I was like "Oh, Hi". We then got into this court-like classroom. The desks were like right next to each other and the teacher was on a podium. It was basically a mock trial I guess. The teacher was wearing a witch robe and a witch hat. She then explained that the hat was also a purse. I asked her about all this court thing and what we're doing. She explains that every English class is doing this for every period. Then a webpage of YouTube popped up in my dream and on there was Yu-Gi-Oh! review videos, which the teacher had posted. What was weird about this part was that I can't recall who that girl was. She looked very familiar and is taller than me.

        Now here's the part where it gets good. So my dreams jumps to me walking across the street outside, when I see my past elementary school friend Cn with her friend as well. She walks with her friend to a beauty saloon (a pretty open beauty saloon, and it's pretty small too). I follow her in and ask her "Hey are you Cn?" She replies with a yes and hasn't recognized me so far. I then tell her "I'm Drew, nice to meet you." She then was like "OMG" and hugs me and stuff. In the dream, her hands were pretty warm, and I mean warm like a cozy kind of warm. I acted pretty confident from then on, being like "What a coincidence we would end up at the same place! *Whispers* And that was not a coincidence."

        So a song kind of like Gary's "Shower Later" plays in the salon and I see a poster of my friend as a model outside the salon. Then my dream kinda ends from there.

        So there you have it, that was my dream last night. Now I would continue talking about how my day was, but let's be real here: nobody wants to know how my f***ing day was. I got to stop using the word "So" and "Anyways" I swear to God. Anyways, see you tomorrow.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014
Week 27
Songs to Remember: Gotta Talk to You - Seungri

        I totally forgot what story or rant I was going to tell for this post. Uhhhh, well, I've been watching The Creatures' "Treetopia" series. Uhh, I only mentioned that for future purposes.

        I honestly don't know what to talk about. I would like to talk about conversations, but I'd still have barely anything to say. My mind is kinda blank here, and a lot of the time it's never blank. Uhh, yeah. Sorry for not having anything to talk about, even though there are countless subjects to talk about. Maybe I'll get my thinking train working again after a refreshment of waking up at 7:00 AM tomorrow.

        That's it. I was talking about not having things to talk about. Anyways, I still feel sad after having that dream about being forgotten. So here's a cool quote I found: "The oxymoronic truth about people is that they will never fail to disappoint you." Pretty cool right? Right? No? Me neither. Anyways, see you tomorrow.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014
Week 27
Songs to Remember: Some - Soyou & Junggigo

       You know, I never thought I'd say this but, I don't like technology. That enough right there is able to drive me insane, and I'm pretty crazy already.

        With Facenovel and all this media, it's a bringer-downer. I realized this a bit partly due to the article yesterday, but also due to how none of my elementary school friends are responding to messages on Facenovel. They rarely use Facenovel, other than to post pictures I guess, or "Instagram". I mean, I wouldn't say Facenovel is an addiction, to me it's more of a daily routine and I mostly just use it to see how everyone's doing. And with that, brings depression.

       But technology is such a good and bad asset to a social life that it's kinda needed to survive (a social life that is). I know these statements can be argued in many many ways, but this is how I think it's applying to me in my state right now. Anyways, that was my rant on technology. Not a very thorough rant, it was mostly just what was popping into my head at that time of thinking about it.

        So, I read another blog post from didyouknow's blog and it was about depression (woohoo). It said that most depression is brought on by over-thinking too much. Well, that explains a lot of things. I over-think a lot of things, before and after situations. For example, my English teacher asked me if there should be punishment or not whenever someone forgets to bring their book. I thought of it as like a freaking SAW challenge rather than a question. It was more of like "Hello Drew. I want to play a game. You only have one choice, and the entire class will treat you differently depending on your choice. Will there be punishment when someone forgets their book? Or will there be peace and forgiveness? Make your choice." So yeah, instead of just saying whatever right away, I sweated (sweated? That's a word?) and acted pretty nervous on the decision. And also I've been watching too much Behind the Scenes of the SAW movies, but have yet to watch them.

        Well, there's my story for the day. Tomorrow's Sunday, which sucks. A lot. Anyways, see you tomorrow.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014
Week 27
Songs to Remember: Worry About Yourself First - M.I.B

       There's no other way around it, can't take you by the hand. You know it's wrong, but's that's the song, so don't be on with her- I mean Facenovel. Seriously, don't be on Facenovel. Oh and those were the lyrics to Miami Horror's "Don't Be On With Her" for your information.

        So I read up online (or really just looked at a picture) from didyouknow's blog on how Facenovel (Facebook) worsens people's moods. Now, I trust a lot of things on the internet, as long as they lead to a scientific article. "Studies" have shown that people who use Facenovel feel more lonely and such. Why? I don't know, but at least now I have an excuse whenever people ask me that. "Hey, why are so quiet all the time? Shouldn't you go hang out with friends and get some fresh air?" "Facenovel... Facenovel, that's why."

        I'll include the link to the article because it's actually intriguing for once. And also, I found this quote in the article that was pretty deep. This dude, Toma, said "Instead of doing a person-to-person profile, you're comparing a profile and a person," Wow, now that was deep.

        I completely forgot what story I was supposed to tell today. I really like stories, hearing them, and telling them. I now remember what story I was gonna tell. So last night I dreamed that I was like on a pier, you know, the ship piers. Anyways, I saw my elementary school friend there and I was like "Oh Hi Cy." She went into the girl's restroom with her friend and never came out. I was frequently checking on Facenovel to see if she replied and I was checking on this bootleg computer that was conveniently placed near the restroom. And that right there was my dream.

        I felt really sad when I woke up. I was sad that she did not "remember" me. I mean, she knows who I am, but that I was like a lamp, just sitting there. Anyways, that was my dream, and here's the link to that Facenovel Mood research article: Click this blue text to go to the article, if you haven't noticed that this text is blue for a reason

        Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow, and remember, Facenovel is not a person-to-person thing, it's a person to profile thing. Yeah, I kinda get it.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014
Week 27
Songs to Remember: Waking Dreams (Hellberg Remix) - TwoThirds

       So get this: I often mistake (or should I say, take) Facenovel for a social popularity game. I didn't really notice this until yesterday, when this dude at my school (who is in advanced classes, a freshman, and is Indian, I'll get to why I specify that) posted on Facenovel a video of himself parodying (parodying? That's a word? That's a verb too?) the song "Royals" by Lorde (whom I was confused on which was the song name and which was the artist name). Now because of the amount of parentheses, I'll just summarize it for ya: this dude at my school posted a video on Facenovel of himself parodying the song "Royals" by Lorde by changing the lyrics to Indian stereotypes.

        I think that's my longest intro paragraph I've written so far. Anyways, it received over 100 likes (and in my social environment of everyone at my school and me, that's a lot of likes). The only way anyone at my school could get that amount of likes is by posting a relationship photo or maybe a "cool" or "kawaii" selfie. This video that this guy posted made me think for a few minutes that Facenovel is just a big online popularity game.

        With this, I was almost thinking of posting the song I sang onto Facenovel, but luckily I came to my sense in realizing that Facenovel isn't a popularity game. Everyone is going to forget about the video sooner or later when winter break is over. They'll maybe talk about it every now and then, but it won't affect anything else after the day it was posted. It's basically 15 minutes of online fame.

        Now here's another story, just for you. Back in 7th grade in my "Social Studies" class (why not just call it History? Because I'm going to be called ignorant if I ask that again), I was sitting next to my 7th grade crush. It was during a lecture (I think) when I saw that she dropped her pencil and she didn't notice it. She was probably too into the lesson, or bored out of her mind. I went into Gentleman mode, and picked up her pencil and put it onto her desk. She said "Oh, thanks." and that was 10 points for Gryffindor, and by Gryffindor, I mean me. And that is what you should do, pick up a girl's dropped items and you will win, guaranteed.

        Now I'm just praying for a cute girl to "accidently" drop her books, only for me to help her pick them up and engage into a cliche "look into eachother's eyes" act. Hey, a guy can dream can't he? Anyways, see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Week 27
Songs to Remember: Wake Me Up - Avicii

       I got a small taste of a social life today. I also need to stop over-thinking and analyzing situations. So here's how my day went.

        Well, I was thinking of going to the movies today to watch the Lego Movie. I wanted to get out of the house since I'm always home. I was also thinking of posting on Facenovel if anyone wanted to go with me (because I am oh so lonely). The gods were kind to me today as my friend (I never really talk to him since 7th and 8th grade) posted asking if anyone wanted to go with him and his friend (I know his friend as well, we hang out at the same location at school). I told him "Sure" and never got back a reply until after I came home.

        He told me I answered too late and they didn't find out I was going until after the movie, literally. I mean, it's not my fault. He posted it like, 15 minutes before the movie time (which was at 1:15 PM). So anyways, the movie was OK. It wasn't as funny I thought it was and a lot of the jokes I don't think many children will get. I still liked it though for the animation and concept. I was expecting a lot more uhh, lego-y stuff.

        I went alone to movies because a lot of kids now a days do it. My mom worries about me getting kidnapped yet she doesn't let me have a phone. That discussion is for another day.

        I got to say, it was pretty relaxing. I liked being alone for an hour and a half watching interesting stuff. What I don't like is being alone AT HOME watching mildly interesting stuff on my computer. Oh, and that "small taste" of a social life I was talking about, yeah this was it. I conversed (just a bit) with my friends (or should I say people I know from school?) while doing a social activity, like going to the movies. Now all I need now is a girl that knows my existence and a horror movie to come out. Yes, yes that'll be the day.

        And that was my day. Uhhh, there's not much else to say. I'm pretty bored to be honest and messing with people on is not keeping my attention much longer. Anyways, see you tomorrow. Oh, and I almost forgot (kind of a spoiler), I was very disappointed that Avicii's "Wake Me Up" was not in the Lego Movie. I was very disappointed, 9/10 would watch again. OK, now I'll see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Week 27
Songs to Remember: Don't Be On With Her - Miami Horror

       Did I say I was gonna post the song today? Looks like I did. Not, I don't really "know" how. But when I feel like it, I'll do it.

        So I've been messing with a bunch of people on lately. It's too fun due to the amount of chaos that ensues when I asked them "How was your day?" I've also began re-watching episodes of Drake and Josh on YouTube. I love Drake and Josh, probably my #1 favorite show of all time on Nickelodeon. If you haven't heard of it (or watched it) you should, it actually funny (rather than other shows on Nickelodeon *cough* Sam and Cat *cough*).

        I wonder how much money kids these days (or people from my school) spend going out to places every single weekend. I mean, all I see in terms of movie-wise from Facenovel news-feed is people talking about the movie "Frozen" and how they want to build a snowman in California.

        Since I got nothing really to talk about now (unless you care about the news), I'll just talk about my rules on getting by. These rules really only apply to people who are quiet, not very popular (at all really), and have never been in a relationship. Alright, so my first rule that I follow is "Don't depend on online chats". This rule I thought of when I thought this girl in my P.E class was into me; I went on Facenovel and chatted with her a bit, doing a cliche act of asking her a question about class. Then, I went on to talking about weird stuff, like books. I "sorta" saw on her profile that she liked this book/movie that I liked as well, so I began talking about it, then quickly, out of the blue, asked her what kind of music she likes.

        With that, she un-friended me soon after that. I should have learned about this rule even before that. I mean, I confessed to a girl on Facenovel back in 8th grade. She was cool about it though and we see each other walk by around school (I literally mean see each other, we just walk by). So yeah, don't ask people out online nor confess online, and don't randomly ask people their interests online either, it's just a bit creepy (as girls think anyway).

        My next rule is "Always make a decision, either it's one or the other". I learned this when my graphics design teacher during my first semester of this school year (cool guy by the way). He said that life is like a road, there's the left side, the middle which is the road, and the right. You always want to make a decision to walk on the left side or the right side. If you don't, you'll be walking in the middle of the road and you'll get hit by car. So yeah, words of wisdom from my teacher. I like it because it applies to me, I have to make decisions whether or not I want to ask a girl out or not, not just walk by glancing. I need to work on actually using this rule.

        My last rule (for now it's the last one, I think I'll develop more rules in the future) is that you should never think that a girl is into you "So don't be on with her". Do you know how many times I thought a girl was interested in me just because they liked my profile picture? Many times (OK, not that many. Actually, never really). A girl in my P.E class asks me if I have a certain teacher for Biology. Should I be on with her? No, but I did anyways and now she thinks I'm a creeper. A girl confesses to me that she thinks I'm cute and has waited for an entire year to tell me this. Should I be on with her? I kind of didn't, but then I did, and now I certainly won't. Bad things happened because I sorta did.

        I love my last rule, because unless that girl brings in a sign with the words "Go out with me?", she's not actually interested, so I wouldn't want to be on with her. So there's something to think about, I'll see you tomorrow.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014
Week 27
Songs to Remember: Lonely - B1A4

       I had a very strange dream last night. The one highlight of that dream was when I said "All you pretty boys are gonna die first. All pretty boys die first in horror movies." Yeah, I don't know either.

        Today I did not do anything productive. There, I said it. With that, I owe you a story since my breaks and weekends are usually very boring, and very unhealthy. So, here's a story. So there's this guy at my school and he is very popular (who isn't? Well, there's me). He's pretty tall, handsome, very athletic, has abs, and is Korean (god-damn lucky son of a-). Anyways, everyone knows that he has a girlfriend. I knew he had a girlfriend, I just didn't expect her to be a senior at another high school. Yeah, this dude is a freshman who is dating a senior. What. A. Guy.

        I learned this from when during physical education class (my 4th period), when my teacher asked if he had a girlfriend (I don't remember how it got to this). He said yeah, she's a senior at another high school. My teacher was like "Shut up. No way, shut up" and I was laughing because everyone else was laughing (due to how my teacher reacted). A freshman guy dating a senior girl is a very uncommon thing (if you tell me this is common, I will tell you to shut up).

        I've recently started laughing whenever everyone else is laughing. Why? I don't know why. Before my second semester of this school year, I've never laughed whenever everyone else laughed. I just never thought that, whatever everyone was laughing at, was that funny. And so in order to make myself look more positive and actually enjoyable to hang out with, I just fake a laugh whenever it happens. Whenever there is something that is actually funny to me, I smile a lot. That's it.

        So there's your story. I think I'll have my "song" posted tomorrow. I'll be watching Running Man episode 185. See you tomorrow.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday, February 16, 2014
Week 26
Songs to Remember: I Hate You - 2PM

       Now, I gotta remember all those lessons I learned from crushing on girls throughout this school-year. These "lessons" I've developed into "rules". These rules are what I'd like to refer to as my rules on getting by in high school, mostly dependent on the romance and drama factor that is. It's weird how much I infer based on such little things that happen to me.

       So I checked the website of the school for my past friends and of course, their school has winter break this week as well. That means that I won't be able to visit my buddies- I mean, past friends. I'll just have to wait for when there's a teacher in-service day at my school so that I could visit theirs. Anyways, I finished my song, yay! I changed the instrumental song a few times and I ended up using 2PM's "I Hate You" instrumental for the beat of my lyrics. My song turned, better than I expected really. I recorded it (when my parents weren't home) and I have all the files currently. It definitely doesn't sound like Bruno Mars, but to me, it's probably the best I'll ever sing.

        Sometimes (just to make it sound a bit more positive than saying all the time), I think about how my life is. I lost my train of thought. Sorry for not writing much, I have more stories to tell and talk about tomorrow. See you tomorrow.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014
Week 26
Songs to Remember: Abandoned - Jay Park, Abandoned - Jay Park, Abandoned - Jay Park

        Well, there really is no hope for me. Today was a boring day, and I mean a really boring day, possible the most wasted day in my life. I started writing a song, and by "writing", I mean coming up with lyrics to an instrumental song. Technically I'm not writing a song, I'm writing lyrics. Anyways, I actually tried to sing, because you won't know if it sounds good if you're quietly whispering the words under your breath. My parents weren't home so, I had the freedom to sing out loud.

        The lyrics to me are pretty nice in terms of being metaphorically representative of my personality. In other words, in-direct meanings toward the lyrics are supposed to mean, representing who I am. Yeah, deep. I'm still not finished, I think I'm one third of the way done. Thank goodness for technology today, I could just look up rhymes easily and I mean easily.

        Anyways, my parents took my cousin and I to this restaurant. We waited for about 30 minutes, but we still weren't called for our table yet. We decided to leave and go a different restaurant. We had Asian food. That's, that's all there is to it. I eat it every single day so of course I'm tired of the taste. During this time, I thought of an idea. Because of how I have break for this oncoming week, I could possibly go visit my elementary school friends during school hours because how cool is that.

        It'd be pretty cool having a dude you last met in elementary school 6 years ago and see their face after those 6 years. But apparently some people don't think so. I chatted with them on Facenovel asking if I could hang out with them tomorrow. They have yet to reply. I know they're on, it says so on the Facenovel chat (it says that one of them is on the Web, which means their on the computer; another says Mobile which means they're currently online on the phone if you didn't know). So yeah, I don't know what's going on, but it looks to me that they don't really care much for me anymore. I mean, I don't blame em', I wouldn't want to really keep much in contact with past friends.

        One of them asked me "Don't you live in *insert city name here*?" I answered "yes" and all I got was a "oLOL". Now, where I'm living and where they're living, we're literally a few miles apart. Our cities are literally RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER. I could literally walk to her house; it'd be a really long walk, but I could still walk there. Excuses like "Don't you live somewhere else?" pisses me off. Trying to ask for a friendly visit and not wanting to just see each other face to face seems like too much to ask for right? Sure.

        I guess even if I'm speaking to someone through digital services, I still get rejected. I mean, I could play the pity role in order to get what I want. I could be like "Oh it's OK, you don't have to invite me if you don't want to. Sorry for bothering you" and add like a puppy dog face to the end of it. These people aren't even replying either, and that's worse than being rejected. Both of these people (they're girls by the way) still have yet to respond to my messages. Being rejected is one thing, being ignored is on whole new level. Have you seen the rice experiment before? You probably haven't, I don't see why you would. Basically, this guy put rice in these 3 containers. He marked one container "positive" or something like that. He marked one "negative" and he marked the third one "nothing". He treated the 3 containers of rice differently. The positive one, he said positive things to it everyday. The negative one he said negative things to everyday. The nothing one, he simply ignored it.

        The results were pretty cool. You can search it up yourself, there are videos on it and you could even do it yourself at home. The experiment showed that being ignored and being negative upon were different things. Anyways, long example for a short explanation, sorry for wasting your time.

        I think I'll include the ignored and negative thing in my song. I really don't know what to do. I just feel, "abandoned". And with that, I bring you the song "Abandoned" by Jay Park. Please listen to it, it's K-Pop, but it's a really nice song.

        I still think Valentine's day sucks.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014
Week 26
Songs to Remember: Lay Back - K. Will, Sleep Talking - NU'EST, Give It 2 U - Robin Thicke

        Today is the day. The day where people have love smushed in your faces while you don't get any. So eventually I'm gonna get a girlfri- oh who am I kidding, today is Valentine's day.

        My day went off to a good start. Not really, but- actually it was pretty normal. I got all spiffed up (spiffed? That's actually a word) just like any other guy or girl who actually cares about this holiday. I honestly don't know why I care even though nothing happens to me, it's just like a normal day for me. Oh, but for everyone else, it's like New Year's all over again. That was a bad example.

        So last night, I was deciding what to do tomorrow (which is now today). I decided that I was just going to say Hi to the girl at my locker (hoping that she would be there) and just go off from that. I also wanted to have some fun by submitting a "confession" to my High School Crush Confessions Facenovel page to be posted. Guess what happened? Instead of going to the survey site to submit it, I accidentally wrote and posted it onto the Facenovel wall of the page for every soul in the universe to see blatantly that I wrote it. Good thing I had instincts like a cat (a cat?), and I noticed what I had just done. In a about a quarter second after I clicked submit, I deleted the evidence as quickly as humanely possible.

        That reduced my life by 10 years. So anyways, back to today. I went to my locker to get my Biology book for next period (as usual). Standing next to it, just as I remember it from back in September, Ez was standing near it with her friends talking and having the time of her life. What did she have in her hand? The house from "Up". I'm not even kidding, the amount of balloons and bags of gifts she had could be seen from outer-space. She was also dressed more fine than usual (see what I did there?). I just got my textbook and quickly left.

        After 2nd period, it was break (as usual). I went to my locker again to put my textbook back and what do ya know? That girl who stands at my locker is actually standing in front of my locker. Well, near it. Anyways, she had a tray of cupcakes so I assume she was giving them out to all of her friends. I wanted to say Hi to her, but the gods weren't very nice to me today. She was on her phone talking to someone so I didn't want to be rude.

        But before that, on my way to my locker, I stumbled upon Ez (not literally, oh god). She was near where I used to hang out and she was carrying this sign with her. It looked to me that she was going to show it to Ty- I mean the dude who shall not be named. The sign would've said "Will you be my f**king Valentine?" or something. I didn't need to look any further, I just kept on walking. We all know how it's gonna end.

        I noticed that the who stands next to my locker had a rose so I was like "Well, we all know how that's going to end" and I walked away. After 3rd and 4th Period, I went to my usual hangout spot and soon my friends showed up after getting lunch. After everyone was here, I asked my best buddy if he won yet. If you didn't know (which I don't see why anyone would know), my best buddy was going to ask this girl today. They have been shipped by everyone, and by everyone, I mean anyone who knows them. Anyways, I asked him if he won yet (because asking 'Did she say yes?' is cliche and so obvious when she's standing 2 feet away from us. Also, getting a girl to say yes is winning in life. That's why I ask 'Did you win?'), and of course, he won. He won. Everyone today is a winner. Except me. I didn't win nor lose and this SUCKS.

        Today I didn't win nor did I lose, because why? Because I didn't try. Why didn't I try? Because I'm scared. Not scared of rejection, girls saying no to me is a common event nowadays. But of how they are going to react to it. And also like 20 other people are around me so they're going to see it, but I got to remind myself that it's high school, nobody knows who I am, and most importantly: nobody cares.

        In 6th period, I had a chance. Actually, the gods gave me 2 chances. I could have taken any of em', and I'd be satisfied for the day. But no, I didn't even do the slightest and that sucks. My teacher showed us a video today about Arabia and after class ended, I was walking out the door and of course both these 2 girls, Tn and Tc, walk like right next to me. I could have just said Hi to any one of em', but you know how it's gonna end. Oh, and sometimes when I feel like I have nothing to lose, I get a huge confidence boost out of nowhere. I was tired and bored while watching the video in that class and I was thinking about how today was Valentine's day, there's no school for like a week after, and what could I possibly lose? With that, I felt that I could do anything, probably even ask Tn out. But then I got tired again and I was like "Aww fuq it". You see, things like these come only once in a lifetime.

        Maybe I could ask my old friends from elementary school and see if they'd like to hang out this weekend. I don't know. Oh, and while I was in 3rd period today (Drawing class), I was bored and I was thinking of lyrics on how to describe my life. I then thought of a pretty OK'ish song. I'd like to record it one day, I don't know. I say I don't know a lot because I'm really lost. Oh, and I've also added some drawings I've done for today. I think I'm only going to do them if I feel like it, because doing drawings like these everyday would be exhausting.

        A lot of things in life come only once in a ... lifetime. But for me, we all know how it's going to end. See you tomorrow. Oh, and by the way, spiff is a real word. How awesome is that.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014
Week 26
Songs to Remember: Don't Leave - GD&TOP

        Tomorrow is going to be a very ... boring day. That one girl and her friends don't hang out at my locker anymore.

        So today in Geography, my teacher gave me the chance of a lifetime, it was basically god saying "Have at it". My teacher said "OK, get into groups of 3, and there has to be at have both a boy and a girl." I was in that moment of staring into the distance by what I just heard. I was thinking about who I should group up with. This was such an easy ticket for getting a Valentine, like, this was easy mode activate.

        But of course, my best buddy's girl came up to me and was like "Yo, you wanna group up?" And I was like "Hell's yeah" Not really, but you get how it went. I knew this was going to happen. I just knew it would happen. And how could I say no? It would be pretty awkward since I wasn't really in anyone else's group, so if I said no, it would've been a really d**k move. She also had her friend with her, this OK girl who sits in front of me, who never actually talks. I barely know what she sounds like.
And so the teacher had us move the desks so we would all be sitting in like a triangle formation in each of our groups. He had us read a paper about religion in the Middle East.

        Oh yeah, we're learning about the Middle East now. I'm guessing to this day, it still hasn't been settled? I don't even know what I'm talking about now. My chance of hooking up with someone from this group activity was slim to none anyways. Oh, and this whole day I've seen girls and guys with roses, or "carnations" as my teacher calls them. I'm like, why? It's not even Valentine's day yet. I've thought about bringing in roses and just carrying them around all day, with people asking me "Ooooh, who are those for?" And I would be like "It's for me darling". I would do this but nobody would ask me at all, because no one cares. I don't even care.

        I saw Mq today, well actually, I see her everyday. She passes by where I hang out everyday to go with her friend to eat their lunches in like their special ed classroom. Which, to this day, I still don't think she is a special education person. She just doesn't seem like it. Anyways, she was towards me as I was going to my locker, then she purposely moves like 5 meters to the right, like what? I'm guessing she's STILL avoiding me. Maybe that's why she's in special education? Because she avoids people who are nice? I will never know.

        So will I be hooking up with anybody tomorrow? Nope, unless I act out of my comfort zone, in which I classify myself as a creeper at that point. I act shy, girls get bored. I act confident, girls get scared. WHAT DO. Sorry, but this is harder than it sounds. My best bet is to go to a girl eating lunch by herself and be like "Hey, how is it going?" Then she hopefully would say "Bad" or something like that, in which I hope it would lead to a conversation about Valentine's day and hopefully she would find me attractive enough to actually go out with. But, since I said hopefully too many times in that sentence, I most likely not going to actually win anyone (or anything for that matter). Actually, my best bet is to start a conversation with this girl in my 6th period as we leave the classroom, but she barely knows I exist so my chances are -34% to -10% on that one.

        So for all you people who are like me (experts on the numbers 0 and 1), prepare yourself for tomorrow. Prepare for all the crowds, signs, and all the crazy things people will do in the name of love. And just remember: if you think that girl is into you, she's not, so don't be on with her. I'll see you tomorrow. Also try out the song "Don't Leave" by GD&TOP, very nice for Valentine's Day when you're home alone. All is fair in love and war, but love is a different matter, so cheat your way to victory, but don't cheat on honey.

        I'm rambling on, I should end this post here.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Week 26
Songs to Remember: How R U - Airplane

       You can not get anymore romantic than a lego movie. That one girl, you know, that one girl who said Hi to me on Facenovel, but I replied 16 minutes too late? Yeah, her and him went to the movies. It showed up on my Facenovel news-feed OK. It's not my fault people post things publicly. I don't stalk, and if I do, it's accidental. Yes, accidental stalking is accidental. There's a difference.

        Oh and that girl and her friends who hang out in front of my locker weren't there today. And that reminds me, I must say, I sweat a lot now. More so under pressure. During the first semester of school, whenever I was embarrassed or whatever, I would get all itchy. I would scratch my neck, my sides, random spots just start itching. Now, I sweat whenever something's happening to me and my face probably gets all red, like a Charizard.

        So there are some moments in school where my face freezes like there's a camera in front of me, and I just stare off into the distance. That's all I gotta say. My cold's been doing pretty fine (yes, pretty fine), I haven't much of a sore throat anymore, but I still have runny noses and my right leg hurts every time I put pressure on it.

        I'm thinking of drawing a picture to go with each post so I can remember these moments more cleatrly. You know how there are multiple learning personalities and whatever? Like, there are musical learners, visual learners, interpersonal learners, stuff like that? Well everyone's a visual learner- well almost everyone since almost everyone can see. But if I start creating a picture for each post, will I have the time/motivation to keep on doing it for another 1600 days or so?

        Shoot, I just remembered that I have a Biology test tomorrow, better start studying (ha, drew you crack me up, I mean myself up). I forgot to study. I'm doing it now. See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Week 26
Songs to Remember: The Girl Who Can't Break Up, The Guy Who Can't Leave - LeeSSang

       I am very tired. Not like the "almost dead" tired that I felt like on Friday, but just a regular ol' tired. So my best buddy currently, told me on Facenovel that he was going to ask this girl out on Valentine's Day this Friday. I was like "What a surprise". But really, it wasn't even a surprise. Took him long enough. Him and her were basically shipped from everyone, and I mean everyone even though everyone doesn't really know them, but still.

        Today I was able to take a break from homework, due to having an outdoor activity today in Geometry class and a test on Russia in Geography. My Biology teacher also gave me a break today, saying that he was giving us a bit too much homework lately. "A bit". "A BIT".

        So anyways, there's this girl and her friends who've been hanging out in front of my locker. They (or should I say 'I') made it kind of awkward, teasing each other like "Omg, why are you standing there, move out the way to he could get his stuff!" and things like that. I know one of them, the other two not so much. They were there yesterday, and today as well. If I could start a conversation, being like "Hey, your Cr right? Nice to meet you", I could win. I could win.

        Uh, Wednesday is tomorrow, that's good to know. That is, if you want the weekend to come. If not, then oh well. I'm lingering on her. Anyways, see you tomorrow.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014
Week 26
Songs to Remember: Sleep Talking - NU'EST

       Holy shyt this is a lot of homework. My geography teacher assigns us homework like every two days or so, leading up to a test about 2 or 3 weeks later. Until then, those assignments aren't due until the day of the test. What I like is that we get a lot of time to do our homework. What I don't like is how it counters my time management at home. You see, if my teacher gives me assignments that I have to manage my own personal time to do, then I'm most likely going to forget, or if I'm lucky, do them the day before it's due. If he gives us time in class for things like that, then I could focus on getting stuff done since there's no laptops or internets or anything. I guess you could say internet is a distraction to me, but I still have A's and B's so I'm doing fine so far.

        So last night on Facenovel, I saw this picture of this dude (who goes to the high school I would've went to if I had stayed in San Jose) and in the picture was him at his birthday party ... with 10 other girls sitting next to him at the table. Like, what is this dude's secret? This guy has a birthday party with just him and 10 other girls, only girls at his birthday party. I've seen this guy's pictures before on Facenovel (due to him posting them), all of which contain him and his arm over another girl's shoulders. There are literally hundreds (and I mean hundreds) of photos of him and his arm over a girl's shoulder. Do girls, like, ask for him to take a picture with them? Is that what it is? There are literally hundreds. Hundreds.

        I just recently finished my Geography homework. I forgot that my teacher gave us questions to do so that we'd "study" for the test which unfortunately is tomorrow. Last Geography test (and my first) I had, I didn't even finish. I didn't (and couldn't) remember where each country and capital were on the Europe map. Hopefully I won't make that mistake again, I'm actually going to study my map this time.

        Oh, and this week is Valentine's week; Friday is Valentine's day. Of course I'd be listing Valentine's day songs because to me, there are songs for every occasion, especially if they consist of any of these genres: K-Pop, Electronic, or Alternative. Yes that's right, Sleep Talking by NU'EST. Very good song, especially if you like K-Pop. Perfect for Valentine's day, for you and your loved one. Or your cat, purrrfect for you and your cat too. See what I did there? Ahahahahha ... I need friends. See you tomorrow!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014
Week 25
Songs to Remember: Wake Up - Acid Girls

        My cold's gotten about 25% better, I think. So this week is going to be an exciting week for everyone, except for me that is. Why? Well it's going to be Valentine's Day this Friday. And you know what that means? Yes, that's right, it's the perfect day to ask people out because: one, if they say yes then it's all good. And two, if they say no, then you have the weekend to cry over it. Also, after Valentine's Day is my February break I think so that means more time for me to waste at home playing video games.

        Now there's a lot to talk about Valentine's day, but not much of it has to do with. My past Valentine's days were pretty ... OK. I mean, nothing really happened. In elementary school, my classmates passed out cards and candy to everyone (and I mean everyone). In middle school, I was pretty oblivious during Valentine's Day. I don't even remember much of what happened, mostly nothing. So instead, I'd like to talk about music instead and by that I mean be all egotistical about what I like and assimilate anyone reading this to listen to my favorite music. So let's get started: I really enjoy EDM, House, Dubstep, Electronic (everything listed before is probably labled as electronic), K-Pop, and Indie and Alternative music. I think the first time I listened to EDM music was when I listened to a deadmau5 video on YouTube. I didn't really know who he was (example would be me calling him deadmau five back then) his songs were kind of weird to me. The only song I really liked was Ghosts'n'Stuff. Later on, back in about 2008, my older cousin showed me K-Pop, with the first K-Pop song I listened to being "Gee" by SNSD.

        I liked it a lot, mostly due to the catchy-ness of the song and because it was pretty interesting. I started searching up other K-Pop groups like Big Bang, 2NE1, 2PM, and Rain. Later in 2010 or 2011 I believe, I saw some videos my cousin liked on YouTube. They were videos of what appeared to be a dinosaur with the title "Reptile" by Skrillex. I didn't really listen to Skrillex until about 2012. It took my a while, but eventually I got used to dubstep. Now for Indie and Alternative; so I was watching the US remake of "Skins" (bad remake, I know), but I really like the soundtrack. In episode 10, I really liked this song and went to look it up. The song was "Deserve" by Aquadrop; and in the related video section, there were tons of other songs with really cool thumbnails and unique artist names and titles.

        I eventually ended up in "YouTube Narnia" where some people refer that to when your watching videos and the related videos section is full of some pretty nice songs (not counting the mainstream ones). So yeah, that's how I came to listening to what I do today. To this day, I have yet to find a girl who likes both Electronic, K-Pop, and Indie music. I'm not surprised. Anyways, I still haven't done my homework yet; See you tomorrow.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014
Week 25
Songs to Remember: I Want You (Scanty and Kneesocks remix) - Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt

       So I've been pretty sick lately. I could still walk and talk, but I've been feeling pretty light-headed all the time. Not headaches, but a little dizzy. I even get dizzy whenever I stand up. Last night I kind of almost passed out while walking to the bathroom. I couldn't really keep my balance and almost walked into a wall. I also am having a case of the coughies (yes, I just said coughies)

        In summary, I'm kind of dying. Today I didn't really do much (like everyday), but just playing video games on my computer. Oh, and about 10 minutes ago, I helped my dad out with using the computer. Oh boy, it was hard, almost as hard as raising a child even though I have no experience of what it's like. My dad wanted to copy music onto CD's so he could listen to them on his stereo. I don't know why he would want to do that rather than just playing it off his computer, but whatever. After about 30 minutes of my teaching, we were able to copy a 14 minute song onto a CD. When we put it in the stereo, it didn't play. I guess I still got work to do tomorrow.

        Oh, and just today was the Sadie's Hawkins dance at my school. I think it happened around 7:00 to 9:00 pm or something. How did I know it was today? I didn't. I luckily found someone posting pictures from it today on Facenovel. It featured like 3 couples, the guys on their knees, holding the girl's hand. And what are the odds? Ez and her BOYFRIEND Ty (the guy who shall not be named) were in it. I now have permission to kill myself.

        Just kidding, I hope Ez has a wonderful time with ... him. Anyways, I'm going to go watch some Running Man episode 183 (awesome show by the way). I'll see you tomorrow.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014
Week 25
Songs to Remember: Sometimes - Miami Horror

       So I told that girl on who I was finally, then she deleted some of the questions on her profile, so that was that. Also, today was probably my worst school day of high school, even worse than when I asked Ez if I could hang out with her and her friends, only to receive an indirect "no". Yes, even worse than that.

        So my day started out not as well as I planned. I caught a cold yesterday since it was raining, and I was hoping it would go away by today, but it hasn't. I was very sleepy and tired in my first period, I continuously put my head down to rest. Today we had a modified schedule because of an awards assembly that everyone is required to go to. The schedule was 1st period, then 2nd, then break, 3rd, then the awards assembly, then lunch, then 4th, 5th, and 6th. I was not very happy at the awards assembly as to me, it was a waste of time. Even though we had shortened class periods due to the assembly, I'd rather not have the awards assembly at all.

        During 3rd period, I was really tired. I had a mild sore throat, my left nostril was runny, I was tired and sleepy, I had a headache, and my left leg was sore. The awards assembly was 50 minutes long, and we had to sit in a very uncomfortable position due to the amount of people. Before I even entered the gym (which is where the assembly was held), security told me and everyone to place our backpacks and such in this tiny room. After the assembly was over, it was lunchtime. I don't buy lunch at school, I bring my own, and so my lunch was in my backpack. After the awards assembly ended and everyone left, there was a crowd of like 50 people including me, all crowding around the tiny room to get our backpacks and stuff. I stood there for a good 15 minutes before I was able to get my backpack.

        The organization level was pretty bad. Security just picked out a random bag and just said "Whose is this?" They did this for like, every single item. I didn't even have enough time to eat my lunch. And so 4th period started and boy, it was most likely the worst. We got dressed and went outside to stand in roll call order, outside, while it was raining. I don't know why they make us go outside and not have us stay indoors and do homework or something. We stood in the rain for a good 30 minutes or so. My class was playing rugball on the wet football field. I seriously do not understand why they force us to play outside while it's raining and have kids get colds and shyt.

        So after those 30 minutes of baring the cold, I went to 5th period, and then 6th. When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the classroom, I had only two things on my mind: getting to my mom's car, and sleep. The Outsiders was a pretty cool book.

        So when I finally got home, I did my usual routine and I took a nap for about an hour. My mom complained about this, saying that I should sleep earlier. So yeah, that was what was probably my worst day in high school so far. No rejections, no emotional pain, but physical and tiring pain.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014
Week 25
Songs to Remember: Abandoned - Jay Park

        I don't even know what to talk about now. Everything is so ... normal. Nothing is exciting. I mean, things are just not happening much to me. I guess I'm the one who has to make things happen, right?

        Well, it just so happens that that girl that I was messing with on actually didn't find out who I was. She just was kind of upset that I made her remember some bad points in her life. So, that's that. Uh, I mean, there's not much to talk about really, unless something happens that's out of my expertise where I can act like I know everything about the situation when I really don't.

        My mind is really blank right now. I think I'll go back to messing with that girl on, right after I finish (and start) my Biology homework. See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Week 25
Songs to Remember: I Hate You - 2PM

       So I did a cool experiment without even knowing it. So you know that girl that I was conversing with on Of course you don't. Well, let me summarize it for you. This girl was in my class during 6th grade. I had a little crush on her, but that was during 6th grade only, and for like a month or so. Now it's been about 3 years and she hasn't talked to me at all, even though she's like one of the first few people who talked to me when I was at my new elementary school, here where I'm now living. And so I somehow (don't ask me how) found her profile and I proceeded to ask some questions. I started out with "Hi, how was your day?" She responded "it was alright, how about you my luv" I said "It was alright as well! Did you do anything exciting today?" She then answered, "yep, swim tryouts. Who are you lol" And things went in my favor from there. I asked a bunch of random stuff because I like messing with people and she was "stressing" out about who I was, since sending in questions on is anonymous if you didn't know.

        So I continued asking random stuff and she was thinking real hard about who I was. I told her that I was a past friend that she hasn't talked to in 3 years. She thunk real hard (thunk?), and figured out who I was by responding "I'm wondering if I should tell you to get out or not bc I just remembered". And my fun kind of ended right there. You see what this experiment showed? It showed that looks and identity is everything. I asked a simple "How was your day?" and she got all omg, who is this guy, he's so nice, omg, who is he. Then, when she figured out who I was, she got all pissed off and completely changed her attitude.

        So that was that. I now have got to stop using "So" in all my starting paragraphs now. At least I don't use "like" as much as other high schoolers do, like, not much at all. So you know (damn it, I used So again) that one girl who was released from the mental hospital right, I talked about her in my last post I think. Anyways, she's supposedly in a "relationship", judging by her life event post on Facenovel. She posted a pic of the guy and it doesn't seem like he's even in this area. He's in Los Angeles, whereas here is like, miles away. I just want to know, what is with girls and guys on the internet.

        Anyways, I have Biology homework to do. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Much thanks to that one person who keeps +1'ing all my posts, you're a nice person.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Week 25
Songs to Remember: The Day We Broke Up - ZE:A

        So there's this fundraiser/charity thing going on at my school, it's called the "Basket Boys and Girls Auction" and the description is, "Bid on your friends and classmates to win a lunch date!" If you don't get it, it's basically where you bid for a "date" with a person and they'll be forced to have lunch with you. This sounds OK. I'm not going to hate on it because it's such a gosh darn smart idea. Every single person in this club (it's a club that does like, community service together and is hosting this event) is attractive, to some degree. If I was in this auction, I think I'd be bid on for about -$12. Yes, that's right, I'd would have to pay the person for them to go have lunch with me.

        'Course, there'd always be some creepy dudes who don' really care about their money going to the charity, but more focused on the "date". OK, I take it back, after looking at the photos of all the people who are going to be auctioned (they posted their pictures on Facenovel with like a description of their personalities or something; there's like 40 people), those people are not attractive to some degree, but 80 degrees. Yeah, that's right, they're sizzling hot. How do the kids say it now a days, uuuh, "hash tag model status". Yeah, that's it.

        Also, I'd like to thank that one person who's been +1'ing all my posts so far. It just lets me know that there's someone else reading about my boring life, besides me of course. You, yeah you, you are a nice person, unlike some of the "friendly" people in this world. All those friendly people ain't got nothing on you. Funeral Suits reference thank you.

        So I just got my schedule signed today by my teachers, looks like I'll be taking English II, Word History, Algebra II/Trigonometry, P.E, Chemistry, and Chinese I. I think my schedule is pretty nice, nothing too hard (except the Algebra/Trigonometry). My Geometry teacher told me that I was to spend an hour each day on Algebra II/Trigonometry homework. Oh, and I never really do my math homework either. If my teacher gives us time in class, I'll do it. But if it's on my own time, I just copy most of it off the internet. Now I know what you're thinking, but I actually do understand the lessons. I get A's and B's on all my Geometry tests so far, and I think I've done about 50% of the homework, without looking it up on the internet. I don't encourage copying, but if a person understands it and still gets A's and B's on the major tests, then by all means copy.

        So I was trying to have some fun on some of the's from some people at my school. I asked, "How was your day?" Then this girl answered,"it was alright, how was yours my luv" (just to let you know if you've never heard of, it's a website where people can ask you questions anonymously and you can answer em' and post it publicly). And so I replied "It was alright as well! Did you do anything exciting today?" And then she asks who I am. I ask so hard people wanna find me. Every single time I go on a girl's ask to screw around, they always want to know who I am, and all I do is ask them how was their day. I'm onto something here; girls like it if you ask them how their day was. Trust me, I'm an expert.
        So not much crazy stuff happening today, at least for right now. Probably when Valentine's day comes (I thought it was this Friday, but it appears to be next Friday), there'll be a lot more things to talk about. So yeah, have a nice day.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014
Week 25
Songs to Remember: Walk By - Teen Top

        Well, well, well. I cannot stop using well in all my starting paragraphs. Well, looks like I'm going to have to look for a different word.

        Well, yesterday was a very ... surprising day, to say the least, and today wasn't much different either. Remember that girl that chatted with me on Facenovel and how I was sure she was ignoring me on Facenovel? Apparently, she was actually in a mental hospital for a few days ... yeah, I was not expecting that. She was in there due to her having some suicidal thoughts so, yeah. She's also going to be homeschooled until next year, I'm guessing the school's society and sociality is a bit too much for her right now.

        Things are not lightening up for me. Today in school, we were just starting to fill out our schedules for next year. I'm going to be taking English, World History, Algebra II, Chemistry, P.E, and Chinese. I was thinking about joining Honors Chemistry and Algebra II/Trigonometry, but my teachers said that one of their students had an A in my current class (Geometry) and he was still struggling. So I was like "Damn", I mean a dude who has an A in Geometry and is struggling with Algebra II/Trigonometry, even though there's not much difference than regular Algebra II, then Algebra II/Trigonometry must be pretty challenging.
        I got a lot of planning to do. I first got to finish my essay for P.E (yes, you heard me), then I got to "study" for my Biology test for tomorrow, and maybe I'll start on my Geography PowerPoint on Switzerland, no promises on that though. I'll see you guys in a bit.
        OK, so I just finished my essay, priority number one finished. Oh, and about the studying, hmmm. I'll do it later because if I can do it tomorrow , I won't do it today!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014 : Part 2

Sunday, February 2, 2014
Week 24
Songs to Remember: Better Things - Passion Pit
Entry Part 2
        Well, there's a reason why I'm making a part 2 for this specific entry. Originally, I never planned to make a part 2 for this entry. I thought today was going to be a regular day. Just a regular day, emphasis on "regular". I don't know what I should be doing right now. I am going to get a lot of hate for this, or empathy, or just plain ignored. You can see that I'm building up the suspense right now. I am scared.
        Alright, here it goes. To give a back story for people who are too lazy to read my past posts (because no one does), back when during like the first few weeks of high school, around September, a girl messaged me on Facenovel. She messaged me saying that her friend likes me and if I liked her friend back. I asked who her friend was. She messaged me her friend's profile on Facenovel. Her friend seemed cute so I said sure. She then progressed to put me and her friend in a chat on Facenovel and we talked for a bit, she was in 8th grade at the middle school I went to and of course I'm a freshman in high school. It was getting late so I went to bed, knowing that it was the first time a girl had actually said she liked me (haha). At this time, I still had a major crush on this girl, Ez, at my high school so I knew I was in a bad place already.
        I've never broken up with a girl before (why would I), so being the man I was, I decided to disable the Facenovel chat for her and I, then proceeded to make my profile appear offline every time I went on. Very mature, right? Soon, like 6 weeks into high school, I figured that Ez would never go out with me, not in a million years, so I decided to go back to hooking up with that girl, let's call her Lk for now (You probably know where I'm going with this if you've read my previous walls of posts). I chatted with her a bit and she didn't seem very interested in me anymore. I was like, wow, this girl gets over guys fast. It'd only been like a month. And soon I found out that she was in a "relationship", if you would call it that, with a guy. But not just any guy, this dude lived, like across the country. We're both in California (hopefully that's not too much info) and this dude was in like Alabama or something. This dude kept on tagging himself and her in these anime photos he kept on posting, and she kept on liking them.
        Now I know, this all sounds very stalkery-ish (if you would call it that), but this is not even close as to what I have seen today, so hold your horses. So where was I- oh yeah. So Lk was in a "relationship" with a guy across the country. Also, all across her and his walls' were just a whole bunch of tinychat (you know, that one website that hosts quick chat rooms) invites. So I was like, OK, she's in a "relationship" with a guy across the country, but video-chatting with him and hopefully meeting each other by travelling across the country or something, aww, how cute. Yeah, this isn't even the worst part yet. Then, about a few weeks later or so, she suddenly in another "relationship" with another guy. Oh, OK, this girl's a "playah" (if that's what kids call people these days. But of course, this dude lives across the country AGAIN. What is with Lk hooking up with dudes over the internet and video-chatting with them. Soon, I've seen really weird people commenting and liking Lk's pictures. I checked their Facenovel profiles (not stalker-ish right), and every single one of them had literally no relations to Lk in any way. So I'm guessing Lk likes to hook up with cute guys over the internet right? Wrong. These dudes weren't even remotely cute. Dorky, but not cute.
        OK, here comes the good part, that is, if you consider really, really weird plot twists good. My whole life is a story. This is just another weird plot twist. So this is what I did. I programmed the Facenovel profile thingy so that I would get a notification every time Lk would post something, now I know what you're thinking, this is getting very stalker-ish and would result in a white van and candy. No, it's actually the opposite of that. With my new notification thingy, I could find out whenever she was posting a video chat link. Now the video-chatting website "Tinychat" posts links to your video chats on your Facenovel wall without you really knowing, so I'm guessing Lk doesn't really mind this.
        I've been to one of Lk's video chats before, though I was signed in anonymously so she wouldn't know it's me. She appeared to be video-chatting with this guy whom I assume was another dude she met on Facenovel. I was talking to my best friend at this time (Ec, that's his anonymous name), and I was like "hey, there's this girl who's video-chatting right now. Let's crash it." Something sort of like that. I joined in and I told my friend "Holy f*** is she even wearing any clothes. I mean, it wasn't showing her body or anything, but if you saw what I saw, you would kind of make that inference too as well.
        Oh, you thought that was the weird part. Oh, you're wrong. You're wrong. I am getting chills right now just thinking about this. Anyways, today I received the notification on Facenovel that Lk was in a video-chatting room right now on tinychat. I copied the link and pasted it in an incognito window (a mode on basically every browser where cookies and site data aren't collected so you can browse anonymously really). The page loaded up slowly, 50% 75%, 100%. What I saw next was- I don't even know how to describe this. And considering everything else that has been leading up for me to see this, I just don't know. Oh, and to let you know before reading on the next few lines, yes this is a very serious matter. I am scared because I don't know what to do with this knowledge. Read on if you're not afraid or don't care or whatever. On webcam, I saw what was Lk's legs spread apart, the camera was close to her thighs and she was... amsterbating, with what was most likely a d*ldo.
        Oh, no. Oh, no. I didn't really believe what I was seeing because it was so SHOCKING. I made sure that I didn't end up in some sort of live adult webcam room. Sure enough, Lk's name was in the top left corner of the webcam and at the bottom were "Lk joined the room", "guest_23238391 joined the room" and one other person, whom most likely was a guy. She moved the webcam up to her face and that was the last thing I saw. I quickly left the room.
        And that was it. About 10 seconds of what I've seen, can be turned into 100 pages of ranting. I mean, I didn't know what to expect. Sure, a girl hooking up with guys over the internet, that seems pretty normal. I didn't expect much of it, only that if she finds "love", she finds love. But not this. I mean, come on. Chatting with her on Facenovel, she seemed kind of like me. She spends her weekends at home, bored, and with really nothing to do. I couldn't believe I couldn't foresee this, mostly because it's not a common thing to think about haha. I took a break off the internet for a few minutes and began typing this post. Many things came to my mind while writing this, mostly things about what she has been doing for the past school year, her internet usage, her "liking" me, legal issues, her parents, her classmates at school, and those scumbag guys who have probably seen her vag*na on webcam.
        What's even worse is that Lk's parents are friends with her on Facenovel!!! Like, one click and they could see their daughter amsterbating for another guy on webcam. Another thought I have is if she's doing this for money. It's one thing to do this for acceptance or whatever, but doing this for money is on a whole new level. The worst part, is that she is about 13 or 14 right now. I am really scared, not because of what I saw, but because I don't know what to do with this knowledge now that I have it. Next year, she is going to be at my high school. I'm not sure if I'd want to hang out with her anymore haha. It's kind of creepy knowing that a person who you're speaking to in reality has done this kind of thing.
        Well, there you have it. That is what happened today. It's currently 4:05 PM. I screen-shotted the link. Umm, I don't know what to do. I- I- I don't know. That's what one of my past friends from my old elementary school had always chosen as the answer to everything. I don't know.
        Oh no, there's a meeting in the canyons. Oh no, this is rising to the clouds. This is gonna drive me crazy. It's gonna drive me mad.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014
Week 24
Songs to Remember:
        So I saw another "wonderful" post on my Facenovel newsfeed. I got to tell you, if you want to find stupid sh** to discuss about, just look on Facenovel. At least a few people would act ignorant and post stuff like this.
        This girl had posted, and I quote: " if you're an adult and not in the mood to argue with a mere 14 year old, please scroll past. anyways, it's kind of sad how adults try to scare us with the phase "the real world." what exactly is "the real world"? last time I checked, the place I'm living in right now is the REAL world. my problems are just as real as yours. my stress is just as real as yours. it doesn't matter whether or not you're paying taxes or not. everybody's situation is different. if you think that the... only real problems in our world are dealt with in adulthood, then let me tell you something, that's absolutely incorrect. go ahead and laugh at that teenager who says he/she is depressed. go ahead and laugh at that toddler who said they broke up with their best friend. go ahead and laugh at me. because believe me. you won't be laughing anymore when you realize that "the real world" is fake. the REAL world is what we live in right now. the REAL world is everyone's problems and issues combined. it doesn't matter whether you're paying your own taxes at the moment or not. the REAL world is what we're living in right now and everything combined."
        Oh yeah, lots of things to discuss. First of all, just getting this out there, I never knew that the term breaking up was used in connation with best friends. The more you know. Secondly, this girl talks a lot about taxes, yet she doesn't pay them. For f***'s sake, she's 14 years old and determining the impact of taxes. Like, this is the stuff I see on Facenovel every day. Now while reading this whole thing, I was more confused about her either talking the real world, or the Mtv show of the same name. That's how confusing she's making this. Getting by in " the real world" only requires money. That's all there is to it. Money, money, money. Just look at the board game, Monopoly; what are you trying to get? Money. Coincidence? I think not.
        And "the real world" is not "the place I'm living in right now". It's problems that are actually getting by-threatening, if that's even a real term, probably not. The real world is what houses problematic situations that could affect how you live, like I don't know, taxes, finding a job, paying rent, money, money, and debt. She's even listing things like "depression" and "breaking up with their best friend" (Like wtf, who says that?), which are just her problems. I don't see what she has to complain about, she has a decent life and I'm her sitting in front of my laptop typing on this blog when I could be experiencing the hardships of "the real world" that she has.
        Like, I have depression, but I still keep a fake smile. I moved away from my real best friends who I spent all of elementary school with, building a basis for the times we would have in middle school and onwards. But nope, I still got depression and I moved away. Anyways, enough bashing on this girl, I mean, she clearly doesn't understand and I'm clearly not "an adult who isn't in the mood to argue with a 14-year old".
        And most of these posts are mainly 40% honesty, 50% satire, and 10% thinking. I don't think when I'm posting these entries, I just type. If you're going to take me seriously, at least know that I have barely any idea of what I'm talking about. But hey, I could be right, I could be wrong.
        Moral of the story is: 12 oz. mouse is a very weird show. I don't recommend watching it.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014
Week 24
Songs to Remember: Get Crazy - Teen Top
        Yay, it's February! Oh, wait; wrong thing to be happy for. Oh no. So it's February, and because of that, I'd like to think about all my past relationsh- oh wait. Never mind.
        So a thought just came to me last night which almost blew my mind. I was thinking that if I liked a girl, I should just straight up go and tell her. My mind almost exploded by the sheer simplicity of that. But then I thought, she most likely, if not guaranteed, will say no. Then her excuse would be that she "doesn't really know me" or that I'm "not her type" or same lame bullsh** like that.

        Then I was thinking about how I would increase my chances with actually being a close friend or whatever, but not close enough that I'll end up in the shadow-realm, or as others like to call it: the friend zone. Now I don't want to get in depth about the friend zone because that'll take too many... chapters. Way too many chapters.

        Alright, so now I'm sure that the girl who was chatting with me on Facenovel disabled chat for me. I really do not know why. She posted a status like a week back saying she was "feeling like crap" and that how she has friends to comfort her and stuff. And this is why girls are more confusing than a math test.

        The thought of telling all the cute girls in my geography class that I like them is pretty tempting right now, but the thought of being labeled as a creeper who hits on every girl is enough for me to not do that. So, I'm going to have to go the passive route and say "Hi" to all the girls that I see when I walk to my geography class, and that does not include walking behind them and thinking to myself: "Just go up there next to her and say hi", but rather doing that action than thinking it. And then that leads to another topic about whether to act confident, but not too confident that it turns into obsessive stalker kind of confident.

        So today was a wasted day. I hope you all have a merry February 1st and a happy new year. I had no idea where I was going in this entry.