Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Tuesday, May 23, 2017 "Recital."

Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Week: 42
Songs to Remember: Press Your Number - Taemin, Obsession - Boyfriend

        I was here at school from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Now although that's pretty much the same time as other KDT school shows, this one involved a lot more movement.

        I'm talking about, changing like, 5 times, and dancing out there for a full total of about 8 minutes or so. Doesn't seem like lot, but when you're rushing to get changed and whatever, it does feel like a lot. So besides the lackluster school day (except for maybe Dance and math. For Dance, we were in the theater practicing and running our dances, while in math, the teacher cooked us pancakes, live, in class. And yeah, they were good. Still doesn't make me like Calculus any more than I do right now, heh), after school was where it was all at.

        A rehearsal of the beginning without music, and then a full costume runthrough. The show was about 15 or 20 dances in total. Umm, 2 hours long, I was in 5 dances: the opening number, my class' tap dance, Sc's dance, my class' Hip-hop dance, and finally my dance. They weren't consecutive by the way, it was like, our tap dance, and then a couple of other people's dances, from different periods, and then it was Sc's dance, and then so on.

        It was basically, you dance, you rush out to change, come back in and get ready for the next dance that you're in, or relax if it's like, 10 dances away on the list. After our full show run-through, we got an hour break. Me and Sc had thought that a group in our dance class would be going to a Korean BBQ place nearby, but they were actually just kidding, heh, and so we (Sc and I) ended up going to In 'n' Out by ourselves.

        This was one of the rare moments now where I had the time to think, to feel my mentality again, feel my emotions again. Sc asked to read her messaging conversation with this guy who messaged her a couple weeks ago, to ask me for my opinion, a dude's opinion, if he's into her. I read it, seemed, alright, and I was like "Yeah, you should drop some more hints, seems mostly casual for now." She's like "Every time, it always ends up bad for me." And that's unfortunately true, and I do feel sorry for her. She puts in all this effort, all this trust, etc, into somebody, and they, turn their back on her. I mean, even for prom, Jv, who was her date, she told me he went off a lot of the time, to his friends, and leaving her be for quite a bit.

        It's kinda pointless to think "what if's" now, but it does happen from time to time when you find out things like this. Anyways, we got back to school, Uber'd, back to school, we got dressed and got ready for the show to start. Pretty much all of the dancers were very accomodative. It coul be that the people who take Dance class are, yeah, but I don't know. The atmosphere was very lively, happy, and just positive in general. The show went by, smoothly. Not really any major problems. And of course, I did get to see from fellow KDT underclass-men, who are also taking Dance and therefore are in the recital.

        There was also some guest appearances by Tu and Th, who were there in the audience to watch, and who I got to meet after the show. Overall not too bad. The show, that is. There are some conflicts that I have yet to resolve. Such as, but not limited to: the Fanime group situation. Jk left the group, you know, with DrewH and Cc and yeah, and is instead just going with Ek and Lw, who are going the whole weekend. Currently it's a big mess that's more to do with blowing things out of proportion, as well as not trying to be rude. Hopefully things resolve on their own 'cause right now, it's kinda a big mess that I do not want to delve into.

        In other problems, it turns out that my group member did not do the Othello final video, at all. She just made a folder on Google Drive for it, which was named "Othello Final Video." I received an email that she shared it with me, as well as asking the group-chat if it should be uploaded to Drive, YouTube, and or USB. And so, that made me think it was done, but in actuality, it's not. And yes, I am the one who must do it, if I want that A, to keep my solid C, floating. The debate here is whether I should sleep now and do it tomorrow night, the day before it's due, or try it tonight, where I really am exhausted from spending 13 hours on school grounds.

        Same goes for the math project, however for that I have an extra day on. I also have to print out grad pictures to hand out, receive orders on who wants one, aaand upload my dance music videos. Anyways, we'll see whether I decide to attempt to get some rest of fully commit to working. It's 1:22 AM, see ya.

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