Saturday, May 13, 2017

Friday, May 12, 2017 "Soon to Miss."

Friday, May 12, 2017
Week: 40
Songs to Remember: Press Your Number - Taemin

        Current state: my room's a mess, I got into no songs for Fanime evaluations besides my own that I taught (BTS' Not Today), I went with Jh and Ag for a milk tea "run" about an hour ago, it's 11:53 PM, I'm discussing some intel with Ag, tomorrow I'm picking up Rh and Tm in the morning to go to KDT practice tomorrow, aaand, most likely me and a few others, I'll be driving around to go eat afterwards.

        And, on top of all that, I got some English project filming to do at around 3:00 PM, and, some Chinese editing that I gotta do, due tomorrow night at 11:00 PM. Now, today was, your above average day. After doing, getting our costumes checked for Dance, for our dance rectial next next week, and, doing nothing in 2nd period, work in 3rd, work/nothing in 4th, nothing in 5th, and essentially nothing in 6th, there was finally KDT practice, with, the last evaluations, ever for me, heh.

        There were only 7 spots for each song, which in total were like, 5, so, it was tough. Umm, yeah, fortunately I was able to make it into one, even though I was, automatically in for it, but, ya know, it's alright, and I, I had my run. It was good, I got to, I got to be in front for some songs so, gotta give it to the others yeah. This, this was the last KDT evaluations I'd be partaking in, so, that made me realize that, even with the mental battles I've had over the course of this semester, or any other times, I think I'll have one of my biggest obstacles coming to me soon.

        And that's overcoming, getting over, moving on, from being with my KDT family. Yeah it's, I've only been with them for 2 years, but, it, it changed my life. I would not be where I am at right now, had it not been for KDT. I'll get more into this in my last few posts, and my speech for the KDT picnic.

        But yeah, just wanted to address that for now. It's gonna be, it's gonna hit me hard, and I most likely will cry during the last day, when we're having our KDT picnic. Fuck man, just, thinking about it all, it's gonna hit me hard. All of it. Luckily, I still got a couple weeks left to wrap things up, finish, finish what I wanna finish, meet deadlines, tie loose ends, all of it. Because after all this, I'ma to, I'ma have to close the chapter and, not really return to it ever again. So just, make do, do, whatever, because I can, heh. Anyways, it's late, see ya.

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