Sunday, May 14, 2017

Saturday, May 13, 2017 "One Night Ultimate Cast."

Saturday, May 13, 2017
Week: 40
Songs to Remember: Movie - BTOB

        Now I could write all about friends or about how solo driving or just driving in general is a step towards independency and growing up, but then I would spend more time writing than I would actually, spending my time, with friends and growing up.

        Also because it's 1:50 AM and I'm tired, heh. It's weird to think about that, but anyways, I was out of the house at 9:00 AM, to pick up Rh and Tm for KDT practice, which lasted from 10 to 12 AM. Afterwards, I drove Rh and Ln to eat at this one burger place about, 15 minutes away, which wasn't actually that great as people make it out to be. Their menu selection was rather small, and, well, common.

        It was my first time there though, so, yeah. Also, first time on the freeway today. Not as scary as you'd expect. I'd say it's more calm than regular roads since there's so much, "road-freedom," I'd say. As in, you got so much room to maneuver around, compared to, compressed streets. Umm, so, I drove both of them home afterwards, I drove home to wait until 3:00 PM where I drove to one of my English group member's house to film some more of our English project.

        We got a good chunk done, but we're still not finished. That lasted from 3:00 PM to 6:30 PM. I, now this is one for the stupid books, I will have to admit, but, I started up my car, or, at least I thought I did, and, the wheel was so hard to turn, the car was drifting forwards, I could not reverse, I was like "What the fuck, are you kidding me." There were icons on the dash, I thought shit was broken, I quickly looked up what they meant to no avail. I was like "Fuck, what the fuck did I do, why does this have to happen now."

        I was about to hit the parked car in front of me, I was like inches away, heh. Fortunately, with my quick thinking, I was like "Wait, did I even start the engine." Turned the key, and yep, engine started. My car was drifting and the steering wheel was hard to move, only because I only turned the car on, but not the engine. For fuck's sake, I got myself scared for such a stupid-ass thing. And yes, feel free to laugh, because I was just, awestruck with my stupidity.

        It's been a long day, okay. Drove to Safeway to pick myself up some snacks, drove back home by 7:20 PM, the cast was looking to hang out, mostly at somebody's house, and, I offered mine. They came on over after 8:00 PM, it was, basically the whole cast: Jk, Ek, Lw, Jh, and Ag. DrewN couldn't make it 'cause he had a project to do as well as being sick, so. We'll figure something out next week. For now though, or, a couple hours ago, the cast and I played "One Night Ultimate Werewolf," which is literally just "mafia" or "town of salem" but with more roles/ modified roles/modified strategy.

        At around 10:00 PM, (or rather, right before closing time), the cast and I got Burger King, near my house, and we continued to play ONUW until about 12:00 AM when people had to leave. I gotta be honest, I was getting kinda bored, I was mostly just thinking. But, I got to spend time with the cast, and, knowing that, I won't be able to anymore, or at least, often, it made it even more, sentimental.

        But yeah, a lot of progression today. Just, in developing me in general. And godamn am I tired. Like I said, I could go into even more depth about this whole day, but I am tired, and God knows what's gonna happen tomorrow or the week after. Anyways, see ya.

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