Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Sunday, May 14, 2017 "What is the Plan."

Sunday, May 14, 2017
Week: 40
Songs to Remember: Movie - BTOB

        Welcome back to another episode of "lasting memories" featuring your host, Drew. I think for today the "memories" part should be replaced with "work," because I really am making my work last with how long I'm pushing things off for.

        But, I did manage to get a few things done. I got to finish a card for my mom for mother's day, as well as making a couple mixes for my upcoming music video edits I'll be shooting, with the help of Jk, next week during the cast and I's graduation or "grad" photo shoot.

        I also planned a lot too. Like, my music video shoot next week, plus photoshoot. And uh, printing out and writing letters on photocards to pass out to people at school. You know, like uh, on Facebook, when people are like "Comment down below which one you want and if you want a letter with one," etc. So there's that, aaand uh, considering Fanime is essentially the last fun, extravagant thing before the KDT picnic on the last day of school, I kinda want it to be as fun as possible.

        So, I'm planning to rent me and few buddies who are hopefully going to be staying overnight if I do so, a room at a hotel or inn (right now it's inn because fuck $200 a night) so we can basically have it all be just, focused, on having fun. I really do wanna make it great, and, ya know what, it's essentially like grad night. You know, like how some schools have an ending field trip stay for the seniors at a theme park or whatever. Mine, mine doesn't, and so I'm making my own grad night, at a, cool-ass place, with some of the people I love.

        And if you're wondering about money, I'm willing to work this summer to make back the price. Plus I still have my Supreme stuff I need to sell, so that'll bring back some of what I had on my account. I think I've said before that, I don't care about money. I should though, but when it comes to stuff like this, money doesn't matter to me. My boy Tm wants to go to Fanime, would really like to go, but considering the cost of the pass, more than likely he's not. And so, I told him I'd get him a pass for free. He doesn't know that I'm actually paying for it, but, knowing that he's happy about it, and the fact that I'll be able to enjoy the weekdn with another one of my favorite buddies, whom I met not even that long ago, heh. I only talked to at the KASA show this year, and sharing mutual friends, and having similar sense of humor and interests, we connected to what we have now.

        That's basically what I got planned for Fanime right now. Me, Cc, and Tm sharing a room overnight for Fanime. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Jk and the others, they'll probably just drive to and from to the convention, but who knows. The more, the merrier right? Hooooooo boy, if this all works, and things get confirmed, shit's gonna be lit.

        Other plans include, plans as in, things I gotta confirm or do, are: writing out my speech for the KDT picnic, learn choreo for my music video shoot, learn the choreo for songs for the KDT picnic (for myself and for DUSK, the KDT sub-group consisting of me, Cc, Tm, Jb, and Jd). Can't forget about math, that stupid math project. Aaand start editting the tutorial video for how I make my mixes.Yeah that's, about it. Quite a bit I need to do, and considering tomorrow I gotta finish filming the Othello project with my group after school, plus editing the video for it all too (I really, really need a good grade on this, heh), with, with KDT practice Friday as well, yeah it's gonna be insane this week.

        But, you know what? If this all makes the ending of this series even more grand, then so be it. Can't, can't lay off my ass now, I can do that in about 3 weeks, heh. Anyways, it's 11:37 PM, see ya.

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