Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Monday, May 29, 2017 "Hotel Fanime Recap."

Monday, May 29, 2017
Week: 43
Songs to Remember: Redbone - Childish Gambino, Slide - Calvin Harris, Happy - 2NE1, Despacito - Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee

        It's unbelievable to think that tomorrow is Tuesday. It's also unbelievable that today was the first episode of the last season of this series.

        This whole weekend was an experience that just, highlighted my independence for the time being. Pretty stressful when it came to managing time. As in, what to do, where to go, who to go with. To recap it all, the Fanime weekend started off with packing and driving Jd and Lw to the convention center after school. Ag unfortunately, could not go in the end, so it just ended up being me, Jk, Lw, and Ek.

        At the convention center, I stuck with Jd in order to find the rest of the KDT group. Very stressful start to the convention, because the KDT group was trying to flash-mob at the park across the convention center. We were also running short on time, Mt's yelling was getting on my nerves, I got pretty stressed out because of that, but in the end it was okay. Our performance went by super-quick. There were A LOT more people watching than I expected. Overall, not too bad.

        Went by very quick though, and I was only in one song. After the performance, we all stuck around to watch KDT's sub-unit "LMBR" perform.There were also others watching as well, people, who weren't performing, as well as some KDT alumni. After the LMBR performance, it was time to be escorted out. Umm, Cc was kinda, she was trying to avoid going with DrewH, as he was standing outside the area after the performance, as well as the other dude. However, our buddy Tm was present, and we didn't get his badge yet, so we headed downstairs with him to get his badge.

        We proceeded to explore the whole place, including the dealer's hall, artist alley, etc. I essentially hung out with them the whole day, just Cc and Tm. We ended it off with eating at this place that served tacos, aaand, that was it for day one. I met up with Jk and the cast, along with Jk's three other mutual friends, in the gaming hall after it all. It was around, 11:00 PM or something, just, very late. I was exhausted, like, just dead. And, considering how i had school the same day, eight hours of school, I had a good reason to.

        Drove us all (Ek, Jk, Lw, and I) to the hotel inn that we would be staying at. Checked in at like 12:30 AM, the dude looked at me very suspiciously. I mean, I booked the reservation online beforehanda already, I had ID, it, it says my birth-date right there on it, yet he still questioned my age, and, even asked how many would be staying in my room even though there were clearly only three others outside, and the room fitted five people anyways.

        Paid in cash, still had to do a deposit, and after about 5 long minutes, I got the room. We got in, looked much better than the pictures online. Plopped out stuff down, checked things out, Jk and Ek weren't feeling too well or were too tired, so me and Lw went to the nearest 7/11 to get dinner and medicine. Dinner for us was, dry-packaged noodles, and that was for two nights essentially. Not really healthy, but was very otaku-ish-like, fitting in the theme for Fanime. After our late-night meal, w went to bed. The day after, we got the free breakfast, I had a sore-throat for the morning, got ready, and we got to the convention center at around 11:00 AM. That day, I spent it with Ek and Lw and the the cast and whatnot. We, did the whole usual stuff like going through the dealer's hall and artist alley, umm, at points there were times where I felt like "What the fuck are we doing." For example, Jk and his mutual buddies wanted to go to the comedy club event at the hotel located across the convention (it was part of the convention).

        I already knew it was gong to be shit, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt. Nope, I was right, turned out to be shit. It was boring, yes, jokes were, shit. Lw was bored as fuck, I was bored as fuck, Jk was the one who wanted to go and he wasn't even paying attention to it. We all finally left, we, ended it off with some gaming at the gaming hall, with some games like Jenga, Malarky, and Pop-Up Pirate. Oh and btw Ek went home early, so she didn't make it for the comedy club and afterwards. Also the Ek and Lw's buddies were there as well for a bit for that day.

        Day three, it was just me, Jk, and Lw. We had our free breakfast, packed our stuff, and checked out. Arrived to the convention, it was, mostly me and Lw for the day. She and I explored the dealer's hall and artist alley whilst Jk and his buddies did whatever. Lw had to leave at at around 3:00 PM to eat with her brother who arrived here, to the state, for her graduation. I kinda separated to go off on my own to look for Cc and her group. I eventually found her in the dealer's hall, with three other people. It was the dude that was at one of the centers for all the drama (of course, I suppose things turned out okay because Cc was duo-cosplaying with him, as Rin and Obito), a sophomore from KDT (or at least I think so, I apologize if I'm wrong, heh), and their mutual friend who's a senior.

        We went around the dealer's hall, went around in artist alley, ended up in the gaming hall into the night, where it was me, and Cc's buddies playing Jenga with these other two people, who, although looking like maybe High school students, turned out to be older than us, and college students. Tm arrived to the con at this time and so, Cc and Tm went on their own. I was stuck playing Jenga, so, I waited out a bit before, going to find them myself because I was not really feeling the Jenga game at that point, heh. Found 'em, we, uh, at this point, the dealer's hall and artist alley were closed, so, we went around looking for cosplays. Soon enough though, they had to go home, I had to find Jk and his group of buddies.

        They were, doing nothing that really interested me, and so I just went home. Was very, very tired. It was hard to keep up with the pace of everything. It was like a non-stop train of, doing something. Which was great, but also very straining. I didn't really buy much stuff, wasn't really all that into taking pictures with cosplayers. I guess having been to Anime Expo so many times, it's hard to top what they have compared to the tiny convention center here.

        That whole weekend experience was not really what I expected, in fact it was entirely different in what I had hoped to have happened. I guess my expectations were too high, with me considering how things went last year, with everything, I was hyping it all up. It was still good though, everything that happened, it's, it's just kind of a mixed feeling. I am glad to have done all that, but I am also glad to just be here sitting in my chair of experiences in front of my desk.

        Relaxation is far from here though. This season, this week, I'll have to dance, and write, A LOT. Even now, I got some grad photos to write letters on to pass out tomorrow and the days after. I got a speech to write, dances to learn, only a couple of finals to prepare for to ensure my graduation, aaand prepping this project for the end. So, let's get started on all that. It's 12:16 AM. Oh and no, didn't do much today expect drive to the convention to meet up with Lw for like 10 minutes and then went home 'cause there wasn't any shit to do, and I need a day of rest. I'll see you tomorrow.

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