Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Monday, May 15, 2017 "Give Me Time."

Monday, May 15, 2017
Week: 41
Songs to Remember: Drawing the Line - Royal Pirates, Better When I'm Dancing - Meghan Trainor

        I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so short, on time. I so many deadlines to meet, it's, crazy. And shit just keeps on stacking and stacking, I am not allowed one-second of slacking off.

        Another overview of what I gotta do and finish this week or next week: math project, editing a tutorial video for how I make my mixes, edit my group's Othello film video for English, create some logos for this K-Pop logo contest, memorize dances (5 for Dance class, 1 for the KDT Fanime performance, and 4 for the KDT picnic, and 2 for my music video edits), plan out location and time for grad photos, plan out the trip and who's staying for the Fanime weekend, Dance recital practices plus performances next week, writing out a script for what I wanna say at the KDT picnic, as well as the usual work of other classes on top of all that.

        Now it may not seem like a lot, but having all that within the constraint of this week and next week, there's not breathing room. At all. I mean I barely got work done today. There is so much shit that comes up that I, I can't keep up with. Like today for example, I had to go to one of my group member's house again to wrap up filming our stupid Othello movie project. But oh whadya know, today just happens to be a day for KDT practice, as usual but, also, after school, there's an opening-number practice for the seniors for Dance class.

        So I had to miss KDT practice, as well as 45 minutes of filming time. Tomorrow hopefully there'll be no interruptions. Wednesday, oh boy, there's fucking, MORNING practice, for those in senior awards night. Then, the awards night starts at 7:00 PM, meaning, I get like, no time to work at home on these fucking videos. I have, I've yet to practice the dances I'll be doing for my music video edits I'll be shooting at the grad photo trip with the cast this Saturday. Still, still figuring stuff out on plans for Fanime because things are still yet to be set in stone. Thursday, I gotta get some videos and photo-editing done. I gotta prepare the ending to the series with planning out what I'ma say, info, etc. Gather pictures, umm, just.

        I'd just really like some sleep, right now, because I am still falling asleep in some classes. And this just, there's no way, I can soak in these last couple weeks of being in High school, being this naive, this care-free, this, imagining of a television series. I can't do all that fully, with all this hanging over my head. It's insane. There's probably even more shit I gotta remember to do before deadlines but, it's slipping my mind right now. Seriously, I gotta, rush. And, I'ma have to sacrifice some more sleep.

        IT'S FUCKING INSANE. For my at least, because I do not recall any other time where I got this many deadlines all at once. But yeah, it's 12:44 AM right now, I think I'll call it a night. Hopefully a good chunk of whatever gets done tomorrow. See ya. Also something to note: I do not enjoy the song "Better When You're Dancing," it's just stuck in my head right now from hearing it over and over again today in Dance class, and so that's making me like it. You get what I mean. Anyways, see ya.

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