Saturday, May 6, 2017
Week: 39
Songs to Remember: Caroline - Amine, 365 Fresh - Triple H
Well Drew, you're growing up. Figuratively, and literally. It's been like 5 months since you've turned 18.
Can you believe that, you're almost half-way to 19 already, which is, crazy, considering how being 18 feels so, recent. You're striving for independence, individuality, doing things on your own, being free, and that's good. Although, if you are offered, you should usually accept it.
Today, after waking up at 8:00 AM for KDT practice on a Saturday (which went not too shabby), I ended up driving Ln, Jd, and Rh around for food, and then to Rh's house to, mess with his piano and watch some memes (not even kidding). It did feel good, to drive around, like "Hell yeah, I'm driving my friends around, we're doing shit, I'm, there's nothing really holding me back from having a fun time with people I love."
I did enjoy every minute of it. Every second, actually. And it is rather sad that, you know, I can't continue this forever. I mean I can, extend it by a little, for maybe the beginning of my new journey after all this but, I'ma have to, leave most of this all behind and start a new. Like, people will be separated, either that, they're traveling somewhere else, settling somewhere else for college, or for under-classmen, staying behind in High school. And, I won't be able to see most of them as often, or maybe even at all anymore, heh.
All this progress you've made, all these connections you've made with all these people, and you gotta just, toss it all aside. Just, erase it all. The only good thing I can think about that all is that, college and later years will be better memories to replace 'em all, and that, all of this right now is to just help you, prepare. Help you, stay sane, help you get through these really awkward years of transitioning to, a realer world. That's probably the best analogy I can make of it. Right now, I'm just in a world. And it seems real, but once I see through, get through, the barrier of, being required to reside within a set parameter of a social setting for 8 hours a day, straight, for 5 days a week, I'll see that it's just like, a simulation. It's all set up for now.
Then once I get through that, I'll see, be, in a real world, where you gotta take matters in your own hands. The decisions you make will be more, impactful, yeah. And no, I don't actually have a clue of what real college life is or will be like, but hopefully it's close to what I'm describing, heh. If not, which I'm sure it is not, I'll be in for quite a surprise. I, I really do think so. Now that'll all be, unscripted. Right now everything's, scripted. It's pretty much written out for me, but college, that's a mystery. That's, that's all on me, there is no script, I gotta, I gotta improv, all of that.
Now, I wanna talk about the end of the series, which is coming soon. I feel like I gotta make these last 29 posts, these last 29 episodes, be meaningful. Or, I gotta say what I want to say because I won't be allowed to keep on making more of these posts, heh. I gotta say what I'm thinking, feeling, right now. I can't keep this up forever, so. Yeah there is uh, there's only 29 episodes left, 29 posts left of for this series, this project, including the last day, which will be on June 4th, a Sunday, of which the series will end with me spending time with KDT on our last day, our bonding day.
And yeah, the end post, the last episode, will probably consist of me telling what happened that day, and then, I guess maybe a whole reflection of this whole thing, starting from the beginning to the end. Then uh, talking about the people I've met, those who made an impact on me, etc. Then there's gonna be, a reflection on school, the 4 years, uh, advice/ wisdom, and then final thoughts. And then, some, some contact info for people who want to know more, or need my help.
There's still so much that I want to do within this series. I know that some of the things can wait 'till the college years, but, just something about doing stuff in the moment seems fulfilling. And you're only gonna be in High school, once, in your life. Most likely not something you'll remember forever, but it's, it gives you a something to remember, short-term. It's all, in the present, right now.
I think I'll save more of this for later posts, and uh, also the last one. Right now it's 11:55 PM and I'd like some of my sleep back, heh. See ya.
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