Friday, April 28, 2017

Thursday, April 27, 2017 "Metamorph."

Thursday, April 27, 2017
Week: 38
Songs to Remember: Strange - MASC

        Nothing really much to say about school. I mean, 5th period was just us entirely, on our phones. However, there was something that was different: some peace of mind, and change. And something to cross of my list of things High school staples.

        Now I've been interacting with Sc lately, and by that I mean, as of this week, and often than usual. My original "plan" with the whole Snapchat thing, is actually also an old trick in the book (not the way I intended it to though). You ask somebody "Hey, I wanna make this person jealous, hang out with me, etc." And only until like, today, was I like "Huh. I guess it can be seen like that." It wasn't my intention though, but it can work.

        And no, I don't intend on hooking up with Sc. I'd think of it like a sidequest. If it were to happen, that'd be cool, ya know, awesome. If not, then, nothing really bad happens, heh, it's just like, as friends, still pretty fucking good in my opinion, 'cause Sc's pretty sincere, and, uh, enthusiastic. Not sure of the words right now, umm, approachable? Even though I have known her for a while too. Anyways, yeah, heh.

        As you all know, I'm still not 100% me, I am, building up to there. Today I got the push I need to continue in that direction, for, kinda, for good. I talked to my AP Psychology teacher from last year about my recent situation. Didn't get out all the details I had wanted, but it was enough for her to give me some good advice. And like, some of it, I had never even thought of, because I was thinking too hard, heh. Such as, the reason for some of the lies, was, maybe because she didn't want to hurt my feelings, which makes sense. There was also some stuff that I even thought myself, but thought that they weren't really, rational, or whatever, but she confirmed it, that, the stuff I did was understandable.

        Being a Psychology teacher really does help with coming up with solutions and whatnot. Umm, it was all very insightful. I especially liked how, to show how minuscule all of this really is, uh, she gave me an example of her life, of how, it just takes luck, and time, for things to fall into place for you to act. There's just a lot of factors, and, you know, this is just High school. There's definitely a lot more, than just the school's population.

        She also gave me some possible reasons, for, you know who's actions, which did help clarify and rationalize things more for me. I really respect her, my teacher of course, for, helping me out with this. But in the end, ya know, if you gave it your all, and you still get two no's, hey, what can you do? I think this'll be the last time I talk about Kt here. This whole experience gave me, well, a lot of experience, heh, and it definitely helped me accomplish some stuff that I always wanted to do whilst being here, the 4 years here.

        And to add to that, I stayed at my Jk's house today after walking there, so as to dye my hair. Didn't really turn out how I wanted, didn't really know what I was doing, uh, finished the job here at home. That right there's something I've wanted to do for a long time, and well, time to cross that off the list, heh. Yeah, dying hair's cool, but this one's symbolic for me 'cause it represents change. I know, I know, sounds kinda sappy and an excuse to finally dye my hair, but what better time than now, when, I'm young, dumb, naive, and maturing as I go?

        Pink, by the way. It is pink. Now a little talk about dying hair, uhhh, it's, not a big problem, heh. Some people may think it's just to garner more attention, or whatnot, and uh, in my opinion it really is. That, and to distinguish yourself among others. Because nowadays, being yourself or being different is kinda, hard, -ish, or looked down upon or whatever. So, what better way to stand out than by allowing yourself to be more identifiable if you were in a "Where's Waldo?" puzzle, heh? So if you want to be distinguished from others, go ahead. If not, if you don't really care, ain't no biggie. And for me, for fuck's sake, there's like 2 other people at my school with the same first and last name as me, I gotta do something for people to identify with, other than "Drew? The one in KDT?"

        Anyways, tomorrow's gonna be pretty fun. There's KDT practice, plus my cousin's coming over to my house to sleep over for we will be going to Sneakercon on Saturday morning, as well as picking up my all-white Yeezy's in San Francisco. It's 12:48 AM, see ya.

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