Thursday, April 20, 2017
Week: 37
Songs to Remember: Press Your Number - Taemin, Because of You (Nu'est Produce 101 Cover) - Afterschool,
There was something I wanted to write about, err, something I forgot to mention yesterday but remembered today, but now forgot.
This whole week has been a mess. I, it's always been a mess with these kinds of week, where it's not a normal week. I mean, there's been two days where I actually got myself some sleep, only because I don't have to get up until 11:00 AM. Then there's a minimum day, aka Wednesday. You got the usual Monday and Friday, but that shit is just worn out. Monday was uh, is a thing of the past.
Anyways, I saw the word "onetitis" today. I saw it before, however it was so long ago and obscure that I forgot about it. Looked it up and I wished I sorta re-discovered it earlier 'cause that was exactly what I had. Basically a disease that makes you think that one girl is special, no matter what. There are actually remedies to prove that people are more alike than you'd think. You can read up the urban dictionary entry for it yourself.
Not sure if I quoted it before but what Merlin from Excalibur said about love, that "Love is deaf as well blind, yes that's it!" It is very true, and I do believe. And so, enough of that. Today was an average day of me sitting in class, and looking at the clock. It does seem kinda pointless to get ready and dressed, to go to school for three hours only, and then going home after. I've since had nothing really to do. I have my daily naps in the afternoon, because I really do feel tired, although I don't even do much that makes me tired.
Tomorrow is Friday, and uh, that's gonna be a really, really long day, because it's a regular full day. That, plus there's KDT practice for GOT7's "Never Ever." Then gonna plan out what to bring and a schedule for Saturday. I, uh, there REALLY is no planning for this one anymore. I have no idea, what is going to happen, even what to expect. All I know is that I'm gonna go all-out. Nobody's going to remember what happened at prom, unless there's illegal shit happening but uh, yeah nobody's going to remember, except, yourself. And that's only if you do shit that makes it memorable. Or, choose to remember it.
In the end, it's a godamn High school dance, heh. Compared to other events in life, I'd say it's minuscule. And, yeah, it's 10:17 PM, we got, we got some paperwork and mixes due next week, but that can wait. Uhhh, see ya. Okay actually, not see ya just yet. So you know how DrewN ranted to me a bit about his problems? His life-love problems? Social problems? I respected that. I actually like, hearing people talk, rants especially, because I like hearing other people's ways of thinking, their perspectives, because it's always different. A different person, a different perspective. It's also healthy to rant to; gives you a much clearer thought and more logical, rational decisions that are not impulsive or rash, heh.
Could explain why I love commentaries so much. Anyways, Jh's been ranting a bit in the group chat about his problems with his prom date. or actually, the problems that his buddy is causing between him and his prom date. It's seems to him that his plans are kinda going to shit because of it, and ya know, I've been in his situation before/ understand him, it's understandable, so, I don't want him to make any mistakes that he doesn't want to make.
It's also a way that I want to repay those who have helped me before. Ya know, like Ln, Rh, Cc, Bp, etc. That helping hand, that "Are you okay? You good?" or lending an ear to somebody whose voice has been under their breath for a while, it gives them a ray of light, or a vine, to climb on and be heard. I've, I've always liked it when people notice me and say hi. I've always respected how people do concern for me, even for just asking if I'm okay. That's, it's one of the most powerful, yet small and simple things, you can do. A wave, a hello, an "Are you okay?"
It's 10:27 PM, got some shit to write down, uh, I'l talk more in tomorrow's post before the day of the big movie premier. See ya.
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