Monday, April 3, 2017

Sunday, April 2, 2017 "Bad and Fooly."

Sunday, April 2, 2017
Week: 34
Songs to Remember: 5 More Minutes (5분만 더) - Sanchez (산체스), Moves like Raindrops - kmlkmljkl

        Almost, and I mean almost, forgot to make a post today. This weekend allowed things to slow down (or, today at least) in preparation for the next weeks of unpredictable-ness.

        I drove for an hour and watched American Pie. Not as raunchy as you'd expect, but still is sorta. There was actually meaningful plot towards the end which I wasn't expecting much of, more so on the comedy part. Did not go out with buddies, umm, people had plans so, maybe, next week? I don't know, things are getting kinda staggered.

        Taking a break on buying stuff because it's not as sustainable as I had originally thought. Buying stuff to resell, that is. For now, I'm taking a break from that. Unless, it's a very, very profitable purchase, then that's something different.

        Tomorrow we're gonna be voting for next year's KDT cabinet during a lunch meeting. Gonna be pretty nice hearing all them speeches. Then there's VSA show practice after school, then the same goes for Tuesday, and then the day-show on Wednesday, then it comes to more practice on Thursday, Friday as well, and finally the night show on Saturday.

        Just something I'd like to mention: my feelings are usually sporadic, and, do not last for very long sometimes, as demonstrated via the past, I don't know, within the past 30 posts, just to be safe. As show in those, I'm feeling one thing, and then it all changes to the next. And that's okay. I'm not consistent with my feelings until after, I'd say give or take a month. After seeing what I've  developed, I pick one of those feelings that I think I'd do best with, and go with it. And I don't wanna admit it because I don't want to disappoint the viewers just yet, I'll talk about it at a later time.

        But for now, see ya.

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