Saturday, April 22, 2017

Friday, April 21, 2017 "Another Stunt."

Friday, April 21, 2017
Week: 37
Songs to Remember: Easy Love - SF9, Because of You (Nu'est Produce 101 Cover) - Afterschool, Without U - Romeo, You Only Live Once - The Strokes

        What do I expect? Nothing, heh. Or, just, yeah nothing, because this is something I cannot predict.

        Besides the usual day, for KDT practice, there was no break, so there wasn't much to, discuss about. There was though, a lot of talking. Not much time for it, is what I'm trying to say. And no, if you were wondering, Kt was not there. The dance for GOT7's "Never Ever" was actually easier than I thought.

        After school, I tried to get as much rest as I could. I uh, started another social event over Snapchat. This time though, this was more well-received, especially when I saw that Kt messaged me, asking what happened. 'Course it all felt good, it, gives you an insight on how people would act if that were to, really happen to you. Except, they do think that, and, it has not actually happened to you. In the end, I do think it's bad, throwing around care and all that, because if people find out, it's, you're going down the drain.

        I told her about it and uh, she told me to take care of myself. She said that it worries her, that she was worried last time as well but, was too salty to say anything, and she apologized for that. And you know, the redeeming quality here is not that she cared, enough to message me, asking what happened. The redeeming quality is not that it worries her, but the fact that, she admitted her faults, which are in everybody, not just her. She admitted one of her faults, saying that she was, being salty last time, for not saying anything about my whole situation.

        And you might be asking yourself "Drew, why are you still dwelling. You know that any more dwelling you do, it's all on you, right?" I know that. But until I get, a goal again, then, I can't really draw focuses away from it all, or, entirely. You know, a goal, or progress, like the Atr stuff, Cy stuff (or was it Cv), El, etc. I need me one of those again, but with this current setting, there's not much time to act. Yeah, there is time, but circumstances really act against that and I think it'd be some wasted effort.

        You could argue that, I just don't want it enough, that I ain't putting enough effort, and that is, debateable. But, right now I'm trying to just be more focused on group stuff, like, Fanime, or the upcoming Key Club performance (which we have to be at school, at 8:00 AM, on a Sunday next week).

        Yes, prom is tomorrow. The uh, the cast and I are currently planning a place to go to eat before the whole thing. Right now, I don't know who or what is driving, heh. I'm just, I'm just going with the flow right now.

        Thanks to all of those who cared about my social situation over Snapchat. It really does, show me, err, makes me, feel better about myself, that I get this much support from the people who I would support no matter what. It's nice having our backs for eachother, even if it is, through a bright-lit screen. It's 1:14 AM, I, am tired. Tomorrow, I ain't going home after prom. It ends at midnight for a reason. I'll find something to do. And no need to go over etiquette anymore for dances, I think I covered that enough. We all know, what the usual happens. This one though, nobody, knows what's gonna happen. See ya.

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