Saturday, October 1, 2016

Saturday, October 1, 2016 "It's a Judge From Me."

Saturday, October 1, 2016
Week: 8
Songs to Remember: The Eye - Infinite

        So what is it like being Simon Cowell? Well, it's certainly not "It's a no from me." It's more of like a, "Mhmm, yeah, I agree, they were okay, I give it a 3."

        Woke up at 10:00 AM so I could get to the library by 11:00 AM to do some judging. As in, grade everybody's performance from auditions based on what we remember and what we wrote as notes, and uh, yeah. I showed up, there was Mt, Eh (or Ev, I forgot), Jb, Ry (or Rh), Jd, and Bp grading people for Ice-Cream Cake.

        The grading goes by this rubric sheet. There's 4 categories, with them being expression (like, facial expression or general vibe, style, attitude, etc), dance (literally what it is, do you know it or not, how well you did it, etc), timing (pacing, were you too slow or too fast), and participation (did you show up for practice(s), or nah). They're on scales of 1 to 5. And so, Jb, Eh, and I start grading people for EXO's "Monster." It was like "How was their expression?" "It was okay, they looked a bit awkward, nervous." "So a 3 then." "How about their dance?" "It looked okay, they were a bit stiff but overall not bad." I also found out how bad of a memory I had, because I couldn't really remember people's faces to grade 'em on their specific audition. After grading everybody, we filter them into groups like "for sure are gonna be put in for the dance," a "maybe" pile, and a "definite no" pile. Then we filter out the "maybe" pile by comparing people, like, "oh, this person's score is higher," or, "this person can improve whereas this person," etc, etc. And you gotta be a bit unbiased for this shit, you can't just let your friends just 'cause, they're your friends.

        And that was for uh, about maybe 30 people or so, give or take 5. It was a lot and we definitely needed to extend from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM. About half of the people left to meet some scheduled events, uhh, so it was just me, Jd, Bp, Jb, and Ev. We moved to a private study room, finished grading there, then the teachers for Sistar's "I Like That," basically Eh at this point 'cause Cc didn't come 'till 2:00 PM and Sc could not come. And uh, grading for ASTRO's "Hide and Seek," with Bp and Jb. And spoilers, I managed to get into both.

        Hell, yeah. I only really wanted to do "Hide and Seek" so I can do BTS' "Fire," but they said I didn't need to "do" it, just audition with it. But then like, there was only 17 people who got in for ASTRO's "Hide and Seek," out of those who auditioned, and so, the limit was 20 per dance. Cc and I both had the same idea of only wanting to do "Hide and Seek" so we can do "Fire," but since there were open spots, and we did get in if we wanted, we were like "Ah fuck it, it's free." But I also had to uh, re-do the dance in front of 'em, just 'cause they couldn't really remember how I did the dance, which was fine. As for Sistar's "I Like That," Eh said I was pretty good, that I was better than some of the girls, heh. Now that was surprising, I thought I did, pretty average, for both dances.

        But yeah, probably got into that, and if not, then, no biggie. Anyways, as the day went on, people had to leave one by one 'till it was just me, Bp, and Jd. Then it was 3:00 PM and we had to leave the room, and for me to go home. Then it was just, me, at home, sleeping. Or hoping to sleep. It's currently 10:45 PM, I'm pretty tired even though I didn't do too much shit, finished Chinese work (for the day), aaand, still haven't started the FASFA and CalGrant BS. Also I know it's October 1st, I will start on college apps like, after-school or shit. Tomorrow, I actually have work tomorrow. That includes Chinese work, English work, math work, and options. Alright? Alright, see ya.

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