Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Monday, October 24, 2016 "Deduction."

Monday, October 24, 2016
Week: 12
Songs to Remember: Bingo - 24K, 1 of 1 - SHINee

        I probably said this in another post already but being the dumbass that I am, I didn't remember Cv's exact schedule when she sent it to me on Snapchat when I asked about it. Luckily with my deduction skills, I was able to located where her 4th period is, and fortunately, her 4th period is like, a couple classrooms away in the same building as mine.

        This morning I was greeted by a message from Ct. I was like "Aw no, here we go again." She asked me "Is this you on Snapchat" and included a picture of a Snapchat profile which, has my real name on it, but not my correct username. I'm like "Alright, alright, here you go."

        And no, messaged didn't send back and forth as prevalent as you'd think. Just, one lined banter every, 30 minutes or so. And I don't blame any of us, ya know, I do have class so can't get too enticed in them. Also I was, pretty tired today, mostly during 2nd and 4th. Anyways, here it is. Dance, we did our testing of some tap moves, and uh, we didn't get to finish today so we're gonna continue this tomorrow.

        Math, you guessed it, just work and notes. Digital Art, as I've said 100 times before, nothing special. English, uhhh, we did some notes, watched a video, but, I kinda dozed off in intervals, so I didn't get to see much of the content. When the bell rang, I was used some deduction like "Hmm, well I've seen here walk this way during lunch before when I'm walking to the lunch line. But her 4th period could only be one of these three classes, with that knowledge, maybe her 4th period is somewhere here." I turn to the left out the door instead of the right, find her walking with her buddy, exchange greetings, circle around.

        I'm like "Well, I'm a better detective than I thought." So ya'll know what's gonna come forth this week. I would'a went and started a walking convo, but uh, I had a KDT meeting today, which was, just, re-informing info, uhh, restating stuff, dates, nothing really new. Umm, as for updates on the cast, Ek's a science camp counselor of this week. DrewN hangs out with his GF during break (I never, ever really use that word), but still eats lunch with us during lunch.

        5th period, we prepared in setting up a mock, uhh, party election thing. Ya know, when parties announce their chosen candidate and stuff, we're doing that. People get assigned roles if they want, etc, etc. I gotta make a 1-minute speech, which is okay since it's only 1 minute. And finally, Chinese, of which we had a substitute. He was a chill guy, he uh, asked us about our race when doing attendance, which, it does seem sorta weird on paper, but uh, since it was a language and culture class, it makes sense. It was surprising to learn how some people, although they look a specific race, may be, a different race.

        We worked on work in class, so no work for home, all's good. Didn't really get a chance to work on my designs but that's fine. Actually, almost forgot to mention, I got two people who commented on my senior sweater design today. One of them, a classmate from 6th grade who is also in my math class, asked about my design, I said that I made it myself, she asked a for copy of the picture so she can order her own. I'm like "Yeah sure, I'll send it to you."

        Things are ramping up, both in events and work to be honest, because I got a long-ass story due next week, have yet to start on it, I got a math quiz on Wednesday, test on Friday, work on my designs, do some side-choreo making for dance, etc. But ya know, things could change without a moment's notice, who knows. Anyways, see ya.

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