Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thursday, October 6, 2016 "Cards."

Thursday, October 6, 2016
Week: 9
Songs to Remember: Lonely - Kanto

        Again, I'm not expecting much from Homecoming, nothing at all. What I am expecting though is to get shit done this weekend, or at least some shit.

        Dance was just practicing moves again, all there was to it. Math, same thing, except instead of dancing, we just worked. Partner-quiz tomorrow though. Break, nothing much to say there, except that Jk and I got our tickets for Homecoming. Digital Art, I got some work done on my pumpkin, most likely will finish by Tuesday maybe. English, now that was a nice and relaxing discussion. The teacher talked a bit about prop uh, prop 58. That was the parole thing with prisons and whatever. I actually did my presentation today, umm, for the last 5 minutes of class. Fortunately, nobody will remember what I said 'cause mine wasn't all that special.

        Lunch, nothing much there. Gov, we had our assessment, and, that took up the whole period 'cause I was being very detailed in mine's. Oh yeah and today was "deck of cards" or "card deck" day, where you dress up as like a king, queen, jack, or a playing card. Or just, tape a playing card to yourself. And of course, I didn't really do anything for today, stuff's just too much work in my opinion. Maybe if the topic was less, detailed, then whatever, maybe I'd do it. But today I saw people with crowns, crowns made of playing cards, playing cards taped and draped across people, people with the card suits made of construction paper and taped to their shirts.

        To be honest I was like "Damn, all these playing cards gone to waste, when they could've been used for cardistry." I could've brought a deck of cards and called myself a cardist for the day, but uh, if I did that then people would probably just ask me for a card to put on themselves for the day. Anyways, Chinese was just a quiz, then Chromebook work. I did study during SSR, got all the cards memorized. However, the test contained some words that were only part of the words I studied. For example, the word "notebook," I studied the word, I know what it means, but on the quiz it only had the "note" part of it, and I don't know what that part by itself means.

        So I got a 12/20, but it doesn't matter since quizzes and test count for shit really. Uhhh, tomorrow's "blue and gold" day, in which you just wear the school colors, but I really do wanna wear my sweater that I designed, so I'll do that. Also KDT practice after school, first for those who got into EXO's "Monster" auditions. It'll be at the dance room too so that'll bring back some memories of practice from last year. By that I mean, we practice, take a break half-way, I'm hanging with my buddies there, discussion, see and do dances that people've learned, then get back into practice.

        Alrighty, it's 10:55 PM, not much work today really. Tomorrow, maybe more, maybe not. Okay, see ya. Oh and rally tomorrow, that's nice as well. Alright, see ya.

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