Week: 30
Songs to Remember: YEAH - BLANC7, Body - MINO, C'mon - UNI5
Snapchat's been popping off for the past 14 hours. You know else is popping? The KASA show special today. Now THAT, is something top-tier.
5:30 AM wake-ups are not really my thing, have never really been my thing for that matter. It sure doesn't help when I gotta dress up in ripped-jeans, a white canvas belt, a white tucked-in t-shirt, blue flannel, and a blue flannel headband at this time of hour when the temperature's 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Still did it anyways, had on a hoodie though for the walk in the morning from the car to the theater.
People were busy setting up decorations, doing make-up, homework, sleep, etc. Very chilly morning, both figuratively and literally, heh. Not as bad as Lunar Show last year. That morning was, oh boy. Anyways, I was seated next to Cc and Jd. Atr and others were seated nearby. We moved out stuff to our respective sides (boys side on the left, girls side on the right). Didn't really matter later 'cause yeah. We didn't have access to the color-guard/band room during this show so if we wanted/ had to get to the other side of backstage, we had to go around the building (which ain't even that big really). This meant that the whole special was pretty segregated, but, we still were meshed together in bits and pieces throughout and that was, that was still good.
It was mostly just standing around in the cold, lots of standing and shivering, heh. We had two run-throughs, which helped relieve the fact that our performance looked kinda boo boo in my opinion. We improved though after 1st and 2nd period and it ended up looking pretty nice for 5th. We were the second act after a singing act. Our first performance, well for everybody, the audience was pretty dead, and to be honest, I'd be too. Ain't enough will-power to get excited at 8:00 AM in the morning.
Second performance was a bit better. Break was, just standing around, loitering around the outside of the side-theater doors 'cause that's all where we were able to stand. Characters that were prominent during this time was, a lot, a lot of people. Cc, Ev, Vh, a bit of Atr. There was not AS MUCH interaction with Atr as you'd have thought, and me included. It was really passive, like, really passive. Is it my fault? I don't think so, I don't think it's anybody's fault here. She's just going with the flow, I'm, nobody's obligated to do, shit, heh.
And if that's how things are going, I just gotta diverge. What's the the opposite of divergent? I don't know, but you get what I mean. Fortunately (or unfortunately), there's uh, some shit that goes down hinted at that nobody really saw coming, even me. For better, or for worse, heh. Umm, so yeah, break was a good break, and then 3rd period, it was almost a nice lit setting. Atr's buddy was like "Ay you should sit and watch in the audience and cheer on KDT's sub-unit debut" and I'm like "Yeah sure." And so, we sit in like the 2nd row, Cc was with me too. We all had light-sticks which was pretty funny. Unfortunately, there were not enough seats (all were filled and there were still like a whole class left to sit) and the KASA club president saw us seated, called us out to move out so people can sit and watch, and so we had to pass up the experience, heh.
We ended up watching behind the curtains for 3rd period. KDT didn't have to perform during 3rd and 4th period because that's when LMBR's gonna be performing in their place. You know, LMBR, the sub-unit consisting of Bp, Rh, Mt, and Ln. Pretty, pretty good. Uhhh, a lot of people missing, during like, in-between acts and shit, but they came and went and that kept things spicy, kept things variant. I actually like having our act second out of the 6 or 7 because that meant after we finished, we coulda just fucked around afterwards, which we did. Around 4th period, uhhh, sorta just did the same thing really. Took a lot of pics, especially for my inspo album, by Jd.
Lunch was spent with the cast. I had bag of chips and had not one, but nine muffins and a can of Snapple, although I only finished about one muffin. The rest are still sitting right here, under my desk. That reminds me, the doughnuts that I got a while back, yeah there's six of 'em left. And yeah, they're still in my locker, heh. Definitely not gonna eat 'em though.
FIfth period was the time for us to redeem ourselves. 1st and 2nd period were pretty much just warm-ups, just practice runs. 5th period was like, for real realsies, and it went well. I didn't really sweat it that much at all for any of the performances. I've done this like, I don't know how many times now. Considering how low-fi this show sorta was, as well as the quality of the songs (Sorry Sorry? Really?), I'm just like "Fuck it." That was also the theme for 6th period's "troll" performance as well. We came up with a lot of ideas. One of the most prominent ones was replacing the tutting section of SHINee's "Lucifer" with Naruto jutsu hand-signs, heh. Now that, was bootleg.
We'll all remember how we did the Naruto handsigns and then me lending my hand over to Cc so she can swirl a Rasengan for me like in the show with Naruto and his clones. Fucking, bootleg. The rest, it was aight. Not too shabby. For Super Junior's "Sorry Sorry," we sang "Ravioli Ravioli give me the formuoli" for the chorus, and uh, everything else was just whatever. Literally whatever. And it wasn't over there after our performance, even though it seemed like it was. We helped out this one singer with her performance of MINO's "Body." We were background dancers just free-styling, hyping it up. I, I didn't sweat it either for this, I just free-styled and hyped whatever, heh.
And yeah, THAT, was the last performance. For this show. Which turned out differently than I expected, but it was, definitely, for the better. I tried focusing on getting intel, but Atr was more or so focused on doing her own thing, with, having fun and shit with her friends, whom aren't really in my field of style when it comes to stuff like this. Which, hey, that's hard to come by, finding another person's friends be in the same field as your friends. So, I just went with the people around me, and there were a lot, a lot more than I can name. At least there's pictures because I don't think I can possibly name everybody who had a line or character interaction in this special, heh.
Oh and I almost forgot to talk about the Palace drop today. It was at 8:00 AM, as usual. I was not able to acquire the tees or hoodies I really wanted (partially because I got cart-jacked and some were not available this week). I was, however, able to acquire a hoodie that I somewhat want, as well as a hat. Shit retails for some ridiculous prices for designs that ain't even that great to be honest. Spent $200 in total. The hat was $50, the hoodie was $140, shipping covered the rest. Fortunately, I am investing these purchases to be turned into future profits when I re-sell them, so I won't be truly, truly broke.
Tomorrow contains the Anti-social Social Club drop at 8:00 AM so that'll be something as well. Hopefully things will go my way and I can actually get stuff that I wouldn't mind wearing. Anyways, at this point it was like, 3:00 PM, 9 or 10 after hours after the time I woke up. Dancing didn't stop there, oh no. We still had practice from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM in the dance room for UNI5's "C'mon," and I was one of the teachers. Didn't go too bad, but boy were we tired and sweaty. Like, godamn.
Again, not much interaction with Atr (did get pictures with her though during the performances). I think she's cool and all with the pics but like, "shipping" shit, that's kinda off-limits, just in my opinion of her grounds and all. I think I've decided that, the meaning of "liking" somebody but not seeing themselves dating them, is just philosophical shit for, just friend, heh. And, I think that's fine as of now. Why? Because there's some funky shit going on involving me, a Junior, and a freshman. During the whole day, this one girl, the one who I compared her ranking to the likes of Cl, the one who's dating the freshman dude (I thought she was a freshman this whole time too but apparently not), has been making playful gestures with me by poking and touching my exposed knee from my distressed jeans, heh.
Now it does seem very, very over-reactive, and silly. Like, just hearing all that makes me say "What the-... what the shit?" I thought it was all just, her being comfortable around guys because she already has a BF. But uh, I, I guess not because of that? During dance practice today, in the dance room, during break, it was me, Cc, and her, we'll call her Kt for now, sitting at the back of the room-wall just, filled with exhaustion. She asked "You guys going to prom?" I'm like "Hmm, yeah, probably." And she's like, she says something along the lines of "I can't go" or "I don't have anybody to go with" or some shit. And me, having the common knowledge that she and that freshman dude Kb (who is shorter than her) are dating (for apparently a month now), uhhh, offered "Hey, I could take you as a guest to prom and somebody else brings Kb and ya'll could go together." She's like "Oh no, I'm a junior, so I could go. But like, it's just that I kinda wanna go with somebody taller. Kb and I have been fighting lately, so."
This is probably the most, plot-twisting, unexpected, completely unforeseen, intel, ever revealed on the show. Like, GODAMN. It's, it's fucking insane. So many, so many questions revealed, so many answered. Like two seasons before or something, when after I finished chatting it up with Atr on that one day and found Kb, Mp, and Kt walking home, Kt was like "Can you believe Kb thought I liked you?" and I was just thinking like "Oh my fucking... add some more comedy to the script why dontcha?" Heh, and like, during Lunar Show or after that, she always had "hello's" for me, even though we never really talked. Still a good gesture, but like, yeah.
And now it's like, "Oh my g... how is this possible?" Kb is such, a chill dude. I don't see how he or her can fight. He is seriously one of the most kawaii-est freshman, he's, very playful, energetic, he sets a style for himself. He's short, yeah, and when he and Kt date, I'm like "Damn, what a lucky-ass n-word." Also applies for Kt too, who I thought was pretty great as for not seeing shitty stuff like height difference or grade difference get into the way of shit like, relationships. But uh, guess, not? Either that or, she's just finding stuff to pick at now that she isn't very fond of Kb currently.
Now, I could swoop in, like, like that, like a snap of my fingers. I just need a little setup. But with us in the same club together, Kb, I, I respect him, he is such a cool dude. If I take his girl, what will I be? He can't look at me the same way again. I can't look at him the same way again because I'll know "Oh fuck, I stole his girl." And like, the factors that come into all of this. Okay, sure he's short, but he's a freshman, she's a junior. Dude probably has yet to hit his growth spurt and I've seen like, small dudes from middle school, who were shorter than me, grow up now, currently, to be taller than me. I just, there's so many variables at play right now.
Just a week ago, Kt got Kb a BTS album for their one-month anniversary. Like, all of a sudden fam shit goes downwards? Doesn't make sense. I added her on Snapchat after today's practice and I got some intel about how her mom doesn't know she's still doing KDT shit due to her grades dropping. I try to comfort her and tell her "Don't worry, having a bad grade in math is understandable. I got a C+, going for the bare minimum B- in this all." She then trumped that by saying she currently has an F+, but after a test re-take,' she'll bring it up or whatever. I'm thinking like "Oh... fuck. Did not expect her to come out with an F."
So, I don't know what to do right now. Do I, do I be an ass to a very good person who has done NOTHING but good for everybody around him (I still don't know the full story about everything but hopefully I can muster out some juicy intel from Kt so I can get the whole details) and take his girl? I mean she's definitely making herself available, out there. Or, or do I just save it, save the horrible outcome of interacting with a dude whom I know that I stole his girl from him, but also passing up the chance for somebody who's on the same ranks as Cl? That shit does not come frequently, or at all really for that matter. Personality-wise, I can't say for sure right now, whether the short-height-aspect thing is due to her truly feeling that way, or, just out of spite.
This post went on for a lot longer than I thought, and for once, that's good. The same old shit everyday, this, this deserves something much, much different, and this was it. To continue on with this all, uhhh, shhhhh, Kt and I have been just bantering random shit on Snapchat. Tomorrow there's VSA audition practice at the local library from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. However, I will be leaving early to go eat some Korean BBQ with most of the cast. These arcs are overlapping, there's, too, too many options. It's diverging, and it all comes down to me, to choose, to make some decisions. Like tomorrow's Anti-social drop at 8:00 AM. Anyways, it's 12:01 AM, see ya.
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