Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Week: 26
Songs to Remember: Pretty - Infinite H, Tuesday - ILoveMakkonen
They really should enroll students from P.E into band. A particular amount of them show great appreciation towards making music using the locker room lockers, especially if they like to vent their anger through their music.
Alright, so fortunately, this will be a real post, unfortunately for me, I'm tired. Let's see how this goes.
World History, real uh, real s****y. Stop with this group stuff please. And please, no one wants to see political comic featuring Hitler and marrying Stalin who's wearing a dress. Seriously, we all can't un-see that now. Uhhh, English. We're watching a movie now, so, that's awesome. It's a Pixar movie this time, aaaaand it's Brave. Not a very successful one, buuuut, it's still alright. Talks about ezpectations for men and women, blah blah, the usual. I've never seen it before, only pictures of the movie, never watched a single bit of it before. We're only about 1/3 of the way in and I already hate the mother. Also, the main character seriously needs to be more specific. Asking for something that will change her fate is wayyy too general. Like, come on, she's lucky she wasn't dealing with a Genie or else she'd be f***ed.
Chemistry, is, going meh right now. Again, not really exciting anymore. Oh, right. We did a lab yesterday involving popcorn, and thank the lord it didn't involve too much counting. Measuring masses of oil, cups, and popcorn kernels was sure fun alright. But hey, we got to pop popcorn with a beaker and a hot-plate. So that was fun. Today was just book-work. I got a 74/90 on that one test we took about a week ago (insert song here). Kinda shocked by that, but then I remembered that most of the multiple choice questions were worth 2 and 3 points each. So, yeah.
P.E, we're doing a small doubles tournament now since we finished the singles tourney. I ended up at the 5th table again by the way. *sigh*, it's gonna be curse won't it? Anyways, of course, my partner was going to be none other than that one dude. Uhhh, did I have a name for him? Ag? Sure, let's call him that. He's a senior, remind you. Uhhh, tomorrow will be the last day to play pretty much. Friday, we won't have the small gym to play, so we'll probably just walk around the track. Oh, and the new choices for the next 6 weeks of P.E are rugball, weights & cardio, and 1/2 Table Tennis 1/2 Badminton. You already know I'm choosing that Table Tennis/Badminton mix.
Oh right, Winter Ball's on Friday. Oh, and also, "Ski break" next week. Is it Spring break? I don't think so. Teachers call it "ski break" for some reason. I am not in the loop, I'll tell ya. So, math was fun. Okay. Really. We just started on homework in class. Class time is the best time to do work. Uhhh, Chinese. Fun. I guess. I think this'll be the last time we'll be in our groups or something. Actually, I think we'll be in our groups for another couple weeks or so. Ehhh, at least let me get that one seat. Please.
And as it is Wednesday, I guess this'll be routine now; studying and doing work afterschool with some of my buddies. Sitting at a table after school is actually scarier than you'd expect. Just like what my Chem teacher said, "It's always the ghetto people". Sooo, that was that. Now onto the updates. Oh, I almost forgot some gold. Story gold. Uber gold. Alright, here it goes. So I was changing in the locker rooms after Table Tennis, we're one of the first few classes to get released so not many people in the locker room. There are two doors for the boys' locker room, one on the far left, and one on the right (which is near everything pretty much).
The door on the far left was wide open, the door on the right was closed and locked from thr outside. There was loud (and violent sounding) knocks on the door. No one bothered to open it, and the knocks became much louder, a bit of shouting outside I was hearing. Finally, some dude opened the door, this one dude came barging in, looking like he wants to murder his pet hamster. As he's walking to his locker as he was making music for all of us to enjoy by banging the lockers, his buddies come in, from the far left door. His buddies were like "Ay, you could've just came on through here, hehe. Your locker's right there, why would you come in through that door?" The dude was like "I'm mad" and just casually jams out on his locker like he was doing a guitar solo.
Now that was some f***ing gold material. Ahh, some people, you always gotta have people to balance out the world. And besides, the left door isn't actually far at all, it's more of like, ehh, 20 feet. The doors are 20 feet apart. So, yeah. But seriously, get this dude an electric triangle so he could jam out somewhere else.
And now for the biggie stuff. So yesterday I saw on Facebook a profile picture change, posted by none other than my old buddy (now you're just somebody that I used to know, insert here) Cd. Right? Hopefully that was the abbreviation. It was just another one of those high quality pictures of herself along with an overlay for some event for hosted by the club she's in, the Interact or Key club, don't really remember which one, nor do I care, nor is there really a difference. Also, there was an event posted with her in the "going" list. It was this dance hostted by the district for the club. Apparently there are districts, apparently there's a lot more, and yes, I do compare it to dictatorial armies when looking at the sheer numbers. But hey. Just kidding. Anyhow, the event is this dance thing at this place, there's food, board games, you can dance if you want to, you can leave your friends behi- okay I'll stop.
It's basically a charity dance thing, the money's going eliminating hunger or something for children. It's going to be held in this one place in my old town, soo, not too far. Cd's gonna be there, possibly (and most likely) my other old buddies, I mean, *ahem*, some buddies that I used to knoooow, would be there too. I decided I'd go, partly because I'll hopefully get to meet up with my old buddies after 6 years, aaand (since I've never been to a dance before) examine, just look around, take pictures, eat, just feel the atmosphere of a dance. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky and somebody from a f***ing teen movie asks me to dance. The event's gonna be on Friday, February 27, starting at 7:00 PM and to 10:00 PM. I'm up all night to get lucky, I'm up all night to get lucky, I'm up all ni- alright, that's the last one for this post I swear.
Hopefully it'll be a fun time. I'm gonna be spending 3 hours so, that's quite a while. Oh and I asked Zi, since she's part of Key Club, if she was going. Yeah, she's going. I, really don't want to get farther than I am right now (not very far, but, better than strangers) and I don't want nothing more right now. So, if I see her there, I'll be like "Ay" and take a few pictures. Which reminds me, am I really gonna wear flannel to a dance? And secondly, all this time, since I was born, I though plaid shirts were just called plaid. No. They're called "flannel". People said it yesterday when it was lumberjack day for our school's spirit week. Apparently wearing flannel makes you a lumberjack. Today was zombie day. Tomorrow's gonna be, uhhh, Throwback day. Yeah, gonna see a lot of people in their middle school clothing, also, ponytails. Zi, zi where's her middle school hoodie 1/3 of the time. 1/3 being the hoodie, 1/3 being a purple jacket, and the other 1/3 being whatever else. I wonder how long it takes people to decide what to where.
I just realized this whole week, upcoming weeks and up-upcoming week will be full of events. Winter Balk's on Friday, Valentine's day on Saturday, "ski break" next week (woot), new P.E class next-next week, dance next-next week, February this month, and quiz tomorrow. Let's not forget about a test next week. Test-s.
A lot of dances, partocularly, occasions for dance. Bands a make her dance, bands a make her da- I'm sorry. I never listened to the song though, nor do I k ow what it means. I mean, just today I listened to the song "Tuesday" for the first time (and not just snippets from vines). Catchy. I can see why people hate it. Anyways, I want to go beddy-bye. See you tomorrow.
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