Saturday, February 14, 2015

Friday, February 13, 2015 "Live P.D.A Day."

Friday, February 13, 2015
Week: 26
Songs to Remember: Relation Break - Dandi

        Let's hope I finish doing this post before I fall asleep from all the pictures and songs.

        World History, no quiz, heyyyy. We watched this one Italian movie called "Life is Beautiful". Pretty funny movie. Subbed. Made in 1997. Still funny 18 years later. Very relaxing.

        English, I panicked and thought I had read those 2 stories as homework when I read the assignment on the board. Nope, it's actually supposed to be over break. And thank goodness for the morning relaxation. The teacher signed us up to see the India show, which I didn't know was going on. It's basically like the Lunar show, but just Indian culture this time. Basically performances and singing and dances. Literally, just singing and dancing. The performances were, okay. The only problem was the music and editing. Fort of all, the transitions were made in like, what, movie maker? They didnt use full songs, they made a mash-up track and every single time, the transition would be an abrupt pause, follows by a random sound effect (most likely included in montage parody starter files). There was a quote by like, one dude, a song quote, a f***ing airhorn effect, like, what? If they wanted to do clear defining transitions, they could've done something else.

        Also, the music was god damn blasting. The person who made the mash-up didn't bother to check the volumes for each clip. One song they've got it at rave level, another would be barely audible. Also, there was a song clip where it was recorded LIVE. You could hear like, audience cheers and shouts in it. And despite the loud music, I was actually falling asleep towards the middle of it. The songs were so god damn long, and I'm already used to music as my white noise, so I was trying to keep myself awake.

        Chemistry, we did a Kool-Aid lab. Very fun, very tasty. Each kab table had a flavor, there was grape, fruit punch, grape, fruit punch, grape, Tang (which is supposed to be like, Astronaut flavored), and Peach Mango, which my lab members and I chose. Umm, we got to taste a lot of Kool-Aid. I never really got to taste Kool-Aid. The last time I remember tasting Kool-Aid was several years ago, and it was pretty sour.

        P.E. Yeah, dude carried hard. If it weren't for him, his partner wouldn't even get to table 5. But we did though. Again. Too bad this last 2-day tourney didn't count. Also, we received our grades finally. P.E teachers don't bother posting on school-loop, sooo. B+. Yeah. Looking forward for another attempt in Table Tennis next next week.

        HD and I made a stronger bond this past week, or so. Umm, by that I mean we talked more than we've ever before. I don't, know why, buuuut, alright, I'll take it. And today, yeah there was a lot of P.D.A. Lots of holding hands. Lots of pairs. Lots of balloon, chocolates, teddy bears. I don't know mind the celebrations, uhhh, but keep the smooching down to a minimum please. I was walking to 5th period at the L building and on my way, came across 3 pairs in a row, making out like there's no tomorrow. I was "God, god, GOD". Y'all need to get a room, or corner. Back of the L building works too.

        But again, I get relaxation and that's nice. A short lesson, confusing, but short, problems won't and don't take too long. I was busy fighting foreign particles from entering my nostrils than paying attention so I didn't really get to pay much attention. Stupid flowers and their deadly particles. Anyways, after the lesson, we went on the Chromebooks to do a practice test for a test we're supposed to take next year, where it's done electronically. But god is it difficult when I gotta type out my equations. Also, what's a school break without an assignment due over it? This time, it's optional. The teacher wants us to watch a 15 hour Khan Academy lesson on coding JavaScript. Then we gotta use it to make something related to math.

        I was just like, when I heard Javasript, I was like "Money. In. The. Bag". I actually already know a bit of JavaScript, I've done a bit of my own codes, I've tried making games in Unity using JavaScript, aaand, JavaScript's the easiest to code (whereas stuff like C++). I was like "Yo, gimme them 10 points". I was thinking like a simple calculator, or maybe a circle generator or something. The video's gonna be 15 hours though, I was like "What is this, are they starting from like the very basic basic of the basics or what? It does not take 15 hours to learn the basics of it. About an hour for the basics, another hour for terms and stuff, and the rest for like, actual codes.

        Chinese, start on our 800 word essays. I'm really just gonna write the main stuff first, then when I run out of s*** I wanna say, I just ramble on and make stuff up. I am a master of doing quantity over quality BS essays. I could make paragraphs upon paragraphs of just straight up random points that look like they're making sense, but in actuality, I don't know what the f*** on talking about. Most of it involves big words and lots of synonyms. But really, it's an English essay for Chinese class. It's not like it's gonna be graded by J.M Rowling or anything.

        And oh, Valentine's Day. Today I realized that today was Friday the 13th. Now that's cool. Val engine's Dday is tomorrow. I'm thinking of getting my haircut tomorrow. Also thinking of making people's days better on social media. Oh- I almost forgot. Winterball. It was today. I didn't go. My buddies didn't go. We were hyped up for it, but it didn't really happen. I saw a few pictures posted on Facebook just now. I'm prepared for the flood tomorrow. And by god, I swear if those bootleg Valentine's day cards get any more bootleg, I'ma have to choke a b*****. God I am tired. Ahhhhhgh. See you tomorrow.

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