Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday, February 22, 2015 "Coded as Work."

Sunday, February 22, 2015
Week: 27
Songs to Remember: Free Tempo - Twilight

        How can I not recognize that it was the 22nd today. Oh right, I'm a mess and when I'm a mess, I get lost in time. I prove it whenever I have to check the date on my phone when typing in these dates.

        Well, I was expecting to just say "F*** it" to the whole extra credit assignment with the coding. But then I went to check it out on the site, and it was pretty easy at first. Like, I watched through a 5 minute video, and they try to to explain it like, very, very slowly. Basically for people's first times on the internet. Like, come on.

        I did the exercises, called "Challenges", but weren't really much of a a challenge at all really. Most if it was just copying a function over and over again, changing values for stuff like, height, color, etc. As for hints, they just put the line of code for you to copy down. So, there was that. I thought I could do em' all, and I could've, but as I went from exercise to exercise, project to project, I was like "My god, how long does this go on?" A lot, of lot of exercises and projects. Not difficult, just tedious. When I read that it was going to be a 15 hour course, I thought that skipping all the videos would make it just an hour or something. No, turns out, skipping all the videos would make it about 7 hours for all the exercises and projects. *sigh* fortunately, on the handout, it said this ain't due until March something, so, I could still continue it hopefully.

        So there was that. I, made another account on the Trove sub-reddit to submit another creation because I was expecting my other creation to not get accepted until like a week later or something. Nope, today I received a comment and it got mod approved. Well, there we go. I'm actually trying to stop myself from gaining interest in Trove. I mean, it's going to be a long grind to do what I want to achieve in Trove, which is to "collect em' all", including all the weapon styles, equipment styles, block recipes, deco recipes, making my perfect cornerstone, maxing all the classes, and achieving mastery rank 100. And, I'm only rank 45 right now. Yeah, it's going to be very tedious. And slow as well. And considering I can't create structure submissions because of some god-forsake reason that the devs make file importing so god damn wonky, I can't receive credits fast and easily as others. 500 credits vs. 20,000 per weapon to dungeon, I'd rather make a dungeon.

        I even moved the sub-reddits on my Reddit Now app from the front to the back of my subscriptions list so I won't get reminded of all the features and updates going on. I don't know, maybe I'll go back on Warframe or something. I'm also really considering to attempt to create another game, only because I can't find a good, free one that fits what I want to play right now and isn't a ghost community. All in the point of keeping my attention and a purpose for recreation.

        Umm, and yeah, school tomorrow. I'm sure it's going to be very, very groggy. Especially me. I know I'll be spending quite a while sitting in front of my heater while slowly changing. And let's not forget the cold air in the morning. I'm still cold even with a blanket on, like, come on now. And regarding work, yes I will make arrangements for Tuesday. Yes, that means I will have to schedule an appointment with my counselor to take off some instructional time to have someone print out my transcript. Thanks education system.

        But really, much of a hassle for an unofficial copy of my grades? I'll see you tomorrow.

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