Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday, February 28, 2015 "Continue to Have Fun.'

Saturday, February 28, 2015
Week: 28
Songs to Remember: 91 - Peaches (8-Bit w/ Organ) - Arron Krogh

        I'm doing this post a bit early (well, earlier than I usually do em') 'cause something's been bothering me for the whole day.

        I've been doing nothing all day (which I usually do). I've noticed I just sit around, watching YouTube videos, doing f***ing gaming s***, man, I'm even bored out of all these games now. Remembering what happened yesterday night, I feel like s***, that I'm alone and it ain't fun. Sitting around at home doesn't even compare to the fun stuff I got to do during the dance. Hell, it's probably the highlight of my 2nd year now.

        I can see why people go to these events and stuff now for clubs; it's 'cause they stop the urge to have fun. And it is fun. So I'm like "Damn, this is boring". Oh, and pictures came today. Well, posted on Facebook. I turned out looking pretty rad in em'. Well, for the most part. And they were actually posted by that one girl, Sn, even when I didn't have her added. Facebook's like "Your friend Nt has been tagged in this photo" and there I was. Also, turns out I was right. Sn actually does fit her name, heh. She goes by a fairly unique nickname rather than her actual name, so it was pretty hard finding her. Turns out, she's a senior so, that assures me one thing: don't be on with her.

        As for future dances, sure. I'll go to them, if they're relatively close and that people from my school go to them as well. Right now, I got work to do (which I'll most likely do tomorrow) aaaand I'm off to feel some more. As in, looking at Instagram posts filled with people's lives. Including TVXQ pictures. Lots and lots of TVXQ pictures. Thanks a lot Yn. Oh, and I also spoke to Yn after about a month. She was sitting across from me at a lab table for the test on Friday. Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow.

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