Friday, February 6, 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015 "Demon of Chemistry."

Thursday, February 5, 2015
Week: 25
Songs to Remember: Rise - Jeremy Sweet

       Honors English, U.S History, Honors Pre-Cal, AP Psychology, Chinese 2, and AP Chemistry. 2 AP classes, 2 Honors classes, and 2 regular classes seem like a good balance. Like a balanced breakfast. But not if your balanced breakfast included a giant cinammon roll that'll most likely keep you up 'till 3:00 AM. I'm talking 'bout AP Chem.

        After finishing up the test today for Chem, as I was turning it in, Mr.Sales was like "So how was the test?" I was like "It was pretty easy" and he's like "That's 'cause you're smart, you try". After class, I asked him about AP Chem, hoping to get an insight, a prediction on whether I'd pass or not. I asked "Mr.Sales, how hard is AP Chem?" He replies, "Very hard. I highly discourage you if you're going from regular chem to AP, it is a very demanding class. Honors would prepare you for it, but from regular to AP, I highly discourage it. You could talk to Ms.Blank for more info about the class, but I highly discourage going to AP". Not exactly what he said, but I remember there were a lot of "discourage"s said. Now that scared the s*** outta me.

        When picking my classes for next year, I was not worried about AP Chem one bit. I was more worked about doing 2 honors AND 2 AP classes at the same time. Now, I fear AP Chem more than anything right now. I mean, my teacher knows I do well, but even then, he advises me not to take AP Chem since I'm not really prepared for it. I understand, but, ehhh. I mean, right now I'm leaning towards a major in science, maybe business. Out of all the major AP classes, Chem is probably the only that actually holds my attention for more than 30 seconds (major AP classes, I remind you. So no AP lunch, or whatever).

        If something holds my attention, I most likely will put in a lot of effort into it. If it doesn't, I get bored. If I get bored, I'll get tired. I'll get tired, become lazy, procrastinate, lose interest, and leave it behind. Like a lot of projects that I've attempted from making games in Unity, to making stuff with Lego's, uhhh, digital art like, heh, YouTubr channel templates. Ah, those were the days. So the point is, if it doesn't hold my attention, I'll lose motivation to put on effort, or finish it. Therefore, I'm confident in that I will put in as much effort as needed to pass AP Chem (right now, my goal would be a C. Hopefully).

        With conflicting points in my mind on whether or not I should switch to a different AP class instead, something like AP Bio (just memorization) or AP Physics (Physics Physics Physics meme. But really, less difficult than AP Chem right now), I needed another person to voice in an opinion. And that would be, random people on. Yahoo! Answers. I expected accounts of others' experiences in AP Chem, but instead I got letters. Which are fine too. Yes, letters as in the ones you mail. I found this document which contained letters written by students who had passed AP Chem. One of them was a 2010 valedictorian. A lot of insight I got from this. Most of them though consisted of agreements that the class was definitely hard. Some even said that it was the hardest class at their school. Others said that it was fun for them. One even made an equation for grades in AP Chem, which had variables such as time, social life, and sleep, heh.

        They also made some, uh, acronyms for passing AP Chem, or rather, important stuff to remember. One of my favorites from them was "Only the PIMP can slap down the demon of chemistry. P- potential and kinetic energy, I- intermolecular force, M- Molarity/Molality, P- PV=nRT (Gas law, babe)". This was written by a dude by the name of "Mr. Duylicious", so if a dude with that nickname can pass AP Chem, hey, so can I. I just need to plan, plan, plan, study, study, study, manage, manage, manage, and review, review, gosh darn review. Right now, my classes are going by fine, I got time to spare, better prepare myself for AP Chem. Since I'm currently taking regular Chemistry and not Honors, I'm certain that on the first day of AP Chem, the teacher will be like "Okay, we'll be dealing with this and that, but we'll be skipping this because you should've learned this last year". Then I'd be like " Aww F***". And look, I'd have to catch up right there, on the first day. It'll all add up, and eventually, I won't be able to hold em' all.

        I've read in some of the letters that those students used this "Barron" book for reviewing for the AP Chem exam. Apparently it's out of 5 I guess. Welp, no guessing there. This one dude said he studied during the last week before the exam, and it backfired on him. I was like "What the f***, if a week didn't do good for him, holy s***". Like, I plan on not coming home at all until 5:00 PM, I'll be staying afterschool just reading my god damn textbook without any distractions, heck, copy down the textbook word for word if I have to.

        When people at my school said that AP Chem is "hard", I compared it to my math class and my Honors Pre-Cal, and it didn't seem that hard. Only until now that I realize my greatest worry right now is the class that I right now am in, considered easy. Oh f*** me in the gluteous maximus. Well, I plan on getting a head start in AP Chem, and that's by watching every single Bill Nye video. Starting tomorrow, episode one. I'm relying on you Bill. Also I'll be reading my Chemistry book that we never use. Better put it to good use. Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill Nye the Based God. Lord Nye help me now.

        Sleep's not a problem with me. Yeah I'm willing to sacrifice my mental, emotional, and physical health. The state of sociality next year? I can probably kiss that good bye. I'll be attaching the document to this post if you wanna read the letters. One of the students said he was from Anaheim, so I guess it's from Anaheim. I have no idea who those people are. Found off the internet. Anyways, see you tomorrow.

Document, converted to Google doc for convenience:

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