Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Week: 9
Songs to Remember: Take U There - Jack U
So you could say El and our friendship is going alright. Math, not so much. Turns out the example was an example from the textbook. F***. And I got a 29/46. Even s****ier.
Sometimes I get tired of hanging out with the same people everyday. Usually because they're in like, 3 of my classes. And that we're usually partners for group works and stuff. Then I sorta need my space. Even on Facenovel he's always asking Mr about homework and stuff. And only yesterday did I figure out that the ability to turn off Facenovel chat is the best invention since sliced bread.
So I hung out with El today. Sorta. I pick today to hang out at the place where she hangs out. She was doing a project with her friend for alnost all of lunchtime. And umm, my "buddy", the one who keeps messaging me on Facenovel, was there too. Good thing though, that Rc doesn't hang out with El during lunch or break, otherwise things would not go my way.Oh and uh, I got a haircut today.
I got a lot of updating to do during this weekend. And a lot of work. If someone can get me some of those 5 hour energy drinks, I'd work my ass off. But right now, at 5:00 PM and 12:45 PM everyday, I need my baod. And usually I don't get em'. God I'm tired. I'll see you tomorrow.
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