Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Tuesday, September 30, 2014 "I Need Naps."

Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Week: 7
Songs to Remember: Bing Bung Bing - JJCC

        Well hey, I just finished homework. I also accidently took a nap today. I was so tired I laued my head down on my pillow and I wake up an hour later. Oh and it's uh, 12:43 AM right now.

        I'll talk about some of the highlights today and I'll go to sleep. So today was the first day of weight training for P.E, and I probably would've taken softball instead of weight training if it weren't for this one cute girl. I've known her since, uh, middle school, and uh, yeah that's about it.

        So for P.E at our school, after we dress out into our P.E uniforms, there's like, spots for each individual class to be at to wait for their teacher to arrive. You know, those numbers painted on the ground? This is outside by the way. The spots are like, from 1 to I don't know, 50. It's basically just numbers painted on the ground alright? Like a calendar, that'd be a better example. Just picture the numbers on a calendar painted on the ground.

        I thought our class for weight training would be bigger, but no, it's fairly small, only about 25 people compared to an average of like, 35 or 30. So the teacher's calling us one by one and assigning us a roll call number, organized alphabetically. It makes it so that taking attendance and checking easier. He starts calling people and I know that I'll be next to that one cute girl (we'll just call her Es for now) because she and I have last names which are very similar in the alphabet.

        He calls her, I know I'm next, and then he calls me and I just look at the numbers and I'm thinking like "Really? Really? Is this seriously happening again?" Es's spot was all the way to the far right and I was placed on the row below her on the other end. Picture a calendar, a full one with the 1st day on Sunday. She's placed on the 7th, on the Saturday, and I'm placed on the 8th on the Sunday. Like, what are the odds? I was expecting to be placed next to her so I can maybe converse, buuuttt not it's gonna be pretty difficult.

        Also when I was walking to chemistry today, I was walking in one direction and this dude was walking opposite my direction (so towards me) and he was like, talking with his gf or whatever. She's like bumping him around and stuff, you know how couples do. It's a thing I guess. And he almost bumps into me as we're walking and the dude's talking to his girl (playfully) like "See what you did? You almost made me bump into that Asian kid or whatever it is". And I'm like "Angel, I'm in your World History class". Just thought it was pretty funny, how we identify people by their ethnicity now for easier identification.

        OK, I'm done for today. I need to schedule naps as well as take a really long one right now. See you tomorrow.

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