Friday, October 10, 2014

Thursday, October 9, 2014 "It's Controversial."

Thursday, October 9, 2014
Week: 8
Songs to Remember: Tap Out - The Strokes

        So I came across some controversial in Chinese class and it ended up pretty, uh, as my friend had stated it, "That was very somber".

        World History was eh. We took a written test and it was pretty easy 'cause we got to use our notes on it. And tomorrow she's gonna have us watch "Less Miserables" or something like that. She said we won't finish it on Monday and that we're only gonna watch it tomorrow 'cause it's a Friday and stuff and everyone just wants to go home. English was eh. We read more of Cyranno and the teacher taught us how to say s*** in French. Literally, the word s*** in French. You know a teacher is bootleg when she teaches you how to says s*** in French. And uh, we discussed how some of the characters are compared to like, stereotypical jocks and stuff and like, yeah. De Guiche.

        Chemistry was alright I guess. My chemistry teacher had a cool story about Bill Nye and I was like "Sweet, a story i could share". So my chemistry teacher was at a science teacher convention (I know right, who would've thought such a thing existed) and he saw this one sign that was like "Come meet Bill Bye! Here at blah blah blah". So he was like "Bill Nye? Ehhh". So he goes to the restroom right and so he's at a urinal and right next to him, out of his peripheral vision, he sees Bill Nye. It's sorta a guy's code to not talk to the person next to you at a urinal unless you're friends. So my chem teacher didn't say a word, and he saw Billy Nye just exited out of the restroom after pulling up his pants. And so my chem teacher was like "And that's how I met Bill Nye. Didn't even bother to wash his hands after touching himself". Boot to the leg. How many people do you know that have met Bill Nye in the restroom? Yeah that's right.

        We took notes, did some review on using Charles' gas laws and stuff like that. And uh, yeah. Soooo pretty much just study for the test tomorrow. Also I guess Yn is walking my route now from 3rd to 4th. P.E was meh today. Tomorrow there's going to be a pep rally (uggh) and so classes will be 5 minutes shorter (yes) and 4 period will be doubled, since our gym is not that big and how there's about 3000 students at the school, only half will fit at a time so yeah. People go to the rally during 4th period, then go back to 4th period, or, do 4th period first and then go the rally. And by the way, 3000 students is not a lot by any means. Our school is pretty small compared to others.

        And so 5th period happens and we're studying adding and subtracting fractions, but with more x's than numbers. Somewhat confusing, but still way better than word problems. Also, text next week on Tuesday on adding/subtracting fractions along with word problems. Fffffffff. This is probably gonna be one of the most hardest tests for me so far for the class. Only 'cause of the word problems.

        Solo Chinese class, we present our pie charts that our group made and then we reviewed how to say some of the vocabulary, along with the gestures. The teacher helps us remember the words by having us do gestures along with saying the word. Let's say for the word "Xue", which means "study" in Chinese, the gesture would be your hands opening a book. Basically sign language. Anyways, we're on lesson 3 which is about asking people where they're from and their nationality and languages they speak. For the gestures, we do some pretty, uh, stereotypical stuff. For example, the Chinese word for Japan, we'd do a hand gesture of eating with chopsticks. For you know, sushi. For the French language, we'd do a hand gesture showing the length of a baguette. Yeah I know. The gestures are all for fun and stuff, but apparently some people don't think so. For the Chinese word for Germany, the teacher jokingly made the gesture be a salute. 'Cause you know, Germany is sorta known for Hitler. Everyone laughed because of how outrageous it was.

        Everyone in class knew that it was in good fun and that the teacher nor anyone meant for it to be disrespectful. Well, everyone except El. She didn't laugh at it at all really. She was sorta offended by it 'cause she was thinking about how serious during that time in Germany and how many people died and how we laughing about it. I thought she'd enjoy a bit of dark humor but I guess not. It's nothing bad though, I respect that. I laugh at stuff like that, such as a racist joke or something, not to be disrespectful and believe in the stereotypes, but I'm laughing at the fact that those things are stereotypical. I'm laughing at how stupid those stereotypes are.

        So El and I were walking our route from the classroom and our group member, the dude who was laughing at the Hitler gestures and stuff, he continued on about the gestures and laughed about, of course, not laughing because of it's funny, but the fact that it's so outrageous. I don't really know how to explain it, hopefully I can. So El didn't necessarily like what happened today and seemed pretty bummed out and hurt because of the class's sense of humor. I told her that people make fun of stuff like that to not bring out the negative connotations of things and how people laugh at stereotypes and all that to make fun of the stupidity of stereotypes and, well, horrible events.

        It was controversial stuff alright? Anyways, I respect her opinion onstuff like that and I take into consideration that maybe I shouldn't enjoy too much about Hitler jokes and stuff like that. But, you gotta live life and enjoy as much as you can, otherwise you'll be restricted by not wanting to deal with the negative things in the world. Make fun outta the negative stuff so that even with bad things, there'll at least be a chuckle made from that. So she smiled, knew that I respected her opinion and didn't want her to be upset, so she smiled, and I said Bye and she said Bye.

        Now that was my take on dark humor. That was some controversial stuff. I was gonna talk about homecoming today but since I've already written a lot and how it's 12:52 AM now, I gotta go to sleep. I also didn't get to ask if El's going to homecoming or not, mostly 'cause of the controversial s***. I'll talk about homecoming tomorrow. I'll also be on the lookout for absurd homecoming proposals tomorrow. Expect a lot of "Ooh"s and "Aaah"s tomorrow. See you tomorrow.

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