Sunday, October 12, 2014

Saturday, October 11, 2014 "This is Gonna Be a Long Update, and Partially About Homecoming."

Saturday, October 11, 2014
Week: 8
Songs to Remember: 11th Dimension - Julian Casablanca's, Back - Infinite

        I just realized that I barely posted anything for Friday. And tonight was homecoming (I did not go by the way). And so this will be a really long post. Fuuuu.

       So I just finished math homework, it's 1:50 AM, I'm tired, homecoming was today, I didn't go, I didn't get to post yesterday, and I still got some work to do. Oh and umm, El's birthday is in 2 weeks. Also I just realized that I don't hang out with El during lunch aaand I should do that. Was that a good enough update?

        Alright, well, to start off, I'll begin with what happened yesterday. My World History teacher let us watch "Les Miserables" for the entire period. I'm not even sure that's the correct name of the but it's 1:55 AM now so whatever. It was okay, I mean I got a lot of my unfinished Chinese homework done during that time. Oh the movie. Yeah it was alright. Lots of singing though. I did not expect singing. Also, Russell motherf***ing Crowe. Oh my god, it's Russell Crowe. My teacher said he shouldn't sing.

        Uhhh English. Our teacher wasn't there so we had a sub for the day. Aaand we had a re-take for the plagiarism quiz again. This is the 2nd re-take for it. No other teacher have I known has given their students an extra 2 chances to get better on a quiz. A and umm, since it's the 2nd re-take and I already have a decent score on the past 2 quizzes (19 out of 24), I didn't really sweat it.

        I was surprised that there was a break that day since that day we had a pep rally after 4th period (or after 3rd, depending on if you're going to the first rally or the second). So Chemistry we had a test aaand it was, alright. The multiple choice questions were actually harder than the problem questions this time. Good thing the teacher allows us to use 1 page of written notes on the test, of which mine barely helped at all. I think I did alright, most likely better than the last one considering I remembered to do every page of the test rather than forget one.

        After that I worked out in P.E, then dressed out of my P.E uniform and went to the pep rally. Because my 4th period is P.E, I go o the second rally. If you're in like, the G, H, J, building you go to the first one. The rest go the 2nd. It's 'cause our gym is not large enough to have 3000 students at once. And our school isn't really large either compared to other schools. Sooo uh, I went to the rally and I was with my buddy and my other buddy. I don't really like these rallies, mostly because there's really no point in them and the only reason I like em' is 'cause I get to spend less time in class.

        Also, whenever they turn off the lights, everyone's like "Woooooh". Because you know, darkness. A lot of people like to have put their phones and put up their brightness and wave em' like they do in like, rock concerts. You know, like when you're waving your lit lighter in concerts? I've never been to a concert by the way. Anyways, phone light waving is bootleg. Now, they had these blacklights on so everyone with like white clothing glowed. It was pretty cool. They first showed a video on the worlds smallest projected screen, which was about a bird, bad acting, driving, and umm, whatever. Yeah I don't really know what the video was about. It's always bootleg at these rallies.

        Next they did some bootleg rally cheers like " Can we hear it for the seniors? How about the juniors?" And of course the seniors are always the ones cheering the most. Then they had a bootleg monopoly game, teacher getting confetti'd with balloons, bootleg awards in which I have no idea how they decided the winners for, bootleg games where we don't participate at all except for the people who signed up for to participate in the rally, aaand people screaming "Ebola". I can say that that was a nice pep rally. And god was it hot with all these teens sitting in a large room for an hour. Also, they forgot to call the sophomores for a pep rally cheer. They're all like "Let's hear it for the Freshmen? How about the Juniors?" And they completely skipped us sophomores. I'm thinking this was planned, only 'cause El told me that they forgot to call the sophomores for the first rally as well.

        After that, it was time for lunch and it was pretty normal. Just kidding, there was a fight. Two fights. Three actually. No, it was four. Four fights. I only saw 2 of em'. Other people reported four. I don't know. So apparently there was a knife involved? And it was between some football players? And tonight was the homecoming football game? Fights don't happen often at our school, and rarely do they happen this earl into the school year. Apparently people can detect fights from a 200 mile radius because a s*** ton of people swarm the place where the fight's going on. I don't know how people do it.

        I did see one of the dudes who who was in the fight. His buddy was trying to calm down his friend and the dude was talking s*** and removed his jersey and went. Goof thinking on his part, to not allow himself to get recognized easily. I was like "Damn, that's probably the smartest thing you've done all day". After that, about 30 seconds later, another fight broke out in about the same area as the first. How do I know? People flood the place from around the nation, that's how. And umm, apparently the cops showed up. I didn't see them showed up, but I think there was like an email sent to all of us students saying something about it.

        So that's was alright. You could see the amount of bystanders compared to the people who stand up. And what about me? Well, football players are about 2-3 times my weight soooo they could probably beat me with my own thumb if I interfere Sooo yeah. Also, all the teachers are already notified about the fights anyways thanks to the absurd crowd that forms during one. And you know what's more absurd? Lunch ended after about 15 minutes, rather than the regular 30 minutes. Apparently they ended it early 'cause of the fight and so that security can find the dudes who fought.

        I went to 5th period and people were standing outside. I was joking to my friend "Maybe the teacher is finishing her lunch" and when the teacher finally came, she was like "They ended lunch time so early I didn't finish my lunch" and I was like "Wow". So we ate and did math. Aight. After that, it was Chinese class aaand yeah. We did the usual of saying and doing hand gestures for the vocabulary. After Chinese, I went to route with El and I was considering asking her if she was going to homecoming but then my buddy was like "Hey, you going to KDT today?" and I was like "Yeah sure" and so I went with the buddy and I was like "See ya" to El and she was like *wave*.

        I hadn't danced for about 2 weeks so I was pretty rusty. Well, I don't really dance in general, actually the first time I danced (freely) was 2 weeks ago for about 2 hours Sooo yeah. We danced to Infinite's "Back" which was sorta difficult but sorta okay. It was a guy song this time so I was like "Oh thank goodness, I don't have to do any more booty poppin' this time". I started off okay, then I was kinda confused on one part, I see my buddy trying to talk to girls and I'm just there practicing. Bu damn, I always see my buddy talking to girls. I do consider him a master of picking up girls. Well, at least approaching and talking to then anyways.

        And so after the dancing was over (they recorded the final dancing by the way. I watched it on Facenovel and this one dude messed up haleay through. Pretty legit though) I went home and uhhh, did whatever. Do I regret asking El about homecoming? Kinda. Would she have went with me if I asked her? During that time, probably not? Mostly 'cause she doesn't real do dances and not 'cause of me. I am surely going to ask her to go with me for the Halloween dance. Wait, do we even have a Halloween dance? When does is the Sadie Hawkin's dance? The Winter Ball dance is too far away.

        Also I'm gonna have to hang out with El. A lot. During lunch. And break. Or just lunch. Or just break. Gotta have time for the bros and the h- females. Girls. Ladies. I don't believe in dis-respectful names toward females. Unless they're necessary. Anyways, homecoming happened today. No, I did not go, nor did any of my friends went. I mean I could go by myself, but it's like ehhhh. I mean, it would seriously be ehhhh. I don't even know what I'd for 4 hours. It lasts from 7 to 11 PM. What do people do during that time?

        So uh, I was expecting a flood of homecoming photos to appear on Facenovel at about midnight. There were some and I did get a glimpse of what it looks like and I can honestly say, it looks ehhh. Just gotta remember that dances and proms and stuff in movies are never what they are in real life. Getting drunk and having a wild time? Probably gonna kicked out by security before the first bottle. Make out sessions? Probably gonna be escorted somewhere private. A lone dude who went by himself to a dance and meets a cute girl? Probably a percentage of never 'cause what kind girl goes by herself to dances. Like, have you heard of one?

        Anyways, I played some League today with my buddies, laughed at a dude's answers (not at the dude, but at the answers for he put for his questions he received. He was getting advice on how to ask this one girl out. What he put and the advice he took was gold), aaand whatever. Seriously though, the dude's like "I checked out YouTube videos and wikihow on how to play hard to get but it didn't really help". Boot to the leg. But to be honest, I did check out videos and wikihow on s*** like that, but I never actually took them into consideration. I just watched/read em' for the knowledge.

        One of the advice the dude took was to like all of his crush's answers so she'll notice him. I feel sorry for this dude. Soo uh yeah, pretty uh, long post. Pretty big update. Still have yet to buy El's birthday present. Gotta make it epic. And by epic, I mean big. As in a giant Pikachu plush. That is one of my options. Still have yet to find a big enough Pikachu. Anyways, ChopinNocturnePiano, I'll see you tomorrow. Also, it's f***ing 3:03 AM. I forgot that people are supposed to sleep before 12.

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