Thursday, October 16, 2014
Week: 9
Songs to Remember: 11th Dimension - Julian Casablancas, Wolf - EXO, Obsession - Boyfriend, BingBingBing - JJCC, At First - JJCC
Previously, on the last episode of 100% Chance of Bad, Drew receives his quiz (test) score of 29/46, doesn't get enough sleep, has too much work to handle, El, himself, and Drew's losing.
I just realized my last post marked my 250th post. I seriously never thought I'd be able to keep this up. Also, I just checked my Facenovel profile in the about section after a couple years, aaaand my blog shows up there. Huh. Good thing though, that it was missing an "L" in the "allthisfriendlydrew" part. Though I did fix the error and I'm leaving that link there for people to find it. If they were to find it, I'd congratulate them and all these posts here are for them to freely read 'cause they deserve it after digging in my Facenovel profile, of which, no one has seemed to notice. Which is good. And I'm regretting this in 3,2-
Okay, well, I honestly thought I wouldn't have much to say for today's post. I was wrong. I'll start off with what happened today. Then I'll get into the plot. So World History, was pretty boring today. We got into groups to fill out a worksheet on stuff from the Industrial Revolution. Then we passed the article to another group and received one, then start reading and filling out for that one. Not much excitement. English was no different really. We discussed more on Cyranno's speech where he's talking to Let Bret about how he hates patronage.
During break time, I was deciding whether to hang out with El during break time and my buddies during or lunch, or vice-versa. After seeing how she's not at her usual hangout spot, I was like ehhh, and just went to my buddies. 3rd period started, and I heard that there was going to be a earthquake drill today during 3rd. Then the teacher's like "Okay guys, we're going to be having an earthquake drill today so when that happens, get under your desks". And about 5 minutes later, the announcements are all like "This is an earthquake drill". So we stay under our desks for about 10 minutes, some dudes around me had their phones out with the brightness turned to the max and I'm just there trying to study. The girl sitting next to me was like "This dude's reading a book" and I'm like "Yeah, I need to study".
After those 10 minutes, we had to go undergo a fire drill and so we had to go outside. All classes near the parking lot had to stand at the parking lots, classrooms near the baseball field had to go to the baseball fields, etc. And our classroom was right next to the baseball fields. So we go outside and our class is standing in a line, like every other class, while the teacher's taking attendance, making sure everyone's there. After that, he tells us to sit in a circle. I'm like "Wait what" and he's like "We're going to play duck duck goose" and I'm just like "Whaaat". How many teachers do you know let their students play duck duck goose during a fire drill?
So we played duck duck goose for about 10 minutes aaand then we went back to our classes. We took some more notes on atoms and that was it. Mr.Sales actually uses time more efficiently than other teachers. I mean, if you're standing in a line for 10 minutes, might as well play duck duck goose. Awesome possum. Anyways, talked a bit with Yn on the way to 4th, then it was 4th, P.E, aaand I worked out. I'm hoping by the end of these 6 weeks of weight training, I get at least a slight visual improvement for my muscles. I'm not expecting much, but at least some.
So I decided to hang out with El today during lunch and I'm sitting there at the L building where El apparently hangs out at and I see no sign of her. I'm sitting there waiting for El while listening to these dudes blast Skrillex's "Recess" and saying that it's the only good Skriex song. Longest 10 minutes of my life. I was like "Uhhh, is she doing that project again with her friend?" And so I just leave and go to my usual hangout place with my buddies. After about 10 minutes, I'm like "I gotta go to a meeting" and my buddy's like "Have fun". I go back to the L building and El's still not there. Seriously? Seeing as how there's only like 10 more minutes left of lunchtime, I spend 5 minutes going around seeing if El's hanging out around anywhere. I even check the place where the freshmen hangout, only until I got hone that I realized that I remembered that Rc is a sophomore.
Tried from walking everywhere, I go back to my hangout spot like "Ehhh, she's probably doing that project with her friend in Chinese class". At this time I was referring "friend" as in a female one. Not a guy. Hopefully it wasn't a guy. Aaand so 5th period starts, we do word problems, f*** me in the ass, people don't get it, I don't get it, teacher has to shoe us every problem, I'm fine with it, aaand now I need to study over the weekend for the quiz on Tuesday. I'll get back to talking about this class after I talk about the rest.
So 6th period probably made the difference in my day. Well, about 99% of the difference. We were using the Chromebooks today to start recording our hand gestures for the words we wrote and drew in our little Chinese booklets we made about a couple weeks ago. You know, those little booklets you make out of one piece of paper. Yeah those. We had to use the Chromebooks to record a presentation of ourselves doing the gestures while including a picture of the page from our book in the presentation. While wondering about where El was today during lunch, I was like "Hey, where were you during lunch? I didn't see you today" and she was like "Oh, I was hanging out with a friend". Oh. So she wasn't doing a project with her friend. That's probably the same friend from yesterday too. The real question is, was it Rc?
Well, seeing as how El got up out of her seat in the middle of work to to go to Rc's desk to talk to him, along with the long stares and sighs she gives if whenever he's interacting with her, I guess so. I'd be pretty surprised if it wasn't. Actually, maybe it wasn't. At this stage of where I am in all this, insecurity and paranoia could get the better of me. Happened last year. I'm still waiting for it to occur this year. And me mentioning the signs and stares, I don't know for sure, I mean, I do sit right behind her. I don't monitor the times she sighs and stares when in proximity of Rc so I wouldn't really know. At this point I kinda don't even know what I'm talking about anymore.
So as I was saying, we worked on our Chromebooks to do our recording things. At the end of class, I see El with a "meh" face. During the beginning of the year, she wore a t-shirt under her signature gray jacket everyday. Now she dresses pretty, ehhh, what's the word? Fine? She dresses fine-ly. She doesn't wear her jacket anymore, she wears like-ehhhh, I'm not good with clothes names. What's that type of the thing called? Blouses? Blousi? Cardigan? I think it's called a cardigan. "Pull over!" "No it's a cardigan but thanks for noticing!"
Those quotes were from a movie by the way. Anyways, she has this sorta "meh" face now. She was like, I don't know, delighted to see me during the beginning of the year. So we walked the route and I was just like, bummed out, even more bummed out than how El looked bummed out. I don't wanna ask if she's bummed out about something, 'cause then she'll like "Just because I'm not smiling doesn't mean I bummed out about something". I don't know. El's mind is probably on Rc right now, having conversations over Facenovel, him and her teasing each other, calling each other "weirdos". If I don't get called a weirdo from writing like 3 paragraphs about her then I don't know what.
Obviously I'm kidding. Anyways, I don't know what to talk about. I keep on talking about the same s*** over and over again with El, even I'm sick of it, haha. I just go on about how Algebra 2/ Trig is so hard, teacher grades harshly, latest score on a test, not enough sleep on the weekends, sleep, and homework. Interesting right? No, it's not. I want to stray away from talking about school. I've already told her so much about my grades and work already she could probably make a transcript from all that. I want to uhh, have her talk more about herself, what's going on in her life, interests, etc. You know, all that stuff that I got to know in order to uhhh, beat Rc.
No, not physically and no not in a beyblade battle either. Right now, Rc is not even trying and he's winning El over. I'm trying to keep her attention focused on me. It's kinda hard when she's having one on one conversations with her "friend". Anyways, as El and I said bye to each other like we usually do, I always see her trying to squeeze out a smile from the least amount of happiness she has left in her at the end of the day. And that smile, is worth a million bucks. And uh, yeah. That's pretty much what happened today. But that was only the first part of what is to come.
At home, after seeing all the LMS's being brought back, along with the 100truths thing and people posting links to their's, I caved and posted mine. I was sitting there in front of my screen doing my work and constantly checking the chatbar to see if El's online or not. Just, just for if El wants to ask me an annonymous question or sonething. After a while, it looks like she's not getting on Facenovel for the rest of the day, and so I just posted my link. This was at like 9:00 PM by the way. About 3 of my buddies spammed me questions and like immediately. I actually got a couple of questions which were not from buddies this time. I know 'cauae my buddies dont type like that. I got one question asking "Heyy aren't you in Ms.blank's 5th period class?" And im like "I am actually. Thanks for noticing". Just a reminder, this is so I don't really be serious unless they make it serious. I receive another question soon after. The person asks "Lol, your really quiet in class. Try to look for me". At first I was like "Oh, so this is what happened when I make new social media accounts. I get s*** like this". Then my next thought was "Thanks anon. I'll be sure to find you without you leaving like an initial or anything". Then I was just thinking like "Wait, is this what I sound like when I play these games?"
I get another question about my Soul Eater wall scroll in the back of my profile picture, of which I use as the background for all my selfies. Then it was that. I then go on Skype to vent out my feelings for this competition. You know, between me and Rc and who could win El. Over of course. My best buddy's like "Just beat him". Oh and by the way, most if what he says are jokes, unless at times when he's not joking. So when he says stuff that's sorta outrageous, he's kidding. Just to let you know. Anyways, I didn't know if he meant literally beating him, or by like, charisma or whatever, so I was like "But he's sorta buff".
Then my buddy's like "So. Your weight training right" and I'm like "Yeah" and he's like "Beat his ass". And I'm like "But he's Texan". Then my buddy's like " Wait, I think he's in my world history class" and I'm like "What" and he's like "He's smart right" and I'm like "Sorta I guess". I'm like "What's his name" and he's like "I can't put my finger on it" and I'm like "Does it start with an R" and he's like "Rc. He's in my world history class. I saw that Chinese team group photo of him". And I'm just thinking like " Wow, we instantly know who we're talking about just 'cause the dude is Texan". Because my buddy saw the picture of El and him in their group and I was like "Do you see the resemblance", as in, how El and Rc look alike, how they look like they were made for eachother. He's like "Beat his ass. Win her over. Talk to her more. Get to know her more". And I'm like "Ehhh, I don't know if I can beat him. He doesn't even try and he's winning". So then my buddy's like "Try even harder. If you believe you can, you can" and then a bunch of other motivating reasons of which I forgot what they were.
And that right there, was what I needed to get a another start on this whole El thing. Me and her, our fire has been dimming to like a small lit match. I'm gonna need have to ignite thisbfire again and this time I'm gonna have to use a flamethrower. I don't usually like to use corny analogies with motivational stuff in it 'cause I think it's kinda mushy and stuff, but this time I kinda need it. I think too much before sayigbstuff, therefore I barely say anything at all, 'cause I'm preoccupied with thinking. This time I'm going to have to just say whatever comes out my mouth. See after she goes to her next and do a super-duper positive wave. Why? It'll be bigger than what Rc does. I'm taking my best buddy's advice. I'm gonna beat his ass. El, if you ever read, this I do not mean to be the bad guy at all in all of this. A lo of stuffs happening at once and I just gotta do something before I miss my chance alright?
So with a re-cao for all this, tomorrow I'ma have to catch El at every corner and talk about as much s*** as I can. Without even thinking, I'll just say stuff. Whatever comes first into my mind. I gotta be sure u make a bigger image than Rc's. Be CONFIDENT. Drew, don't think before what you say. Be confident in what you say before you even think about it. Drawing blanks? At least you're drawing something Drew. Just let it loose. And so I got some work to do with El, and I mean a lot of work, along with the work I get assigned everyday and the tests and quizzes for math class, I'm on a mission to get my grade to a B. Also, El's birthday party is in about a week, and I still have yet to find her a present. Oh and that one mystery person on ask. Guess I gotta go to talk to them, whoever they are.
So coming up next on 100% Chance of Drew, Drew's gonna attempt to beat Rc's ass, work with El, work on work, study hardy, strive to get a B in Trig, find a mystery person in math class, and attend El's birthday party next week. You know how in a book or movie, there's a dynamic structure of exposition, then rising action, then climax, then falling action, then conclusion? Yeah I'm thinking I'm about to approach the climax of these first 9 seasons (weeks are seasons by the way). Season 10 is gonna prove to be pretty hectic. Season 9 finale is hopefully gonna end on a positive note. Hopefully. Anyways, I typed for 2 hours straight on all this. I'm taking time out of life to document it. So uh, I guess I'll see you tomorrow.
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