Thursday, August 21, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014 "I'm Don't Like Where This is Going."

Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Week: 1
Songs to Remember: Obsession - Boyfriend

        The school year's new, people are new, but I'm not really feeling new. I just don't like the direction I'm going.

        I'll be doing this post on the Blogger website on my browser on my phone, rather than the Blogger app 'cause that thing actually makes me do twice the work. So, Wednesday comes along, I feel like today was better than yesterday (way better), but not as good as Monday was. God, I still remember those on my god moments like they were yesterday. First period world history is going pretty slowly, we haven't really gotten started on anything that has much to do with world history. We did color a map today, and labeled stuff on it, but that's pretty much it. I have a feeling that this class is gonna be just like my English class from last year. On a good way though.

        2nd period, one of the more exciting classes of the day, exciting due to the people in it, not because its English 2A. The teacher has yet to get started on anything (while on Algebra 2/ Trigonometry, might as well have actual homework on the first day). She had this chart on the board, with these 4 types of group workers. North, is supposed to be the ones who just starts right away. East, are the ones who think of the big idea first. South, are the ones who think of others and equality first. Then West, who plans things first. She asked us to go to different parts of the classroom depending on which type of group worker you are. Thinking back on all the group projects I've done with other people, I just did whayever and got started. So I chose North, a bunch of people chose East, some people chose West, and one person (my female buddy I guess) chose South. The teacher's like "What is this? She can't be the only one who's in South!" She probably was thinking that people got in groups with their friends instead of what they actually are. So, some people got up and moved to South, just 'cause the teacher was like "What is this?". Anyways, the teacher told us to work as a group and answer some questions on a piece of paper, questions like "What are the strengths of your type of group" and "What are your weaknesses" etc. We did that the whole period, We also got our textbooks (and by textbooks I mean paperback vocabulary books) durinfnthe period as well. That was pretty much all we did.

        Okay, so, my chances of getting closer (figuratively and literally) with Yue is pretty slim if we don't talk. The teacher dude just had to have a seating chart. All we did today was go over the homework, take some notes, filed some stuff, and that was pretty much it. Oh and while he was passing out folders for us to wrote our names on (to create our filing folder for our work), he was like "How's it going Neena?  How's it going Marki?" And when he got to me, he's like "How's it going Drew?" I was "It's going alright". What I should've said was " Ay, you just remembers my name! Let us pick our own seats now! Please, I beg of you! I'm on my knees". So when the period ended, I was going to talk to him about when he's gonna switch seats again, because today was Wednesday and on Wednesdays, I thought lunch was after 3rd period today, and not 4th period (Every Wednesday is a short day, no break, but lunch).

        But no, lunch is still after 4th period, I'd be late, so I just walked out the door with Yue and I'm like "Hi!" And then I'm like "So you said you're from Malaysia right?" And she's like "Yep" and I'm like "What's it like over there?" and she's like "Well, let's just say it's like 350 days of summer a year" and I laughed a bit and I asked her where she hung out at and she was like "The cafeteria" and I'm just like "F*** me". I never go to the cafeteria at all 'cause I bring my food from home, 'cause the line's LONG. I said bye, she said bye and I'm just like " So, she makes jokes, her friendly-ness, her smile, its just like ohhh my god". I never call a girl hot, the last time I called a girl hot, was... I don't even remember. I only call girls hot if I mean it. And god, she is as hot as Malaysian weather. I'm being honest here.

        The teacher said that we might be doing a lab experiment tomorrow, so I'm parting to god and crossing my fingers, hoping that we will AND, we get to pick our own group. Please Mr.Sales, please. Also that's not his real name by the way. I'll tell you his name at the end of the year.

        Anyways, next period is P.E and, luckily I did not get a cut, from that incident from yesterday. We sat down, they took roll, people bought uniforms, we stood in line to get assigned a locker, I get my locker, it's far in the back, probably gonna get my stuff jacked, we sat in the gym for the rest of the period, bell rings, lunch start, I do my usual lunch activities like eat, talk, catch-up, etc. Yesterday during lunch I say my old pal back in 6th grade (I mean I guess, its a long story, very childish arguments, we're cool now), walking with a girl. And uh, it was right in front of my face so its not like I was looking at him and the girl far away in a tree with binoculars. This event's relevant to what im'a talk about later. Anyways, bell rings, I go to hell for 50 minutes.

buildongWell, today's teaching wasn't all that bad. After the teacher went over the homework and I was like "Yay, I got em' right!", I was like " Mkay, this isn't so difficult. Time-consuming, but not that difficult". She didn't really give us any time to do the homework, so I spent a good hour on it. So far, I'm having ups and downs with this class. Not stuggking with math, but struggling to cope with the teaching.

        And finally, 6th period Chinese class. Fairly exciting class and surprising. Probably the 2 words that best describe this class. My 5th period's all the way back behind the L building and my 6th period's in the portables (P building). the walk from my 5th period to 6th period is about, ehh, I'd say the length of our school's football field (or soccer field, whatever). The school gives us 6 minutes to get to our classes. I'd say it takes about 6 minutes to walk from a to b. Good thing my Chinese teacher's cool about it though. She is probably the liveliest teacher I've had. In good way, of course. So today we went to go get our textbooks, we're all standing in line, I'm standing with El, we get our books, I try to pronounce Chinese words, I fail miserably, El and my buddy give me a lesson, all in all it's in good fun, gave me some excitement for the day from the lack of excitement in my other classes. We go back to class and the teacher explains our homework, to add her class on some online work websites (like Blend space and Quizlet). We go home, I talk with El as we're walking out the classroom, o say bye, she says bye, I go home.

        Oh and how I talked about how I saw my buddy with a girl, he changed his status on Facenovel to "on a relationship". He posted it publicly so everyone sees it. I give it, ehhh, ffffff-, uhhh, 2 weeks. Maybe 3. Sorry for being douchey (douchey? Is it a word?), I just don't know wh- I just remembered why. F***ing envy. *sigh* not again.

        Anyways, the real problem here us that I don't like where I'm going. EL? It's going fine. Yue? Could may well be way better. Classes? Not what I was expecting, I was hoping for a bit more, just a tiny bit. I was playing " Adventure Time: Battle Party" with my buddies and it just occurred to me. I'm doing the same things as last year- this is not different. I'm not talking more in class, I'm not taking more risks (or any risks for at all for that matter) and I basically hang out with the exact same people, in the exact same way. I do a good job on identifying my problems, I accept them, but I don't do anything to solve them. Now that's my real problem.

        Oh and that internet story I was going to talk about. So I was searching up Yue's Facenovel so I can add her so I can be in contact with her for when she graduates and leaves for college. I didn't really know her spelling so I tried a bunch of variations and typed them onto Google, hoping to find her picture on Images and go to her Facenovel from there. This is not stalking okay? If I wanted to stalk, I'd do it in a more efficient way. Anyways, I stumbled upon a picture of what looked like her, so I went to the page where the image is from and it turns out, that page is a blog whom a guy posted about his days living in Malaysia.

        I was like "Wait, this can't be Yue" but then I read how the dude's like "She left 2 weeks in Malaysia. I'll miss her" and stuff like that. I was like "Woah, a dude who's in Malaysia postes stuff about a girl who left Malaysia to California, and is now here at my school. Pretty crazy to think about really, I don't know, it seemed I teredting to me when I once found it out. The dude was calling her hot stuff and all that and I was like " Wait, is she a playa? Does she do this guys all the time?" I've seen this happen in movies. But I trust her, and its probably pretty lonely her where she ain't with her friends soooo, explains  a lot.

        So, what have I learned today? Well, I learned that I'm repeating things I've done last year, I want to change as I don't like where i m going, and I need to make stuff happen through my own actions, I can't just wait for stuff to happen. Also, where is Vt? I cannot find her in this small school. I've never seen her in real life (only pictures) and I don't know what to expect.Would it be creepy if I were to meet her now? A couple months after we last talked? Ehhh, I'll take the risk. Anyways, I've done a lot of typing on my phone for now. I'll see you tomorrow. Oh and if there's any grammatical and spelling errors, its the phone.

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