Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014 "Moments of Awe."

Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Week: Summer
Songs to Remember: History - EXO M

        Apparently my memorization skills are better than I thought. I mean, I remembered the name of an instrumental song that I listened to once, several months ago.

        So, I went to the counseling place at my school today to change my schedule. Not what I was expecting. Definitely not what I was expecting. I woke up early for it because the school doesn't when to schedule events at practical times. Also the staff wasn't very nice, considering it's supposed to be a counseling center.

        I went at about 11:20 AM. When I got there, I was expecting like, a straight, single file line, but then it was like ehhh, there wasn't really a definite line. There wasn't that many people so I went inside to check out how to like, do the counseling thing. There were people already sitting inside, but then this staff member was like "If you are not a senior, you need to leave now". She told that to everybody and I was like "Umm, okay".

        I guess it was too early (since it wasn't even 12 AM yet) so I went back to tell my mom that we were here too early so, we can either wait or go home and come back later. My mom was like "We can wait" and I was like "Oh my god, it's gonna be like a 40 minute wait". So I went back there and now there was a definite line, so I was like, "I'll stand here I guess". Soon more people came and this became the line to stand in. I saw people go in, I saw people come out of the door (I'm standing outside by the way, this was all outdoors, to get into the counseling center building thing), and I was like "Wait, do we have to get a waiting ticket or what?"

        So I was standing there, people around me having the time of their lives talking about classes, I'm on my phone messaging my friend on Facenovel about my experience in the line, Tn and her friends are in the back of me so I'm like "Aight, I see how it is", and I'm waiting there for about 30 minutes and there were some announcements about the counseling thing and I couldn't really hear 'cause of how loud people were.

        The next thing I knew, this person was going around passing these little colored cards out to everyone. I didn't know what they were for so the lady was like "Who's your counselor" and I told her my counselor and she gave me this little pink card with my counselor's name and a number so I was like "Oh thank god, this is actually going somewhere". I looked at my number and it was "10" and I was like "Holy f*** I'm good".

        I saw a couple of my friends there, they were about 20 people behind me. Some person was like "The line curves around the front of the school" and I looked behind me and I was like "Hoooly f***, it curves around the front of the school. Good thing I waited". Soon they started calling out numbers and I was like "Thank god" and soon they called numbers 9, 10, 11, 12 and I went in. The lady checking my card number was like "Down the hall" and well, I walked down the hall.

        I have never been in the counseling center before, I never stepped foot in it so I didn't know where everything was. I saw the name of one of the counselors on the window of their room, but the others didn't have that so I was trying to find the right one. Confused, I walked back to the lady to ask where my counselor's room was and she was like "Okay, you don't know where you're going, just look at the signs above the door".

        She didn't say it in a nice way though, she seemed rather pissed off like "Oh my god, this noob doesn't know where his counselor's office is, f***ing, I'ma reck him". Like, what the f***? I've never been to my counselor or been to the place, she expects me to know where everything is? F***ing down the hall? I fucking walked down the hall, there's many halls. "Just look at the signs above the doors" like, sorry, I'm not the height of Michael Jordan.

        I was sitting in my counselor's office with 3 other people, 1 that I knew. This one dude, the dude with the card number 9, was talking with the counselor about changing from like, psychology and ancient history and stuff like that. When he was finished, it was my turn and I was like "Yeah I'd like to change my classes". She asked me for my student I.D number, then I told her I wanted to change from chemistry to Honors chemistry and she was like "Sorry, it's full" and I thinking like "Awww hell naw".

        It was my first time looking at my schedule so I was like "Oh, I'm already in English 2a". Then I saw how I was in the academy, in which I strictly emailed and talked to multiple teachers about not putting me in the academy, they still put me in an academy. So I was like "Yeah, can you change me from my academy to P.E?" And she did it, no questions asked, I brang my report cards as a transcript ('cause I don't have one) in case she asked me about my grades to go into Honors and 2a in which, I didn't need to change.

        Godamn this event is taking longer to explain than I thought. At least it's in detail. So uh, yeah; I changed my academy to physical education and that was basically it. A whole hour just for that. Thanks. I just wanted to go home and when I came out, it was like "Hoooooly f***", like, there were "4 lines", if you could call those lines, for people for their separate counselors. Gooood thing I went early, or else I'd have to be in that crowd of anarchy.

        I went home, and just whatever. Also, last night, I had this like, chilling moment. I was on my phone (that's bad I know) and I was just like, doing whatever. I got a notification on Facenovel and it was a friend request from Em, and I was just like "Oh. My. God." I was like "WOOOOT, SHE'S BACK". 'Course I, didn't really scream it, since it was like 12:00 midnight so. It sent chills down my spine, in a good way, not a horror movie way. It's like "Oh my god, this year's gonna be interesting". Em's like, the only person I can be weird to (besides my friends) and not be judged.

        Also today, my cousin kept on humming this song over Skype and I was like "Wait, is that Arctic Monkeys?" and he was like "Nope". I was thinking and thinking, like, it sounded like something I heard before. I searched up Arctic Monkeys, it wasn't a song from Arctic Monkeys. I remember listening to a song on a YouTube video; it had a black screen with white lettering. Then I was like "Hmm, xx?" (literally, it's the letters xx). I search up "xx", skip in on the song, and I was like "Oh my god, I was right".

        Like, I was mind blown. I just guessed the song (the song's instrumental by the way, there's no lyrics) by remembering the name of the band that I listened to one of their videos, from like, several months back. Wow. Several months back I discovered Arctic Monkeys (oh my god, how do you not know Arctic Monkeys sooner), one of the videos in the related videos section was The xx's "Intro", didn't really like it so I was just like, meh. And today, I re-discovered it by digging through my musical memory in my brain. How crazy is that.

        Anyways, that was a wild day, I'm pretty tired, so I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Umm, yeah. And uh, yeah. God, that was a long post.

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