Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21, 2014 "At Least I'm Trying."

Thursday, August 21, 2014
Week: 1
Songs to Remember: Delilah - Bigflo

       Now its not so exciting anymore. It really just feels like a routine now. Or, its maybe because I don't know what to talk about. That's it, where's the link /r/social skills?

        So we've doing basically nothing in World History this past week. I guess the teacher's taking it slow, and I mean slowww. I'm not complaining, much, just a bit boring. Yeah there's not a lot to talk about World History right now.

        English class is basically the same thing as World History, taking it slowww, inb4 I get bombarded with essays and I'm crying asking it to stop. The teacher gave us an article to read and practice underlining and circling key terms and all that. Pretty silent the whole period. The teacher also told us how she was on Pinterest for a few hours and found something that blew her mind. She wrote down on the board "Harry, Ron, and Hermione". Instead of the " a" in "Harry", its a triangle. Instead of the regular " o" in "Ron", it's a bigger " o". Instead of an "I" in Hermione, it's a line. She was like it "The deathly hallows!" And she was like "Oh my goooooood, mind = blown".

        And I'm just like " Umm, okay". I thought she was gonna stop at "Harry" and the triangle and be like "ILLUMINATI". Like, come on, I couldn't be the only one to see through that. But it is now confirmed; Harry is Illuminati. Yeah you see how boring it is in English that it comes to this. Also, nothing much else to talk about for English.

        So I'm walking to Chemistry class and I see Yue walking in front of me and I'm like "Hey" and she's like "Hey". I see cups and powders and liquids on the lab tables and I'm just like " Please let it be for our class" and the teacher's like "Alright guys, we're going to be doing our first lab today" and I'm just like "Oh praise the lord, I might have a chance to sit with Yue!". I was hoping he'd let us pick our own groups, I was really hoping he'd at least let us have the freedom to do that, aaand, he had divided us into groups randomly. And I'm just like " Fate, please!" He did it by counting people in numbers like "You're 1, you're 2, you're 3, etc. All 1's go to this table, all 2's, etc". Kinda like that.

        I was focusing so hard, like you have no idea how hard I was concentrating on getting the same number as Yue. I heard the teacher pit Yue into group 3 and I'm just like " Please have me be 3, please, please, please". Well, my prayers were obviously not answered 'cause I was in group 5. The experiment today was the "Bubble" experiment, where we tested what kind of bubble solution is a there best. There were 3 different kinds of bubble solutions, one with soap and water, one with soap, water, and salt, and one with soap, water and sugar. I was thinking the sugar would be the best since sugar and water is sticky and therefore less popping. I was right.

        We had to pour each solution onto the table and put a stars directly on it and keep blowing. Pretty cool at first, bit then it turned messy, like really messy. Messy as in I was almost late to my next class 'cause I had to stay behind a bit to clean up but it was fine since my next period was P.E. Please Mr.Sales, please just let me sit with Yue for day, just one more time. *sigh* Why does she have to be a senior? You see, this was already a 100% chance of bad since day 1.

        I think I'ma have to lie in order to get that seat. I don't like lying to a good teacher, but I gotta do what gotta do. Maybe I'll be like "Oh, I can't see the board very well from the back, may I move to the lab table right over there specifically?" Or something like that.

        P.E, we all had to change today. my locker's in front of 2 dudes so I'm just like "Why is so cramped". I got dressed, they took attendance, then we waited for it to be over. I forgot that upperclassmen (anyone except freshmen) get to choose a specific class, like, basketball, or jogging, or badminton, and stuff. Probably gonna pick something where there's a lot of cute girls in there. Unless its something I don't like for the life of me, in which icute girls would probably not be worth it. I mean of needed to work out, I could just do bootleg push-ups at home.

        Bell rings, lunch, gates of hell. This time the teacher had bus do more work, in which nobody finished so we had to finish the classrlwork on top of our usual homework. Fffffff. Took me a good 2 hours or so to complete it all, not including World History and Chemistry homework. Probably the hardest day in this class so far.

        Now for something I want to talk about- Chinese class with El. Today El came in late today, late as in later than she usually is since I always see her at her desk when I walk through the door at the sane time the bell rings. She also wasn't wearing her usual clothes which usually consists of a green T-shirt and a gray jacket. Today she was wearing this white, blouse, thing. I don't know what its called. Today we  went over the first 2 pages of lesson 1 for our Chinese textbook, which consisted of simple words like "you", " me", "hello", " teacher", "student", those words. Pretty fun, well, at least not boring.

        So the bell rings and I walk out with El, and she and I going the same until the part where we leave separate ways, but this time, she's like " Oh, I'm going this way this time" and I'm just like "Mkay". Walking out the classroom, I'm trying to think " Okay something, just something so that it doesn't have to be silent". So I talk about how I couldn't really understand what the teacher was reciting and how I need to remember  the meanings. Not bad, not bad, I'm risking it at least, im tring. Gotta risk it for the biscuit, as I had said that one time. And so I'm like "Bye" and shes like "Bye" and I'm just like "Ehhhhhh, I want to feel successful, yet I don't feel like I want to succeed what I wan rto succeed". You get what I mean? Of course not, neither do I.

        And I forgot to message Vt today. I'll do it tomorrow or something, hopefully shell be online or else on gonna get a super late reply and it'll be bootleg. I also gotta talk to Mr.Sales about the seating, talk to this teacher about my period 0 on my schedule, and talk to El, Yue, and all the above. I'm tired right now so I'll see you tomorrow.

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