Saturday, August 2, 2014

Saturday, August 2, 2014 "A Mindset of Whatever and Strategically Texting."

Saturday, August 2, 2014
Week: Summer
Songs to Remember: Girls (The Knocks Remix) - The 1975

        Oh, just finished signing all the registration papers, I better upload it to Facenovel, Instagram, Twitter, Digg, Google, Myspace, and whatever social media there is else. I mean, might as well upload it here too. *Insert sarcasm*

        So I finished signing all of my registration papers for the upcoming school year, it was only like 4 pages. 4 pages, that is, if you don't include the 3 more pages I had to print out since apparently the school "has yet" to receive the district handbook, which has like more pages to sign.

        Back in like middle school, my English teacher made us print out A LOT of stuff (a lot for middle-schooler that is). Because I didn't have a printer at that time, I mostly just e-mailed my teacher all my work. And I'm like "Why isn't everything digital already". I mean, it'd save a lot of paper, sort of less of a hassle to find your missing papers and stuff since it's like automatically saved "on the cloud" all the time. Do people write email as "e-mail", or "email"?

        But then it's like "Hmmm, but Facenovel and Twitter" and somehow I also dislike technology, just a little bit. My school has 2 breaks, 1 for, well, "break" time at about 10:00 AM and lasts about 10 minutes, and lunch time which is about 12:00 or something and lasts about 30 minutes. I see people everywhere using their phones and stuff and I'm like "bu- but- this- this supposed to be a social place. I mean, there's 3000 kids trapped in one location for about 8 hours. Could you get more social than that?" Technology really is a mixed blessing. And I don't mean to be a hypocrite. Being on my laptop all day isn't necessarily all that great ya know.

        Okay, so current events. I was meaning to talk to Vt on Facenovel today, seeing as how she was online for about 30 minutes, then logged off. But then I'm like "Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't, maybe I should keep it calm 'till we actually meet at school, I don't want to dig a deeper hole than I'm already in". But then I'm like "Well, it shouldn't matter that much, I mean, what's there to lose?" And I was like "That is exactly the sort of mentality that I need to develop, that sort of "Whatever" kind of thinking.

        I read an article today (okay not really an article, it was a post from /r/modernromantics. I read for entertainment and insightful thinking, not that I'd actually take advice from a sub-reddit. Inb4 I take advice from a sub-reddit) about strategically texting people. "Do you ever strategically wait to text someone" is the post name. And I was like "Hmmm, ehhh, not really, which is kinda good, but bad in this modern world of socializing".

        I don't really wait a few minutes after someone replies to me for me to reply back to them because I don't know. Unless I get kinda scared, then I'm like "Uhh, I didn't see that message" and I switch to another tab and then I when I switch back I either had waited too long and the person's offline or I panic and write something stupid. You see (this is from personal experience), when you reply immediately after they replied to you, they won't reply right away, mostly 'cause they pretend to not notice the message and wait a few minutes, so that it doesn't show "Read by" immediately.

        You also look really needy. Like, I messaged Vt like, the day after I messaged her for the first time and it turned out okay. But then I continued the day after that, right when I saw that she got online and right now it seemed pretty creepy, if I do say so myself. I once waited (or actually, I didn't notice I got a message) for 17 minutes. The person said hi to me and I after realizing I got a message, I replied back with "Hi". She never messaged me again. Tried to talk to her at school, didn't seem really interested.

        I saw a bunch of comments on the post about some "theories" on texting and likeliness and stuff like that, ranging from "people who care less has all the people" (which is heartbreakingly soul-crushingly true), the Dobbler or Dahmer theory, and "The law of F*** Yes or No". Seriously, laws and theories for texting. What?

        Anyways, I think I've talked a bit too much about messenging and technology and all that sorta stuff for today. Uhh, tomorrow's Sunday, which will be one day closer to school-time, and one day closer to registration day where I have to take a picture for my student I.D. I'll leave the link for the Reddit post if you want to check it out, lots of fun stuff. I guess I'll see you tomorrow.

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