Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014 "I Got to Say No 'Cause I'm Tired."

Friday, August 15, 2014
Week: Summer
Songs to Remember: Not Much New Music

        This whole week, I've been playing video games, nothing but video games. And well, going to that counseling thing to change my schedule, but, majority is of nothing and video games.

        School starts in 3 days (counting today that is). By the time it's Tuesday (the second day of school), I'll hit that "Uuuugghhh" feeling. First day's gonna be meh, second day's gonna be ugh, Wednesday and Thursday's gonna be eh, and Friday's gonna be a recap day for when I'm like "Okay, what did I do all week". I don't remember the feeling of when I was on the last few days of summer, but right now, I'm tired.

        My friend, Em, you know that one person, she invited me to hang out with her and her friends at the mall. She scheduled it (I don't know a better word here. Not necessarily "scheduled", more like time ranged) at about 2:00 PM so I was like "Thank you for having mercy on my tired soul". I was like "Oh cool, sure I'll come". Rarely do I get invited to... anything and by rarely, I mean like... rare. I can't find a good comparison 'cause that's how rare it is.

        With the thought of being invited to hang out, I immediately said yes. But then I was like "Ehhh, I don't feel like walking tomorrow (that's how tired I am and will be)". Sooo I was thinking of a way to get out of this. Now, I can't just bail out like "Oh sorry, I don't feel like going anymore". I mean I could, but I like to make things more complicated because that's how I am so I'll just say "My mom said I can't go -.- Sorry :( I'll see you at school tho :)" Do you think I used a bit too many smiley faces? Naw, this girl uses em' all the time, her favorites being the "cx" and "xD" faces.

        So uh, yeah. I'm tired. You could probably tell how I'm not freaking out as much due to how close school would be starting. And, that's, pretty good. I'm not freaking out. Which means, I'm RELAXED. And that's something I wish I could feel all the time. But I'm not, no, I got to walk a mile everybody to all my classes. Good exercise though. See you tomorrow.

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