Saturday, August 30, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014 "As Above, So is El."

Friday, August 29, 2014
Week: 2
Songs to Remember: Waiting For a Sign - Scratch Massive

        As I was eating dinner after I got home from watching "As Above, So Below", I noticed the mug that I was drinking from is a mug that my uncle got me from Paris. Bootleg coincidence right?

        So since I'm kinda tired and sleepy, I'll make this first part short. World History, Greek, roman, sloths, ligers, slothzillas, Jennifer Aniston, quiz, boring. And now for English: group project, presentation on a certain kind of plagiarism, art plagiarism, Chromebooks, homework, extra boring.

        Chemistry: kinda boring as well. Classwork, homework, meh. No I didn't talk to Yue today, I'll do it on Monday in which I'll have an easy " So how was your weekend" opening.

        P.E, we practiced that one jump-shot thing, of which I forgot the name for (not spiking). Out of about 8 tries, I hit about 2 of them over the net, and we were right next to the net. Not bad in my book. God, I am so sleepy right now.

        Gates of hell, the usual. Kinda ties in with "As Above" right? Anyways, work, classwork, confusing problems, barely anyone understood, work, boring, yawnojg, right now, homework, work.

        Oh, I'm already talking about Chinese already. So today we were supposed to get started on making a BlendSpace presentation on Lesson 1 of Chinese, which is basically greetings and "Yes" or "No" questions. We had to take a picture of our group, so there was finally a picture of me and somebody else (besides my parents), in a long time. We spent about the whole period starting on the first slide. Well probably finish it over the weekend. Thank the lord for the inventor of labor day. I f***ing love you (and on the second week of school too).

        So since I was going to the movies with my friends (whose both are also named Drew. Crazy, right), I was like "What if I were to invite El?" I mean, casual, not Mich effort, and horror movies. You all know how that is? No, it's not putting your wiggle-worm through the bottom of the popcorn bucket with a hole in it. You know? The usual scary parts and you get the scared hugs and stuff. Dating 101. Just kidding, I'm more of a, Dating -3637 kind of person.

        So El and I were walking out the classroom, I start off with "So, what are you gonna do for the weekend?" And she's like "Nothing really, just trying to get as much sleep on as possible" and I was like "Yeah, me too". Then I was like " Today, I'm gonna go see this one movie, 'As Above, So Below'. Have you heard so it?" And she's like "Nope, what's it about?" And I explain to her a bit of the movie and she's like "Scary? I don't do scary movies that well" and so I was just like "F*** it, Drew, do whatever" and so I asked her "I'm going with Drew and Drew today, you wanna cone?" And she was like "Naww, scary movies are too scary" or something like that. Knowing what happened last year with Tn, this this time I'm playing it super-duper casual, trying to make it as casual as I can possibly be. Even stooping to filthy casual level.

        So I was like "Yeah, it's going to be pretty scary, I'm probably gonna a have nightmares, heh". Then we were like "Bye" and I was like "Well, it went better than I thought it would". Just kidding, I was hoping for a yes, by at least I played it casual. Everything should be casual, casual, casual. So, I go home, message the dudes, my dad drops me off at the mall, I see both of em' and they were like " Okay, buy a ticket for TMNT at 7:00" ('cause we're there at like, 6:30). I pay for my ticket, we go inside, and they insist that we all go to the bathroom. So I was like, whatever, and go in. I didn't know this was part of the plan of theater-hopping until like, after we go in the theater.

        Outside of the theater for "As Above, So Below", we see these 2 girls, kinda our age, high school i guess, lookes like it. One of them was like "Wait holdon, we need to take one more picture" and my friend Drew (we'll call him Drew H and the other Drew N) was like "Photo-bomb!". So, we go into the theater and we sit down, trying to act like we're 18. I'm like "Damn, I should've refrained from shaving for a few days, would've made me look even more older". I don't like mustaches or beards, 'cause mustaches on high school students just look irregular in my opinion, so that's why I shave.

        I never done something this bad before. I though this was going to be more complicated, but no, it seemed pretty easy to go from theater room to another. There were no like security guards really watching. Those girls we saw from outside went into our theater as well, and my friend was like " Wow, those are the girls from outside". One of my friends insisted on hopping to another theater after this and see "TMNT", but it was gonna be pretty late so I was like " Nawww, I'm good".

        So I'm watching "As Above, So Below". I was expecting to be scared and to be honest, only a few scenes got me. I mostly know where the scare scenes are already due to seeing the trailer for the movie. They literally showed like everything in the trailer. There was this one part, where the character " Benji", the dude holding the main camera, was sorta stuck when crawling through the bones. I was really feeling the claustrophobia from that scene, and I don't even think I'm claustrophobic. That scene was nice.

        The sound design of the movie had like, loud chants, howling, lots of atmospheric audio stuff. Oh, and the tour guide, he looks and talks just like PewDiePie. I wonder how many times he's been asked "Can you do the catchphrase for me?" "My name is, PAPILLON!".

        So all in all, there was a lot of running around in the movie. I liked how there was this running gag in the movie (spoilers) when the main character, Scarlet, kept on running through the statue as if it was nothing. People actually laughed at those parts because it was so bootleg. The statue's like " Oooooh, I'm a ghooooost" and she's like "Move b****, get out the way". Bootleg. The whole movie was not as scary as I thought it'd be, having see mostly all the scare scenes in the trailer. I gotta say though, I thought the ending was gonna be either they die, or they live, but instead it was some bootleg trippy s***. Pretty cool, I never would have thought of that.

        Anyways, interesting movie, though kinda repetetive at some parts, just running through hallways, hearing loud chants and whatnot. Sooo, uhhh, yeah. I'm kinda sleepy right now, I know I forgot something, don't know what. Sooo, see you tomorrow. Oh yeah, I give the movie a C by the way. Oh and I also love the ending credits, really really nice music and visuals.


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