Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014 "100% Chance of Bad."

Monday, August 18, 2014
Week: 1
Songs to Remember: You Only Live Once - The Strokes

        Well this is it, the start of a new series. Oh and by the way, this post will have more o's in it than the title of the series "100% Chance of Bad."

        So the alarm I set on my phone rings, I wake up at 6:45 AM. My mom still hasn't woken up yet 'cause she doesn't wake up that early, more around the 7:00 ish. I went in my closet to look for the clothes I was gonna wear. Since 7th grade, I wore hooded sweaters every single day to school, partly because it's cold in the morning, but mostly because it helps me feel secure. I decided to go with a long-sleeved shirt in which I'd roll up the sleeves. I don't know.

        My mom wakes up finally, around the 7:00 mark. I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, wash my face, do my hair, the usual. I got dressed, checked to make sure I didn't forget any papers or anything. Ate breakfast, checked things one more time and headed for the car, at about 7:30. The drive to school took about, ehhh, 5 minutes maybe. The traffic? My mom drives me close to the school, I get out and walk there. Sure beats the traffic and waiting.

        First things first- (I basically had a check-list for what to do during that morning, from getting my schedule to getting my locker) I got to go get my schedule. School-loop (this website company that lets us see our grades online for our school) was online this morning so I got to see my schedule early. It showed: Period 0 - Universal Studies, Period 1 - World History, Period 2 - Eng 2A, Period 3 - Chemistry, Period 4 - P.E, Period 5 - Algebra II/Trig, and Period 6 - Chinese 1. I was really confused for a second, like "Wait, how many classes do I have?" Turns out, that academy teacher put me in her, uhhh, period 0 class? There's not even homeroom here (besides the silent sustained reading time at the start of 5th period)? So I was like "Uhhhh, guess I'ma have to go see that academy teacher again".

        I already saw my schedule online, I just wanted to make sure it was correct (and teachers will want to see your schedule to see  if you're in the right class) so I went to go get my schedule. Luckily it was the same place as last year to get my schedule, and luckily it was a short line. Sort of. I stood in line, saw some people I knew and I was like "Yep, this is the right place". There were 2 staff people handing out the schedules this time. When I got to the front, the person was like "Okay, what's your name?" And I said my name and she was like "Oh, people with that last name go over there" and I was like "Oh". So I stood in another line (the second line was like 8 people), Ct was in line in front of me and she was like "Hi" and I was like "Hi".

        Finally I got my schedule. I was like "Should I stay here and wait for Vt, or should I go look for where my classes are?" And I went with the latter since there were some buildings that I don't remember where they were. My first class was World History in the F building (our buildings are labeled by letters and rooms by letters and numbers) so I was like "Wait, where is the F building?" And when I saw it (it wasn't hard to find at all) I was like "Oh, it was here in front of my eyes". My next class was English 2A at the E building and I was like "Wait, where's the E building?" Then I saw it and I was like "Oh, it's right next to the E building". My second class was like, a few yards away from my first one.

        So I went to go see the rest of my classes- I knew where the L building is (for chemistry class) but not the room, turns out it was in the back, the gym for P.E (only on the first day, the teachers take attendance, give info and that's it, same as last year) I knew where that was, L building for Algebra II/Trigonometry, and Chinese class was located at the P "building" though it's not really a building, just several portable buildings hence why it's called the "P" buildings. Took a bit of a while to find that class, and I was don searching for my classes.

        I then went to go get my locker. I went to the same place where I had my locker last year, but all the lockers there were taken, with the exception of the lockers on the bottom, like, inches from the ground. No way did I want those lockers. I saw a locker place close to that place, at the F building which is right next to the G building where my old locker was at. There were still some good lockers, the ones that were inches from the ground, but a few feet so it was fine. I put my lock on it and went to go turn in my reservation paper for my locker.

        As I was going to the room to turn in the paper, this lady was like "Hey, we're not accepting locker papers yet, wait until break" so I was like "Whatever" and so since I didn't have anything else on my list (besides seeing if I could find Vt), I decided to go back to the place where I got my schedule and see if Vt's around. As I arrive to the place, the first bell rings and I swear, everybody just SWARMS around. I was like "Wow, so this is how rowdy the first day is".

        I went to my first class, looking through the window a bit to see if I have the right class (I don't know why). I went in, looked around for a few seconds, and sat down in a seat I which I deemed as not too close to the teacher, not to far back, not too far in the front, but in the middle. I was also in front of some girls, who some turned out to be people I know. The classroom wasn't the standard classroom, the seats were arranged differently. A set of seats on the left side of the room, a set of seats on the right side, the teachers desk at the top right corner, board in front, and a small table with projectors in the middle. I always choose to sit on the left side of classrooms, I don't know why.

        I saw a dude I knew when I entered the classroom, a dude I haven't talked with in, uhhhh, 2 years. I see him around, don't really talk to him at all. Recognized a couple dudes I know, don't really talk to them, one of them I haven't talked to since 8th grade in art class. The girls I know I've known since 6th grade and 7th grade, don't really talk to them. The rest seemed pretty new, new as in I've never seen them before. Teacher introduced herself and I could see she was an easy-going teacher. Easy-going as in chill, jokes around, not too strict, empathizes, knows how to take a joke, all the concepts of a good, fun teacher.

        The second bell rang signalling the start of class. I looked around and I was like "Oh my god, this is a small class. There's barely anyone here". There were about, ehh, 15 people in class. The seats around me on my side of the room were empty, besides those girls and this one dude who chose to sit 2 spots behind me. Soon, like, 5 minutes into class or something, I don't know. These 4 kids storm in, not that rowdy, but rowdy enough to be considered somewhat rowdy. I instinctively know "Yep, here are the delinquents".

        About 2 of those kids knew the teacher before, as the teacher mentioned how they were in her class last year. So the teacher introduces herself a bit more, takes attendance, then hands us all this work sheet, which was like this "Find someone who, uhhh, likes rock music, or, find someone who wants to be a doctor". Those kind of work sheets and I was like "Uuuughhhh". The class was pretty small, about 21 students including me (one kid came in late during the middle of class).

        So we all got up (forced to get up really), and went around asking people for signatures for the work sheet. As I was signing this dude's worksheet (one of the delinquents), he was like "Hey Drew, remember me? The little chubby kid with glasses?" or something like that. I was "Uhhh, is it you? The voice is familiar, the look and everything is all, different, like, way different". And I was like "Oh, my, god, it's one of my buddies back in 7th grade". Hooooooooooly f*** does he look different. He had fairly short hair back in 7th grade and wore glasses. Now his hair's more definite, and he no longer wears glasses.

        Pretty crazy, how he looks so different I didn't even recognize him until he asked me. His voice is kinda the same though, kinda. Sooo, the whole period was me being like "Hi, I'm Drew" then the other person's like "Hi, I'm blank, nice to meet you" and I'm like "Nice to meet you too". Then we exchange papers, sign a box, and get on with our lives. Not bad of start really, fairly relaxing and comfortable. We did the work sheet thing until the bell rang, and I got on to my next class.

        With the class being pretty close to my first class, I was the first one in and the teacher was like "Hi" and I was like "Hi". The classroom was the same as the last one, with the exception of the table in the middle. Then there was that awkward one student and one teacher in the classroom silence. It wasn't until a few more people came in where I was like "Not bad, not bad of a class". I saw my buddy that I made through Biology class last year, he was at the tutoring place as well. He sat on the other side in front of me.

        Then like, a bunch of other girls sat down on his, I swear like 5 girls, cute ones, some I knew, some I didn't. I was like "Oh my god dude, you're in the god spot". More people came in, with them sitting on my side of the room now. Those people being several I know, one being that one dude, then my best bud's girl who he asked out but soon turned out awkward, and then her friend and another girl. Cute girls being here in my class, I knew I made the right choice of English 2A, I was like "Oh, my, god". This is already good.

         I was like "This couldn't get any better". Good thing I was wrong, 'cause Am walks in and I'm like "Ooooohhh myyyy goooddd". Then a buddy of mine walks in and I'm like "Ooooooooohhhhh myyyyyy goooooooodddd". Class starts, the teacher's pretty boring, to some extent, I know she can be exciting if she wants to. She talks about how she's going to be brutal in the grading, brutal as in being honest about our work to prepare us for "the real world" and I was like "Oh damn, now, she knows what she's talking about. It's all about the real world".

        Then she talks about how she's heard some students nickname her the "homework murderer", in which she jokingly accepts. She says that it's because there's so much red pen correction on students' papers she grades that it's like the paper is "bleeding". I was like "Woah, that's pretty brutal". So I get kinda bored when she's talking about how class will be and I look to my right and I see one of my buddies towards the back of the room and I was like "Whaaat, he's here too? I didn't even notice him" I'm like, "Ooohhh myyyy goooodd, this is great, this is going to be a hell of a year".

        It was pretty quiet, mostly because we were all good students (mostly) and we'd want to let the teacher talk. She then asks us if we have any questions about class and like, it was pretty quiet. A couple questions were asked by my buddy in the back, asking stuff just 'cause no else was, like "What's your favorite book? What are we going to be reading this year?" After a bit of just whatever, class ended and it was break time. I went straight to the place to turn in my locker paper, there was already a line, not too long, but kinda long. I was standing in line, soon then, everybody just disperses, I'm guessing that they're holding off locker paper collecting until lunch time. I'm like "How long are you going to be holding off for?"

        Seeing as how my friends aren't at our usual hangout spot, I go to the place where I got my schedule (the L building) to see Em, El, and their friends. As I go there I do see El and Em, El says hi to me but Em doesn't appear to recognize me, I don't blame her. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, I saw Em and El walking to this classroom to pick up their schedules as I was walking to get mine. Didn't say hi though, I was too busy, walking that is.

        Uhhh, the bell rings, I go to my chemistry class. The teacher doesn't appear to be there, so I was standing around with a couple other kids in the class. I see a bunch of tanks (as in glass containers), with one with a turtle in it. Some more kids come in, and finally, the teacher comes in from the science teacher's lounge. He's like "Take a seat anywhere you'd like". This time it is the normal classroom layout (minus the lab table around the perimeter of the classroom), teacher desk up front, board up front, all seats are in a rectangle, facing the same way. So I sit at the top right seat, almost at the front, one seat behind the front front. One person's sitting in the front-left of me, while there's an empty seat to my left and an empty seat in front of me. The rest of the classroom seats, full. These 2 girls were standing near me whispering and I was thinking "Uhh, maybe they want to sit together, Drew, maybe you should ask them and move to the front and let them sit together".

        Instead I just sit there, being me, and then this, this, oh my god, hot girl was like "Umm, is that seat taken" and I'm like "No" and she's like "May I sit there" and I'm like "Yeah, sure". And I'm just like, "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh mmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy goooooooooooooooooooooooooodd". Probably one of the biggest oh my gods in my life (and by the way I'm not actually saying it, I'm thinking it). It was like "My prayers have been answered. Okay girls in first period, cute girls in 2nd period, and now a hot girl sitting next to me in 3rd period. What's next?"

        Crazy right? So her friend sits in front of me, I know its her friend 'cause her friend turns around to talk to the hot girl. They talk in Chinese though (or Cantonese, sorry, I don't really know how to tell Chinese origin languages apart. Or was it mandarin? Or is that a form of writing? You see what I mean). Anyways, the unexpected happens, the hot girl holds out her hand for me to shake (called offering a handshake, Drew) and says "Hi, I'm Yu" or something like that, I couldn't hear very well 'cause of how shocked I was, aaand partly 'cause of her slight accent. I shook and hand and I was like "Hi, I'm Drew, nice to meet you".

        I was like "Okay act normal. But wait, I'm not normal". The teacher (who I'm glad I have, I always hear him shouting in the next room while I was in Biology. He doesn't angrily shout, he channels his voice in a loud matter) is a really cool dude, chill, understanding, jokes, the usual good teacher stuff. He talked about some classroom etiquette while also talking about how the class pet snake laid 8 eggs and in about 60 days we'll be having 8 baby snakes in class. He also said that last year, his students bundled up about $130 to buy a "bird-eating spider". And I'm like "Oh, my god". He said that he'll have it soon, can't really remember when.

        Continuing to talk about stuff, the teacher's talking about how he met his high-school sweetheart and got married to her. Then he's like "Look to the person next to you, they might be your high-school sweetheart" and the hot girl smiles a bit and I'm just trying to act like "Oh what, I didn't hear anything" But really, that was really bootleg, like "Ohhhhhhhhhh my god".

        While talking about stuff, the teacher's like "So who's a sophomore here? We got a lot of sophomores. Juniors? Some juniors. Seniors? We got one-two-two seniors" and you better believe that hot girl raised her hand. I'm like "Ooooooooooohhhh myyyyyyyyyyyy goooooooooooooodddd". F***ing plot twist strikes again. I was like "Well, at least we can be friends, hopefully". I did not see that plot twist coming.

        After a bit for talking about how class works, what we'll be doing, I notice his shirt says "I flunk students periodically" and it had a periodic table on it and I'm like "Oh my god". Like, seriously, those bootleg science teacher shirts. I also saw a small sign near his desk which says "Pencil" and shows a picture of a pencil, then it says "Assault pencil" and shows a regular pencil, but modded to look like an assault rifle with a stock and magazine, then it says BAN PENCILS and I'm just like "Ohhh myy gooddd". You can look up the image online, just search up "Assault pencil". Bootleg is what I have to say.

        So the hot girl notices I have Chinese on my schedule so she's like "Oh, you have Chinese. Did you choose it or did they out you in?" I was like "I chose it". I couldn't really hear her that well, partly due to her slight accent, I couldn't think straight, or because the teacher was talking loudly. Anyways, the bell rang, class was over, the girl gets up to leave, she's like "It was nice meeting you" and I'm like "Yeah, you too". I still can't get over the fact of how she's a Senior.

        P.E on the first is the same as last year, we sit down, the teachers explain stuff, take attendance, talk for the rest of the period. I sat by myself 'cause none of my other buddies (except one) has the same P.E period as me. As I was sitting and just staring into space, there's these delinquents at the back of me, I overhear them talking about "Pick a job which doesn't involve math" and this one dude's like "Fashion" and the other dude's like "Fashion does require math you retard, you measure the size of people" and the dude's like "But I already know what size I am!" And I'm just like "Ohh my, god, this could keep me entertained for days".

        Bell rings, we exit the gym, lunch begins, I see people swarming to the place to turn in our locker papers. I was trying to find the end of the line, but it was so long, I mean it curved several times. While looking around, my best bud and a friend of mine was like "Drew!" and I was like "Oh hey, how's it going". We check each other's schedules while standing in line, then all of sudden the line just moves up abruptly. We were soon at the front of the line and there's this lady standing there with a stack of pink papers. I was like "Oh my god, they can't handle the sheer amount of students" so they were just like "Just give me your papers, just give me em'" So I gave her my paper and I got my locker.

        There uhh, new locker program didn't go as well as they planned. So it's lunch, I catch up with a bunch of my friends, we eat, talk, then walk on over to the L building for some reason. Then the bell rings we all go to our classes. My next class was Algebra II/ Trigonometry. Me and some students waited outside since the door was locked. The teacher unlocked the door, then we formed a line to go in one by one as she checked us off on her paper thingy. She also had assigned seats so I was like "F***". She was a generic somewhat old, but not too old, asian teacher. People said her class for Algebra II/ Trigonometry is the hardest.

        She starts off the class by re-organizing people, people came in late so she had to organize them too, spends about the first 10 minutes of classes making sure the seats were right. She then talks a bit about the class, I see on the board there's already homework so I'm like "Oh my god, this gonna be a hell of a ride. F*** me". The teacher tells us how we have to donate one ream of copy paper and a box of tissues per student. Then tells us how we have to have a SEPARATE binder for the class, with dividers for notes, paperwork, etc. And I'm just like "How much money do you want us to spend, just, give me a number".

        She gave us a bunch of stuff to do, there wasn't enough time, so says "Ehhh, bring it home to do it" and I'm just like "Oh, my, god". If I did not have her as a teacher, my schedule would be PERFECT. But no, life is like "You can't have it this easy" and I'm just like "Well just f*** me over a bit then". Bell rings, 6th period starts, it's Chinese class, I see my buddy walking the say way as I am, turns out he's in my class. The teacher has us sign in rather than taking attendance. My buddy and I go to the back of the classroom (very decorative classroom) and I see El and she's like "Hey Drew" and I'm like "Hiii". The seats are in columns, with 2 columns of seats, then a space, then 2 columns, then a space. I hope you understand what it kinda looks like.

        With an empty seat next to El in the back, I sit next to her, my buddy sits a couple feet to my left. I was like "Ohhhhhhh, mmmmyyyyyyyyyy, gooooooooodddd, this is too good". So I'm sitting next to El, I got one of my buddies sitting close to my left, there's lots of cute girls in this class, I'm set for life. The teacher turns out to be a very unique teacher. I thought she was going to be a generic asain teacher, but no, she's actually pretty cool. She looks like she's in her mid 30's, but has the soul of a 20 year-old.

        So we do this Chinese bow thing, led by my buddy as the "leader" of the class. Then she tells us more about the class and a bit about herself. She's heavily influenced by technology, I mean, she has like, 2 iPads, a Nexus, a couple laptops she won in a give-away. She also watches K-Dramas, uses Facenovel a lot, she even says to message her on Facenovel is the fastest way of reaching her. She then tells us that these aren't our permanents seats, and how she's gonna move us around every lesson or something like that.

        I just like "Why, oh why, do you do this to meeeeee". I got the best seat right now, and it's not permanent. Just gonna have to make it last I guess, or pray that I get a seat next to El, either's fine. She then hands us all a piece of paper, to write 3 things of what we did over the summer, we short things, and by things, she means things we don't do everyday like eat, sleep, etc. Then she divides us all into groups (4 desks is 1 group). So me, El, and 2 dudes in front of us are a group, We got to go to the front of the class and introduce one person, telling what they did over the summer, hobbies, etc.

        So El's gonna introduce me, I'ma introduce her, I tried to make some small talk, ehhh, went okay. About 3 and a half groups went up, aaaand we're gonna be continuing the introduction, tomorrow. So it was the first day of my Sophomore year. Definitely unexpected I can tell you that. Looks like it's going to be an interesting year. Didn't see Vt today though, hopefully I can find her tomorrow, or something. And so, that concludes episode one of "100% Chance of Bad." I'll see you tomorrow.

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