Sunday, May 1, 2016
Week: 37
Songs to Remember: La Song - Rain, Press Your Number - Taemin, Fly - GOT7
I cannot believe I slept at like, 1:00 AM last night. Usually (by that I mean probably for the past month or so, maybe even longer) I sleep at around 1:30 AM to 2:00 AM or even later.
So after getting a good night's sleep, got my AP Bio grade behind me, AP Psych grade behind me (hopefully), and things are starting to wrap up, I can finally start one of the greatest post-performance posts there will ever be. Until, maybe, my next performance with KDT. Which is in like 2 weeks.
Alright, here it goes. Continuing off from the last post since I don't wanna remind myself of thr horror that was the AP Bio final exam, umm, I got to the other High school at around 1:20 PM. I was sort of nervous that Th was gonna fuck me over for being 20 minutes late to practice, but I had my excuses, like, legitimate excuses. Luckily, even he didn't arrive yet, heh.
I was greeted by Mn (a sophomore) aaand some other members as well. There were already some members of the "Hello Bitches" dance there too. Apparently we could go inside the theater which was convenitenly located pretty much near the parking lot. And boy, did it look just like our High school's. The layout was pretty much the same as our theaters, doors, the stage, sides, seat placements, everything. I think it was the same architect who designed it, heh.
Anyways, what was I expecting out of an event called the "K-Pop Showcase?" I don't even think that was the official name, but, it pretty much was just side, plus some singing and dances consisting of songs other than K-Pop, which was more than fine, gotta add variety ya know. And so, we were in the theater, we set down our stuff at the same place we usually set our stuff down at during Lunar show and VSA show performances. The seats I mean, not in the room backstage.
There was what appeared to be another K-Pop dance group practicing on stage, umm, some people to the side, a couple MC's, these people were like the 3 dance groups that were hosting the event probably. The event was hosted by a dance group by the name of STS (I'll get into them later), KFC (does not stand for Kentucky fried chicken in this case, heh), and KDM (which I think stands for Korean Dance Movement).
So already, I was feeling the K-Pop dancing vibe. It didn't feel like a performance per se, at first, umm, it felt more like a fucking, K-Pop dance convention, heh, a KDC. It's like all of us gather to like, do dances of K-Pop songs, and like, almost everybody can recognize a song from its dance and vice versa. And yeah, not everybody did exclusively K-Pop songs, but you get what I mean.
Alright, from where I left off, uh, we stayed in the theater for a bit until more people started showing up for the "Hello Bitches" dance cleaning and refinement practice. We were then granted practice time on-stage which was nice. It really was just like the stage at our school. They played our song mix, we practiced loosely on the dances, Th finally arrived, we practiced "Hello Bitches" onstage and then we went outside to start practice. It went how you'd expect, we went over positioning, making adjustments to that, some moves, etc, etc.
Also, we added another element to the dance, making it more "interactive." We were to be thrown our jackets, our denim jackets, from members standing on the sides of the stage. We'd then pick them up in "sexy" way, put 'em on, walk around the stage, act badass, up until we got into our circle formation to begin the dance. Did it seem sketchy? Yeah. Did it work out in the end? I'd say so. We practiced for a bit and moved to sit at like, a place in the grass for some reason.
We were basically taking a break, Th was taking orders to go pick up drinks at a milk tea place on the ride to his house 'cause he forgot his performance shoes. During that time, more people showed up, I think, and we transitioned from being inside (in the room backstage) to practicing dances outside (like, right outside). There were a multitude of dance groups there, I can't even name them all because of how many there were, heh.
I spent some time outside and sitting down while they were practicing songs that I wasn't in, some time actually being part of the practice when the practice switched to a song I was in (which I don't blame, I was only in 2 songs and 1 of them was completely organized by Th himself, so, yeah, I sat down longer than I think I had to practice, which is fine). Inside, when going inside for the first time, I was surprised to find that the room back-stage wasn't like a storage room or anything, it was a fucking dance room, heh, with the hard-wood floors and mirrors covering a wall with bright ceiling lights.
There was a group practicing, we went and put our stuff down along the back wall and basically had that be our spot. Between us and other groups, we all took turns playing tracks and practicing, or just dancing for fun, etc. One thing we noticed was that others were going to be doing the same songs as we were, which would not have been great if it consisted of the same choreography, but, luckily their's were different from ours. For example, another group did "Hate" and "Hello Bitches" (I found it pretty surprising considering the nature of the dance and how old it is, but, for "Hello Bitches" they kinda made their own moves to replace the more, umm, "bolder" moves, such as the twerking and ass-hitting, heh, so, that made our performances stand out a bit more.
The whole thing wasn't a competition, mind you, it was all fun, aaand admission was free so, I mean, free show, who wouldn't want to come and see it? Even though I like a bit of competition (since it gives me motivation), I think that it being a friendly thing was better since it promoted a very nice and connected atmosphere. Like, the KDC feeling was most prominent when I was sitting and leaning against the back-wall, watching our members and other groups doing dances that we all knew, songs that we all knew, etc.
I think one of the funniest things was when we were practicing outside, like, our full performance run-through practice and one of the MC's, also a member of STS, also was one of the people posting on the event page on Facebook, came across us practicing and was like "Hey, you guys are?" "KDT!" "Oh, what school do you guys come from?" "Blank" "Oh wow, Good luck on the performance guys! Also (directed towards Th) I saw you're dancing onstage and you made me felt gay, heh. I like your moves" or something along the lines of that.
And everybody was like "Yeeep" "Daaaaamn" and especially Th, was just in awe, heh. That was pretty fucking unexpected. So essentially, that dude (along with another guy from this dance group who does just dancing in general, Lunar Crew) became KDT's bias and stuff for the whole thing. Uhhh, so after a couple more run-throughs, we rested until the actual performance. During the whole event I interacted most with Jd, Cc, At, Mi, Ln, Vh, Th, Mn, Ry, basically all the freshmen, some seniors, some juniors, I'd really like to say the names of everybody in it's entirety instead of using just initials so that' they're easier to recall and remember considering there' so many fucking people, but, I wanna be considerate. And yeah, it probably makes no different but, whatever. I reveal shit at the ends of series anyways, so, after The Days runs it course, I'll refer to people by their first names, for realsies, afterwards. For like, the entirety of the next series.
Anyways, one of the people I think I interacted with the most this time was Ry. Is that the same name I used for him when I first talked about him? Or was it Rh. Well, whatever, I know who I'm talking about, ya'll know who I'm talking about. You know, right? The dude who's one of the nest KDT members, the freshman dude? Yeah well, I don't think I've said this yet before but I do take back what I've said about him, I took back what I said about him a while ago, maybe, pre-VSA show shit or something. Now that I think about it, I interacted with him a bit as well during the walk to that milk tea place during the VSA show performance thing. Also during the day when we practice "Hello Bitches" for the first time along with the tie-dye day.
My first impression of him was that, I don't know, I guess I was just jealous of his booming popularity from after only being in KDT just recently. I've interacted with a lot, since then, I've seen the way he interacts, his personality, we even had a time where we were standing guard for each other when changing in the restroom for the showcase yesterday. And after all that, I'd say he's a cool dude. My thoughts on him have changed and it's definitely for the better, heh.
Continuing on, it was nearing 6:30 PM and that was when we had to go and perform. It went exactly how I thought it would go, except for the sketchy part where we each assigned people to throw us our jackets, but nonetheless, not bad. After our performance, we went outside, took some group pics, and then went ahead and watched the rest of the performances. We were like, act 5 out of 10 maybe? 15 I think? Anyhow, we all sat at one spot, we all danced in our seats when another group did the same song as we did, for fun of course, and uh, lots of cheering when the Lunar Crew performed (they were like, a step above everyone else here, everyone is sorta just an amateur group besides them. Also to note, they all consisted of what KDT deemed as "hot dudes" so, heh).
The same goes for STS with that one guy who complimented Th's dance moves, heh. After all the acts, we went on stage to take pictures, greet one another, etc, etc. Most of the KDT members just wanted a picture with the dude from STS, as well as with the people in Lunar Crew, heh. Umm, afterwards, K-Pop songs were playing and we all danced to them on-stage, it was like, an "after-party" after all, as stated on the schedule, heh.
Everyone was pretty tired though. We got our stuff, went outside, or, back inside, everywhere basically. I couldn't stay any longer since this place was pretty far and my mom doesn't like to drive far distances, especially in areas where she's not used to driving around often, and of course driving at night would make things a hell of a lot more difficult. So, I had to go.
But yeah, a lot of laughs, a lot of interaction, and I don't like saying this 'cause I ain't a fucking Pokemon, but uh, I could see myself mature and "evolve"as the event went on. I was becoming more comfortable around others and I think being part of a reputable group who share the same interests helps with that a lot.
Time for the deeper stuff. This event showed me that there's still a lot of things to experience. And so, whenever I'm busy doing homework or boring shit like that, I know that there's still amazing shit ahead of me that would feel better than deep-throating shotguns, heh. Like, instead of doing schoolwork and nothing (for most of the time), I could be doing schoolwork and KDT shit instead. And of course I'd make time for my online buddies as well.
But yeah, I do consider performing "fun." Do I consider myself an entertainer? No, not really. Maybe to my online buddies, sometimes, yeah, but no, heh. I don't see myself pursuing like a dancing career, even though it would sound like fun, it's just too impractical, unfortunately. So that's why this Korean K-Pop dancing thing's a hobby for me, 'cause it allows me to dedicate a part of my life to it, at least for a bit, into something that I get enjoyment out of.
I also have a bit more fancy shit I planned to say but I can't remember for the life of since I thought it up last night and I was tired as well, heh. I think it's a good place to stop for this post now. Uhh, some events ahead is the Key Club dinner event thing in 2 weeks, I got the AP Psych AP exam tomorrow which I'm not sweating about at all considering, yeah, I fortunately got a 90/100, to my surprise, on the final, heh.
There's also the SAT on Saturday so, kinda shitty. Uh, really shitty actually now that I think about it, but, it's whatever. And finally, for the major major exams, I got the AP Bio AP exam on Monday next week, of which, if it weren't for me already paying $92 for it already, then I wouldn't wanna take it at all. But since I did, I got no choice. After that will be about a week of nothing, and by that I mean planning for the series finales (yes, more than one) and end of series specials. By all that I mean write letters for all the KDT seniors who unfortunately are graduating. It's crazy to think about because the current KDT president (and co-president), and vice president, were in the club when it was still like, unknown. Now after 4 years, it has become so fucking huge with such a reputation, like, I'm sure next year, there'll be even more people signing up and coming to the first meeting than this year's, which was already huge, heh.
Anyways, a bit off-topic but, found some new songs, thanks Pandora, but no new K-Pop songs to my liking unfortunately. I think groups are just waiting for summer to come along for summer releases. And so, uhh, oh yeah, another essay tomorrow for English, boy is my teacher hungry for essays. That about wraps it up, if I forgot to say shit, it's because I honestly did forget because this is a lot to keep track of, heh. Alrighty, see ya.
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