Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016 "Creative Color."

Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Week: 25
Songs to Remember: The Less I Know the Better - Tame Impala

        Right now I don't know what to think. I'm mostly neutral on most things. Most things. Other than that, it's just whatever, or, I don't know.

        That right there was my thought process for an opening for this post. I can't write if I'm forced to write. Take for example the research summaries we always gotta do for Chinese. We do one for each lesson and there has been 17 lessons so far (including this one). I would get tired by now if it was just for English, talking about fucking, fiction that correlates to nonfiction. Like, what the fuck. But it's not. The topics are always different, and you get the creativity to pick your specific topic. Like just today, for work that's due, we're supposed to write a summary on a city, listing it's temperature, attractions, etc.

        Sounds boring, but hey, we get to choose the city, and I chose Nagasaki, because I wanted to. The word count for it is only 200 words, but I always go over it (which is good) because I get the freedom on what to write for my own topic. It's prevalent in my personality that I like creativity. Customization in video games, I like making my own stuff, I like graphic design, Lego is my #1 favorite toy of all time.

        Anyways, let's get on with it (see? I was talking about something I like, creativity, and look how much I wrote afterwards instead of writing "I don't know, I feel whatever right now."). Psychology was just us correcting our own FRQ's from yesterday's test. Essentially took up the whole period, I was hoping we wouldn't do it, but, I guess we're gonna keep doing it from now on. And no surprise, I got 13/16 on it. 'Course, I did grade my own, but I was reasonable.

        English is the worst right now, even more than Bio. At least for Bio, facts and stuff remain the same for the most part, English is too free-form. Now I know what I said about creativity, but what the teacher is looking for in terms of writing is so restricted. You gotta put on this fake voice to write your work, but the worst part, is the importance imposed on quotations. Every single test, quiz, essay, he expects us to memorize quotations. We gotta remember who said it, when and where in the book, and the significance behind, even if we gotta make it up. For example, this character said "Hi, how are you?" The significance of this character asking someone how they are is representative of their curiosity which feeds from their disruptive childhood. See what I mean? I might as well pull the most bootleg-est interpretations I can, just so I can sound clever.

        That's enough hate on English for now. We did another fucking "quickwrite," which is shit in my opinion. I had to think about what to write, the goal is to fill half a page. I look at someone else's after we were done and see that they had triple of what I had. I took a closer look and there were literally only 6 words on one line. Their handwriting is bigger than mine, so it looks like they wrote more, which they didn't. So, fuck.

        Also thought it was a regular day so I went with DrewN for a bit until I realized people were walking everywhere and it was Wednesday. Bio was just another free day basically. We went outside to catch "rolliepollies" aka "pill bugs." Yeah, there none. 1st period probably got every last one, it was like a pill bug holocaust. We're expected to get 10 by after this weekend, but uh, don't think that'll be possible, heh.

        Math was just a regular lesson, but uh, the teacher was sorta disappointed in the scores so far for our test from yesterday. I agree, heh. Probably gonna get the SHITtiest score I will ever get, on a test. Lunch was another ordinary lunch, US History was relaxing. Literally. We started watching "Fat Man and Little Boy," this movie based on real events. Looks good, and stars Paul Newman. Shit part is that it starts off slow and so, I kept on closing my eyes during the whole thing.

        Chinese was relaxing as well. Just practicing writing the vocabulary words, umm, yeah, that was the whole period. Oh, almost forgot. The teacher said she's gonna be teaching Chinese 3 next year, so uh, WOOOOO (this was yesterday by the way). The whole class cheered, literally. Just goes to show that nobody really wants to have the new Chinese 3 teacher (who has her class speak only in Chinese for the whole period. Like, what a fucking disadvantage it is for non-heritage speakers). So yeah, looks like I'll be taking a 3rd year of Chinese after all.

         Well, "quest" for English on Friday, KDT practice on Friday, and a well deserved break, after Friday. I'll see you tomorro- I mean, see ya.

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